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Vocabulary focus: Idioms with COME

Quick Fix 89 – idioms with COME


ACTIVITY: Complete the sentences with the words from the list. Then, match the idioms with their meanings.

age clean closet earth go

grips handy light nothing served

1. Styles come and go but the glamour of drugs endures.

2. North Korea must come clean about its nuclear arsenal.
3. Don’t forget your umbrella. It’ll come in handy if it rains.
4. After a few months on the dole, he finally came down to earth
and started looking for a job.
5. We have so far failed to come to grips with the ecological
6. Her boyfriend knows very well that she will inherit a fortune when she
comes of age.
7. More and more homosexual celebrities are now coming out of the closet.
8. Unfortunately, all our efforts came to nothing and we lost the contract.
9. Tickets are available on a first come, first served basis.
10. New evidence has recently come to light.

to admit and explain something that you have kept as a secret to come clean about something
to be useful to come in handy
to have no successful result to come to nothing
to return to a normal way of behaving after a time when they
to come down to earth
haven’t been very practical
to reach the age when you have an adult’s legal rights to come of age
to begin to understand and deal with something difficult to come to grips with something
to arrive and leave; to be present for a short time to come and go
in the order in which people arrive first come, first served
to admit something openly that you kept secret before,
to come out of the closet
because of shame or embarrassment
to become known to people to come to light OCTOBER 2007

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