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The perineal body derives its blood supply from the …pudendal……… artery.

A …gene………… is a hereditary germinal factor in the chromosome that

carries on a hereditary transmissible character.

A congenital uterine abnormality where the uterine fundus is divided into two
parts is called ………bipartite………………….

A minature gynaecoid pelvis is termed as ……Justor minor.. pelvis

A mucous membrane which lines the cavity of a pregnant uterus is the


During pregnancy the myometrium differentiates into ….three…. layers.

In a well flexed vertex presentation the engaging diameter is the …


In a virgin the vaginal orifice is covered with an incomplete membrane called

or known as the ………….hymen…………….

Spermatogenesis takes place in the …………epididymis…….

The ………Intravillous sinuses…………. are open maternal blood spaces

within the placenta allowing materno-fetal exchange to occur.

The ……Perineal Body………. lies between the vaginal and rectal canals.

The ……sagittal…………………… suture lies between the occiput and the

parietal bones.

The suture which joins the two parietal bones is …….saggital……..

The ……symphysis pubis……………… is the pad of cartilage lying between

the pubic bones.

The area between the anus and the vagina is called ……the fourchette……

The cells lining the vagina are known as …….squamous……….

The cortex of the ovary contain many ……….primordial……… follicles

The deep pelvic floor muscles are collectively known as ....Levator ani…..

The ejaculatory ducts are formed by the union of ……vas deferens……….

The expanded cone shaped structure at the distal end of the penis is called
the ……Glans penis…………………….

The fetal head is usually flexed at the beginning of labour with the suboccipito
frontal diameter of ………9.5……………. cm lying at the pelvic brim.

The functional unit of the ovary after puberty is ………the cortex/primordial


The ilium, ischium and the pubic bone make up the ……acetabulum……..

The inner lining of a non pregnant uterus is called …endometrium…………

The lambdoidal suture lies between the occiput and the …parietal… bones.

The male organ of copulation is known as …….the penis………………..

The measurement made between the inner surface of the symphysis pubis
and the promontory of the sacrum is known as the obstetric conjugate

The milk secreting cells of the breast are called …….Acini…………

The muscles of the bladder are collectively known as …….detrusor


The muscles of the lower uterine segment are made up of …….Circular


The muscles that control bleeding in the third stage of labour are the
The opening at the upper end of the cervix towards the inside of the uterus is
known as …….the internal os……………..

The ovarian cortex contains numerous ………primordial follicles……….

The part of the decidua which lie over the developing embryo during the first
twelve weeks of pregnancy is the ……..decidua capsilaris……………..

The pocket like space between the uterus and the bladder is called the
…….utero vesicular…………

The rounded upper part of the uterus above the insertion of the fallopian tubes
is the ………fundus……………..

The shell left by the ruptured graafian follicle is called the …….Corpus

The site of insertion of the fallopian tubes to the uterus is known as the
The small bone at the end of the sacrum is the …….coccyx………

The substance that protects the umbilical cord vessel is called

……….whartons jelly……………….

The upper opening of the pelvis through which the fetus first enters is called
….the brim……….

The uterine muscles are namely …….Outer longitudinal, middle oblique

and inner circular………..

The walls of the vagina do not lie smoothly, but in folds called …….rugae……
Ante-natal complications.

A chancre is the most prominent diagnostic sign of ………..syphillis…….

A grade one or two cardiac patient should be hospitalised for rest between …
28th.. and 34th………… weeks of gestation.

A multiple pregnancy with five fetuses in utero is called …..quintuplets…….

A multiple pregnancy with four (4) fetuses in utero is called


In breech presentation where a foot presents before the buttocks is

called ....footling….. presentation.

The ……. lecithin sphyingomyelin……ratio in amniotic fluid after 34 weeks

gestation gives information on the maturity of the fetal lungs.

The frequent change of the fetal lie after 36 weeks gestation is known as
…..unstable lie…………

Urinary tract infection is common during pregnancy because of …..stasis…..

of urine.

When the bulk of the placenta is attached to the upper segment of the uterine
segment but its lower margin dips into the lower segment, it is called
…….Grade 1……. Placenta preavia.

…….Anaemia……… women is usually due to blood loss resulting from

excessive menses, post partum haemorrhage or iron deprivation from
previous pregnancies.

………Iso-immunisation…………….. is the development of antibodies in the

mother against an antigen from the fetus for example Rhesus factor.

……Placenta praevia type 4……is a condition in which the placenta is

located centrally over the internal cervical os and torrential haemorrhage is
very likely.

