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Vaidic Theory of Evolution

(Written by - Acharya Agnivrat Naishthik)

(Translated by – Rajaram Solanki)

Creation and human origin have been the

subject of curiosity for the scientific world. After the
Charles Darwin's evolutionary theory, the debate
between its supporters and opponents have been
continuous. The evolutionary concept considers the
chain of progressive development from amoebas to
humans, in which new species have been originated
from old, with some variations corresponding to the
circumstances in different ages. Thus, according to this
ideology, man and other animal’s ancestors were same
and the modern monkey is the closest relative of man. The development of various organs in
different species was automatically happens in accordance with the necessity, i.e. one animal being
changed in another due to some distortion. Against this evolution theory, many foreign scientists
have given several theories in opposition at time to time. The scientist from opposition of the
evolution theory raised many serious questions against the Biological development, Intellectual
development and linguistic development, on both three, but the evolutionists have never been able
to answer these questions properly. Here in India, Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati, his successors
and many other scholars have proven the concept of evolution false, but it is an ideal theory for
some biased scientists even today.
Recently, the statement of Dr. Satyapal
Singh, Minister of State for Human Resource
Development, that we humans, are not the
descendent of monkeys but of human beings, on
this, these noblemen opposed and start attacking
them everywhere. Scientists and scientific institutions
of the country also got together. I also asked many
questions through social media to these scientists and
institutions, but any institution or scholar didn’t
respond to my questions, but some of the greats made
unrestrained statements. They do not accept these remarks of any country or foreign scientist or
thinker, that we are the descendants of human beings?
In answer to my questions, I present my brief views on Vedic evolution, for the noble, who
desired to know my theory.
In fact, consider the word 'evolution', this term is very good and meaningful, but Darwin
and his supporters did not know the proper meaning of the word and attempted to define their
unscientific opinion with 'evolutionary' adjective. If we think seriously about the whole creation,
then it is clear that the entire creation and its every product is seen in the present form, with the
gradual development. Without the hierarchical development, we can’t imagine the creation, even
a particle, a photon etc can never be created. Vedic science explains the evolution in an
elaborated way, but our evolution is never the evolution of Darwin. Darwin's evolution is
not, in fact, evolution, but rather uncontrolled and unconscious, which is being given the
name of scientific evolution by illusion.
In fact, evolution means, the sprout
from the seed, the flower, plant and fruit from
that sprout and in last seed again. Today, the
basic particles, which is considered to be the
fundamental, is not actually fundamental. The
Quark and Photons are also not fundamental.
They are also condensed forms of micro-rashmies,
that is, the developed forms of the various groups
of those rashmies. Those String theorists who
believe that these particles are made from micro
strings, they are also not the basic elements, but
they are condensed and developed forms of Vedic
rashmies. Modern science is unaware of the
development of strings and particles or photons. The biologist who treats amoeba or chromosome,
genes, DNA, etc., within it as the smallest unit. They don’t know where their biology ends,
there is the beginning of physics and where the modern physics ends, there is the beginning
of Vedic physics and where the limits of Vedic physics ends, there is the beginning of Vedic
spiritual science. Today, the irony is that attempts are being made to solve the problems of
physics and biology etc. by neglecting or opposing the Vedic physics and Vedic spiritual science.
It is also a tragic fact that where are the people who are aware of Vedic physics? Because of this,
the modern science suffers from many problems and attempts to solve a problem, it also produces
many new problems. If one invents a technology, then he also produces the negative side effects.
With the development of medicines, diseases are also constantly increasing. Along with the
development of means of luxuries, crimes and environmental pollution are also increasing. The
root cause of all these problems is the incomplete knowledge of modern science, which is the
reason for ignoring the Vedic knowledge.
We were discussing that every supposed fundamental particle and photon of the universe
was made with a very intelligent combination of the Vedic rashmies. These are produced by the
manas-tattva and manas-tattva is the combination of kaal and prakriti. Behind all this the power
and inspiration of God, who is omnipotent, omnipresent, formless, all-knowing etc. The
development journey of nature from the subtlest element of nature to the present particles is a
long and systematic scientific process, about which, the modern physicists don’t have proper
knowledge. It is not fair to discuss here the development journey from the origin of the particles
and the photon to the construction of stars, planets and satellites. Different branches like
Cosmology, Particle Physics, Astrophysics, Quantum field theory, String theory interpret this
within their limits. My research is also to focus seriously on these substances. Biology is not my
subject; but on the request of some young followers, I am leaving the depths of physics for some
time and focussing on the origin of vegetation and creature’s life.
