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Fundamental Trade-offs in
Communication and Trajectory Design for
UAV-Enabled Wireless Network
Qingqing Wu, Liang Liu, and Rui Zhang

Abstract cations such as cargo delivery and aerial video

surveillance may become new aerial users in the
The use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) cellular network, which need to have high-per-
as aerial communication platforms is of high formance two-way communications with the
practical value to future wireless systems such as ground BSs to receive control signals and upload
5G, especially for swift and on-demand deploy- application data in real time [6].
ment in temporary events and emergency situ- Despite the above promising UAV appli-
ations. Compared to the static terrestrial base cations, their future success critically depends
stations (BSs) in cellular networks, UAV-mounted on the development of new and effective
aerial BSs possess stronger line-of-sight links with UAV-ground communication technologies.
the ground users due to their high altitude as Compared to the conventional terrestrial com-
well as high and flexible mobility in 3D space, munications, UAV-ground communications
which can be exploited to enhance the commu- enjoy the following two main advantages that
nication performance. On the other hand, unlike can be exploited for throughput enhancement,
terrestrial BSs that have reliable power supply, namely the line-of-sight (LoS)-dominated UAV-
aerial BSs in practice have limited onboard ener- ground channel and the UAV’s controllable
gy, but require high propulsion power to stay air- high mobility in 3D space. On one hand, thanks
borne and support high mobility. Motivated by to the high altitude of UAVs, the probability of
the above new considerations, this article aims LoS channels between UAVs and the ground
to revisit some fundamental trade-offs in UAV-en- users/BSs is in general pretty high, and thus
abled communication and trajectory design. UAV-ground communications are significantly
Specifically, it is shown that the communication less affected by channel impairments such as
throughput, delay, and (propulsion) energy con- shadowing and fading as compared to terrestrial
sumption can be traded off among each other communications. On the other hand, thanks to
by adopting different UAV trajectory designs, the high mobility, swift 3D deployment or even
which sheds new light on their existing trade-offs dynamic movement of UAVs becomes feasible
in terrestrial communication. The main design so that they can adjust their locations/trajecto-
challenges and promising directions for future ries based on the locations and/or movement
research are also discussed. of the ground BSs/users to maintain favorable
LoS channels with them. It is worth noting that
Introduction the LoS channels enable UAVs to have their
Due to their prominent features of high mobil- signal coverage over a much larger number of
ity and flexible deployment, unmanned aerial ground users or BSs compared to the BSs/users
vehicles (UAVs), also known as drones, will find in terrestrial communications. Consequently, to
many promising uses in the future fifth gener- achieve optimal communication and trajecto-
ation (5G) and beyond wireless networks, as ry design, each UAV should not only maintain
shown in Fig. 1. In particular, UAVs can be used strong channels to its served users or connect-
cost-effectively as on-demand aerial platforms to ed BSs via flying in proximity of them, but also
provide or enhance the communication services control its interferences to other UAVs as well
for terrestrial mobiles/devices in a multitude as ground users/BSs so as to achieve the maxi-
of applications, including aerial base stations mum network throughput.
(BSs)/relays in situations without terrestrial cel- Besides throughput, two important factors
lular coverage [1–3], aerial helpers for providing also need to be considered in UAV communi-
new services such as data backhaul/offloading, cation and trajectory design, namely delay and
cached-content multicasting, and edge comput- energy. First, to maximize throughput, each
ing for terrestrial BSs/users, and mobile hubs for UAV should communicate with a ground user/
energy-efficient data collection [4] and wireless BS when flying sufficiently close to it so as to
power transfer [5] for low-power Internet of reduce their distance and hence improve the
Things (IoT) devices such as sensors and tags. link capacity. However, this inevitably incurs
On the other hand, UAVs in many civilian appli- more delay in communication due to the UAV
Digital Object Identifier:
10.1109/MWC.2018.1800221 The authors are with the National University of Singapore.

