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English Written Test

for the pupils with special necessities

The 5th ______ form
Name _______________ _______________________

1. Write the following numbers with cipher (Scrieti urmatoarele numere cu cifre):

four - ____ eight - ____ one - ____

nine - ____ six - ____ two - ____
ten - ____ seven- ____ three - ______
five - ____

2. These are the days of the week in England (Acestea sunt zilele să ptă mînii în Anglia):
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
What is the next day (Care e urmă toarea zi)? 7p.

Today is Monday. Tomorrow is……………………………

Today is Wednesday. Tomorrow is………………………
Today is Friday. Tomorrow is………………………………
Today is Sunday. Tomorrow is…………………………….
Today is Thursday. Tomorrow is………………………….

3. Read what Bob says. Circle what he likes and cross out what he doesn’t like
(Citeşte ce spune Bob. Încircuieşte ce-i place şi taie ce nu-i place): 5p.

1. I don’t like cheese.

2. I like lemons.

3. I don’t like tomatoes.

4. I don’t like eggs.

5. I like bread.
4. Read and draw: 13p.

a) There are three balls in the park. The balls are blue.
b) There is a yellow flower in the park.
c) There are two butterflies in the park. The butterflies are red.
d) There are four trees in the park. The trees are green.
e) There is a bush in the park. It is green, too.

Total – 30 points
Correcting Scale
1. 1p. x 10 = 10p.
2. 1p. x 5 + 2p. (for spelling) = 7p. (- 2p. for every 2 spelling mistakes)
3. 1p. x 5 = 5p.
4. 1p. x 13= 13p. (1p. for each word represented correctly in the drawing)

Grading Scale
29 - 30p. – 10
27 - 28p. - 9
25 - 26p. – 8
21-24p. – 7
15-20p. – 6
10-14p. – 5
7-9p. – 4
5-6p. – 3
3-4p. – 2
1-2p. – 1

Total score: The grade:

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