A pregnant woman who wears elastic stockings is likely to have ……varicose


A process through which one person helps another by purposeful

conversation is called ……..counselling…………………….

A woman who has never borne any children is termed as ……Primipara……..

At 24 weeks gestation, the fundus is at the ….upper….. margin of the


During labour the fetal head is said to be engaged when ……2……… fifths
are palpable above the pelvic brim.

Excessive salivation in pregnancy is called ……PTyalism……………

In pregnancy the oral intake of iron intake is expected to raise the

haemoglobin level by ……………….. per 100 mls in 2-3 weeks.

Multiple pregnancy of five fetus’ in utero is called ……quintuplets……….

On abdominal palpation, the fundus will be midway between the symphysis

pubis and the umbilicus at ……………………… weeks of gestation.

Painless tightening of the uterus from 8 weeks of gestation is called

….Braxton hicks…… contractions.

Pigmentation of the facial skin in pregnancy is called …chloasma…….. of


The approximated percentage of HIV transmission between mother and fetus

is …..20%.......

The craving for particular foods during pregnancy is called …Pica…………

The earliest stage of pregnancy at which a multipara notices quickening is …

16 ……. weeks.

The most accurate estimation of duration of pregnancy can be achieved by

……..ultrasound scan………………

The most common way in which human immuno suppression virus is spread
is ……….unprotected sexual intercourse……

The point fixed for each presenting part used to describe its position in the
maternal pelvis is known as ……the denominator……………….
……………………… ……………………….. is one tool that the midwife can
use to change the harmful traditional practices surrounding pregnancy, labour
and childbirth.

……Genetic Counselling……………is a process in which individuals or

families are given information that is needed to understand a hereditary
Family planning.

A family planning method in which a woman observes her cervical mucus

pattern is known as ……….Billings method………………..

The mini pill only contains …….progesterone……………………

A method of teaching people by showing them actual material is

An abnormality caused by medical treatment, for example retrolental

fobroplasia is called …Negligence……

Community participation is one element in the definition of


Effectiveness of a demonstration is evaluated by ………………………..


Health education involves change in attitude, practice and …….behaviour…

If disposable gloves are reused they should not be used more that

In the community a midwife’s scope of function extends from the health centre
to the …home…………….

In the treatment of diarrhoea the replacement of …………………… is very


Language may be a ……….barrier…………. to effective communication.

Pregnant mothers in the ANC are taught to remove all stagnant water around
their houses in order to be free from ……….mosquitos………………………

The major complication of malaria in pregnancy in Zambia is ….anaemia…..

The new revised Nurses and Midwives act was passed in December ………

The process of learning involves ……………………… and recall.

The recommended intravenous fluid regime for the treatment of severe

diarrhoea is …………………………..

The regulatory body in Zambia responsible for maintaining and regulating

standards of nursing practice is ………..the General Nursing Council……..

The virus that causes AIDS is called the …Human Immunodeficiency

During child bearing age cessation of menstruation is known as

Excessive vomiting in pregnancy is called …….hyperemesis


The commonest cause of amenorrhoea in the child bearing age is


When taking a cervical specimen/smear the ideal speculum to use is the


When there is cervical incompetence the internal os may be reinforced by

insertion of ………………a shirodka suture…………… after the 13th week of

……………………. is a serious complication of hydatidiform mole.


A graphic method of recording the salient features of labour is called

…………………..the partograph……………………

Artificial rupture of membranes is known as ……Amniotomy…..

During preparation for delivery a sterile pad held by the left hand is kept over
the anus only to ………………….

Feeling the anterior fontenelle on vaginal examination indicates that the head
is …deflexed……..

In order to ensure good progress of labour, the bladder should be emptied at

least ……..2 hourly……….

Ketonuria in labour is the result of ……..fat………. being metabolized.

The ……mechanism of labour…….. is a series of passive movements that

the fetus makes as it passes through the pelvis.

The blood stained mucoid discharge which a woman notices few hours before
or within a few hours after labour started in known as ….a show…..

The combination of ergometrine and syntocinon makes


The degree of fetal moulding can be assessed by the amount of …….overlap

of the fetal skull bones…………………

The lowest acceptable rate of dilatation per hour is …1cm… per hour.

The period from the onset of labour to 3cm dilated is known as the ….passive
stage of labour………….