36 1536-1284/19/$25.00 © 2019 IEEE IEEE Wireless Communications • February 2019

  

  

FIGURE 1. Typical UAV applications in 5G and beyond.

movement [7–9]. Thus, there is an interest- section, such as the LoS channel, the UAV tra-
ing throughput-delay trade-off in UAV-ground jectory design, and its high propulsion energy
communication, as shown in Fig. 2a. Second, consumption.
there is also a new trade-off between through-
put and energy in UAV-enabled communication, Throughput-Delay Trade-off
as shown in Fig. 2b, since the UAV generally The throughput-delay trade-off has been exten-
needs to consume more propulsion energy to sively studied for terrestrial wireless commu-
move closer to the ground users/BSs in order nication. For a basic point-to-point wireless
to gain higher throughput [10, 11]. As commer- communication link, the maximum achievable
cial UAVs usually have limited onboard ener- rate over fading channels, defined as the ergodic
gy, more propulsion energy consumption leads capacity, is achieved by coding over a sufficient-
to shorter endurance of UAVs, thus imposing a ly large number of channel coherence intervals
critical constraint on their practical applications. to fully exploit the ergodicity of fading channels
Last, the above two trade-offs naturally imply a [12]. However, this comes at the cost of long
delay-energy trade-off, shown in Fig. 2c, as delay transmission delay that may not be tolerable for
in UAV-ground communication can be generally applications with stringent latency requirement.
reduced if more propulsion energy is consumed On the other hand, channel coding can be per-
by the UAV to move faster to the ground users/ formed over each coherence interval to reduce
BSs it is designated to communicate with. the delay, resulting in the so-called delay-limited
Motivated by the above new and interesting capacity [12]. However, the delay-limited capaci-
trade-offs among the throughput, delay, and (pro- ty is in general smaller than the ergodic capacity
pulsion) energy consumption in UAV communi- for a given fading channel, and outage is usually
cation and trajectory design, this article aims to inevitable in deep fading [12]. For the general
provide an overview of the state-of-the-art results multi-user communication, the multi-user diversi-
on them. In particular, we focus on the use of ty gain can be attained to improve the network
UAVs as communication platforms (e.g., aerial throughput by scheduling the user with the best
BSs/relays) to serve the terrestrial users, although channel among all users to communicate in each
such fundamental trade-offs also exist similarly coherence interval, whereas this usually leads to
in the other paradigm with UAVs as new aerial more significant delay for each user as the num-
users served by the ground BSs in the cellular net- ber of users increases [12]. The above results
work [6]. Next, we discuss the main differences show that there is a general throughput-delay
between these trade-offs in UAV-enabled commu- trade-off for communication over fading chan-
nication and their existing counterparts in tradi- nels. Moreover, it is shown in [13] that there
tional terrestrial communication. is another trade-off between the total through-
put of a mobile ad hoc network (MANET) and
Fundamental Trade-offs in the average delay tolerable by the users in the
network due to the random user movement, as
UAV-Enabled Communication each user needs to wait to communicate with
It is well known that there are fundamen- another one until they become sufficiently close
tal trade-offs between the throughput, delay, to each other.
and energy in wireless communication [12]. In In contrast, in UAV-enabled communication,
this section, we first review the classic results channel fading is no longer a key factor contrib-
on such trade-offs in terrestrial communica- uting to the throughput-delay trade-off thanks to
tion, and then explain their main differences the LoS-dominant channels. Instead, the mobility
in UAV-ground communication arising from its of UAVs plays the deciding role in such a trade-
new considerations discussed in the preceding off as the UAV-ground LoS channels are solely

