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Faculty Engineering
Specialization Civil Engineering
Semester 2st

Academic Year 2019-2020


Course Number 0902254

Each student shall receive a copy of the syllabus to be kept for future

F112-3, Rev. c
Ref.: Deans' Council Session (03/2019-2018),
Decision No.: 14, Date: 15/09/2018
1. Lecturer Information

1. Lecturer Name: Eng. Duha Adnan & Dr. Monther Al


2. Office Number: B- 502-2

3. Phone Number: Ext. 636

4. Email:

5. Office Hours: Monday and Wednesday 12.30-11:00

2. Course Details

1. Meeting Times: Sunday and Tuesday 15.30:00-17:00

2. Location: Room B111

3. Course Laboratory (if any): ----

3. Sources and References

1. Textbook

1- KVG Gokhale:principles of Engineering Geology 2008.

2- N. Chenna Kesavulu. Textbook of Engineering Geology 2009

3 C. engineer , Plestinian Security 1999.

4- G .F.G.Bell. Fundamentals of engineering geology 1983

5- Fuat Baykal Petrography 1959

6- k.B.johnson: The material of construction 4th Edition 1904

7- F. Bender. Geology of Jordan 1983.

4. Course Description:

Understand How to identification of rocks and minerals types, soil

properties, weathering and solids Basic properties physical, mechanical,

F112-3, Rev. c
Ref.: Deans' Council Session (03/2019-2018),
Decision No.: 14, Date: 15/09/2018
chemical factors with emphasis related to civil engineering> resource of
rocks types, uses, (Stability Durability and Economy) and the risk
coming from Tectonics activities and landslides and the way of treatment

5. Aims and objectives:

Learn how to Plan different intersections. A properly intersection will

result in increased capacity, enhanced safety, and increased driver
confidence. Groundwater and surface water, dams, tunnels, highways,
railways sanitary, landfill, and Grouting (improvement of rock of faults
and fractures)In addition to Lab. Rocks, and field tripes.

6. Learning Outcomes of the Course (CLO):

Upon successful completion of this course, the learner should be able to

designed to graduate students who are able to:

1. Apply engineering knowledge in the fields of engineering

2. Geology practically and with high professionalism.

3. Work in teams on several scientific trends and backgrounds.

4. Solve problems in several engineering fields.

5. Conduct research in a way that serves the environment and


6. Commit themselves to ethical and professional responsibilities.

7. Optimally utilize methods, skills, and engineering tools for

planning and designing

8. Keep pace with modern structuring methods and building

materials professionally and efficiency.

7. Programme Learning Outcomes (PLOs):

1. The application of engineering knowledge in the areas of civil

engineering practice, and high professionalism.

2. Work in multiple directions and backgrounds operation teams.

F112-3, Rev. c
Ref.: Deans' Council Session (03/2019-2018),
Decision No.: 14, Date: 15/09/2018
3. Solve problems in different fields of engineering.

4. Scientific research in order to serve the environment and society.

5. Commitment to ethical and professional responsibilities.

6. The optimal use of the skills and methods and means of


7. Keep up with modern construction methods and materials used in

the construction efficiently and effectively.

8. Teaching Methods

The methods of instruction may include, but are no limited to :

1. Lectures.
2. Discussion.
3. Demonstration videos
4. Any active learning method such as site visits.

% Evaluation methods and their Percentage Value

The following methods of learning assessment will be

used in this course:
Assessment Description
- Multiple choice questions
- True/False
a Mid-term Exam 30% - Short answers
-- Problem solving

- Hydrology and
hydrogeology and
grouting problems solving
Presentation and Class
c 20% and conceptual questions
- Student participation
- Course portfolio
e Final Exam 50%
Total 100%

Note: The details for the above methods of assessment

are presented below:
(a) Tests
F112-3, Rev. c
Ref.: Deans' Council Session (03/2019-2018),
Decision No.: 14, Date: 15/09/2018
Test Weight% CLO Due Date
Mid-term Exam 30% 1, 2 Week 7
participation 10% 1,2,3.4
Presentation 10% 1,2,3.4 Week 15
Final 50% 1,2,3.4 Week 16
Total 100%
Relevant CLO will be addressed based on selected topics, will
be determined by the instructor according to his/her decision
regarding emphasis on selected topics.