The progress of labour can be assessed at a glance by using a ………


The term …..crowning………. is used when the biparietal diameter of the

fetal skull escapes under the symphysis pubis and no longer recedes between

The term used when the occipital protuberance escapes under the symphysis
pubis and the head no longer recedes between uterine contractions is

To confirm the position of the fetus vaginally it is necessary to identify the

…………saggital suture…………………….. and fontanelle.
Vaginal examination should be performed when the membranes rupture to
exclude ………….cord prolapse………………………

When a woman has been starved in labour the urine will contain

When examining the placenta it should be placed on a clear and

…………………………. surface.

When membranes rupture amniotic fluid is noted for …………..colour………

When the perineum fails to stretch during delivery, it is said to be ….rigid…..

Labour Complications.

….Clonic….. stage of eclampsia is characterised by jerky violent muscular

movements and blood stained froth at the mouth.

A caesarean section is performed for a brow presentation because the ………

mento-vertical……. diameter of the fetal skull is too large to enter an average
sized pelvis.

A common cause of delay in the first stage of labour which can be corrected
by the midwife is ……….a full bladder………………………..

A rigid cervix which despite good uterine contractions is unable to dilate is

known as …cervical dystocia…..

A woman in labour may be given an antacid to prevent ……..mendlesons


An attempt made to achieve vaginal delivery in the presence of previous

caesarean scar due to fetal distress is called ….trial of scar…………………

Bradycardia of a fetus in the absence of contractions or persisting after

contraction is suggestive of …….fetal distress……………

Delivery of undiagnosed intrauterine death of a hydrocephalic fetus may be

facilitated by performing ………………………..

During the first stage of labour, an abnormal physiological ridge between the
upper and lower uterine segments is known as …Bandls ring…….

During trial of labour the outcome is dependent of the degree

of .....moulding……

In ………brow……….. presentation there is no mechanism of labour.

In prolonged labour the faults may be in power, passenger, passage and


In the third stage of labour constriction ring is known as …..hour glass…..

Incoordinate uterine action is associated with occipto-posterior position. It is

best treated by ……Amniotomy……… and ……..Oxytocin Infusion…….

Intra uterine death would usually predispose to ….?Infection….? DIC…?


Labour is said to be prolonged in a mulitpara when it exceeds ...18… hours.

Pudendal block is a form of regional anaesthesia produced by blocking the

….pudendal nerve….. with a local anaesthetic agent.
Spasms of the ring of muscle fibres near the junction of the upper and lower
segment of the uterus in the first or second stage of labour is called
….Retraction ring…… (Not well worded, spasm inappropriate)

The lecithin sphingomyeline ratio in amniotic fluid after 34 weeks gestation

gives information on the ….maturity…. of the fetal lungs.

The method used to deliver extended arm in a breech presentation is called

…Lovset’s……. manoeuvre.

The presenting part in a breech presentation is the ……buttock…………

The term used to describe the situation where the fetal head is too big for the
maternal pelvis is ……cephalo pelvic disproportion……….

The usual treatment of placenta accrete is …….hysterectomy……..

The visible dissociation that occurs between the upper and lower uterine
segment in obstructed labour is called …… Bandls ring……

When the fundus of the uterus is forced through the cervix and protrudes into
the vagina it is called ……..Uterine prolapse………..

When there is no advance of the presenting part in spite of good uterine

contractions, labour is said to be ……obstructed…….

…….Mauriceau Smellie Veit……… manoeuvre is used in delivering the

extened head in a breech presentation.

A baby weighs 3200 grams at birth, on day three he weighs 2900 grams. Is
this normal? …Yes….

A condition where the baby’s abdomen bulges around the base of the cord
when crying or straining is known as ……..umbilical hernia……….

A condition which develops in the presence of a sternomastoid tumour in the

newborn is referred to as ……Torticollis………………..

A congenital abnormality where by the urethra opens on the under surface of

the penis is called ……..hypospadias………….

A midwife can contact the ………………………….. on behalf of a neonate who

has lost its mother.

A normal neonate should pass urine within …24… hours.

A standardised method of evaluating and recording the baby’s condition at

birth is ….Apgar score…..

Absence of the vault of the fetal head is called ……anencephaly……..

An inborn error of metabolism where there is an inability in infants to

metabolise lactose and glactose is called …….galactosaemia……….

At birth the baby has a high haemoglobin level of about ………………

Egg yolk is good for babies because it contains …………………………

Fetal blood is carried from the heart to the placenta through the
….umbilical/hypogastric….. arteries.

In neonatal jaundice the enzyme which breaks down fat soluble bilirubin to
water soluble bilirubin is called ………gluconyral transferase…………………

Name two new vaccines for children that Zambia has introduced in the health
sector. ………..Hib and Hep B………………….

