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1 One-third of the youngest children in the United States – babies through age 6 – live in homes 
where the television is on almost all the time, says a study that highlights the immense disconnect 
between what pediatricians advise and what parents allow. 
TV in the bedroom is not even that rare for the youngest children anymore. Almost one child in
5 five under 2 has a set, even though the American Academy of Pediatrics advises against any TV watching 
at that age.
       Eig ht in 10 children younger than 6 watch TV, play video games or use the computer on a typical 
day. They average about two hours of screen time, compared with 48 minutes when they are being read 
to, the Kaiser Family Foundation concludes in a study released Wednesday.                   
10 The number of youngsters glued to the screen has not changed much since the foundation's first 
rep ort on the topic in 2003. However, in this follow-up, Kaiser asked parents – in a survey and in focus-
group sessions – why they and their children use TV and other electronic media the way they do. 
        Instead, a generation of parents raised on TV is largely encouraging the early use of television, 
video games and computers by their own children, often starting in infancy.
15 These parents say TV teaches how to share and the ABCs when they do not have the time. 
Television provides time for parents to cook or take a shower. They use screen time as a reward or,
paradoxically, to help kids wind down at bedtime.
        Despite studies that link bedroom TVs to kids' sleep problems, the most common reason cited for 
giving children their own set was that it freed up other TVs so parents or their other children could watch
20 shows of their choice. 
        The report by the California-based foundation, which analyzes health care issues, comes at a time 
of great debate about the impact of TV and other multimedia on youngsters. Just last week, specialists 
called together by the National Institutes of Health urged more research on how electronic media affect 
children at different ages.
25        Those specialists sigh at the notion that parents could not get by without TV. "People have made 
dinner for millennia, but we've only had television for 50 years," said Dr. Dimitri Christakas of the 
University of Washington. "Television's not inherently good or bad. ... The real goal now has to be not to 
de-technologize childhood, but how to optimize children's experiences with it." 
The pediatrics group recommends no TV or other electronic media for kids younger than 2 –
30 advice that just 26 percent of parents followed, Kaiser found – and no more than two hours of total 
"screen time" daily for older children. 
The organization is not anti-TV, said Dr. Daniel Broughton of the Mayo Clinic, an academy 
member who co-wrote the recommendations. But before age 2 is the time of the brain's most rapid 
development , and interaction – the live give-and-take that TV cannot provide – is crucial during that
35 period, he said. 
        Some studies also link TV watching at younger ages to youngsters' attention disorders. After a 
child reaches 2, the idea is to balance a little TV with riding bikes, playing with friends, household chores 
and the other activities of childhood, Broughton said. 
              " We want parents to watch with their kids," he added. One reason is that viewing ethnic
40 stereotypes or bad behavior on TV can become instructive, when parents explain why children should not 
copy what they saw.
Adapted from 
May 24, 2006
Questão 01  

The general purpose of the article is to:

(A) Help parents solve children’s sleep problems.

(B) Make children aware of their brain development.
(C) Discuss parents’ and specialists’ views of children’s TV habits.
(D) Criticize earlier studies of children and TV.
(E) Encourage educational TV.
R: (C) Discuss parents’ and specialists’ views of children’s TV habits.
Para acertar essa questão de compreensão, o candidato deverá ser capaz de identificar a única
opção que aponta o principal objetivo do autor, que é de apresentar ao leitor uma exposição sobre
os estudos sobre o tópico e sobre a percepção e o valor que os pais dão à TV, bem como ao
hábito dos filhos de assistir à TV. A única opção correta é a (C). As demais opções devem ser
descartadas por apontarem apenas pontos parciais no texto.

Questões: 01 | 02 | 03 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | demais provas

Questão 02  
Mark the ONLY statement that does NOT apply to the text.
(A) Parents should watch TV with children.
(B) Children under 2 can sometimes watch TV.
(C) Parents are letting TV teach their children.
(D) Pediatricians and parents have different attitudes towards TV watching.
(E) Older children should spend their time watching TV and also doing other activities.
R: (B) Children under 2 can sometimes watch TV.
Para acertar essa questão de compreensão, o candidato deverá ser capaz de identificar a única
opção que não é pertinente à idéia exposta no texto. A única opção correta é a (B), porque o texto
afirma, nos parágrafos 2 e 10, que é recomendado que as crianças com menos de dois anos não
assistam à televisão. As demais opções devem ser descartadas por serem relevantes às idéias
expostas no texto.

Questões: 01 | 02 | 03 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | demais provas

Questão 03  
In which paragraphs does the author introduce parents´ position in relation to the advantages of TV
(A) Paragraphs 1, 2 and 3
(B) Paragraphs 1, 5 and 7
(C) Paragraphs 4, 5 and 6
(D) Paragraphs 5, 6 and 7
(E) Paragraphs 5, 6 and 9
R: (D) Paragraphs 5, 6 and 7
O acerto desta questão depende da capacidade de compreensão do candidato, que deverá ser
capaz de identificar a opção (D) como a única que aponta os parágrafos nos quais o autor introduz
o posicionamento dos pais em relação às vantagens da televisão. No parágrafo 5, o autor enfatiza
que os pais estão encorajando seus filhos a usar, desde novos, a televisão e outros meios
eletrônicos, como videogames e computadores. No parágrafo 6, o autor segue realçando que estes
pais acreditam que a televisão possa ensinar seus filhos a ler e a realizar operações matemáticas,
proporcionando tempo para os pais, que, igualmente, usam a TV como uma recompensa ou forma
de acalmar seus filhos na hora de dormir. No parágrafo 7, o autor comenta que os pais permitem
que seus filhos tenham um aparelho de TV em seus quartos, possibilitando que as crianças
liberem outros televisores para o uso dos pais ou de outros filhos. As demais opções devem ser
descartadas por não comentarem o posicionamento dos pais em relação ao uso da TV e outros
meios eletrônicos.

Questões: 01 | 02 | 03 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | demais provas

Questão 04  
Mark the only option in which “ as” has the SAME meaning that is presented in the following statement:
“They use screen time as a reward or, paradoxically, to help kids wind down at bedtime.” (lines 16-17)
(A) As they were really busy, they decided to let their children watch TV at bedtime.
(B) She read the survey as she was waiting for the bus .
(C) He became a scientist, as his father.
(D) As for her husband, their kids are free to watch TV.
(E) The research could be interpreted as an alert for parents.
R: (E) The research could be interpreted as an alert for parents.
O acerto desta questão depende da compreensão do candidato dos diferentes significados de “as”
na língua inglesa. O candidato deverá marcar a opção (E) como a única que apresenta o mesmo
significado do proposto no enunciado, ou seja, atua como a preposição como. As demais opções
devem ser descartadas, pois são conjunções e exprimem idéias diferentes da original. Na opção
(A), “as” significa a causa, na opção (B) “as” significa “enquanto”, na opção (C) significa “no mesmo
papel de” e na opção (D) “quanto ao”.

Questões: 01 | 02 | 03 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | demais provas

Questão 05  

Mark the only WRONG pair of synonyms:

(A) Highlights (line 2) – emphasizes

(B) Provides (line 16) – proves
(C) Issues (line 21) – questions
(D) Goal (line 27) – objective
(E) Balance (line 37) – combine
R: (B) Provides (line 16) – proves
Para acertar esta questão de vocabulário contextualizado, o candidato deverá compreender tanto o
sentido das palavras no texto como o dos sinônimos propostos, e perceber que, somente em (B),
não há uma relação de sinonímia entre os dois termos. O verbo “provide” significa “prover”,
“fornecer”. Deste modo, o verbo “prove”, que significa “provar”, “comprovar”, não pode ser
entendido como um possível sinônimo, como proposto. As demais opções devem ser descartadas,
já que as palavras da segunda coluna poderiam substituir as primeiras no mesmo contexto, sem
alterações de significado.

