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1. Interaction between people and their environment based on stimuli and responses is
known as-------------------------------
Ans Communication
2. Northern Rhodesia had no psychiatric hospital and most of the patients where looked
after in the general hospitals known as----------------------------------------
Ans Mental annex
3. The member of parliament who suggested that psychiatric patients can best be nursed at
home, here in Zambia than at Ingutsheni in Southern Rhodesia in 1957
Ans Sir Steward Gobrown
4. An ability to do an activity or job well, especially because you have practiced it is called
Ans A skill.
5. The acronym that best demonstrates and summarises behaviours during a counseling/
therapeutic relationship with a client is called--------------------------------
6. Looking inward to understand oneself and objectively without bias, examine one’s
beliefs, values, attitudes, motivations, strengths and limitations is
called----------------------- Ans Self awareness
7. The skill a nurse uses to examine thoughts and observable behaviour of a client during
counseling that is self defeating and change such thoughts and behaviour for the better is
known as---------------------------------------
Ans Challenging skill
8. the knowledge and skills people need to have to live in the community is
Ans Social skill.
9. The term used to describe an individual’s reaction to any change that requires an
adjustment or response is --------------------------------------------
Ans Stress.

10. The use of coping strategies, ways or methods that protect the individual from harm in
response to stressful situations or stressors is called--------------------------------------------
Ans Stress management.
11. Adding a rewarding stimulus as a consequence of a behaviour, thus increasing the
probability that it will occur again is referred to as-------------------------------------------
Ans Positive reinforcement.
12. An interaction between two people (usually a caregiver and a care receiver) in which
input from both parties contributes to a climate of healing, growth promotion, and illness
prevention is known as--------------------------------------------------
Ans Therapeutic relationship.
13. A n examination that is conducted the first time a psychiatric patient comes to the health
facility with a complaint is referred to as------------------------------------------
Ans Physical assessment.
14. The type of admission where a patient is willing to be admitted and knows that he/she has
a problem, and the medical officer in charge of the mental hospital sees that the patient
really needs it is called-------------------------------------------
Ans Voluntary Admission.
15. The type of admission where the patient is not willing to be admitted and does not accept
treatment, or is unable to give consent for treatment, but he or she has a problem, illness
or he is a potential abscondee is-----------------------------------------------
Ans Involuntary or Compulsory Admission
16. The type of admission where the employers writes a letter to the hospital requesting the
medical officers who in turn consult the psychiatrist where applicable, to examine the
patient thoroughly and come up with a report to say whether that person can continue
working or be retired on medical grounds is called--------------------------------------
Ans Admission under medical board
17. The transition ( passing from mental hospital to the community) in which the patient is
discharged and given a review date for continuity of care is known
Ans Termination phase.

18. During discharge planning, where the admitting nurse and multi disciplinary team holds
a meeting with the client and relatives on admission in which they together begin to plan
for the patient’s eventual discharge upon recovery is--------------------------------
Ans Introduction or admission phase
19. After the patient has stabilized the nurse meets with relatives and the rest of the mult
disciplinary team to review / evaluate patient’s progress, ascertain his/her suitability for
discharge, and to further prepare patient for discharge is called-----------------------------
Ans Working or treatment phase
20. Patients are unable to recall long periods of their lives and sometime deny any knowledge
of their previous life or personality identity is-------------------------------------------
Ans Dissociative amnesia
21. The type of depression also known as exogenous depression where the cause is
considered to be coming from outside is called--------------------------------------------------
Ans Reactive depression
22. An affective disorder which presents with elation of mood and increased psychomotor
activities is referred to as ----------------------------------------
Ans Mania
23. A psychiatric syndrome in which specific psychological symptoms lead, in most cases, to
disintegration of personality is known as----------------------------------------------
Ans Schizophrenia.
24. The term that describes symptoms of a large group of illnesses that cause a progressive
decline in a person’s functioning such as loss of memory, intellect, rationality and social
skills is called---------------------------------------------------------
Ans Dementia.

25. The type of personality disorder which is characterized by a pattern of irrational

suspicion, mistrust of others, Interprets innocent actions to be negative and defensive

Ans Paranoid Personality

26. The type of personality disorder which is characterized by lacks of interest and avoids
social relationships, restricted emotional expression, apathetic, and enjoys solitary
activities is---------------------------------------------
Ans Schizoid personality disorder
27. The type of personality disorder which is characterized by a pervasive pattern of
grandiosity, attention seekers and always asks for favours is
Ans Narcissistic personality disorder

28. The disorder in which a person’s overall intellectual functioning is well below average,
with an intelligence quotient (IQ) around 70 or less is---------------------------

Ans Mental Retardation.