(b) Presentation
Presentati Weig CLO Scope & Focus Due Date
on ht
Presentation 10% 1,2,3.4 Week 15

(c) Participation
Method Weig CLO Focus & Due Date
ht scope
- Student
on and
Participation 10% 1,2,3.4 cooperati All weeks
- Course

All CLO's will be addressed in the students' participation,

depending on the class and topic under consideration

9. Course Schedule:
Wk No. Topics to be covered Page
1-2 geological Engineering Studies Ch1 1 1-7
Construction materials Engineering 1-7
3-4 Ch2 1
Studies for buildings
Construction materials Engineering 1-7
5 Ch3 1
Studies for buildings
6 Geological engineering Studies Ch4 1-2-3 1-7
Hydrogeology and hydrology 1-7
7 Ch. 4 1-2
STUDIES) and earthquics
8 Mid- Exam 1,2,3,4
9 About rock description, Earth cycle, Ch5 4 1-7
Dams location, landslides surveying

F112-3, Rev. c
Ref.: Deans' Council Session (03/2019-2018),
Decision No.: 14, Date: 15/09/2018
environmental and landfill
Fundamental Principles of 1-7
10 Ch6 4
engineering geology
Tunnel and water reservoir and 1-7
11 Ch8 2-3
quarrying Design
Earthquakes , environmental geology 1-7
12-13 for highway railway design Ch. 9 3-4

Groundwater , aquifers classification 1-7

major aquifers and minor drilling s
14-15 Ch. 10 4,5
casing pumping test borehole
16 Final Exams 5,6,7 1-7

10. Course Policies

1. Attendance:
a. Students must attend all classes of this course.
b. Any student with absence of 15% of the classes of any
course, will be illegible to sit for the final exam and will be
given the university zero (35%) in this course.
c. In the case (b) above, if a student submits an official sick
report authenticated by university clinic or an accepted
excuse by the Dean of his/her faculty, the student will be
considered as withdrawn from the course, and a "W" will be
shown in the transcript for this course.

2. Delays: Students are not allowed to come late to classes. Any student
coming late will not be allowed to attend the class and he/she will be
marked absent.

3. Examinations:
 Failure in attending a course exam other than the final exam,
will result in zero mark unless the student provides an
official acceptable excuse to the instructor who approves a
make-up exam.
 Failure in attending the final exam will result in zero mark
unless the student presents an official acceptable excuse to

F112-3, Rev. c
Ref.: Deans' Council Session (03/2019-2018),
Decision No.: 14, Date: 15/09/2018
the Dean of his/her faculty who approves an incomplete
exam, normally scheduled to be conducted during the first
two weeks of the successive semester.

4. Homework and Projects: Assignments and projects should be

submitted to the instructor on the due date. Zero mark will be given
for late submissions unless the student has an acceptable excuse
approved by the instructor of the course.

5. Attending the Exams and Meeting the Deadlines:

 A student who is late more than 10 minutes will not be

permitted to sit the exam (first, second or mid exams).
 A student who is late more than 30 minutes will not be
permitted to sit to final exam, and no student will be
permitted to leave the exam center before the elapse of 30

6. Cheating and Punishment: Cheating is an attempt to gain marks

dishonestly and includes; but not limited to:
 Copying from another student’s work.
 Using materials not authorized by the institute.
 Collaborating with another student during a test, without
 Knowingly using, buying, selling, or stealing the contents
of a test.
 Plagiarism which means presenting another person’s work
or ideas as one’s own, without attribution.
 Using any media (including mobiles) during the exam.

Penalty for Cheating: The minimum penalty for cheating is an

automatic Zero for the test or assignment leading to a possible “F” for the
course. The exam invigilator will produce a report on the case to the
examination committee chairman. The report will be kept in the student
file. The student may remain seated in the exam center, but in case that
causes a disturbance to other students, the student will be expelled out of
the exam center if approved by the examination committee chairman. A
second offense will result in the immediate suspension of the student for
F112-3, Rev. c
Ref.: Deans' Council Session (03/2019-2018),
Decision No.: 14, Date: 15/09/2018
the remainder of the current semester. A copy of the decision will be kept
in the student file.
Mobiles: Mobile phones should be kept turned off or silent while in
class. Usage of mobile phones is not allowed in classes in any form
(talking and/or texting).

F112-3, Rev. c
Ref.: Deans' Council Session (03/2019-2018),
Decision No.: 14, Date: 15/09/2018

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