Post-natal mothers are often advised to bring there babies to the children’s
clinic for immunisations to protect them from …………………… diseases

The acid stool of a breast fed baby inhibits the growth of ……………………

The average head circumference of the newborn is ……36 cm…….

The baby’s first stool is meconium which is present in the intestines from
about …..16…. weeks of intrauterine life.
The commonest causative organism of opthalmia neonatorum is …

The creamy substance on the body of a neonate is called ……vernix


The dose of crystapen in a neonate is …………50………….. per kg body

weight for seven days given ………12…………. hourly.

The effusion of blood beneath the periosteum of one of the cranial bones of
the newborn is termed …………………Cephal haematoma…………………

The newborn may become blind unless treatment is given if the mother has …
Gonnorrhoea or Chlamydia……..

The potency of vaccines is ensured through proper maintenance of …….the

cold chain…………

The small for gestational age baby is very prone to the following complications
just after birth: birth asphyxia with meconium aspiration, hypoglycaemia and

The stool of an underfed baby usually contains ………………………..

The substance present in the lungs of a neonate that prevents the walls of
alveoli from adhering is called ….surfactant……

The umbilical stump usually comes off between the ……3-7……….. days.

Vitamin K may be given to the baby soon after birth in order to aid in the
production of ……clotting factors………….

…….Heamorrhagic disease…….. of the newborn is a bleeding disorder in

the newborn due to the lack of vitamin K.

…….Perinatal……… mortality refers to stillbirths and neonatal deaths.

………Erb’s Palsy……………………………….. is a condition which results

from damage or stretching of the roots of the bronchial plexus when the neck
is twisted as might happen in the delivery of the after coming head of the

A clear fluid called ….colostrum….. is secreted and may be expressed from

the breast at 16 weeks gestation.

A phospholipid which lowers the surface tension of the alveoli of the lungs and
which is important in Respiratory Distress syndrome is called ………

During pregnancy the proliferation of the alveoli in the breast is caused by

………Progesterone…… hormone.

During the menstrual cycle the follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) ripens the
…….Graafian follicle…………

If a woman has a regular menstrual cycle lasting 42 days instead of the usual
28 days, it will be the ……follicular……… phase of the cycle which will be
extended by two weeks.

In the third stage of labour the ………oblique………… fibres of the uterine

muscles control bleeding.

The blood that collects at the site of placental separation is called

…..retroplacental clot…………………

The darkening of the areolar around the nipple at 12 weeks of pregnancy is

known as ….secondary areolar…… ?(after 16 weeks)

The hormone responsible for the growth of pregnancy is


The lower uterine segment develops from the …..isthmus….. of the non
pregnant uterus.

The plug of mucus which seals the cervical canal is called the ……

The primary stimulus to lactation is ……….sucking……………………

The process by which proteolitic enzymes digest the muscle fibres of the
uterus in the puerperium is ……..autolysis………….

The unique property of the uterine muscle called ………contraction &

retraction…….. enables the muscles fibres to be drawn up and retained in
the upper segment thus leading to cervical dilatation.

……..Polarity…………. is the neuromuscular harmony existing between the

upper and lower uterine segment during labour.
………corpus albicans………… is the white fibrous tissue that replaces the
corpus luteum before the recommencement of menstruation.

………Follicle Stimulating Hormone………is a gonadotrophic hormone

secreted by the anterior pituitary, which stimulates the development of the
graafian follicles.

……Jacquemiers………. sign refers to a violet blue discolouration of the

vaginal membrane observed in pregnancy.

Infection during the puerperium is usually referred to as ………puerperal


Involution is caused by the enzymic digestion of excess uterine muscle. This

process is known as …….autolysis……(Phagcytosis)……

Persistent ……bleeding…….. is a warning sign of post partum haemorrhage.

Post partum sterilization is best carried out within ………… days of delivery
because the uterus and tubes are still abdominal organs and there fore easily
accessible to the surgeon.

The actual secretion of breast milk starts from the …..3rd….. day of the

The uterus is not palpable abdominally by the …………10th…………….. day


When there is delay in the return of the uterus to normal size the condition is
called …subinvolution………………………..

…………………… may be one of the causes of venous thrombosis during


…………Sub-involution………………………….. is the delay in the return of

the uterus to the pregravid state following childbirth.

A woman who has had severe post partum haemorrhage may develop …
Sheehan’s… syndrome as one of the complications.

………Sheehan’s…………. Syndrome is necrosis of the pituitary gland

following severe haemorrhage.

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