IEEE Wireless Communications • February 2019 37

The throughput-energy
trade-off in traditional
wireless communica-
tion is fundamentally
rooted in the Shannon
capacity formula,
which explicitly sug-
gests that the achiev-
able rate increases
monotonically with
(a) (b) (c)
the transmit power
[12]. One useful per- FIGURE 2. Three fundamental tradeoffs in UAV-enabled wireless communication: a) throughput-delay
formance metric stem- trade-off; b) throughput-energy trade-off; c) delay-energy trade-off.
ming from this trade-off
is “energy efficiency,” determined by the distances between the UAV and stay near them as long as possible (given a
which measures the and ground users, which critically depend on the finite flight duration) in order to exploit better LoS
number of information UAV’s location. However, in sharp contrast to the channels with them. Moreover, each UAV may
bits that can be trans- random user movement in a MANET, where the also need to adjust its altitude and/or make sharp
mitted by using a Joule delay is random and difficult to predict for the turns to avoid blockages in the directions of its
users [13], the delay in UAV-enabled communi- served ground users. All of these will lead to more
of energy. cation can be properly controlled via a joint UAV substantial propulsion energy consumption. As
trajectory and communication scheduling design a result, for UAV-enabled communication, the
[7–9]. Moreover, another key difference lies in energy efficiency is more appropriately defined in
the timescale of the delay between the terrestrial terms of information bits per Joule of propulsion
communication and UAV-ground communica- energy, rather than that of transmit/circuit energy
tion: in the former case, the delay is measured in in traditional wireless communication. Such a new
terms of channel coherence time (e.g., in millisec- metric has high practical significance, as it indi-
onds), while in the latter case, the delay is mainly cates the maximum number of information bits
due to the UAV flying time (distance divided by that can be communicated with a finite amount
speed, e.g., in seconds). As a result, in order to of UAV onboard energy.
fully exploit the throughput-delay trade-off via tra-
jectory design in UAV-enabled communication, Delay-Energy Trade-off
the application needs to be more delay-tolerant As discussed in the above two subsections, the
compared to that in terrestrial communication [8]. throughput-delay and throughput-energy trade-
offs in UAV-enabled communication exhibit
Throughput-Energy Trade-off interesting new aspects compared to their coun-
The throughput-energy trade-off in traditional terparts in terrestrial communication. As a result,
wireless communication is fundamentally rooted their corresponding delay-energy trade-offs are
in the Shannon capacity formula, which explicitly also drastically different due to the new UAV
suggests that the achievable rate increases mono- trajectory design and the high UAV propulsion
tonically with the transmit power [12]. One useful energy consumption. For example, to reduce
performance metric stemming from this trade-off the delay in movement and transmission, each
is “energy efficiency,” which measures the num- UAV should fly between its served ground users
ber of information bits that can be transmitted by at its maximum speed, but remain at its mini-
using a Joule of energy. If only the transmit ener- mum speed (e.g., hovering) when serving them
gy is considered, it is well known that the energy in proximity, both resulting in more propulsion
efficiency monotonically increases with decreas- energy consumption in general as in practice the
ing the transmit rate/power [12]; while if the cir- UAV achieves its minimum propulsion energy
cuit power at the transmitter is considered as well, when its speed is between zero and the maxi-
it is shown in [14] that the energy efficiency first mum [10].
increases and then decreases with the transmit In the rest of this article, we focus on examin-
rate/power. ing the throughput-delay and throughput-energy
In UAV-enabled communication, the propul- trade-offs in the next two sections, respectively.
sion energy (usually on the order of a kilowatt) We provide concrete examples to illustrate them
required to maintain UAVs airborne and support more clearly, provide overviews of their state-
their high mobility is generally several orders of of-the-art results, and also point out promising
magnitude higher than the transmit and circuit directions for future research. As the delay-ener-
energy for communication (usually on the order gy trade-off becomes intuitive given the first two
of a watt or even less). As a result, the effect of trade-offs, it is not discussed in more detail.
propulsion energy on the UAV trajectory is the
dominant factor determining the throughput-ener- Throughput-Delay Trade-off
gy trade-off in UAV-enabled communication. For In this section, we investigate the joint UAV tra-
example, to enhance the throughput, and suppos- jectory and communication design to character-
ing that the UAV already transmits at its maximum ize the throughput-delay trade-off. Specifically,
power, each UAV needs to fly over a longer dis- we first consider a simple setup with one UAV
tance at a faster speed so that it can reach each serving two ground users (GUs) to draw useful
of its served ground users as closely as possible insights. Then we extend our study to the general

38 IEEE Wireless Communications • February 2019


(c) (d)

