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In this chapter, the findings and outcomes of the study are presented and discussed in

form of texts, figure graphics, and charts with reference to the aim of the study which to

determine the effectiveness of radio as a medium of product advertising. How these results

are obtained was described in the previous chapter that presented the methodology used in

the study.

Graph 1.0 Pie

Graph that shows how many male and female participated in the study

The graph shows the overall percentage of how many male and female respondents

participated in this study. As shown in the graph, majority of the respondents of the study is

female because it garnered the highest percentage which is 58% out of the overall

percentage, compared to male respondents that only covers 42% of this study.

Graph 2.0 age of respondents

Results of the Survey


100% The






graph shows the age of the respondents that participated in this study. The bar graph above

shows that most of the respondents were 17 years old because it garnered the highest

percentage which is 55% of the overall percentage. 38% of the respondents were 16 years

old, 6% of the respondents were 18 years old and 1% of the respondents was 15 years old.

Graph 3.0 Results of the survey conducted

The graph shows the results of the survey conducted. Results show in question

number 1 (Do you listen to a radio or have you ever listened to a radio?) that most of the

respondents answered yes. This implies that most of the Grade 11 ABM Students of Ateneo

de Zamboanga university listens to a radio. Most of the students that listens to a radio also

happens to hear DJs advertising products through radios. In question 3 (Do you find

products being marketed in a radio effective?), it shows that radio is an effective medium of

product advertising. However, question 4 (When you hear a product being advertised thru a

radio, do you believe in what the DJ says about a certain product?) revealed that the

authenticity of products being advertised in radios are not reliable. Despite the products

being advertised in radios are not authenticated, question 5 (Does listening to a radio

entertains you) showed that it is also a medium for entertainment. In question 6 (Had your

purchase decision ever depended on the advertisement you listen on radio?), it was found

out that the ABM students does not depend on radios when it comes on making buying

decisions. Question 7 (Are you willing to buy a product if the DJ happens to be a celebrity?)

showed that majority of the answers were no. this implies that the ABM students does not

also depend on radios even when the DJ is a celebrity when making their buying decisions.

ABM students find radio as somehow useful and not useful in question 8 (Do products from

radio advertising find useful to you?). Question 9 (Does radio advertising inspire you in

endorsing those products to others?), shows that ABM students are not fund of endorsing

products they heard from the radio. Question 10 (Do you have a favorite radio channel)

shows that ABM students listen to radios but they only some of them has favorite radio

channels. Overall, ABM students are only fund of listening to radios as a medium of

entertainment but also, they recognize its purpose in the business context.

  males females
Mean 1.428571429 1.482758621
Variance 0.25087108 0.254083485
Observations 42 58
Hypothesized Mean Difference 0
Df 89
t Stat -0.532531472
P(T<=t) one-tail 0.297842513
t Critical one-tail 1.662155326
P(T<=t) two-tail 0.595685025
t Critical two-tail 1.9869787  
Table 1.0 t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Unequal Variances

Table 1.0 shows the results of the independent T-test analysis with sex as its factor.

The table shows that the t value or the t stat which is the actual t value is -0.53 and the

critical t value (one-tail) is 1.66. since the actual t value is less than the critical t value, then

the hypothesis which is there is no significant difference in the effectiveness of radio as a

medium for product advertising when data is grouped according to sex. Therefore, the null

hypothesis of this study is accepted. This just shows that radio advertising is still an

effective medium to advertise a product in both males and females Grade 11 ABM students.

n SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between 0.13220627 0.51923267 0.67004782 2.69939259
Groups 0.39661882 3 3 6 6 8
Within 24.4433811 0.25461855
Groups 8 96 4
Total 24.84 99        
Table 2.0 ANOVA

Another factor to measure the effectiveness of radio advertising is the age of the

respondents. Thus, we utilized the statistical tool that tests the study’s null hypothesis that

the means of several population are all equal, and that is ANOVA. The table 2.0 shows the

result of ANOVA. it shows that the F is 0.52 and the F crit is 2.70. from this, we accepted

the null hypothesis since the F crit is greater than the F. Therefore, we accept that there is no

significant difference in the effectiveness of radio as a medium for product advertising when

data is grouped according to age. This shows that Grade 11 ABM students in all ages think

that radio is effective as medium of advertising.