Questões: 01 | 02 | 03 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | demais provas

Questão 06  

In the sentence “ Despite studies that link bedroom TVs to kids' sleep problems, the most common
reason (...) children could watch shows of their choice” (lines 18-20), the word “despite” expresses an
idea of:

(A) contrast.
(B) addition .
(C) result .
(D) Conclusion .
(E) Comparison .
R: (A) contrast.
Para acertar essa questão, o candidato deverá conhecer os conectivos da língua inglesa e suas
funções, sendo capaz de identificar a opção (A), “contrast”, como a única que apresenta uma
alternativa correta para a função de “despite”. As demais opções devem ser descartadas, pois
exprimem idéias diferentes da original.

Questões: 01 | 02 | 03 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | demais provas

Questão 07  

Mark the CORRECT statement concerning reference.

(A) “They” (line 16) refers to “children”.

(B) “It” (line 19) refers to “reason”.
(C) “Which” (line 21) refers to “foundation”.
(D) “It” (line 28) refers to “notion”.
(E) “They” (line 41) refers to “parents”.
R: (C) “Which” (line 21) refers to “foundation”.
O acerto desta questão de referência depende da identificação, por parte do candidato, da única
opção que associa corretamente o pronome e seu referente. A resposta certa é a opção (C). Nas
demais opções, o antecedente proposto está incorreto: “They”, na opção (A), refere-se a “parents”
(linha 16); “It”, na opção (B), refere-se a “giving children their own set” (linha 19); “It”, na opção (D),
refere-se a “technology” (a partir de “de-technologize” na linha 28); e “they”, na opção (E), refere-se
a “children”.

Questões: 01 | 02 | 03 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | demais provas

Questão 08  

In the sentence “ One reason … TV can become instructive, when parents explain why children should
not copy what they saw.”(lines 39-41), the word “  can” expresses the idea of:

(A) ability.
(B) request.
(C) inability.
(D) permission.
(E) possibility.
R: (E) possibility.
Nesta questão, o candidato deverá demonstrar conhecimento das funções dos verbos modais e de
seu uso no texto. A única opção certa é (E) porque “can” neste contexto expressa a idéia de
possibilidade. Todas as outras opções devem ser descartadas, pois o verbo modal, nesse
contexto, não expressa a noção de habilidade (A), pedido (B), inabilidade (C) ou mesmo permissão

uestões: 01 | 02 | 03 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | demais provas

Questão 09  
Which of the expressions is NOT directly identified with the study produced by the Kaiser Family
(A) Kaiser (line 11)
(B) The California-based foundation (line 21)
(C) Specialists (line 22)
(D) The organization (line 32)
(E) Dr. Daniel Broughton of the Mayo Clinic (line 32)
R: (C) Specialists (line 22).
Para acertar essa questão de compreensão de coesão lexical, o candidato deverá ser capaz de
identificar a única opção que aponta as pessoas que opinaram sobre o assunto, mas que não
tiveram participação na elaboração do estudo em questão. A única opção correta é a (C). Três das
demais opções se referem à organizações, e uma se refere a um especialista que participou na
redação do texto do estudo.

Questões: 01 | 02 | 03 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | demais provas

Questão 10  
In the expression “(…)live in homes where the television is on almost all the time” (line 2), “  where” could
be rephrased CORRECTLY with:
(A) Live in homes in which the television is on almost all the time.
(B) Live in homes that the television is on almost all the time.
(C) Live in homes which the television is on almost all the time.
(D) Live in homes the television is on almost all the time.
(E) Live in homes in that the television is on almost all the time.
R: (A) Live in homes in which the television is on almost all the time.
O acerto desta questão sobre pronomes relativos depende da identificação, por parte do candidato,
da única opção que oferece uma outra forma pronominal correta. A resposta certa é a opção (A).
Nas demais opções, ocorrem estruturas gramaticais incorretas.

Questões: 01 | 02 | 03 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | demais provas


An American playboy faces charges over the deaths of two English tourists in a hit-and-run crash, a
lawyer has said.

Kenneth Watkinson, 48, of Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, and Craig Elford, 39, from Ratley in
Oxfordshire, were killed on 13 February last year.

They were struck when walking to their hotel in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

It is reported jewellery heir Ryan LeVin, 35, has been charged with vehicular homicide and fleeing the
scene of a death.

'Worst loss imaginable'

Jonathan Pavsner, who represents Mr Watkinson's widow Kirsty and their three children, said the local
state attorney's office had charged Mr LeVin.
He said of Mr Watkinson: "He was a husband and a father of three and they are suffering the worst loss

Ryan LeVin is the son of Shirley and Arthur LeVin, founders of Jewels by Park Lane.

It is alleged a white Porsche GT2, owned by Mr LeVin, mounted the kerb and hit the two Britons before
speeding off.

Each of the vehicular homicide charges carry a maximum 15 years in prison.

The families of the two victims are also suing Mr LeVin for compensation.

(Texto retirado e adaptado de

De acordo com o texto, marque V para as frases verdadeiras e F para as falsas.


00 - Um playboy americano é acusado por atirar em dois turistas.

11 - Uma coelhinha da playboy se envolveu em um acidente de carro.

22 - Uma coelhinha da playboy dirigia um carro roubado e matou dois turistas.

33 - Um playboy americano atropelou dois turistas e fugiu.

44 - O playboy, Ryan LeVin, era herdeiro de uma joalheria.

De acordo com o texto, marque V para as frases verdadeiras e F para as falsas.


00 - Um homicídio veicular pode levar a pessoa a até 15 anos de prisão.

11 - Kenneth Watkinson está sendo processado.

22 - Kenneth Watkinson foi uma das vítimas. Ele tinha uma esposa e três filhos.

33 - O playboy atropelou o herdeiro de uma joalheria.

44 - O acidente aconteceu em 16 de março de 2010.

De acordo com seus conhecimentos gramaticais, marque V para as frases afirmativas verdadeira e F
para as falsas:


00 - A frase “they are suffering the worst loss imaginable" está gramaticalmente correta, uma vez que
worst é a forma superlativa do adjetivo good.
11 - "Ryan LeVin, 35, has been charged with vehicular homicide" A frase está gramaticalmente correta,
pois está no Present Perfect, referindo-se a uma ação que começou no passado e continua até o

22 - "An American playboy faces charges over the deaths of two English tourists in a hit-and-run crash, a
lawyer has said." O tempo verbal sublinhado na frase é o Present Perfect, porém está mal empregado,
uma vez que o correto seria have e não has.

33 - "…a white Porsche GT2, owned by Mr LeVin, mounted the kerb and hit the two Britons before
speeding off." O verbo sublinhado está conjugado no Simple Past.

44 - "...a white Porsche GT2, owned by Mr LeVin, mounted the kerb and hit the two Britons before
speeding off." O verbo sublinhado está conjugado no Simple Past.

Marque V para as frases que estejam gramaticalmente corretas e F para as que não estejam:


00 - A Porsche is bigger than a New Beetle.

11 - Driving is most dangerous than walking.

22 - Losing a friend is the most terrible thing in the world.

33 - Kenneth was oldest than Craig.

44 - Craig was younger than Kenneth.

Marque V para as frases que estejam gramaticalmente corretas e F para as que não estejam:

00 - The playboy killed the tourists last year.

11 - Living with the loss has been difficult for the family.

22 - The text was written tomorrow.

33 - The playboy has been charged with homicide last year.

44 - Ryan LeVin, 35, has been charged with vehicular homicide.







Leia o artigo original: Interpretação de Texto e Gramática - Vestibular Seriado
The April 2010 Rio de Janeiro floods and mudslides are an extreme weather event that has affected the
State of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil in the first days of April 2010. At least 212 people have died, 161 people
have been injured (including several rescuers), while at least 15,000 people have been made homeless.
A further 10,000 homes are thought to be at risk from mudslides, most of them in slums built on the
hillsides above downtowns. Damage from the flooding has been estimated at 23.76 billion reais
(US$13.3bn, €9.9bn), about 8% of the gross domestic product (GDP) of Rio de Janeiro State.