FIGURE 3. Throughput-delay trade-off for a single UAV-enabled network with two GUs. The GUs’ nominal locations are marked by ◊
and the UAV trajectories are marked by w. The maximum transmit power and the receiver noise power are set as 20 dBm (0.1 W)
and –110 dBm, respectively, and the channel power gain at the reference distance of 1 m is set as –50 dB. Other required parame-
ters are set as follows: Vmax = 50 m/s, H = 100 m, and D = 2000 m: a) a UAV-enabled two-user wireless system; b) UAV horizontal
trajectory for different T; c) periodic TDMA of GUs; d) common throughput vs. UAV flight period, T.

case with multiple UAVs serving multiple GUs, via time-division multiple access (TDMA); that is,
followed by further discussions on related/future only one GU is scheduled for communication at
work. any time instant. Other multiple access schemes
are discussed later. To serve GUs continuously
Single-UAV-Enabled Wireless Network in a periodic manner, we assume that the UAV
As shown in Fig. 3a, we consider a UAV-enabled needs to return to its initial location by the end of
downlink communication system where one UAV each flight period T, while the initial location can
is employed to serve two GUs in a finite period be optimized for maximizing the throughput. To
of T s. The UAV is assumed to fly at a constant ensure fairness among GUs, we aim to maximize
altitude of H in meters with the maximum allow- the common (minimum) throughput among the
able speed denoted by Vmax in meters per sec- GUs via jointly optimizing the UAV trajectory and
ond. The air-ground channels from the UAV to communication scheduling.
GUs are assumed to be dominated by the LoS In Fig. 3b, we show the UAV’s optimal trajec-
links. As such, it is preferable to let the UAV fly as tories projected onto the horizontal ground plane
low as possible in order to reduce the signal path under different flight periods, T. It is observed that
loss with the GUs. However, the minimum value as T increases, the UAV tends to fly closer to the
of H is practically limited for terrain or building two GUs, while when T is sufficiently large (e.g.,
avoidance. The two GUs are assumed to be qua- T = 100 s), the UAV flies between the two GUs
si-stationary with a distance of D m between their at its maximum speed to save more time for hov-
nominal locations, as shown in Fig. 3a, where we ering right above each of them to maintain the
assume that their maximum movement distanc- best channel for communication. Furthermore,
es from their respective nominal locations within at any time instant, to maximize the throughput,
the given period T are negligible compared to D the GU that is closer to the UAV (thus having a
and the UAV altitude H; thus, their effects to the better channel) is scheduled for communication,
corresponding LoS channel gains are ignored. We while the other GU has to wait until the UAV flies
consider that the UAV communicates with GUs closer to it again. As such, each GU will experi-

IEEE Wireless Communications • February 2019 39


800 t = 40 s t = 20 s
600 t=0s
t = 100 s
t = 80 s

200 t=0s
t = 60 s

y (m)
t = 60 s

−400 t = 20 s
t = 80 s

−800 t = 40 s
t = 100 s
 −1000
−1500 −1000 −500 0 500 1000 1500
 x(m), Rcom = 1.7631 bps/Hz
Joint optimization
800 t = 20 s 2.2 Without power control
Orthogonal transmission
600 t = 100 s
t = 40 s 2 Single UAV
t = 80 s

Common throughput (bps/Hz)

200 t = 60 s t=0s
t=0s 1.6
y (m)

t = 60 s 1.4
t = 20 s
t = 80 s 1
t = 40 s t = 100 s 0.8

−1000 0.6
−1500 −1000 −500 0 500 1000 1500 10 30 50 70 90 110 130 150
x (m), Rcom = 2.1535 bps/Hz UAV flight period, T (s)

(c) (d)

FIGURE 4. Throughput-delay trade-off for a multi-UAV enabled wireless system with IUIC. The GUs’ nominal locations are marked by ◊
and the UAV trajectories are marked by w. The simulation parameters are set the same as those in Fig. 3. The user common through-
put is denoted by Rcom in bits per second per Hertz: a) a multi-UAV enabled wireless system with IUIC; b) UAV horizontal trajecto-
ries without power control; c) UAV horizontal trajectories with power control; d) common throughput vs. UAV flight period, T.

