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Week 2

Dear Manuel,

I'm on vacation in Popayan, and this place is beautiful! I'm having a really good time. I arrived a few days ago, and was able to visit
the religious processions; the event is marked by processions that take place continuously since the XVI century 24 nights between
Good Friday and Holy Saturday, average temperature of 14/19 ° C allowing defining it as a city with a temperate climate in the lower
area of Colombia. Everything here is lush just amazing. I have also been enjoying the food .I like to try a typical dish of this region
called payanes salpicon ,this multifaceted city need not complain when it refers to typical foods, as the venues abound and people
will continue to visit and enjoy the delights of this cultural city.
Anyway, I wish you were here Manuel, because I'm having the time of my life... take care and see you in a few days, bye.

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