When a planet like Earth is separates from its star, or the star goes away separately from
those planets, then the nature of the planet is igneous. Gradually, it begins to cool down into a
liquid form, and due to the rain produced by water vapor at that time gradually water starts to
gather; The part which remains outside the water, there is also the essential element for the origin
of life i.e. oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, D.N.A., R.N.A., fats, amino acids, proteins, water
etc. due to continuous chemical reactions of many type. They take thousands of years to produce.
All these substances are filled in the liquid and gas forms on this earth here and there. These
substances are also produced in the early created oceans. At last the single cell vegetation is
produced from these elements. Due to the specific and intellectual combination of different
atoms and small molecules, the origin of the vegetation cell is a mysterious and systematic
process. It is always important to note that the operation of millennium phases of
construction from subtle Rashmi to the vegetation cell can’t be possible by any random
(arbitrary) process, nor it is all unnecessary and uncontrolled, rather it is deliberately
inspired and controlled by God and it is a specific, intellectual and purposeful process.
Observe the structure of every cell and you will find that it has a special scientific combination of
billions of particles, and each of them has a specific combination or developed form of hundreds of
subtle Vedic rashmies. For this reason, there is an essential role of conscious power (God)
everywhere. Without this, the process can’t move even one step further. It is also important that
after the water, air, land and other life element, the origin of vegetation is first. Essential elements
are first produced for the production, survival and development of vegetation cells, and after that,
the vegetation cell is born from the chemical process. The animal cell is produced after the
formation of the vegetation. The reason is that all animal and other beings depend directly or
indirectly on vegetation. Non-vegetarian animals depend on vegetarian beings. Because of this,
after the origin of vegetation, there is the start of the origin of animals having one cell.
Vegetation also has a hierarchal origin from simpler to complex structure. Hierarchal origin
does not mean that algae will develop and become a banyan tree or peepal can take form of
mango or acacia of almonds. Similarly, the amoeba, which have one cell, is born in water or land
but none of the being, even if it is single cellular or multicellular, is not only a chemical
combination of certain substances, but it has also a combination of the subtle conscious
element (soul) of life. The whole combination is the form of an organism. Modern science also
recognizes the origin of the cell with chemical combinations-
A very important step the formation of a cell must have been the development of lipid
membrane. In order that biological systems can function efficiently, it is essential that the enzymes
connected with successive stages of synthesis of biochemical pathway should be in a close a
proximity to one another. The necessary conditions for this are obtained in cells by means of lipid
membranes which can maintain local high concentration of reactants. The presence of
hydrocarbons early in the earth’s history has already been mentioned....
Life requires for its maintenance a continuous supply of energy this could have been
provided by ultraviolet or visible light from the sun, or possibly partly from the breakdown of
unstable free radiations produced in the earth’s atmosphere by ultraviolet light. [Cell Biology,
page - 474 by E.J. Ambrose & Dorothy M. Easty, London -1973]
Some scientists believe that life came from some other planet on Earth, we want to know
from them as that when life can originate on another planet, so why can’t it be on this planet? In
fact, such an idea is the result of completely immature thinking. Some modern scientists also don’t
agree with this assumption. They say-
The view the life did in fact originate on the earth itself after it had cooled over a period of
many thousands of years is almost universally accepted today. [Cell Biology, page - 474]
The scientists who say that one species produced from another species; ultimately from
amoeba, they don’t think that such a change is not possible in vegetation or not in living beings
and there is no necessity for it. We will not put any question here on the myths and hypocrisy of
scientists, because we have already asked many questions on this. Those who want to review
Darwin's evolutionary theory, should read a book named 'Vedic Sampatti' written by Aryan
scholar Pt. Raghunandan Sharma. However, when Amoeba can be originated from chemical
reactions, then why can’t the origin of the sperm and the ovaries of various organisms be
produced from those reactions? When amoeba with more than 500 chromosomes can be
originated by chemical reactions, then why monkeys, chimpanzees, orangutans, which contain 48-
48 chromosomes, humans: which have 46 chromosomes; in male and female 23-23 chromosomes
of sperm and eggs can’t born like amoeba? Why the sperm and eggs of animals such as sable
antelope and Reese's Muntjac’s with the same quantity of chromosomes as human, and 56
chromosomal elephants can’t be produced like amoeba. Ant, in which there are only 2
chromosomes, why can’t it be originated like amoeba?