ence a waiting time of T/2 for communicating GUs into small-size clusters, each served by one
with the UAV periodically. This is illustrated in of the UAVs. To demonstrate this, we consider
Fig. 3c, where the user scheduling is plotted over a multi-UAV-enabled downlink transmission sys-
time. It is observed that a larger T leads to a lon- tem as shown in Fig. 4a, where two UAVs are
ger waiting time for each GU. Finally, we show employed to serve a group of K GUs in a finite
in Fig. 3d the achievable common throughput period of duration T. To achieve high spectral
in bits per second per Hertz vs. T. Note that the efficiency, we consider a spectrum sharing sys-
throughput upper bound is obtained by ignoring tem where the UAVs share the same frequency
the time spent traveling between the two GUs, band for communication, and each of the UAVs
which holds when T goes to infinity. In addition, serves its associated GUs via periodic TDMA.
the throughput of a static UAV is obtained by fix- As such, each GU suffers from severe interfer-
ing the UAV above the middle location between ence from other non-associated UAVs due to
the two GUs at all times. One can observe that the LoS channels, which needs to be effectively
compared to the case of a static UAV, the com- mitigated by employing the inter-UAV interfer-
mon throughput is significantly improved as T ence coordination (IUIC) via jointly designing
increases with a mobile UAV. However, such a the UAV trajectories, transmit power, and user
throughput gain comes at the cost of increasing associations. We aim to maximize the common
the user delay (or larger T), which thus reveals a throughput of all GUs with optimally designed
new throughput-delay trade-off in a UAV-enabled IUIC. However, this problem is a non-convex
wireless network. optimization problem involving infinite variables
due to the continuous UAV trajectory. To tackle
Multi-UAV-Enabled Wireless Network this problem, we first apply time discretization to
The use of multiple UAVs for cooperatively equally divide the UAV flight period into a finite
serving GUs is an effective solution to improve number of small-interval time slots, each with a
the throughput-delay trade-off over the sin- nominal location of the UAV. Then we apply the
gle-UAV-enabled network by grouping nearby block coordinate descent and successive convex