The flooding has particularly affected the city of Rio de Janeiro, where at least 60 people have died, and
its surrounding area. Deaths have also been reported in the cities of Niterói (132), São Gonçalo (16),
Paracambi (1), Paulo de Frontin (1), Magé (1), Nilópolis (1) and Petrópolis(1). Several municipalities,
including Niterói and municipalities to the east such as Maricá and Araruama, have declared states of
emergency or of public calamity. The Governor of Rio de Janeiro State, Sérgio Cabral, declared three
days of official mourning for the dead.

Heavy rain started at around 5 p.m. local time on Monday 5 April in Rio de Janeiro city, and continued
for 24 hours, with a total of 28.8 cm of rain falling, more than was predicted for the whole of April and
the heaviest rainfall for thirty years. Rio de Janeiro mayor, Eduardo Paes, admitted that the city's
preparedness for heavy rainfall had been "less than zero," but added "there isn’t a city that wouldn’t
have had problems with this level of rainfall."

A further landslide hit a slum in Niteroi late on April 7. It is thought to have killed at least 150, although
the toll is expected to rise.

(Text from )

According to the text :

00 - It hasn’t rained in Rio de Janeiro for 30 years.

11 - There were no fatal victims in the flooding.

22 - There was rain before, but this is worst in 30 years.

33 - There was a mourning for the victims.

44 - Few people died in the flooding.

According to the text:


00 - Slums weren’t affected by the flooding.

11 - A lot of people lost their homes.

22 - Rio de Janeiro wasn’t prepared for this kind of rain.

33 - People are happy because the weather is rainy and cool.

44 - Mudslides means deslizamentos de terra in Portuguese.

Mark T for true and F for false:

00 - "The April 2010 Rio de Janeiro floods and mudslides are an extreme weather event that has affected
the State of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil in the first days of April 2010." The word underlined can be replaced
by WHICH without changing the meaning of the sentence.

11 - "The April 2010 Rio de Janeiro floods and mudslides are an extreme weather event that has affected
the State of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil in the first days of April 2010." The word underlined can be replaced
by WHO without changing the meaning of the sentence.

22 - "The April 2010 Rio de Janeiro floods and mudslides are an extreme weather event that has affected
the State of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil in the first days of April 2010." If we OMIT the word underlined, the
sentence will be grammatically incorrect.

33 - "The flooding has particularly affected the city of Rio de Janeiro, where at least 60 people have died,
and its surrounding area." The word underlined is a relative pronoun and refers to the flooding.

44 - "The flooding has particularly affected the city of Rio de Janeiro, where at least 60 people have died,
and its surrounding area." The word underlined is a relative pronoun and refers to city of Rio de Janeiro.

Mark V for the alternatives which the words underlined were correctly replaced by OBJECT PRONOUNS
and F for those which it doesn’t occur:


00 - Floods are destroying Rio de Janeiro. – IT

11 - People lost their houses- THEM

22 - We saw your sister on TV. – HIM

33 - Tell your father we are truly sorry. – HIM

44 - I am going to help my mother. – HER

Mark V for the sentences which are grammatically correct anf F for those which are incorrect:


00 - We ourselves saved the kids.

11 - She moved the car by himself.

22 - They helped each other.

33 - He hurt herself while he was trying to escape.

44 - They saw themselves reflected in the water.






Leia o artigo original: Interpretação de Texto, Gramática e Pronomes - Vestibular Seriado

151. (Cesesp) “________ is going to the drugstore? John asked Mary.

a) Why
b) Who 
c) How
d) What
e) Where

152. (Cesesp) 
Janet:–– “________ among your friends is the most intelligent?”
Fred: - “ Dick, I think”
a) Whose
b) Whose of
c) Which 
d) What
e) Whom

153. (Cesesp)
Tom: –– “________ the young man in the picture?”
Jane: –– “It’s Mary’s brother who lives in Italy.”
a) Whose 
b) What’s
c) Who’s
d) How’s
e) Which is

154. (Cesesp) 
Tom: –– “Do you know ________?”
Jane: –– “No, I don’t. it must be around six.”
a) what time is 
b) what time it is 
c) what’s on the clock
d) what o’clock it is
e) what clock it is

155. (UFRN) Charles, ________ are you going to study ,at six or at seven?”
a) who
b) why
c) when
d) what
e) where
156. (UFRN) Sir, ________ is it from here to the beach? It’s about ten blocks, Madam.
a) how fat
b) how long
c) what long
d) which length 
e) what distant

157. (UFRN) Selecione a alternativa correta:

a) What are the words on the sign?
b) That words on the sign are what?
c) What are the sign that on words?
d) On that words what are the sign?
e) On that sign the words are what?

158. (UFRN) What will the weather be like tomorrow?

a) Como estará o tempo amanhã?
b) Que clima ele prevê para amanhã?
c) Qual a temperatura aqui, pela manhã?
d) O que o tempo trará, depois de amanhã?
e) Será que o tempo estará assim, de manhã?

159. (PUC-Campinas) A: ________ is your brother?

a) How often
b) How many
c) How long 
d) How much
e) How old

160. ________ do you work hard? Because I’m not rich.

a) Why
b) Where
c) What
d) When
e) How

161. (UFGO) ________ lost sight to help science?

a) Where 
b) Who
c) When
d) Whom
e) Why

162. (F.C.Chagas – Londrina-PR) ________ work shows most improvement?

a) Who
b) Whose
c) Those
d) Theirs 
e) Ours

163. (U.F.Uberlândia-MG) ________ were their names? Their names are Armstrong and Aldrin.
a) Who
b) Whose 
c) Which
d) What
e) Whom

164. (F.São Luís-MA) ________ do you play tennis? Twice a week.

a) How far
b) How deep
c) How often
d) How long
e) How wide

165. ________ is yours, the peach or the orange?

a) What
b) Who
c) Which
d) That
e) Whose

166. (UFGO) ________ did you put the bird’s cage?

a) Whose 
b) When 
c) Why 
d) Who
e) Where

167. (ITA-SP) “________” asked the man.

a) What hour it is?
b) What time it’s?
c) What it’s the time?
d) What time is it?
e) N.D.A.

168. (UCP) ________ did you buy that book? I bought that book two weeks ago.
a) Why 
b) Where
c) When
d) What 
e) How

169. (FMU-Fiam-SP) When you want to know about somebody’s appearance you ask:
a) How does he like?
b) How is he like?
c) What’s he like?
d) How is he like?
e) What’s he look like?

Leia o artigo original: Pronome V - Vestibular


51. Do you like to eat ________?

a) myself
b) alone

c) by yourself

d) ourselves

e) “b” e “c” são corretas

52. The boys are now writing to ________ daily.

a) each other

b) one another

c) them

d) us

e) all are correct

53. I feel proud of ________ because I won the prize.

a) ourselves

b) themselves

c) yourselves

d) myself

e) by myself

54. Helen, however, prefers to go________ to London.

a) each other

b) himself

c) by herself

d) myself

e) by himself
55. They hurt ________ while playing baseball.

a) himself

b) herself

c) itself

d) one another

e) myself

56. Little Jane and her sister went to the park alone.

a) by themselves

b) by herself

c) for herself

d) for themselves

e) with them

57. The old man ________ did the whole garden.

a) myself

b) herself

c) itself

d) himself

e) by herself

58. (Unicap)
–– “Did John and the rest of his class enjoy ________ at the party?”

–– “Yes, they had a wonderful time”.

a) himself

b) herself

c) itself

d) much

e) themselves

59. –– “Who helped you with your homework?”

–– “Nobody did. I did it by ________ “.

a) herself

b) himself

c) myself

d) itself

e) yourself

60. (Cesesp) “When she saw my books she remembered that she left ________ at home”.

a) hers

b) her

c) its

d) theirs

e) my

61. (Cesesp) “Nowadays, women are struggling for ________ rights more efficiently than ________ have
ever done before”.

a) their / they
b) hers / I

c) theirs / she

d) its / she

e) her / them

62. (Cesesp) “Peter and Anne are friend of _________ I like _________ very much. I suppose _________
also like me”.

a) me / they / she

b) mine / them / they

c) yours / her / she

d) them / them / they

e) him / him / he

63. “A good father loves ________ children”.

a) his

b) it

c) hers

d) them

e) its

64. (Cesesp)

Tom: –– “Are these new shoes yours or your sister’s?