The Vedic opinion here is that the fewer the substances that are required for the
maintenance of the organism, the organism is produced in the same way as before.
Vegetation originated before all creatures and before non-vegetarian creatures, vegetarian
creatures are originated, in the vegetarian creatures, humans are one such creature which can be
considered as most developed or advanced, and it depends on various animals and vegetation, due
to this it originated at last.
Now the question arises, how is the development of embryos without a female can happen?
It can be supposed that sperm and eggs were produced in land or water as a result of chemical
reaction, but where and how did the fertilization of sperm, egg and foetus happen? Ragarding the
origin of human life, Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati has described the origin of humans in
the form of youth in his book called 'Satyarth Prakash'. He argued that if a human being was
born as a child, then who would protect and nurture him, and if the aged were born then how
would the lineage tradition run? For this reason, man is born from the land only in his youth.
Though he did not give any evidence in this regard, but we found evidence of Rigveda in this
matter, where it is written-
mi liZ ekrja Hkwfeesrkeq#O;pla i`fFkoha lq’ksoke~A
Å.kZeznk ;qofrnZf{k.kkor ,”kk Rok ikrq fu_Zrs#iLFkkr~AA ¼_-10-18-10½
My scientific interpretation - O creatures! ¼lq’ksoke~½ ¿lq’kso% lqlq[kre%& fu#Dr 3-3À The best in
giving good pleasure ¼,rke~½ this land ¼ekrje~½ like mother ¼Hkwfee~½ in the beginning, in which womb
all beings are born or on which all beings reside, that earth ¼m#&O;ple~½ with high expansion,
obtain all the embryos ¼mi liZ½ closely, along with this, the inner cover of the womb continuously
vibrating. ¼Å.kZeznk½ ¿Å.kZenz k bR;w.kZe`}hR;soSrnkg& dk’k- 4-2-1-10] lk/oh nsosH; bR;soSrnkg ;nkgks.kZeznla Rosfr&
‘k- 1-3-3-11À The land provides such cover to those embryos, which is soft, smooth and
comfortable as wool. It offers that divine embryo a pleasant tangled house as a womb from all
sides. ¼;qofr%½ The process of mixing and disseminating of a number of essential elements for
organisms is continuous ¼nf{k.kkor%½. It continues to provide nutrition to the embryos, until they
are capable of upbringing and protection of themselves efficiently. ¼,”kk½ This land ¼Rok½ to you (the
creature) ¼fu_Zrs%&miLFkkr~½ ¿fu_ZfrfuZje.kkr~ _PNrs% —PNªkifÙkfjrjk& fu#- 2-8À gives absolutely enjoy,
in such safe and good places ¼ikrq½ it continuous to nurture those embryos or organisms. Along
with this, where distress can reach, from such unprotected places, the cover of that land protects
those organisms or embryos.
mPN~o¥~pLo i`fFkoh ek fu ck/kFkk% lwik;ukLeS Hko lwio¥~pukA
ekrk iq=a ;Fkk flpkH;sua Hkwe Å.kqfgZAA 10-18-11
My scientific interpretation - ¼i`fFkfo½ That above womb like land ¼mPN~o¥~pLo½ is bursting in the
vertical direction or in the state of boiling. ¼ek ck/kFkk%½ The cover of that land is such that it does
not stop the biological chemical being received by the foetus or the being in it, i.e., they receives
those elements in the form of seep. ¼vLeS½ This land for that being ¼lwik;uk&Hko½ gives the gift of the
nutritious and enriched biological elements. ¼lwio¥~puk½ ¿mio¥~pue~ ¾ nqcduk& vkIVsÀ That land
cover provides shelter by covering those embryos or organisms. ¼ekrk ;Fkk½ As the mother protects
her children by holding them in the womb or lap, in the same way ¼fu&flpk Hkwes%½ ¿fu$flp~ ¾ Åij
Mky nsuk] xHkZ;qDr djuk& vkIVsÀ those part of land covers being in its womb with various layers ¼,ua½
¼vfHk Å.kZqfg½ from all sides.