40 IEEE Wireless Communications • February 2019

optimization techniques to obtain a suboptimal er, whether similar results hold for a UAV-enabled To maximize the coop-
solution to the IUIC design [7]. As an initial UAV BC with more than two users or other multiuser erative beamforming
trajectory is needed for our algorithm, we adopt channel models still remains an open problem that gain in CoMP, it may
a simple but practical circular UAV trajectory for is worth investigating in future work. Furthermore, be desirable to let
initialization [7]. in our above study, the user delay is roughly mea-
For the purpose of illustration, we consider a sured in terms of the UAV flight period. However, some UAVs form a fleet
setup with K = 6 GUs that are randomly located the delay requirements in 5G networks may vary to serve the GUs along
in a square area. Specifically, we show the opti- dramatically in timescale from milliseconds (e.g., the same trajectory,
mized UAV trajectories without and with power for online gaming/video streaming) to several sec- while this is appar-
control in Figs. 4b and 4c, respectively, for T onds (e.g., for large file sharing/sensor data col- ently undesired in the
= 120 s. In the former case, both UAVs trans- lection). Thus, how to model such heterogeneous
mit with their maximum power at all times. It is delay requirements and design the joint UAV tra- IUIC case due to the
observed from Fig. 4b that the optimized UAV jectory and communication resource allocation to inter-UAV interference.
trajectories tend to not only shorten the com- efficiently meet them is also an important problem Another important
munication distances between the UAVs and for future research. issue worthy of further
their associated GUs (e.g., from t = 0 to t = 20 In practice, the UAV-ground LoS channel investigation is how
s), but also enlarge separations of the two UAVs model is appropriate for rural or suburban areas
to help alleviate the co-channel interference or when the UAV altitude is sufficiently high. to dynamically adjust
(e.g., from t = 40 s to t = 60 s) in the case with- However, for other cases such as in urban envi- the UAV trajectories
out power control. However, at certain pairs of ronments, other air-ground channel models, such according to the GUs’
UAV locations, enlarging the UAVs’ separation as the probabilistic LoS model and Rician fading movement to improve
is achieved at the cost of compromising direct model, are more suitable. It is worth noting that their throughput and/
link gains, especially when the UAVs fly on their such non-LoS channel models may have signif-
ways to serve two GUs (e.g., the two nearby icant impacts on the optimal UAV trajectory or delay performance..
GUs around the center in Fig. 4b) that are close design in UAV-enabled wireless networks [3]. For
to each other. example, lowering the UAV’s flying altitude under
In contrast, for the case with power control, it the probabilistic LoS model generally decreases
is observed from Fig. 4c that the optimized UAV the probability of having LoS links with GUs, while
trajectories do not tend to compromise the direct it is always beneficial under the LoS model. As a
link gains in return for large distance separation. result, a more complex 3D trajectory optimization
This is because power control can help avoid problem (as compared to the 2D design in our
strong interference even when the two UAVs previous examples under the LoS model) needs to
have to be close to each other (e.g., when serv- be investigated. Moreover, although the presence
ing the two central GUs). As a result, the com- of LoS links makes the UAVs very suitable for 5G
mon throughput is substantially improved over technologies such as millimeter-wave (mmWave)
the case without power control, as shown in Fig. and massive multiple-input multiple-output (M-MI-
4d. In addition, an orthogonal UAV transmission MO) communications, the severe air-ground inter-
scheme is adopted for comparison where the two ference issue and 3D mobility-induced Doppler
UAVs take turns transmitting information to serve effect deserve more investigation in the future.
GUs over orthogonal time slots, and the system is Last, for the multi-UAV-enabled network, we
then interference-free. One can observe that for propose the IUIC as an effective technique to mit-
small flying time T, which implies limited UAVs’ igate the strong LoS interference by exploiting the
flying ranges, the orthogonal transmission even coordinated multi-UAV trajectory design. Alterna-
achieves higher throughput than non-orthogonal tively, motivated by the rapid advance of the wire-
schemes, which is due to the severe interference less backhaul technologies, the UAVs can share
between the UAVs. However, as T increases, the messages and perform cooperative beamforming
proposed joint design significantly outperforms for more efficient interference mitigation, a tech-
the orthogonal transmission, since the UAVs’ tra- nique called coordinated multipoint (CoMP) in the
jectories can be more flexibly designed to enlarge sky [15. It is worth noting that the methodology for
the inter-UAV distance such that the spectrum designing the optimal UAV trajectories for CoMP is
can be better reused by the two UAVs with small generally different from that for IUIC. For example,
interference. Finally, it is also observed that the to maximize the cooperative beamforming gain in
user throughput in the multi-UAV network is sig- CoMP, it may be desirable to let some UAVs form
nificantly improved over the single-UAV network a fleet to serve the GUs along the same trajectory,
under the same delay, thus verifying the improved while this is apparently undesired in the IUIC case
throughput-delay trade-off via effective multi-UAV due to inter-UAV interference. Another import-
cooperation with optimized IUIC. ant issue worthy of further investigation is how to
dynamically adjust the UAV trajectories according
Further Discussion and Future Work to the GUs’ movement to improve their through-
Besides orthogonal multiple access schemes such put and/or delay performance [15].
as TDMA considered above, non-orthogonal
multiple access schemes based on superposition Throughput-Energy Trade-off
coding (SC) or dirty paper coding [12] can be In this section, we further investigate the through-
jointly designed with the UAV trajectory to further put-energy trade-off in UAV-enabled communi-
improve the throughput-delay trade-off and achieve cation and trajectory design. First, we discuss the
the capacity limits of UAV-enabled wireless net- energy consumption models of UAVs. Then we
works [9]. For example, a two-user broadcast chan- revisit the single-UAV-enabled system from earlier
nel (BC) is studied in [9], where it is shown that a by taking into account the UAV’s propulsion ener-
simple and practical “hover-fly-hover (HFH)” trajec- gy consumption, followed by discussions on other
tory with SC achieves the capacity region. Howev- related work and future research directions.

