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1. Discreetization and principles

In order to solve the governing equations of the fluid motion, first their numerical analogue
must be generated. This is done by a process referred to as discretization. In the discretization
process, each term within the partial differential equation describing the flow is written in
such a manner that the computer can be programmed to calculate. There are various
techniques for numerical discretization.
a) Conservativeness
Integration of the convection–diffusion equation over a finite number of control volumes
yields a set of discretised conservation equations involving fluxes of the transported
property φ through control volume faces. To ensure conservation of φ for the whole
solution domain the flux of φ leaving a control volume across a certain face must be equal
to the flux of φ entering the adjacent control volume through the same face.
b) Boundedness
Diagonal dominance is a desirable feature for satisfying the ‘boundedness’ criterion. This
states that in the absence of sources the internal nodal values of property φ should be
bounded by its boundary values.
c) Transportiveness

2. Discretization techniques and comparison:

The main differences between the above three techniques include the followings. The finite
difference method and the finite volume method both produce the numerical equations at a
given point based on the values at neighboring points, whereas the finite element method
produces equations for each element independently of all the other elements. It is only when
the finite element equations are collected together and assembled into the global matrices
that the interaction between elements is taken into account.
Both FDM and FVM can apply the fixed-value boundary conditions by inserting the values
into the solution, but must modify the equations to take account of any derivative boundary
conditions. However, the finite element method takes care of derivative boundary conditions
when the element equations are formed and then the fixed values of variables must be
applied to the global matrices.
One advantage that the finite element method has is that the programs are written to create
matrices for each element, which are then assembled to form the global equations before the
whole problem is solved. Finite volume and finite difference programs, on the other hand, are
written to combine the setting up of the equations and their solution. The decoupling of these
two phases, in finite element programs, allows the programmer to keep the organization of
the program very clear and the addition of new element types is not a major problem. Adding
new cell types to a finite volume program can, however, be a major task involving a rewrite
of the program and so some finite volume programs can exhibit problems if they have
multiple cell types. The differences between the three techniques become more pronounced
once they are applied to two- and three-dimensional problems.
3. Grid and its types

A grid is a small-sized geometrical shape that covers the physical domain, whose objective is
to identify the discrete volumes or elements where conservation laws can be applied. Grid
generation is the first process involved in computing numerical solutions to the equations
that describe a physical process. The result of the solution depends upon the quality of grid.
A well-constructed grid can improve the quality of solution whereas, deviations from the
numerical solution can be observed with a poorly constructed grid.
There are three types of grids: structured grids, unstructured grids and block structured grids.
The simplest one is structured grid (fig 3). This type of grids, all nodes have the same number
of elements around it. We can describe and store them easily. But this type of grid is only for
the simple domain.
If we have a complex domain, we can use unstructured grid. For example, fig 4 is an airfoil.
The structure of airfoil is very complex. The flow near the object is very important and
complex, we need very fine grid at this region. Far away from the airfoil, the flow is
comparably simple, so we can use coarse grid. Generally, unstructured grid is suitable for all
geometries. It is very popular in CFD. The disadvantage is that because the data structure is
irregular, it is more difficult to describe and store them.
Block structure grid is a compromising of structured and unstructured grid. The idea is, firstly,
divide the domain into several blocks, then use different structured grids in different blocks.

4. Adaptive grid
A problem in solving partial differential equations using previous methods is that the grid is
constructed and the points are distributed in the physical domain before details of the
solution is known. So the grid may or may not be the best for the given problem.
Adaptive methods are used to improve the accuracy of the solutions. The adaptive method
is referred to as ‘h’ method if mesh refinement is used, ‘r’ method if the number of grid
point is fixed and not redistributed and ‘p’ if the order of solution scheme is increased in
finite-element theory. The multi dimensional problems using the equidistribution scheme
can be accomplished in several ways. The simplest to understand are the Poisson Grid
Generators with control function based on the equidistributional of the weight function
with the diffusion set as a multiple of desired cell volume. The equidistributional scheme
can also be applied to the unstructured problem. The problem is the connectivity hampers if
mesh point movement is very large.
Steady flow and the time-accurate flow calculation can be solved through this adaptive
method. The grid is refined and after a predetermined number of iteration in order to adapt
it in a steady flow problem. The grid will stop adjusting to the changes once the solution
converges. In time accurate case coupling of the Partial Differential Equations of the physical
problem and those describing the grid movement is required.