Jane: –– “They’re _____. My sister’s are those over there”.

a) my

b) her

c) hers
d) yours

e) mine

65. (F. M. Santa Casa.SP) There are many painkillers I can prescribe for ________ kind of headache.

a) you

b) your

c) yours

d) yourself

e) yourselves

66. (F.M. Santa Casa-SP) I’ve already taken my vitamins, have the children taken ________ ?

a) its

b) it’s

c) our

d) their

e) theirs

67. (ITA-SP) Those of us who wear glasses should have__________ eyes examined at regular intervals.

a) our

b) ones

c) their

d) his

e) N.D.A.

68. (Unesp) Peter brought his dogs and I brought ________.

a) my

b) your

c) mine

d) the mine

e) our

69. (Cescem) He spent ________ lonely hours writing love letters.

a) yours

b) your

c) hers

d) her

e) his

70. –– “All these houses belong to Mary’s friends”.

“ Are they really all ________?”

a) his

b) hers

c) its

d) ours

e) theirs

71. (UCP)

–– “I forgot my book at home”.

–– “Never mind! You can use ________ since I don’t have an English class today”.

a) mine
b) hers

c) my

d) me

e) him

72. –– “I’m going for a bicycle ride. Would you like to join me?”

–– “I don’t have a bicycle but Peter does. Perhaps I can use ________”.

a) his one

b) of his

c) his

d) of him

e) the one of him

73. (Santa Casa–SP)

–– “Whose are these shoes?”

–– “They are ________ shoes. They belong to ________.

They are ________”.

a) his / he / him

b) yours / your / your

c) their / theirs / them

d) our / us / ours

e) hers / she / her

74. All ________ shoes were very old so she decided to buy some new ones.

a) her
b) hers

c) herself

d) yours

e) its

75. John studies in ________ room.

I study in ________ room.

You write in ________ copybook.

We prepare ________ homework everyday.

a) his / mine / your / our

b) him / my / your / our

c) his / my / yours / ours

d) his / my / your / our

e) him / mine / yours / ours

76. (Uberlãndia-MG) They went in a spaceship. ________ name was Apollo 11.

a) It’s

b) His

c) Its

d) It

e) Your

77. (UFRN) Where do young people go for ________ holldays?

a) their
b) theirs

c) yours

d) your

e) his

78. (PUC/Campinas-SP) “Joao and Maria, what are ________ surnames, please?”

a) your

b) his

c) their

d) her

e) my

79. (F.C.Chagas/BA) These are ________ pens, not ________.

a) my / yours

b) my / your

c) me / you

d) mine / yours

e) mine / yours

80. “Where are you going on ________ vacation? I hope to spend ________ in Europe”.

a) yours / mine

b) your / mine

c) my / yours

d) your / my

e) mine / your
81. I left ________ pen at home. May I borrow ________ for a moment?

a) my / yours

b) his / my

c) mine / your

d) my / your

e) mine / yours

82. Will you please correct her exercise while Paul and I finish ________?

a) ours

b) him

c) my

d) us

e) our

83. “These men are sad because ________ wives had an accident”.

a) theirs

b) his

c) their

d) her

e) its

84. It was a very good book but their children tore all ________ pages last week.

a) his

b) their
c) our

d) its

e) mine

85. George’s wife has shown ________ husband that he was wrong.

a) hers

b) his

c) their

d) him

e) her

86. “She always does well on all ________ examination while ________ sister doesn’t wan to prepare

a) his / hers / her

b) her / her / hers

c) his / his / his

d) her / his / her

e) her / hers / hers

87. “Both boys ride ________ bikes to school”.

a) his

b) theirs

c) her

d) them

e) their
88. “Polyana had a pretty little cat that waved ________ tail every time when she was coming home”.

a) His

b) Their

c) Your

d) Its

e) Her

89. A alternativa que corretamente preenche as lacunas I, II e III de:

The new Verona is not _________ (I) and it is not _________ (II) either. It is _________ (III).



a) my his hers

b) your their our

c) of mine of ours theirs

d) mine his hers

e) his of hers your

90. (Cesesp) Where’s my key? I can’t find it ___________________

a) somewhere

b) nowhere
c) in everywhere

d) anywhere

e) in nowhere

91. (Cesesp) “I didn’t meet ________ at school this morning”.

a) somebody

b) none

c) no one

d) someone

e) anyone

92. (Cesesp) “You can take a portable cassette deck practically ________”.

a) anyhow

b) somehow

c) somewhere

d) nowhere

e) anywhere

93. (Cesesp) “He had read so ________ books that he couldn’t do ________ else”

a) much – anything

b) much – nothing

c) many – nothing

d) many – anything

e) several – anything
94. (Cesesp) There aren’t ________ people at the party, are there?

a) lots

b) lot of

c) a lot

d) many

e) much

95. (Fesp) “She puts too ________ sugar in her coffee”.

a) a little

b) much

c) few

d) a few

e) more

96. (UFRN) There is ________ on the phone. I think it’s Mary.

a) none

b) anyone

c) no one

d) someone

e) everyone

97. (F.M. Santa Clara)The problem was often discussed but ________ solution was ever found.

a) no

b) none

c) any
d) some

e) little

98. (F.Objetivo-SP) “If you have ________ difficulty with the question, ask the teacher for help”.

a) some

b) none

c) any

d) nothing

e) anything

99. (F. Carlos Chagas-BA) There aren’t ________ seats available.

a) much

b) a lot

c) any

d) no

e) little

100. (UFCE) A lot of passengers entered the train. There were ________ passengers in it.

a) much

b) plenty

c) lot of

d) lots of

e) N.D.R.
Leia o artigo original: Pronome III - Vestibular Seriado

101. (Casper Líbero-SP) She spent ________ money on ________ books.

a) many – few

b) many – little

c) much – few

d) much – much

e) many – many

102. (UnB-DF) He has ________ friends but ________ enemies.

a) few – many

b) many – none

c) lots of – little

d) enough – most

e) most – little

103. (F. São Luís-SP) “Do you have ten dollars?”

“ No I don’t, but Peter has ________ money with him”.

a) a lot of

b) much of

c) many

d) many of

e) lots
104. (F.C.C.-Uberaba-MG) Only ________ people survived the accident.

a) much

b) many

c) any

d) a few

e) a lot

105. They couldn’t give much to their children because they only got ________ money every month.

a) much

b) many

c) a great any

d) a few

e) little

106. (Unesp) I helped him without ________ interest.

a) some

b) no

c) none

d) no one

e) any

107. (F.C.C.-BA) The room is empty. There is ________ in it.

a) anybody

b) somebody

c) nobody

d) anything

e) something

108. (UFGO) They didn’t make ________ experiments last year.

a) someone

b) none

c) any

d) some

e) no

109. We read in the Holy Bible:

“ Jesus said to Thomas: “I am the way, the truth and the life: ________ man comes to the Father except
by me”.

a) any

b) some

c) none

d) a

e) no

110. (UCP) Do you care a cup of tea? No, thanks, I never take ________ tea after dinner.

a) no
b) some

c) something

d) nothing

e) any

111. (Covest) Wow! Is there ________ missing from this electronic wonderland?

a) nothing

b) something

c) anything

d) somebody

e) nobody

112. (Fesp) They couldn’t buy ________ because they had ________ money.

a) something – any

b) anything – no

c) anything – none

d) nothing – no

e) nothing – any

113. Do you know ________ in that school?

Well, I have ________ friends working there.