mPN~o¥~pekuk i`fFkoh lq fr”Brq lglza fer mi fg J;Urke~A

rs x`gklks ?k`r’pqrks HkoUrq fo’okgkLeS ‘kj.kk% lURo=AA 10-18-12

My scientific interpretation - ¼mPN~o¥~pekuk½ Above mentioned boiled and slowly vibrating soft
¼i`fFkoh½ land ¼lq fr”Brq½ is works as cover for beings, embryos and securely stable them. ¼lglze~ fer%½
In many different places of the land ¼mi fg J;Urke~½ the creatures get shelter from near or in large
numbers in those womb like places ¿fer% ¾ feuksfrxfrdekZ& fu?ka- 2-14À the flow of various micro
molecules continuous. ¼rs x`gkl%½ Those places of land are similar to the house for those living
beings, ¿x`gke~ ¾ x`gk% dLekn~ x`g~.kkrhfr lrke~& fu#- 3-13À and those house like holes holds the living
organisms like a mother keeps her child in the womb. ¼/k`r’pqrks HkoUrq½ These holes are of such type
that they are always greasy like ghee. ¼vLeS½ They are for those creatures ¼fo’okgk½ ¿fo’okgk ¾ lokZf.k
fnukfu& e-n-;-Hkk- 7-10À to the fullest youth ¼’kj.kk% lUrq v=½ at this stage, the creatures find shelter
in those holes.
In these mantras how all the membranes beings, including humans, grow up to the young
age in the land, has been beautifully depicted.
Just as Amoeba etc., which are of one cell formed by chemical and biological
functions, similarly the formation of sperm and the eggs of the multicellular beings are
produced in this layer of the perfect earth having all the essential substances, which are
similarly found in the womb of the mother. Now let us consider why the mother's womb is
needed for the nutrition of foetus? Because the foetus can get nutrients for the necessary growth
and can get a soft, smooth cover and essential heat. If these conditions are produced elsewhere
from the mother's womb, then the development of the embryo will be there, just as the child has
been born from the test tube today.
Yes, one thing is of importance that at that time man or any kind of membrane born
like any sprout in youth from the land. This statement of Maharishi Dayanand is absolutely
appropriate that if a child is born, then who should nurture him and if the aged were born then
how can the lineage will run from them? (See- Satyarth Prakash, chapter 8th) The writer of
Upanishad gives more detail about this-
rLekPp nsok cgq/kk laÁlwrk% lk/;k euq”;k%---------- AA eq.Md mi- 2-1-7
That is, from that divine, many scholars having much intellect and ordinary intellect were
Aryan scholar Acharya Vaidya Nath Shastri quotes Dr. Clarke, the head of biology
department of the Smith Syneine Institute of Boston (USA), in "Vedic Age and Adi Manav"
Man appeared able to think, walk and defend himself.
Anyone here should ask, how did youth grow and nurtured for twenty-five years in a womb
like earth? When we think seriously about this, there is no objection to it, as in the same way a
child lives in the womb about nine months. Before birth, it does not breathe, cry or laugh, it throws
no hands or feet, does not eat, drinks or urinates but immediately after delivery, all the actions
begin instantly. Then is this not a wonderful thing, is not worth surprising? If a person is kept
away from this and is unaware of this delivery process, then he will not accept this process. If he
has seen the origin of the eggarians, then he would not be ready to accept the delivery process of
mammalians. Therefore, the origin of the organisms in youth is not impossible, yes, it is wonderful.
Then, is the complexity, orderliness, scientific of such a creation process not wonderful? Then
how does the origin of the beings in youth remains surprising?