5. Need of grid generation & techniques

1. Algebric method

The grid generation by algebraic methods is done by using known functions in one,
two or three dimensions taking arbitrary shaped regions. The computational domain
might not be rectangular one, but for the sake of simplicity, the domain is taken to be
rectangular. The simplest procedure that may be used to produce boundary fitted
computational mesh is the normalization transformation.

2. Differential equation methods

Like algebraic methods, differential equation methods are also used to generate grids.
The advantage of using the partial differential equations (PDEs) is that the solution of
grid generating equations can be exploited to generate the mesh. Grid construction
can be done using all three classes of partial differential equations.

3. Elliptic schemes

Elliptic PDEs generally have very smooth solutions leading to smooth contours. Using
its smoothness as an advantage Laplace Equations can preferably be used because the
Jacobian found out to be positive as a result of maximum principle for harmonic

4. Hyperbolic schemes

This grid generation scheme is generally applicable to problems with open domains
consistent with the type of PDE describing the physical problem. The advantage
associated with Hyperbolic PDEs is that the governing equations need to be solved
only once for generating grid. The initial point distribution along with the approximate
boundary conditions forms the required input and the solution is the then marched

5. Parabolic schemes

The solving technique is similar to that of hyperbolic PDEs by advancing the solution
away from the initial data surface satisfying the boundary conditions at the end.
Nakamura (1982) and Edwards (1985) developed the basic ideas for parabolic grid
generation. The idea uses either of Laplace or the Poisson's equation and especially
treating the parts which controls elliptic behavior. The initial values are given as the
coordinates of the point along the surface and the advancing the solutions to the
outer surface of the object satisfying the boundary conditions along edges.

6. Types of boundary conditions

Intake boundary conditions

We are considering the case of an inlet perpendicular to the x-direction -

Fig.2 u-velocity cell at intake


For the first u, v, φ-cell all links to neighboringnodes are active,

so there is no need of any modifications to discretion
At one of the inlet node absolute pressure is fixed and made
pressure correction to zero at that node.
Generally computational fluid dynamicscodes estimate k and ε
with approximate formulate based on turbulent intensity
between 1 and 6% and length scale

Symmetry boundary condition

If flow across the boundary is zero:

Normal velocities are set to zero

Fig.3 v-velocity cell at intake
Scalar flux across the boundary is zero:

In this type of situations values of properties just adjacent to the

solution domain are taken as values at the nearest node just inside the

physical boundary conditions

Fig. 5 scalar cell at intake boundary

Consider situation solid wall parallel to the x-direction:

Fig.8 v-cell at physical boundary j=NJ

Fig.6 u-velocity cell at a physical


Fig.7 v-cell at physical boundary j=3

Assumptions made and relations considered-

The near wall flow is considered aslaminar and the velocity

varies linearly with distance from the wall
No slip condition: u = v = 0.
In this we are applying the “wall functions” instead of the
mesh points.
Turbulent flow:

in the log-law region of a turbulent boundary layer.

Fig.9 scalar cell at a physical Laminar flow :


No pressure gradients in the flow direction. Important points for applying wall functions:
High Reynolds number
No chemical reactions at the wall The velocity is constant along parallel to the wall and varies
only in the direction normal to the wall.
cyclic boundary condition
We take flux of flow leaving the outlet cycleoundary
b equal to the flux entering the inlet cycle
Values of each variable at the nodes at upstream and downstream of the inlet of the inlet plane
are equal to values at the nodes at upstream and downstream of the outlet plane.
Pressure boundary condition

These conditions are used

when we don’t know the exact
details of flow distribution but
boundary values of pressure
are known

For example: external flows

around objects, internal flows
with multiple outlets,
Fig.10 p’-cell at an intake boundary buoyancy-driven flows, free Fig. 11 p’-cell at an exit boundary

surface flows, etc.

The pressure corrections

are taken zero at the

exit boundary

Fig. 14 pressure correction cell at an

exit boundary
Fig.12 A control volume at an exit
In fully developed flow no changes occurs in flow direction, gradient
of all variables except pressure are zero in flow direction

The equations are solved for cells up to NI-1, outside the domain
values of flow variables are determined by extrapolation from the
interior by assuming zero gradients at the outlet plane

The outlet plane velocities with thecontinuity correction

Fig. 13 v-control volume at an exit


Fig.15 scalar cell at an exit boundary

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