IEEE Wireless Communications • February 2019 41

tion, we consider the common throughput max-
imization for the two GUs via jointly optimizing
Required power (W)
the UAV trajectory as well as the user schedul-

Required power (W)

ing, subject to the new UAV’s total energy con-
straint and the mobility constraints (on its speed
and acceleration).
In Fig. 6b, we plot the UAV’s optimized tra-
jectories under different constraints of propulsion
energy. It is observed that the UAV flies close to
the two GUs by following a smooth trajectory with
relatively large turning radii when Emax = 13,000
Flying speed (m/s) Flying speed (m/s)
(a) (b)
J; whereas when E max is increased to 23,000 J,
the UAV’s trajectory tends to approach that with-
FIGURE 5. Typical propulsion power consumption vs. the UAV’s flying speed: out the propulsion energy constraint shown in
a) fixed-wing UAV; b) rotary-wing UAV. Fig. 3b. This is because in the latter case, sharp
turning in the flight direction to quickly shorten
UAV Propulsion Energy Consumption Model: the UAV-GU distance requires more propulsion
energy consumption. Furthermore, the UAV’s fly-
Fixed-Wing vs. Rotary-Wing ing speeds over time in the above two cases are
Fixed-wing and rotary-wing UAVs are the two illustrated in Fig. 6c. It is observed that in the first
main types of UAVs that have been widely used case, the UAV’s flying speed does not vary much
in practice. To investigate the throughput-ener- around 30 m/s during the total period due to the
gy trade-off in UAV-enabled communication, the limited propulsion energy, while in the latter case,
UAV’s propulsion energy consumption needs to with more available propulsion energy, the UAV
be properly modeled first. Toward this end, two first flies at the maximum speed (50 m/s) to get
analytical propulsion power models have been close to each of the GUs and then hovers around
presented for fixed-wing and rotary-wing UAVs the GU at the minimum speed (5 m/s) so as to
in [10, 16], respectively. In general, the propul- maximize the throughput. Finally, the achievable
sion power required for the UAV depends on throughput vs. propulsion energy is plotted in Fig.
its velocity (including both the flying speed and 6d. The throughput upper bound is obtained by
direction) as well as the acceleration. In Fig. 5, ignoring the propulsion energy constraint, which
the typical propulsion power consumption vs. the is the same as that in Fig. 3d under the same T.
UAV’s flying speed is illustrated for both fixed- The throughput lower bound is achieved by the
wing and rotary-wing UAVs. In both cases, it is initial circular trajectory [7] with the UAV’s speed
observed that as the UAV’s flying speed increas- equal to 30 m/s. One can observe that the com-
es, the corresponding propulsion power required mon throughput can be significantly improved at
first decreases and then increases, which implies the cost of more propulsion energy consumption.
that flying at too high or too low speeds is not In particular, as the propulsion energy increases,
energy-efficient. Furthermore, flying at a very low the common throughput first increases rapidly
speed is extremely energy-consuming and even and then approaches a constant that is strictly
impossible for fixed-wing UAVs in practice, which lower than the throughput upper bound. This is
renders it very difficult for them to hover over a because in addition to the propulsion energy con-
small geographical area to serve GUs, while this is straint, the practically achievable throughput is
not an issue for rotary-wing UAVs. However, rota- also subjected to the UAV’s mobility constraints
ry-wing UAVs suffer from consuming excessive on the minimum speed and maximum accelera-
propulsion power when the UAV’s flying speed is tion.
very high, which makes them inefficient for tasks
over a wide geographical area. In practice, fixed- Further Discussion and Future Work
wing and rotary-wing UAVs can be leveraged The throughput-energy trade-off can be further
simultaneously to enhance the communication extended by taking the GUs’ energy consumption
efficiency. For example, a promising UAV-enabled into account (e.g., in the application of UAV-en-
networking architecture is to deploy rotary-wing- abled data collection in IoT networks) [4, 11].
UAV-enabled BSs hovering at well selected loca- Since the IoT devices are generally of low power
tions for establishing signal hotspots and at the and limited battery, how to prolong their lifetime
same time dispatch fixed-wing-UAV-enabled BSs is critical for the sustainability and proliferation of
flying around periodically for wider coverage and the future IoT ecosystem. Thanks to the controlla-
higher throughput. ble mobility, a UAV-enabled mobile data collec-
tor can move sufficiently close to the IoT devices
Energy-Constrained Trajectory Optimization such as sensors or tags to collect their data with
As shown in Fig. 6a, we considered the same minimum transmit energy. However, this will incur
UAV-enabled two-user system as discussed ear- more propulsion energy consumption of UAVs,
lier for a given UAV flight period T where the which implies an interesting new perspective on
UAV has limited onboard energy, and thus the the throughput-energy trade-off in UAV-enabled
maximum propulsion energy that can be con- communication [11].
sumed during this period is denoted by E max . On the other hand, the UAVs’ energy supply
For the purpose of exposition, we consider a can also be provisioned by means of other tech-
fixed-wing UAV with the minimum speed and nologies such as solar energy harvesting and
maximum acceleration denoted by V min in laser-beamed wireless power transfer by ground
meters per second and a max in square meters chargers. However, these technologies generally
per second , respectively. Similarto another sec- bring new design considerations that need to be