It is also important to know that the way in which all the mammalians, egg-born and
sweat-born were born in the form of youth by the chemical reactions from the land, which is in
the form of mother. In the same type of soil, the seeds of the vegetation were originated in the
earth from chemical reactions and later by the essential nutrients found on this earth the
vegetation developed everywhere in the form of plant and giant trees before the origin of other
beings. In the same way in which a creature is born, and his food found immediately on the ground.
Many male and female couples born on land in youthful age, at that time they found the earth full
of different fruits, flowers and food, and when they got out of the land, they started eating in the
same way, just as the child (of human being or of any animal) starts to drink milk. No one has any
doubt about this.
Here, I wrote briefly about the origin of human. I am very surprised that after Charles
Darwin, many European scientists, including their sons, rejected this false evolution, but
the alleged enlightened intellectuals of India, who are intellectual slave of westernisation,
are even now supporting that theory.
Now, in a nutshell, I want to quote the views of some scientists from the book 'Vedic
Sampatti' written by Pt. Raghunandan Sharma.
Sir Oliver Lodge writes-
We are in the process of evolution; we have arrived in this planet by evolution. That is all
right. What is evolution? Unfolding development-unfolding as a bud unfolds into a flower, as an
acorn into an oak. Everything is subject to a process of growth, of development, of unfolding.
(Science and Religion, p.16.) (Vedic Sampatti P.150)
Further Agassiz states-

There is manifest progress in the succession of being on the surface of the earth. This
progress consists in an increasing similarity of the living fauna, and among the vertebrates
especially, in their increasing resemblance to man ……. But this connection is not the consequence
of a direct linkage between the fauna of different ages. There is nothing like parental descent
connecting them. The fishes of the Palaeozoic age are in no respect the ancestors of the reptiles of
the secondary age, nor does man descend from the mammals which preceded him in the Tertiary
age. The link by which they are connected is of a higher and immaterial nature and Himself, whose
aim in forming the earth, in allowing it to undergo successively all the different types of animals
which have passed away, was to introduce man upon the surface of our globe. Man is the end
towards which all the animal-creation has tended from the first appearance of the Palaeozoic
fishes. Principles of Zoology, pg. 205-206 by Agassiz (Vedic Sampatti p.150-151)

How did the living creatures begin to be upon the earth? In point of science, we do not
know -Introduction to Science, pg. 142 by J.A. Thomson (Vedic Sampatti p.152)
The question is: what was the manner of their being upon the previously tenantless Earth?
Our answer must be that we do not know. -Evolution, pg. 70 by Prof. Patrick Geddes (Vedic
Sampatti p.1152)
In a newspaper called “New Age” of November 1, 1922, Jones Bowson says that Dr.
Ethridge, president of the British Museum, says that there is not a single particle in this British
museum, which can prove that in the species changes have occurred. The nine things out of ten
are vain and niggard in regards of evolution. The basis of their tests is not completely on the truth
and inspection. There is no such thing in the world that helps in evolution theory. "(Vedic
Sampatti p.170)
At the time of world war I, it was reported in “Christian Herald” that the session of the
British Science Society was held in Melbourne (Australia). Professor William Watson was its
Chairman. In his speech, he said that "Darwin's evolution theory is absolutely false and against
science." Professor Patrick Geddes says that “for it must be admitted that the factors of the
evolution of man partake largely of the nature of the may-be’s which has no permanent position
in Science. -Ideals of Science and Faith (Vedic Sampatti p.212)
Sir J. W. Dasen says that 'science does not know anything about the species between the
monkey and man. The oldest bones of human beings are similar to the present man. By that we
can’t know anything about the development that was before this human body." (Vedic Sampatti
Sidney Colette says that "there is a clear evidence of science that man is heading towards
the decadence in place of heading from a downgrade state to the advancement." Man's early state
was good." (Vedic Sampatti p.213)
“Now a days unhappily Jelly fish produces nothing but Jelly fish. But had that gelatinous
morsel been fated to live. say a million of centuries earlier it might have been the progenitor of
the race from which Homer and Plato, David and Paul, Shakespeare and our eminent professor
have in their order been evolved. (Conder’s Natural Selection and Natural Theology) (Quoted
from the book “Vedic age and Adi Manav by Acharya Vaidya Nath Shastri: pg. 11)
If it could be shown that the thrush was hatched from the lizard. (Conder’s same book)
French philosopher Henri Bergson received Nobel Prize for his anti-Darwin theory.