a) anything – some

b) something – any

c) anybody – some

d) anybody – any
e) somebody – no

114. Is there ________ wrong with the child’s teeth?

a) something

b) anything

c) anywhere

d) somewhere

e) anybody

115. He had only a drink. Is there ________ wrong with him?

a) anybody

b) anything

c) something

d) somebody

e) anywhere

116. After the party he asked ________ to help him.

a) anyone

b) somewhere

c) anywhere

d) anybody

e) someone

117. ________ called the doctor to see the four children.

a) Something
b) No one

c) Anyone

d) Some

e) Somehow

118. “I haven’t ________ time. The train will be leaving.

a) no

b) some

c) few

d) many

e) much

119. (Fesp) Qual a alternativa que corretamente preencha as lacunas I, II e III de:

a) I saw ________ (I) fifty policians there.

b) We don´t have ________ (II) hope today.

c) They have made ________ (III) mistakes, haven’t they?



a) some some some

b) some any some

c) any some any

d) any some some

e) any any any

120. (Cesesp) “The boy ________ father is a teacher here, was killed in the accident”.

a) whose

b) which

c) whom

d) who

e) that

121. (Cesep) “Harold is the only student ________ failed the test”.

a) whose

b) what

c) whom

d) who

e) which

122. (Cesesp) “A man ________ works hard will certainly succeed”.

a) who

b) whose

c) which

d) what

e) where

123. (Cesesp) “The house ________ stands at the end of this avenue is extremely beautiful”.

a) who
b) whose

c) those

d) that

e) what

124. (Cesesp) “Will you please ask the gentleman at the door ________ he wants to talk to?”

a) where

b) that

c) what

d) whose

e) whom

125. (Cesesp) “The doctor said he does not know ________ his patient died”.

a) because

b) why

c) who

d) whom

e) whose

126. (Cesesp) “Students like teachers ________ are efficient and patient”.

a) what

b) which

c) whom

d) whose

e) who
127. “That is a beautiful little girl!”

“ Yes but I don’t know ________ child she is”.

a) of who

b) whose

c) who’s

d) of whom

e) who

128. (Mackenzie-SP) People ________ live near an active volcano ________ may erupt at any moment,
know that everything ________ they own may be destroyed. Those who came to watch the eruption of
Mount Etna in 1971 may have wondered why the farmers, ________ house were in danger, remained in
the land.

a) whose, who, that, which

b) who, whom, which, whose

c) who, which, that, whose

d) that, where, whose, which

e) who, whem, that, whom

129. (Fuvest-SP)

–– He wrote several books, only one of________ had any merit.

–– The old man ________ lives next door has just died.

a) whom, who

b) which, who

c) which, whose

d) which, whom
e) whose, who

130. (F.Chagas) The house in ________ Dr. Palmer lives has just been white washed.

a) what

b) which

c) that

d) whose

e) such

131. (UCP) The teacher is going to test all the students ________ marks are below six.

a) which

b) that

c) of which

d) whom

e) whose

132. (UFSCar-SP) Tell me ________ you that.

a) whom told

b) who told

c) what told

d) told

e) what told

133. (UFU-MG) Living in a house ________ walls where made of glass would be horrible.

a) what
b) whose

c) that

d) whom

e) who

134. (F.C.Chagas) That is the man________ masterpiece was ignored for a long time.

a) whose

b) whom

c) who

d) which

e) what

135. (Fesp) ________ knows the man ________ won the election?

a) Who, which

b) Which, who

c) Whom, whose

d) Who, who

e) Where, when

136. Show me ________ you have bought.

a) which

b) who

c) whom

d) that

e) what
137. Andrew, to ________ Joan will get married, is a hard worker.

a) who

b) that

c) which

d) whose

e) whom

138. That is ________ we need.

a) what

b) when

c) who

d) that

e) those

139. (Unicap)

–– “Do you know ________ is singing in the livingtoom? Is it Lisa?”

–– “I haven’t the slightest idea”.

a) whoever

b) whose

c) whom

d) who

e) what

140. That’s the man ________ robbed the bank.

a) which

b) what

c) who

d) whom

e) where

141. He was one of those ________ writings are still appreciated nowadays.

a) whom

b) who

c) which

d) whose

e) what

142. (UFPE) What’s the name of the man ________ wife has run away left him?

a) who

b) that

c) whose

d) whom

e) which

143. (Unicap)

–– Do you know Mr. Stevenson, our new teacher?

–– Yes. He’s a very friendly. He’s a man ________ appreciate.


(0) (0) whose we all

(1) (1) we all

(2) (2) whom we all

(3) (3) John and Mary

(4) (4) who all we

144. Érico Verríssimo, ________ was a writer, had a style that we appreciate very much.

a) that

b) who

c) of that

d) of whom

e) whose

145. This is the kind of exercise ________ I like best.

a) who

b) whom

c) of which

d) whose

e) which

146. Banting, ________ was a scientist, discovered insulin.

a) who

b) where

c) when

d) what
e) which

147. (Unicap)

–– “What time did Mary arrive this afternoon?”

–– “Around five, I think”.

–– “Do you know ________ she was late again?”

a) when

b) why

c) where

d) how much

e) for what

148. Érico Veríssimo was a writer ________ style. I appreciate very much.

a) whose

b) whom

c) who

d) what

e) which

149. Washington is a city ________ is particularly beautiful in spring.

a) who

b) where

c) which

d) it

e) what
150. (Cesesp) Whose children are these?

a) They are at home.

b) They are from Recife.

c) They are students.

d) They are my sister’s.

e) They are studying.

Leia o artigo original: Pronome IV - Vestibular Seriado

01. “My sister wanted ________ to go the movies with her last night.”

a) I

b) mine

c) me

d) itself

e) n.d.r

02. A big ship was seen. ________ was moving stately northwards.

a) He

b) Its

c) She

d) I

e) We
03. “________ is raining hard”.

a) It

b) She

c) He

d) We

e) You

04. (UNESP) I know he’ll tell ________ a different story.

a) they

b) his

c) your

d) we

e) us

05. “She always speaks to ________ in Spanish”.

a) myself

b) me

c) I

d) his

e) here

06. (Cesesp) “I was going to send them a letter but ________ changed my mind”.
a) me

b) we

c) I

d) them

e) him

07. (Cesesp) “Did you read this bock?”

“ Yes, but it was difficult ________ to understand”.

a) for hers

b) for they

c) for your

d) for me

e) for yourself

08. The scientists did not keep the results of their experiments with ________

a) they

b) their

c) them

d) his

e) hers

09. If you have any of the above symptoms call the doctor and tell ________ what you feel.

a) he

b) hers

c) his
d) him

e) them

10. (Fuvest – adapt.) John and Mary are asking for some juice.

May I take ________ to ________?

a) he – they

b) it – them

c) she – them

d) him – us

e) it – they

11. ________ work in the field of medicine.

a) They

b) He

c) She

d) It

e) Them

12. We have to trust ________.

a) they

b) them

c) his

d) hers

e) its
13. The king asked if ________ was a great king.

a) he

b) him

c) his

d) them

e) their

14. (Cescea-SP) If you meet Peter and Greta at the party, please give ________ my regards.

a) hers

b) me

c) they

d) them

e) us

15. (PUC-SP) Mary did not see the banana skin and slipped on ________.

a) she

b) it

c) its

d) her

e) hers

16. (Londrina-PR) He told us a lie but he would rather die than admit ________.

a) its

b) him

c) it
d) her

e) himself

17. I’d like to drink Guaraná. Could you give ________ one?

a) we

b) me

c) our

d) us

e) them

18. (Cesesp) “That old gentleman needs ________ to help ________”.

a) somebody – him

b) anybody – he

c) everyone – he

d) anyone – he

e) she – him

19. (Cesesp) –– “Nobody likes Janet”.

___ “What caused ________ disliked by her classmates?”

a) she be

b) her

c) she to be

d) her to be

e) him to be
20. (Cesed) Tom: –– “Have you seen Peter and Charles, lately?”

Jane: –– “No in England, they used to study with ________.