29. An abnormal, sudden excessive, uncontrolled electrical discharge of neurons within the
brain that may result in alteration in consciousness, motor, or sensory ability and or
behaviour is referred to as---------------------------------------------
Ans Seizure
30. The phase before the actual fit (epileptic) which is characterized by a change in the
patient’s mood and may last for hours to days is ----------------------------------------
Ans Prodromal phase
31. The phase during an epileptic fit where stiffening of the body, jaw closes tight and the
patient may utter a sound mistaken for a cry as there is partial closure of the epiglottis is
Ans Tonic stage
32. The stage of violent convulsions, frothing from the mouth due to increased salivation and
patient can chew his tongue during an epileptic fit is-----------------------------
Ans Clonic stage
33. The recurrent seizures without any recovery period is referred to as--------------------
Ans Status epilepticus
34. The type of abuse that involve hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning or scalding,
drowning, suffocating, or otherwise causing harm to a child is-------------------------
Ans Physical abuse.

35. The persistent failure to meet a child’s basic physical and/or psychological needs, likely
to result in the serious impairment of the child’s health or development is
Ans Neglect
36. When staff in a home or other institutions sacrifice the needs, wishes and lifestyle of a
disabled child in favour of the institution's regime is known as----------------------
Ans Institutional abuse.
37. The process of enabling a mentally ill person to return to the highest possible level of
functioning is --------------------------------------------
Ans Rehabilitation.
38. The various types of support a person gets from friends, family and medical or mental
health professionals, that keeps one mentally strong in difficult times is
Ans Social support.
39. The use or treatment of someone wrongly or badly, especially in a way that is to your
own advantage is referred to as----------------------------------------------
Ans Abuse
40. The reserve supply of money, labour, materials, psychological capability to solve
problems is known as--------------------------------------
Ans Resources
41. The failure to achieve an erection in full view of normal agreement of a sexual act
between two mature individuals of the opposite sex is----------------------------------------
Ans Psychosexual disorder
42. The inability to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for successful sexual
intercourse is called------------------------------------
Ans Impotence or Erectile dysfunction
43. The inability of the female to express sexual satisfaction is referred to
Ans Frigidity
44. The recurrent and persistent pain during coitus in either the man or the women is

Ans Dyspareunia
45. An involuntary constriction of the outer one third of the vagina that prevents penetration,
insertion and coitus is--------------------------------------------------
Ans Vaginismus
46. The attraction for sexual relation with persons of the same sex is-----------------------
Ans Homosexuality
47. Sexual gratification by genital exposure in public is referred to as-----------------------
Ans Exhibitionism
48. Sexual deviation in which there is unusual sexual interest directed towards children of
either sex is called------------------------------------------------
Ans Pedophilia
49. Sexual gratification from observing others engaged in sexual activity
Ans Voyeurism
50. A male sexual deviation in which the deviant is unable to love a person sexually because
of immature sexual development is------------------------------------------------
Ans Fetishism
51. The sexual dysfunction that involves sexual arousal and satisfaction by wearing the
clothes appropriate to the opposite sex is -----------------------------------------------
Ans Transvestitism
52. Sexual gratification from inflicting of pain on one's sexual partner is
Ans Sadism
53. A persistent sense of discomfort about one’s anatomic sex and wish to live as a member
of the opposite sex referred to as-------------------------------------------
Ans Transsexualism
54. The enjoyment of pain, humiliation and punishment by the sexual partner is called
Ans Masochism.
55. Obtaining sexual gratification through contact with animals is

Ans Zoophilia (bestiality)
56. The sexual encounter resulting from violence and the lack of consent by the sexual
partner is called---------------------------------------------
Ans Rape
57. The sexual encounter resulting from union of close relatives
Ans Incest
58. Excessive sexual drive or desire in females is known as----------------------------------
Ans Nymphomania
59. Excessive sexual drive or desire in males is called-----------------------------------------
Ans Satyriasis.
60. Sexual gratification which is achieved by telephoning someone and making rude/vulgar
remarks or remaining silent on the line is called---------------------------------------
Ans Telephone scatology.
61. Sexual excitement which is achieved by touching and rubbing against a non consenting
person and even ejaculating on that person or woman is referred to
Ans Frotteurism
62. The branch of psychiatry that deals with the assessment and treatment of mentally
disordered offenders and includes those areas where psychiatry interacts with the law is
Ans Forensic psychiatry
63. The means of reaching the goal of good mental health through actions that are taken for
the purpose of fostering, protecting and improving mental health is--------------------------
Ans Mental health promotion.
64. The reduction of the number of existing mental illnesses through screening, early
diagnosis, prompt treatment and education of signs and symptoms is known
Ans Secondary prevention.

65. Attempts to reduce the severity of a mental disorder and its associated disability through
rehabilitation activities is referred to as-------------------------------------
Ans Tertiary prevention

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