Question 1: Do the respondents hear radio channels that advertise products?

Yes No

Graph 4.0 products being

advertised from the radio as heard by respondents

Graph 4.0 shows reveals that 94% of the respondents agreed that heard radio

channels advertising products and 6% of the respondents answered no.

The graph Implies that majority of the Grade 11 ABM students agrees that

businesses or companies still use radio as a means of product advertising because the

respondents hear them whenever they listen to a radio.

Question 2: Have the respondents bought products due to the product placement in radio


Yes No

Graph 5.0 buying

decision due to product displacement in radio channels

Graph 4.1 reveals that 83% of the respondents answered that they have not bought

products because of product advertising from radios and 17% of them answered yes.

The graph shows that there are students that buy products because they heard the

product from a radio. But in majority, students do not depend on radio when it comes to

their buying decisions.

Question 3: Among the male and female respondents, which sex purchased products due to

radio product placement? Among the male and female respondents, which age purchased

products due to radio product placement?

30.00% 6
Graph 6.1 buying decision based on sex Graph 6.2 buying decision based on age

Graph 6.1 shows that based from sex, 73.19% male respondents and 87.93% of

female respondents said that they don’t buy products because of product advertising. 23.81

% of male respondents and 12.07% female respondents answered that they buy products

because of radio advertising. Graph 6.2 shows that based from age, 1% of the respondents

aged 15 years old, 33% of the respondents aged 16 years old, 45% of the respondent aged

17 years old, and 4% of the respondents aged 18 years old answered that they don’t buy

products because of radio advertising. 5% of the respondents aged 16 years old, 10 % of the

respondents aged 17 years old, and 2% of the respondents aged 18 years old agreed that they

buy products because of radio advertising.

The two graphs imply that in terms of sex, male Grade 11 ABM students are those

who buy products because they heard it in a radio. In terms of age, Grade 11 ABM students

aged 17 years old are those who buy products because of radio advertising.

Question 4: Do the respondents find radio as an effective avenue for product advertising?

44% 7
Yes No
Graph 7.0 effectiveness of radio as an avenue for product advertising

Graph 7. 0 shows that 53% of the respondents answered yes in radio as a great

means of product advertising while 47% of the respondents answered no.

The graph indicates that the effectiveness of radio as an avenue for product

advertising is effective but not in a sense that it is highly recommended because the results

show that there is only a small difference between yes and no.



This chapter provides a review of the results, conclusions and suggestions based on

the data examined in the previous chapter in line with the study's goal of finding out the

effectiveness of radio as a medium of product advertising among Grade 11 Accountancy,

and Business Management students of Ateneo de Zamboanaga University.


The use of radio as a medium of product advertising has become a trend that allows

businesses and companies to garner more customers for profit maximization. Upon mulling

over the study, it becomes clear that all the respondents are well aware of the phenomenon

of product advertising through radios. The study reveals that in advertising, the majority of

the respondents believe that radio is truly an effective medium of product placement

especially in male respondents. The participants are fund of listening to radio be it the

reason for information or amusement. Thus, they are able to hear the products being

advertised through it. This will allow companies or businesses to reach more of their wealth

because their products can be heard anywhere. Respondents find radio as a useful as it helps

them grasp information and also to disseminate them. But despite its usefulness, respondents

think that it does not serve as an auxiliary to them because they have social media.


The researchers recommend the following:

 This research can be one of the resources for the upcoming grade 11 researchers.

This study has various of information that tackles about radio advertising thus, this

study may be of use for their references.

 The future researchers can use other factors other than sex and age. Factors such as

the respondent’s buying behavior, place, grade level or strand can be of great

utilization to better improve the study.

 We recommend that the future researchers must use more statistical tools to better

the study when it comes to its results. By doing so, the results of the study can be

much more authenticated, accurate and precise.

 We recommend that the future researchers must also use different methods of

surveys to better find out the preferences of their future respondents and to also

improve the accuracy of their research. Thus, improving the quality of their result.

 Researchers can widen the sample which makes the study broader.


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