Yet our enlightened people did not understand anything. Our intellectual readers can see
other foreign scientists discussing Neo Darwinism and Anti-Darwinism theories on
internet. In the context of the Indian scientists, it is relevant to quote here "Satyarth Bhaskar"
(pg.877) by the Aryan scholar Swami Vidyanand Saraswati.
Dr. Birbal Sahni, internationally renowned scholar of botany, was asked- “You say that
at the beginning there were living beings of one cell, progressing from them became giant
creatures. You also say that there was very little knowledge in the beginning, gradually
progressing, the knowledge reached the stage which science has reached today.” Then you should
tell that “Wherefrom did life come in the very early and Wherefrom did knowledge came in the
very beginning?” Because life has come out of nothing, it can’t be accepted. Dr. Sahni replied “We
have no relation with it that wherefrom life or knowledge originated in the beginning.” We
accept that there was some life in the beginning and there was also some knowledge”-
“With this we are not concerned as to where from life came in the very beginning or
wherefrom knowledge came in the very beginning. We are to take it for granted that there was
some life in the beginning of the world and there was knowledge also in the beginning of the
world and by slow progress it increased.”
This also leads to the weakness of evolutionism.
In the end, I would like to request not only to Indians but to enlightened humans and
scientists around the world that they should learn to take pride in their history. All of you believe
in it and know that the Vedas are the oldest texts in the world. We also have the ability to prove
that the Vedas are divine knowledge and the creation of the universe happened by the sound
waves of the Ved mantras, that is, the sound waves which originated from the universe were
of the Vedas, and these waves are present everywhere. This is my Vaidic Rashmi theory of
the Universe, which can explain this universe much further than modern physics. I can’t
write anything on this theory before it is published. I also discussed the origin of human beings
through the mantras of Rigveda in this article. In the opinion of the Vedas and the sages, the first
generation of man was the most intelligent, physically and mentally strong and pure. After that
there was a lack in them, not the development. We, all human beings are descendants of those
great ancestors. Vedas are all of us, the sages are the ancestor of all of us. All the humans
and intelligent creatures of the universe have shared rights on the texts of Vedas and Rishis.
Come, let us adopt this shared heritage, study, research and proudly call ourselves the
descendants of the most intelligent men of the world. I have only discussed biological
evolutionism; the critique of the knowledge and linguistic development can be done in a separate
article or book. Biological evolutionism is also briefly discussed, otherwise this article takes the
form of a book. To understand the wonderful science in the entire universe, along with the
knowledge and linguistic development, people should wait for my huge book, “Ved Vigyan
Alok:”, which contains a total of 2800 pages and 4 parts. Yes, I would like to write one thing also
that if an enlightened person says that while micro-rashmies can produce a variety of particles,
photons and various celestial bodies through a series of development or they can appear in their
form, then why the development of the human body from an amoeba is so wrong? Our request in
this subject is that in the creation or development of the world, the rashmies often maintain their
form in particles and photons, but no evolutionist will believe that Amoeba is in its form in the
body of various organisms. For this reason, it is not fair to compare it.
My friends! Just think that where will there be self-respect if a person or society calls
itself a descendant of animals? In this regard, NASA scientist and former Scientific Advisor of
Indian Prime Minister, Prof. O.P. Pandey, rejecting Darwin's evolution, has rightly said that
“children from all over the country are being taught the wrong doctrine which has a bad
effect on them.” (Navbharat Times, 2 February 2018) Let's come, I want to take you to the
highest peak from this intellectual slavery and inferiority. Come, we all are the sons and daughters
of same God, and this earth is mother of us, because of this whole world is our family. It is duty of
all of us to carry this family towards happiness, strength and joy. We should try to study science
with open and liberal mind. We should keep on trying to differentiate between truth and false
escaping from our prejudices.

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Dist.: Jalore (Rajasthan), India
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