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Symbol Description Unit

A Total heat transfer surface area of the heat exchanger m2
Ab Un-finned area on tube surface m2
Ac Area of core m2
Aex Total external surface area of radiator core m2
Af Single fin surface area m2
Afin,base Total fin per base surface area of a single tube m2
Ain Total internal surface area of radiator core m2
At Cross-sectional area of tube m2
Ca Heat capacity rate of air W/K
Cmax Maximum heat capacity rate W/K
Cmin Minimum heat capacity rate W/K
CPa Specific heat of air kJ/kgK
CPw Specific heat of water kJ/kgK
Cw Heat capacity rate of water W/K
Cr Heat capacity rate ratio -
Dh Hydraulic diameter m
f Friction factor -
ha Convective heat transfer coefficient of external flow W/m2K
Hc Height of core m
Hf Fin thickness m
Ht Height of tube m
hw Convective heat transfer coefficient of internal flow W/m2K
j Colburn factor -
ka Thermal conductivity of air W/mK
kcopper Thermal conductivity of copper W/mK
kw Thermal conductivity of water W/mK
L.C.V Lower calorific value of fuel MJ/kg

Lc Length of core m

lc Fin conduction length m

Lf Length of fin m

Lt Length of tube m

m Fin parameter m-1

ṁ a Mass flow rate of air
ṁ f Mass of fuel supplied per hour kg/h
ṁ w Mass flow rate of water kg/s
Nf Number of fins per tube -

NTU Number of transfer unit -

Nt Number of tubes in radiator -

Nu Nusselt number -

Pr Prandtl number -

Pt Wetted perimeter of tube m

Qa Heat gain by air kW

Qcool Amount of heat transfer to the cooling kW

Qmax Maximum heat transfer rate kW

Qrad Amount of heat removed from radiator kW

Qtotal Amount of heat introduced into the engine kW

Qw Heat lost by water kW

Re Reynolds number -

SGf Specific gravity of fuel -

St Stanton number -

Ta,avg Average temperature of air flow through the radiator °C

Ta,in Inlet air temperature of radiator °C

Ta,out Outlet air temperature of radiator °C


Tw,avg Average temperature of water flowing through the radiator °C

Tw,in Inlet water temperature of radiator °C

Tw,out Outlet water temperature of radiator °C

∆Ta Temperature rise of air °C
∆Tw Temperature drop of water °C
U Overall heat transfer coefficient W/m2K

Va Volume flow rate of air m3/s

va Velocity of air flow through the radiator core m/s
Vw Volume flow rate of water m3/s
vw Velocity of water flow in tube m/s
Wc Width of core m
Wf Width of fin m
Wt Width of tube m
ρa Density of air kg/m3

ρf Density of fuel kg/m3

ρw Density of water kg/m3

μw Dynamic viscosity of water kg/ms

υa Kinematic viscosity of air m2/s

ηfin Fin Efficiency %
ηo Overall fin surface efficiency %
ε Heat exchanger effectiveness %

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