Now that we are in Brazil they haven’t shown up”.

a) he

b) we

c) us

d) it

e) they

21. (F. Carlos Chagas) The girls are sleeping. Don’t call ________. They are tired.

a) their

b) they

c) theirs

d) them

e) themselves

22. Last Sunday ________ went to the football game.

a) him and I

b) he and I

c) I and him

d) he and me

e) him and me

23. She lives near ________ in the old house.

a) he
b) us

c) she

d) I

e) hers

24. ________ always helps ________ with my homework.

a) She – I

b) He – we

c) He – me

d) They – I

e) We – them

25. “Children have to be immunized; you have to immunize ________.”

a) he

b) her

c) your

d) us

e) them

26. (Cesesp) My sister and I told my little brother a story.

a) We told him a story.

b) Our told him a story.

c) They told him a story.

d) Mine told me a story

e) Ours told me a story.

27. Peter and Paul love Mary but ________ doesn’t love ________ because she’s with Joseph.

a) She, him

b) she, them

c) they, her

d) them, she

e) she they

28. (Fesp) “Where’s your sister Mary? I want to talk to ________ immediately”.

a) her

b) hers

c) herself

d) them

e) us

29. –– Charles and I need to talk to you about the project. Could you meet ________ around four
o’clock? –– Sure.

a) me

b) him

c) it

d) Them

e) us

30. (Covest)

Sally: Why has Internet boomed so dramatically?

David: Part of the answer is fashion. Technology for young people today is new, it is exciting and it is the
difference between ________ and the older generation.

a) it

b) them

c) they

d) she

e) her

31. (Cesesp) They say that vampires cannot see ________ in mirror. This one can’t see ________ at all”.

a) themselves – himself

b) himself – themselves

c) their – own

d) itself – himself

e) ourselves – itself

32. (Cesesp) “The student ________ wrote a letter to the teacher explaining why she did take the

a) myself

b) itself

c) herself

d) themselves

e) himself

33. (Cesesp)

Janet: –– “My teacher said that this is a very good composition. He didn’t believe that did it all by

Fred: –– “Really”.
a) yourself

b) myself

c) ourselves

d) himself

e) itself

34. (Cesesp)

Tom: –– Did you friend buy ________ a new hat?”

Jane: –– “Yes, ,she did”.

a) herself

b) himself

c) itself

d) ourselves

e) themselves

35. (Cesesp) Our company’s new automatic machines can adjust ________ to a variety of pressures
and temperatures.

a) myself

b) herself

c) itself

d) ourselves

e) themselves

36. (Objetivo-SP) Assinale a alternativa que completaria com um pronome reflexivo adequado a seguinte
frase: “ People should try to see ________________ as others see them.”

a) himself
b) themselves

c) herself

d) yourselves

e) ourselves

37. (Osec-SP) I fell and cut ________ with a knife the other day. Peter’s father advised ________ to
go and see a doctor.

He ________ took me to the hospital.;

I had my arm X rayed and a penicillin injection.

a) me, me, himself

b) myself, him, himself

c) myself, me, himself

d) me, me, myself

e) him, me him

38. (Covest) Computers and networks isolate us from ________.

a) each other

b) ourselves

c) one another

d) themselves

e) herself

39. (Santa Casa-SP) “Why don’t they enjoy ________ instead of watching that dull TV programme?

a) yourself

b) ourselves

c) yourselves
d) themselves

e) himself

40. (Fesp) We are going to answer the test by ________.

a) ourselves

b) itself

c) we are selves

d) ourself

e) we are self

41. (ITA-SP) She knew ________ better than he knew ________.

a) himself, him

b) himself, himself

c) him, himself

d) he, himself

e) n.d.r.

42. (F. C. Chagas-BA) Those old people cannot carry the suitcases ________.

a) himself

b) herself

c) yourself

d) yourselves

e) themselves

43. (S.Casa-SP) In some clinics alcoholics have to look after ________.

a) himself

b) herself

c) yourseves

d) ourselves

e) themselves

44. “Helen and I shouldn’t really blame ________ for the mistake”.

a) herself

b) ourselves

c) myself

d) ourself

e) himself

45. “As Frank ________ could not o to the movies, he gave ________ ticket to Mary”.

a) himself, hers

b) would, his

c) herself,her

d) himself, his

e) itself,its

46. You ________ cannot be sure of the number of cativities.

a) himself

b) herself

c) themselves

d) myself
e) yourself

47. It was the widow ________ who told ________ not to go there.

a) herself / our

b) itself / me

c) itself / him

d) myself / me

e) herself / me

48. We should know about ________

a) themselves

b) yourself

c) himself

d) herself

e) ourselves

49. Helen ________ wanted to communicate with other people.

a) myself

b) herself

c) yourself

d) themselves

e) itself

50. The Indians found ________ fighting in a war that was not theirs.

a) himself
b) itself

c) yourself

d) yourselves

e) themselves

Leia o artigo original: Pronome II - Vestibular Seriado

01. (Osec-SP) I fell and cut ________ with knife the other day. Peter’s father advised ________ to go and
see a doctor.

He ________ took me to the hospital.

I had my arm X rayed and a penicillin injection.

a) me, me, himself

b) myself, him, himself

c) myself, me, himself

d) me, me, myself

e) him, me him

02. (Fesp) We are going to answer the test by ________.

a) yourself

b) itself

c) himself

d) yourself

e) themselves
03. (F. C. Chagas-BA) Those old people cannot carry the suitcases ________.

a) himself

b) herself

c) yourself

d) yourselves

e) themselves

04. You ________ cannot be sure of the number of cativities.

a) himself

b) herself

c) themselves

d) myself

e) yourself

05. The Indians found ________ fighting in a war that was not theirs.

a) himself

b) itself

c) yourself

d) yourselves

e) themselves

06. (Cesesp) “The boy ________ father is a teacher here, was killed in the accident”.

a) whose
b) which

c) whom

d) who

e) that

07. (Cesesp) “Will you please ask the gentleman at the door ________ he wants to talk to?”

a) where

b) that

c) what

d) whose

e) whom

08. (Mackenzie-SP) People ________ live near an active volcano ________ may erupt at any moment,
know that everything ________ may erupt at any moment, know that everything ________ they own
may be destroyed. Those who came to watch the eruption of Mount Etna in 1971 may have wondered
why the farmers, ________ house were in danger, remained in the land.

a) whose, who, that, which

b) who, whom, which, whose

c) who, which, that, whose

d) that, where, whose, which

e) who, whem, that, whom

09. (Fuvest-SP)

–– He wrote several books, only one of________ had any merit.

–– The old man ________ lives next door has just died.

a) whom, who

b) which, who

c) which, whose

d) which, whom

e) whose, who

10. (F.Chagas) The house in ________ Dr. Palmer lives has just been white washed.

a) what

b) which

c) that

d) whose

e) such

11. (UNICAP) Whose book is this?

It's _______________. Assinale as afirmativas verdadeiras e as afirmativas falsas.

00) John's

11) my mothers'

22) my

33) your

44) ours

12. (UFPE) Observe com atenção o trecho da famosa canção da dupla Paul Simon e Art Garfunkel:
"Bridge over troubled water". Para preencher os espaços, assinale as afirmativas verdadeiras e as
afirmativas falsas.

"When tears are in your eyes I'll dry ______________ all"

00) it

11) them

22) their

33) its

44) they

13. (UNICAP)

Is this your cousin's chair?

No, it isn't ........................ .

Assinale as afirmativas verdadeiras e as afirmativas falsas:

00) his

11) hers

22) yours

33) theirs

44) their

Leia o artigo original: Pronome I - Vestibular Seriado

Marque a opção que está Verdadeira de acordo com o texto e Falsa aquela onde isso não ocorrer.

"Diabetes is the sixth cause of death in the U.S. It's a disease that causes diseases:

- heart attack

- stroke
- loss of limbs

- blindness

- kidney failure

Today, pharmaceutical company researchers have new medicines that help manage diabetes for the 15
million people who have it. So there are fewer and fewer cases of the diseases that come with diabetes.
Now, the researchers are looking for discovering a cure."

