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Rosemary or Rosmarinic acid

General information:
Rosemary is commonly found in species of the Boraginaceae and the
subfamily Nepetoideae of the Lamiaceae, high plant family, and some ferns and
hornwood species​(“Rosmarinic Acid” 2003)​. Its leaves are in needle shape and the
plant size ranges from 2 to 4 feet tall ​(“Rosemary - Valdosta State University” n.d.)​. It
is being considered as a medicinal plant due to its properties such as antibacterial,
anti inflammatory, and antioxidant. The plant can be found in the mediterranean
region and is now cultivated all over the world​(“Rosmarinic Acid” 2003)​. The plant is
commonly used as a food preservative and seasoning​(“[No Title]” n.d.)​.
Physical properties:
It is a woody herb that can become a bushy shrub. The leaves are dark green
and are in needle-like shape with short white hairs . The plant usually grows in
upright position, but sometimes its body can curve downward. Rosemary flowers can
be found in various colors such as pink, purple, violet, and white. The odor of
rosemary is characteristically aromatic, having a slight camphoraceous note; the
taste is pungent, aromatic, bitter, and woody​(“Rosemary | San Diego Zoo Animals &
Plants” n.d.)​.
Chemical properties:
Rosemary contains rosmarinic acid which is present at the highest
concentration in all rosemary plants. Rosmarinic acid is an esterification of caffeic
acid which originates from amino acid. Carnosic acid and Carnosol can also be
found in rosemary at a young stage. In plants, rosmarinic acid can cause harm to
pathogens and herbivores in order to protect themselves. Toxicity due to rosemary
has been reported due to skin inflammatory from the application of its extract. It also
contains several bioactive components such as phenolic acid and flavonoids. (In
small Animal Toxicology (third edition),2013)
Rosemary has various applications. For food, the research showed that when
cooking raw meat with rosemary, it has better appearance, better flavor, and
improved redness. As for health benefits, rosemary extracts can also be consumed
to prevent liver cell damage by improving structural integrity of the hepatocyte (In
small Animal Toxicology (third edition),2013) .Some study also showed that
rosemary may help to prevent brain aging which can prevent Alzheimer’s. The
extract can also be consumed for antioxidants and anti-inflammatory. As for mental
health, since rosemary is naturally aromatic, its extracts can help to relax and relieve
stress. The research outlined in Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology also
suggested that the aroma from rosemary can improve a person’s concentration,
performance, speed, and accuracy and, to a lesser extent, their mood​(Nordqvist
Rosemary structure

Hallucinogenic/Psilocybin/Magic mushroom
General Information:
Magic mushrooms are wild mushrooms containing psilocybin which have
hallucinogenic and psychoactive effects on humans. Psilocybin is considered as a
Schedule I drug and it is the most well-known psychedelics. The mushroom may
look like an ordinary mushroom due to its physical appearance​(Hartney et al. 2012)​.
The CAM research concluded that “the physical and psychological dependence
potential of magic mushrooms was low, that acute toxicity was moderate, chronic
toxicity low and public health and criminal aspects negligible”. So, the effect of magic
mushrooms is relatively low and it is relatively safe to use​(“Harm Potential of Magic
Mushroom Use: A Review” 2011)​.
Physical Properties:
The mushroom looks like a dry and ordinary mushroom with long, slender
stems that are whitish-gray and dark brown caps with light brown or white in the
Chemical properties:
Psilocybin(PY, 4-phosphoryloxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine) is the main
substance of the magic mushroom. After ingestion, Psilocybin is converted into
Psilocin. Other substances, baeocystin and norbaeocystin could also be present but
are thought to be less active than the former two. Psilocybin's full name according to
IUPAC is 3-(2-dimethylaminoethyl)-1H-indol-4-yl dihydrogen phosphate. It is
relatively unstable in solution and “Under alkaline conditions in the presence of
oxygen it immediately forms bluish and black degradation products”​(“Hallucinogenic
Mushrooms Drug Profile |” n.d.)​.
It can be consumed by drying or mixing with foods or drinks. Some people
consumed magic mushrooms fresh. However, they can also be mixed with cannabis
or tobacco when smoked. The mushroom can be used to make hallucinogenic
mushroom drugs, which can be in the form of liquid or capsule. The mushroom can
cause you to hear, feel, see things that are not real, but made in your brain. The
serotonin level also increases after consuming the mushroom​(Hartney et al. 2012)​.

Magic Mushroom structure

“Hallucinogenic Mushrooms Drug Profile |” n.d. Accessed

May 20, 2020.
“Harm Potential of Magic Mushroom Use: A Review.” 2011. ​Regulatory Toxicology
and Pharmacology: RTP​ 59 (3): 423–29.
Hartney, Elizabeth, BSc, MSc, and MA. 2012. “Magic Mushrooms: Everything You’ve
Been Afraid to Ask.” Verywell Mind. Verywell Mind. February 26, 2012.​.
Nordqvist, Joseph. 2017. “Rosemary: Health Benefits, Precautions, and Drug
Interactions.” Medical News Today. December 13, 2017.​.
“[No Title].” n.d. Accessed May 18, 2020.​.
“Rosemary | San Diego Zoo Animals & Plants.” n.d. Accessed May 19, 2020.​.
“Rosemary - Valdosta State University.” n.d. Accessed May 18, 2020.
“Rosmarinic Acid.” 2003. ​Phytochemistry​ 62 (2): 121–25.

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