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Entrance Exit Survey

1 : Strongly Disagree
2 : Disagree
3 : Mixed Feeling
4 : Agree
5 : Strongly Agree

# Question 1 2 3 4 5

t-1-1 I can use appropriate range of verbal skills and

responses in a variety of drama activities

t-1-2 I can use appropriate range of non-verbal skills and

responses in a variety of drama activities

t-1-3 I can perform a monologue using approriate verbal

expressions and body language

t-1-4 I can improvise a given drama situation using

appropriate verbal and non-verbal skills

t-2-1 I can negotiate with others using appropriate verbal

and non-verbal skills in a conversation

t-2-2 I can persuade others to agree to my ideas and

opinions in a conversation

t-2-3 I can summarise information concisely to be

communicated in a conversation

t-3-1 I can adapt a drama script from an original source

t-3-2 I can adapt a drama script for di erent audiences

and purposes

t-4-1 I can take on a role (act) in a short play

t-4-2 I can participate actively and give my cooperation

in putting up a short play

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