Cegueira é uma doença que pode ser causada pela diabetes, segundo o texto.

Artrose é uma doença que não pode ser causada pela diabetes, segundo o testo.

A diabetes é a sexta doença que mais mata nos Estados Unidos.

Novos remédios têm sido descobertos para ajudar as quinze milhões de pessoas.

Os pesquisadores farmacêuticos já estão bem próximos de encontrar a cura para a diabetes.

Leia o artigo original: Simulados Online - Inglês - Pronome - Vestibular Seriado

Read the text below and choose the correct alternative

WTO Agreement on Drug Patents

Developing countries won a _____ (1) victory at the World Trade Organization meeting
earlier this month in Doha, Qatar. The battle was over the rights of poor nations to produce
life-saving drugs during health emergencies.

More than one-hundred-forty countries attended the Doha conference. The group finally
reached an agreement after more than a week of debate. It permits developing countries to
give so-called "compulsory licenses" during national health emergencies. A compulsory
license requires drug manufacturers to share their inventions with competing companies.

_____ a drug company develops a cure or treatment for a disease, it seeks special rights to
make and sell the product. This special permission is called a patent. A patent prevents
other companies from making the same drug for a number of years _____ the patent is in
Under compulsory licenses, other companies are permitted to produce low-cost generic
drugs. These are copies of costly medicines patented by large drug companies.

In the past, a lack of understanding existed over the rights of developing countries to give
compulsory licenses. However, this issue was settled by the Doha agreement. Developing
countries are now able to give compulsory licenses when dealing with public health crises.
These include AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis and diseases likely to spread quickly through the

Poor countries are not able to pay for costly drugs to treat diseases such as AIDS. So the
debate over drug patents is between rich and poor countries. International drug companies
in Europe and the United States oppose the Doha agreement. They say it will prevent drug
companies from seeking cures for diseases that affect the poor. Drug companies say they
are forced to charge high prices for medicines to pay for the high cost of their research.
Drug patents are important because they help companies recover money spent developing
new medicines.

Developing countries, such as India, Brazil and South Africa, support the Doha agreement.
They say poor nations should be able to produce or import less costly generic drugs in times
of health crises. They say the goal is to reduce the cost of drugs to treat diseases that kill
millions of poor people every year.

(Jill Moss, VOA Special English Development Report, November 26, 2001)

1. The missing word in (1) is

a. ( ) mayor
b. ( ) minor
c. ( ) major
d. ( ) marjoram
e. ( ) majority

2. The conjunctions missing in paragraph 3 are respectively:

a. ( ) Because / when
b. ( ) While / when
c. ( ) When / while
d. ( ) When / because
e. ( ) Since / while

3. The underlined word in the text could be replaced by:

a. ( ) Even though
b. ( ) Therefore

c. ( ) Meanwhile

d. ( ) So that

e. ( ) Still

4. "Drug patents are important because they help companies recover money spent

developing new medicines."
From the alternatives below choose the one that is also grammatically correct:

a. ( ) help companies to recover

b. ( ) help companies recovering

c. ( ) help companies recovered

d. ( ) helping companies recover

e. ( ) help companies to recovering

5. Select the alternative that does not correspond to the text.

a. ( ) The debate over drug patents was held in Doha, Qatar in November.
b. ( ) In case of national health emergencies, developing countries are now allowed to
produce life-saving drugs.

c. ( ) International drug companies worldwide are against the Doha agreement .

d. ( ) According to drug companies the high cost of medicines is due to the high cost of
e. ( ) Brazil, among other developing countries, aim at reducing the cost of drugs to treat
diseases that kill millions of people yearly.

6. Write T if the statement is True and F if the statement is False

a. ( ) One-hundred-forty countries were present at the Doha conference.
b. ( ) A compulsory license might allow drug manufacturers to share their inventions with
competing companies.
c. ( ) Copies of costly medicines are called patents.
d. ( ) Drug patents help companies get back the money invested in developing new drugs.
e. ( ) The Doha agreement was not supported by all nations.

Gabarito Comentado

Questão 1. A alternativa correta é a letra c (major = greater or more important)

Analisemos, então, as outras alternativas:

a. a palavra mayor significa prefeito (head of a municipal corporation of a city)

b. a palavra minor significa justamente o contrário de major.

d. a palavra marjoram é uma erva aromática (manjerona).

e. a palavra majority significa maioria, maioridade.

Questão 2. A alternativa correta é a letra c.

Veja que when e while são conjunções subordinadas temporais que significam,

respectivamente, quando e enquanto.
Questão 3. A alternativa correta é a letra b. Preste atenção ao contexto em que a palavra é

É importante lembrar que even though (assim como although) introduz uma oração

subordinada concessiva. Portanto, teremos que ter uma oração principal (com sujeito e
verbo) e uma oração subordinada (também com sujeito e verbo). O período é composto.

Cuidado também para não confundir so (result) com so (purpose). Analise os seguintes

exemplos e preste atenção à pontuação:

 Bob didn’t study, so (therefore/consequently) he flunked. (so = result)

 Scientists are studying the brain so that (in order that) they can understand more
about people’s feelings. (so = purpose) Vale lembrar que neste exemplo (that) pode
ser omitido, sem que altere o significado da sentença.

Questão 4. A alternativa correta é a letra a. Com o verbo help podemos ter as seguintes

construções: Help someone / something to do something


Help someone / something do something.

Questão 5. A alternativa que não está de acordo com o texto é a letra c. Veja
que worldwidesignifica mundial, o que invalida a resposta.

Questão 6. As respostas são: F; F; F; T; T.

Analisemos as respostas falsas: alternativa a é falsa, pois o número de países foi superior
ao dado na alternativa.

A alternativa b é falsa, pois não se trata de uma possível permissão e sim de uma
exigência. Compare: might allow = pode permitir vs requires = exige que.

A alternativa c é falsa. Veja a definição dada à patente no parágrafo 3 do texto.

Questão 16 de Inglês - UPE 2008

Resolução da Questão 16 de Inglês

16. Take your umbrella. It ______ rain later.

A) can’t

B) mustn’t

C) may

D) could

E) goes

16. Esta questão de “modal verbs” pedia que o aluno completasse a frase com um verbo que

exprimisse possibilidade. O gabarito oficial apresenta a resposta letra C como a correta, porém

poderíamos também aceitar o uso do “could” como um modal que expressa possibilidade. Em nenhum

momento, estamos dizendo que a resposta letra C está incorreta, mas sendo “could” um verbo modal

que expressa também possibilidade, a UPE poderia aceitar as duas alternativas C e D.

Respostas C e D

 2 de Dezembro de 2007

Questão 15 de Inglês - UPE 2008

Resolução da Questão 15 de Inglês

15. As soon as we ______ to the new house, we ______ invite our friends to come over.

A) moved; will

B) have moved; will 

C) move; won’t 

D) will move; will

E) would move; will


15. Outra questão de “conditionals”, a terceira até então, e a mais difícil por pedir um caso raro na

língua, uma particularidade do primeiro condicional com o uso de “as soon as”, em que a norma culta

prioriza o uso do “present simple”, porém admitindo também o uso do “present perfect” (exceção).

Resposta B

 2 de Dezembro de 2007

Questão 14 de Inglês - UPE 2008

Resolução da Questão 14 de Inglês

14. In spite of ______ lots of money, he never ______ a penny.

A) will have; is spending 

B) had; will spend 

C) has; spend

D) have; spends
E) having; spends


14. Bastante dito aos alunos o uso do gerúndio após as preposições, portanto “in spite of having” é a

alternativa correta.

Resposta E

 2 de Dezembro de 2007

Questão 13 de Inglês - UPE 2008

Resolução da Questão 13 de Inglês

13. We won’t buy any fish today ______ it is cheaper than last week.

A) before

B) that

C) if

D) unless

E) yesterday


13. Diferentemente de outros anos, mais de uma questão sobre “conditionals”, sendo esta no primeiro

condicional, para o aluno escolher a partícula condicionadora. A que faz sentido seria “unless” (a

menos que).

