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Emojis and Feelings

Match the emojis to their most suitable descriptions.

_1_ Happy
_14_ Sad
_11_ Lovestruck
_10_ Relaxed
_16_ Relieved
_29_ Delighted
_8_ Angry
_2_ Upset
_23_ Hushed
_31_ Tired
_18_ Worried
_6_ Mind blown
_26_ Fearful
_22_ Astonished
_7_ Embarrassed
_5_ Zany
_15_ Dizzy
_3_ Hungry
_28_ Nauseated
_24_ Ill
_19_ Curious
_27_ Sleepy
_9_ Amused
_4_ Surprised
_12_ Mischievous
_8_ Unamused
_17_ Pensive
_25_ Furious
_13_ Confused
_20_ Sceptic
_30_ Excited

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