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Let’s Complete Word Smart: 1400 Vocabularies | Day: 1

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ABASH (uh BASH) v to make ashamed; to embarrass;

AcÖwZf/weeªZ Kiv; KzwÚZ Kiv; AcÖ¯‘Z Kiv; j¾v †`Iqv:
 Munni felt abashed by her inability to remember her lines in
the school chorus of “Old McDonald Had a Farm.”

Unabashed adj shameless; unashamed; unblushing;

unembarrassed; Aj¾; AweeªZ ev AfxZ; A¤øvbe`b:
 The ruling classes live in unabashed luxury. He is an
unabashed capitalist.
 She appeared unabashed by all the media attention.

Unabashedly adv to do something without shame or

embarrassment; wbj©¾fv‡e:
 Karl handed in a term paper that he had unabashedly copied
from Wikipedia.

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ABATE (uh BAYT) v to subside; to reduce;
(evZvm/Si/e¨_v/eb¨v/R¦i) Kgv ev Kgv‡bv; n«vm Kiv ev cvIqv; cÖkwgZ Kiv:
 George spilled a cup of hot coffee on his leg. It hurt quite a
bit. Then, gradually, the agony abated.
 Bad weather abates when good weather begins to return. A
rainstorm that does not let up continues unabated.

Abatement n deduction; discount; reduction; cÖkgb; n«vmcÖvwß:

A tax abatement is a reduction in taxes.
Businesses are sometimes given tax abatements in return for
building factories in places where there is a particular need for

ABDICATE (AB duh kayt) v to step down from a position of

power or responsibility; (c`/AwaKvi/wmsnvmb/`vwe) Z¨vM Kiv; ‡Q‡o
 When King Edward VIII of England decided he would rather
be married to Wallis Warfield Simpson, an American
divorcée, than be king of England, he turned in his crown and

Even people who aren’t monarchs can abdicate their duties and
 Abby abdicated her responsibilities as a vice president by
dumping in the garbage the reports she was supposed to
present to the board of directors and flying to the Bahamas.

ABERRATION (ab uh RAY shun) n something not typical; a

deviation from the standard; wec`MvwgZv; wec`gMb; wePy¨wZ:
 The chef at this restaurant is dreadful; the meal we just had
was an aberration.
 A snowstorm in June is an aberration; snow doesn’t
normally fall in June.

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Let’s Complete Word Smart: 1400 Vocabularies | Day: 1
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ABERRANT adj (uh BER unt) different from what is typical or

usual; A¯^vfvweK; wec`Mvgx: ~ behaviour/sexuality.
 Soren’s behavior was aberrant. The summer snowstorm was

ABHOR (ab HOR) v to hate very, very much; to detest; N„Yv Kiv;
AeÁv Kiv; N„Yvf‡i cwinvm Kiv:
 Emanuel abhorred having to wake up before dawn.
To abhor something is to view it with horror. Hating a person is
almost friendly in comparison with abhorring him or her.

Abhorrent adj morally very bad; N„Y¨; RNb¨; weZ…òvRbK:

 Racism of any kind is abhorrent to me.

Abhorrence n a feeling of hating something or someone; N„Yv;

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weZ…òv; Ry¸áv:
 She looked at him in/with abhorrence.
 She has an abhorrence of change.

ABJECT (AB jekt) adj hopeless; extremely sad and servile;

defeated; AZ¨šÍ `yy`©kvMÖ¯’; †kvPbxq; (e¨w³, e¨w³i KvR ev e¨envi m¤^‡Ü) nxb;
N„Yvn©; Kvcyyiæ‡lvwPZ:
 While most people would quickly recover from a stumble
(‡nvuPU LvIqv) on stage, Mia felt abject humiliation.

ABNEGATE (AB nuhgayt) v to deny oneself things; to reject; to

renounce; cwiZ¨vM Kiv; wb‡R‡K ewÂZ Kiv:
 Ascetics practiceself-abnegationbecause they believe it will
bring them closer to spiritual purity.

Self-abnegation n giving up oneself, usually for some higher

cause; AvZ¥wemR©b|

ABORTIVE (uh BOR tiv) adj unsuccessful; e¨_©; fÐzj; Amdj:

 Joly and Tipu made an abortive effort to bake a birthday
cake; that is, their effort did not result in a birthday cake.
 Fred’s attempt to climb the mountain was abortive; he
injured himself when he was halfway up.

Abort v to end something before it is completed; end pregnancy;

e¨_© nIqv; Amdjfv‡e nVvr †kl nIqv; AKv‡j nVvr †kl Kiv; evwZj Kiv; fÐzj
Kiv ev nIqv:
 The plan/flight had to be aborted at the last minute.
 Do you think it's wrong to use aborted foetuses for medical

Avcwb DcK…Z n‡j KvBÛwj Avgv‡`i P¨v‡bjwU mve¯ŒvBe K‡i Avmyb:
Let’s Complete Word Smart: 1400 Vocabularies | Day: 1
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Abortion n an aborted pregnancy; the intentional ending of a

pregnancy; Mf©cvZb; Mf©bvk; Mf©cvZ; Mf©¯ªve:
 She decided to have/get an abortion. Abortion is restricted in
almost every Islamic countries.
An abortion in this sense doesn’t have to be the result of a
controversial medical procedure.

ABRIDGE (uh BRIJ) v to shorten; to condense; (we‡kl K‡i ‡Kvb

cy¯Í‡Ki kãmsL¨v Kwg‡q) mswÿß Kiv:
 The thoughtful editor abridged the massive book by
removing the boring parts. An abridged dictionary is one that
has been shortened to keep it from crushing desks and
people’s laps.

Abridgment n a shortened or condensed work; ms‡ÿcKiY;

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ms‡ÿwcZ e¯‘, we‡klZ Mªš’|

পু র ো বই শেষ নো ক ো পর্য ন্ত এই প্ররেষ্টো েলমোন থোকরব। আম ো ওয়োর্য

স্মোর্য বই শথরক প্রতিতিন ১০ টি কর ওয়োর্য শেখো শেষ্টো ক রবো।
সোরথই থোকুন।
ভাল লাগলল আমোরি েযোরনলটি সাবস্ক্রাইব করলবন, লোইক ও করমন্ট
ক রবন। আপনার একটি সাবস্ক্রাইব আমালের এই কাজ চালললে যেলে
আরও অলনক যবশী উৎসালিে করলব। ধনযবাে 

Avcwb DcK…Z n‡j KvBÛwj Avgv‡`i P¨v‡bjwU mve¯ŒvBe K‡i Avmyb:

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