Resposta D

 2 de Dezembro de 2007

Questão 12 de Inglês - UPE 2008

Resolução da Questão 12 de Inglês

12. If you had told me the truth before, ______ you.

A) I would believe

B) I would have believed 

C) I believe 

D) I will believe

E) I believed

12. Outra questão costumeira, a de “conditionals”, no caso, o 3º condicional, portanto na oração da

conseqüência, é necessário o uso de “would have” com o verbo principal dessa oração no passado


Resposta B

 2 de Dezembro de 2007

Questão 11 de Inglês - UPE 2008

Resolução da Questão 11 de Inglês

11. Rewrite the statement below in reported speach.

Ernest said: “My family is coming tomorrow morning.”

A) Ernest said his family is coming tomorrow morning.

B) Ernest said his family will be coming tomorrow morning.

C) Ernest said his family was coming the following morning.

D) Ernest said his family would be coming the following morning.

E) Ernest said his family would rather be coming the following morning


11. Tradicional questão de “reported speech”, costumeira da UPE, o verbo no presente “is” vai para o

passado “was” quando repartido e o advérbio de tempo “tomorrow” se torna “the following”, sem

maiores problemas.

Resposta C

 2 de Dezembro de 2007

Questão 10 de Inglês - UPE 2008

Resolução da Questão 10 de Inglês

10. Kathy ______ she _____ in London because of the pollution.

A) wishes; lives

B) wish; live 

C) wish; lives 

D) wishes; did live

E) wishes; didn’t live


10. Nesta questão, é abordado o uso do “wish” como hipótese, sendo requerido o uso do verbo após

ele estar no passado simples, “past simple”.

Resposta E

 2 de Dezembro de 2007

Questão 09 de Inglês - UPE 2008

Resolução da Questão 09 de Inglês

09. We’re ______ laugh ______ cry

A) rather; than

B) than; rather 

C) go; than 

D) rather; prefer

E) prefer; rather


09. O enunciado da questão 9 possui um erro de digitação, “we’re” deveria ser “we’d”, porém o aluno

preparado não erraria. Talvez a banca da UPE possa pensar em anulá-la e redestribuir os pontos. 

Resposta A / ?

 2 de Dezembro de 2007

Questão 08 de Inglês - UPE 2008

Resolução da Questão 08 de Inglês

08. Brazil ______ many medals during the last Pan American Games.

A) win

B) won

C) wins

D) winner

E) will win

08. Esta questão refere-se ao passado simples, por conta da expressão “The last” (o último).

Resposta B

 2 de Dezembro de 2007

Questão 07 de Inglês - UPE 2008

Resolução da Questão 07 de Inglês

07. Recife is a multicultural city, ______, there are many different kinds of arts around the city.

A) although
B) always

C) however

D) in addition

E) that is


07. Nesta questão, existe uma afirmação e, depois do “;” (ponto-e-vírgula), uma explicação a respeito

do que seria uma cidade multicultural. A única expressão que explica seria “that is”.

Resposta E

 2 de Dezembro de 2007

Questão 06 de Inglês - UPE 2008

Resolução da Questão 06 de Inglês


It used to be that the traditional office workday started at eight in the morning and ended at six in the

afternoon. Flash forward to today. Because business can be conducted at any time thanks to the

Internet and other electronic devices, the traditional workday is expanding through the evening and

even into the night. Your next job could start while most people are going to sleep for the night!

Adapted from McCARTHY, Michael et al. Touchstone workbook 4, Ed. Cambridge. USA, 2007, p. 96.

06. According to the passage above,

A) the workers could manage the hours of work they had before the Internet.
B) the Internet permits you to work more hours nowadays than the traditional workday did before.

C) People can use the Internet just during the workday.

D) it’s possible to start work at eight in the morning and finish at six in the afternoon.

E) the workday is shorter after the Internet.


06. A idéia central do texto é comentar que, com o advento da internet, o horário de trabalho foi


Resposta B

 2 de Dezembro de 2007

Questão 05 de Inglês - UPE 2008

Resolução da Questão 05 de Inglês

05. According to the context above, the word “makes”, in the last line, can be replaced for

A) learns. B) earns. C) has. D) pays. E) gives.


05. Esta foi a única questão de vocabulário da prova. Quando utilizamos o verbo “make” associado a

“money”, ele significa ganhar.

Resposta B

 2 de Dezembro de 2007

Questão 04 de Inglês - UPE 2008

Resolução da Questão 04 de Inglês

04. According to the text below:


I find that there is sometimes a lack of understanding and respect between students and teachers.

In order to solve this problem, we should have a teacher-student swap day once a semester. On this
day, students would be the teachers and the teachers would be the students. The reason for this is so

that students and teachers can learn from the challenges the others face. This could benefit the school

in several ways. First, students could see what teachers have to do to prepare for a class. Second,

teachers could learn new ideas from students and how students learn best. Another advantage would

be that students could find out if teaching is something they’d like to do as a career.

This could be easily put into practice. Each semester, every teacher would become a student and let

two students take over the classe – one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Students who are

interested would volunteer to teacher a subject they feel comfortable with. They would then be chosen

at random.

Finally, maybe a student could know how much money a teacher makes and how much work a teacher


Adapted from McCARTHY, Michael et al. Touchstone workbook 4, ed. Cambridge. USA, 2007, p. 57.

A) Teachers would like to be in the students’ place.

B) Students would like to be in the teachers’ place. 

C) Teachers and students should change roles in school sometimes.

D) Teaching is a good carrer to make money.

E) Students want to become teachers.


04. O texto Proposta Interessante fala da mudança de papéis entre professor e aluno e acrescenta

muita importância a este fato. 

Resposta C

 2 de Dezembro de 2007

Questão 03 - UPE 2008

Resolução da Questão 03 de Inglês

03. According to the cartoon below:

A) The man is talking to an answering machine.

B) The man is feeling very comfortable.

C) The man has just solved the problem he had.

D) Solving problems through an answering machine is very fast.

E) It’s easy and funny when we depende on an answering machine to solve problems.


03. Nesta questão, vemos um homem falando com uma máquina do outro lado do telefone. A

expressão “answering machine” significa, em português, secretária eletrônica. 

Resposta A

 2 de Dezembro de 2007

Questão 02 - UPE 2008

Resolução da Questão 02 de Inglês

02. According to the cartoon below:

A) The man’s friend should use the key to open the bathroom door.

B) The success of the key is to lock the bathroom door.

C) Both men are trying to find the key to success.

D) The key to success is to relax at the bathroom door.

E) The man has the best ideas to success when he is in the bathroom.


02. Um dos personagens do quadrinho fala sobre quando ele tem suas melhores idéias de sucesso que

acontecem no banheiro.

Resposta E

 2 de Dezembro de 2007

Questão 01 - UPE 2008

Resolução da Questão 01 de Inglês

01. According to the comics below:

A) The boy loves the girl.

B) The girl hates the boy. 

C) The girl knows about the boy’s income.

D) Both the boy and the father are interested in each other’s incomes.

E) The boy knows about the income of the girl’s father.


01. Esta questão aborda uma conversa entre pai e filha a respeito de casamento e de renda. Esta

última, tanto do pai quanto do pretendente. 

Resposta D

 2 de Dezembro de 2007

Comentário da Prova de Inglês UPE 2008

A prova da UPE não fugiu ao padrão dos anos anteriores no que diz respeito à divisão: gramática,

vocabulário e compreensão de texto. Houve 5 questões de compreensão, 1 de vocabulário e 10 de

gramática. Percebemos que algumas palavras e enunciados estavam grafadas erradas, por exemplo:

“classe” = “classes”, “teacher” = teach”, “we’re” = “we’d”, “speach” = “speech”, “depende” =

“depend”. No mais, a prova está bastante condizente com o alunado do ensino médio. Gostaríamos de

destacar a questão número 15, com o uso do “present perfect” para primeiro condicional, algo

bastante incomum, mas correto segundo a gramática da língua inglesa.

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