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The Industrial Revolution started in Britain at the beginning of the 18th century. People
were used to work mainly in agriculture until the appearance of new technolgical
inventions. Railways and cannals were built due to these new inventions . Big cities were
created and thousands of factories were built. Everything will change. This has a crucial
impact on history.
Wood is the main source of energy. Due to the difficulties britains have with transporting
the wood, they must look for a new energy source. They found coal as the new resource of
energy because it provides more than three times energy tan wood. This was the first time
in history that we have harmed our planet. For other european countries it was very
expensive to transport their supplies of coal to the trade market. Mines were located near
to the sea so the transport by boats it would be cheeper. It was necessary to take out the
water from the mines in order to obtain coal.
In this period Newton was able to explain gravity. Beliefs on God started to get reduced ,
people mianly focused on scientific and logical explanations. Arguments of real live and
nature helped people to understand what was happening around them. This is known as
``the Age of Reason´´. A new development emerged which was practical knowledge. Main
actions and main ideas came up in what is called ``the Industrial Enlightenment´´.


Entrepreneurs used machines to change how people worked. New inventions made farm
work easier and faster. Before the Industrial Revolution , people worked on farms or in
workshops. Now people worked in factories.
In the 1800s, roads were difficult to use in bad weather. Peole built towns and opened
businesses to sell their goods. Steam locomotive trains were faster than steamboats.
Arriving to a new place took less time than before . Factories and farmers sent their goods
faster to places all over the country .
Due to the rise and industrialisation there was created a new type of society . The three-
estate society was mainly based on ostenation, scarce socia mobility and inheritance. And
the capitalist society was based on faith in austerity and hard work, wider social mobility
and individual capabilities. They are opposed to each other.
Charles Townshend introduced the Norkfolk four-course rotation of wheat, turnips, barley
and clover to his farm. Arthur Young promoted new methods to a wider audience.
-1914, England had become a good trading nation with a world wide empire
-a 260 per cent growth in population
-a move from farming and domestic industry to factory work
-a move from water and wind power to steam engines
-a revolution in transport and communication
As the productivity increased, there were more and more growth in population. Many
developments in transport and communications appeared.

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