42 IEEE Wireless Communications • February 2019


 200

 100

 −100
−1500 −1000 −500 0 500 1000 1500
+ x(m), E = 13000 J

8VHU 8VHU 10

§  · § ·
¨  ¸ ¨ ¸ −10
©  ¹ ˄˅ © ¹
−1500 −1000 −500 0 500 1000 1500
(a) x(m), E = 23000 J

UAV speed (m/s)

Upper bound
Proposed trajectory

Common throughput (bps/Hz)

4.8 Circular trajectory

0 4.6
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time (s), Emax = 13000 J

60 4.4
UAV speed (m/s)


0 20 40 60 80 100 120 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6
Time (s), Emax = 23000 J Emax (Joule) x 10

(c) (d)
FIGURE 6. Throughput-energy trade-off for a single-UAV-enabled network with two GUs. The GUs’ nominal locations are marked by
◊ and the UAV trajectories are marked by w. For the propulsion power consumption model in [16], the constants c1 and c2 are set
as 9.26  10–4 and 2250, respectively: a) a UAV-enabled two-user wireless system with finite onboard energy; b) UAV horizontal
trajectory for different propulsion energy; c) UAV’s speed over time; d) common throughput vs. propulsion energy, Emax.

further studied. For example, for solar-powered ed off between each other as well as with the
UAVs, while increasing the flying altitude will lead UAV’s/GU’s propulsion/transmit energy via
to higher path loss with GUs, it helps harvest judiciously optimizing the UAV’s trajectory with
more solar energy to support more flexible trajec- communication resource allocation jointly for
tory design to adapt to the GUs’ dynamic loca- both single-UAV and multi-UAV-enabled net-
tions and communication requirements. As such, works. Although we have focused on employing
the throughput-energy trade-off in UAV-enabled UAVs as aerial BSs in this article, the discussed
communication needs to be revised with carefully new trade-offs are general and also applicable
designed altitude control. Furthermore, in the case to other UAV-mounted platforms [1] or cellu-
of multiple UAVs cooperatively serving the GUs, lar-connected UAV users [6]. It is worth pointing
besides their communication cooperation through out that besides the three trade-offs considered
IUIC or CoMP as discussed earlier, the design in this article, there are other important design
of multi-UAV trajectories also needs to consider considerations in UAV-enabled communication,
their individual energy availability. For example, which, due to space limitations, have not been
the propulsion energy consumption of different fully explored in this article and thus require
UAVs should be balanced via cooperative trajecto- further investigation. These may include, for
ry design to maximize their endurance from a UAV example, the deployment cost of mobile UAVs,
network lifetime maximization perspective. their wireless backhaul constraints, as well as
the severe air-ground interference issue due
Conclusions to the LoS-dominant channels. Nevertheless,
In this article, we have revisited the fundamen- it is hoped that this article has revealed some
tal throughput, delay, and energy trade-offs in new design trade-offs as well as useful insights
UAV-enabled wireless communication. In par- that would be helpful to the practical design
ticular, we have shown that the communication of UAV-enabled communication systems in the
throughput and delay can be optimally trad- future.

IEEE Wireless Communications • February 2019 43

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44 IEEE Wireless Communications • February 2019

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