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Shaina Marie B.

Millan 03/12/20

BSN 205 Ms. Geraldine Canete


1. In your own words, describe the process that occurs in fetal development.

The fetal development starts with fertilization which happens at the second week after
the last menstruation. Fertilization is the process of union of sperm and egg cell. When
this happens, the zygote’s genetic make including its sex is complete. Mitosis, a cell
division, happens on the zygote during its three-day journey on uterus. Then the zygote
attaches to the uterine lining and it is then called blastocyte. The blastocyte continues to
develop and implanted until 2nd week. In 3 weeks, the blastocyte is called embryo and
in this the time that it forms its first nerve cell. During the first month, the embryo has
an approximate size of 3/16 inches. Its backbone and vertebral canal form, legs and arm
starts forming, the heart forms and starts to beat. On the second month, it has a size of
about 1 ¼ inches and weighs 1/30 oz and ossification occurs which is like bone tissue
formation. At this time, the digits are pronounced and arms, limbs, and legs become
apart; one of the major blood vessels begin to form. On the third month, the embryo is
then called a fetus which has a size of about 3 inches and weighs 1 oz and a
characteristic of having eyes that are well-developed but has eyelids fused, the
appendages well-formed, and with a detectable heartbeat. On the fourth month, the
fetus has a size of 6 and a half to 7 inches and weight of 4 ounces, with a characteristic
of large head compared to the body, having human facial features with hairs visible on
head, and joints begin forming. On the 5 th month, the head becomes less disproportion
with the body, fine hair grows all over, and fast development of body systems takes
place. On the 6th month, the fetus has a size of 11 to 14inches and weighs at about 1 and
¼ to 1 and ½ lbs with characteristics of having reddish skin color, veins and wrinkles
are visible. On the 7th month, the fetus has a size of 13-17 inches and weighs

2. Prepare a 5-minute speech for laypersons on the methods of abortion.

There are 2 categories of abortion which are Surgical and Non-surgical or Medical type
of abortion. The Medical Abortion is done in the first 7 weeks of pregnancy while
Surgical Abortion is done 13 weeks or later. For non-surgical type of abortion, there are
3 subtypes and one of it is the abortion pill. Abortion pill is taken orally or through
injection to terminate early pregnancy. This can also be called as Medical Abortion and
it works in two stages: first is Mifepristone to be given to block the hormones that
strengthen the capacity of the zygote to hold on the lining of the womb. Then, after 48
hours the pregnant woman is given another drug that causes contraction and bleeding
which expels the zygote from the mother. Another non-surgical method is the morning
pill which contains high dose of progestin and should be taken within 72 hours after
sexual intercourse. This works by delaying the ovulation period of a woman. The last
type of non-surgical method is the IUD or the intrauterine device which is fitted to the
uterus until the 5th fay after the unprotected sex. For the Surgical abortion, there are also
3 methods done. The first one is the Vacuum Aspiration Abortion where a tube is
inserted to the womb through the cervix and the fragments inside the womb are being
suctioned. Another method is the Dilation and Evacuation or Dilation and Curettage. In
this method the woman’s cervical canal is enlarged with the use of a dilator and a small
device called curette is inserted into the uterus to remove tissues from it. Lastly, the
Partial Birth Abortion, also called Intact Dilation and Extraction which is usually done
to fetus that have severe birth defects or fetal anomalies. It proceeds through the
extraction of the fetus to the vagina before the skull is sucked out, killing the fetus.

3. As an individual opposed to all abortions, how would you respond to the following

a. Pregnancies and resultant births from rape or incest

Although this is an unwanted pregnancy, the infant should still be kept for we must
preserve life and it is protected by the Human Rights; it has the right to live and it
should not be killed by another entity.

b. Unwanted children

Unwanted children are often caused by low socio-economic status and unplanned
teenage pregnancy but this should not result to abortion for the unborn child is
considered a living person and it has the right to life and right to be free from cruel,
inhumane, or degrading treatment. There are other ways that could help support the
pregnant woman when she gives birth and it could be through government’s support
or the baby could be adopted or fostered by a deserving family.

c. Infants with severe birth defects

This is a very difficult scenario to assess knowing that the baby could have
complications and could live with impairment but still, since it is considered a human,
it has the right to life, right to health care, and right to be from cruel, inhumane, or
degrading act. The baby should be given the chance to survive and hope that it can
experience a better life.
4. As an individual supporting abortion rights, how would you respond to the
following problems?

a. Abortion as contraception

Abortion as contraception is an efficient way to terminate early pregnancy. This type of

abortion is the best way to prevent occurrence of pregnancy that may be unexpected
and unplanned life of a newborn. This can be promoted since prevention helps a family
prepare for the right time and having stability before caring for a new life.

b. A late-term abortion for convenience

Having a late-term abortion has its pros such that it has less bleeding and cramping
than with a medical abortion. When this is performed, there are medical staff present on
the procedure which ensures safety. This may be done where a mother still has a
breastfeeding baby preceeding the pregnancy and through this procedure the mother
can still continue breastfeeding unlike in medical abortion where she needs to cease it.

c. The right to life versus the right to freedom

The pregnant woman has the right of Autonomy where she the innate right to decide
for herself. If she decides to discontinue her pregnancy, it should be respected. If the
abortion is through contraception where prevention is done before pregnancy occurs, it
can be a way for the parents to prepare for the pregnancy if they are still not stable. In a
worst case scenario where a child is to suffer and be born in a cruel family, the mother
should decide to abort through contraception as early as possible to avoid complication
for both the mother and the baby. As a nurse, we should encourage the patient to make
their own decision without judgments.

8. Your physician begins to perform abortions and you are not sure you want to
participate. After exploring your personal beliefs, what will you do as a professional?

Putting my personal beliefs in consideration, I will not participate in performing

abortion because I highly value human life. When there is confusion and uncertainty on
the procedure with the client, it should be stopped. If basic principles are compromised
I should stop and evaluate the action to be done. As taught to us, if in doubt, discard. I
will not engage in the procedure.

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