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School Psychology Quarterly © 2010 American Psychological Association

2010, Vol. 25, No. 3, 178 –187 1045-3830/10/$12.00 DOI: 10.1037/a0021213

Effect of Music on Reading Comprehension of Junior

High School Students
Stacey A. Anderson and Gerald B. Fuller
Walden University

This quantitative study was an investigation of the effect of lyrical music on reading
comprehension by adolescents. Existing research has produced results that range from
concluding such distraction may be detrimental to finding it could be helpful. The
reading comprehension subtest of the Gates-MacGinitie Reading Tests, 4th edition
(MacGinitie, MacGinitie, Maria, & Dryer, 2000) was administered to 334 7th- and
8th-grade students. Testing was conducted under two conditions: a nonmusic environ-
ment, and with accompanying music comprising Billboard Magazine’s (2006) top hit
singles. Following the music portion of the test, students completed a survey to assess
any preference for or against listening to music while studying. Results of an analysis
of variance showed performance declined significantly when listening to music. A point
biserial correlation illustrated a pronounced detrimental effect on comprehension for
students exhibiting a stronger preference for listening to music while studying. Results
are important for understanding influences on study habits, with the goal of helping
educators and school psychologists design support systems tailored to the needs of

Keywords: reading comprehension, music, popular lyrical music, junior high school students,

One of the challenges of modern educational The purpose of the present study was to ex-
reform, as posited in scholarly literature (Lut- plore what impact, if any, listening to popular
trell & Parker, 2001; Rothstein & Jacobson, lyrical music while concurrently performing a
2006) and the popular press, is to improve the cognitively complex task might have on stu-
basic literacy of children and adolescents. How- dents’ comprehension of study material, and
ever, scores on national achievement tests indi- thus indirectly on basic literacy. Students often
cate students in recent years did not perform claim they can study effectively while listening
significantly better than did students in past to music (Patton, Stinard, & Routh, 1983). At
decades (Schneider, 2007). This is the case de- the same time, concerned educators and parents
spite numerous attempts by educators to im- intuitively believe listening to music might cre-
prove student reading and writing through ap- ate a distraction that could interfere with com-
proaches that have ranged from changing the prehension. In fact, research results are mixed.
physical conditions of the classroom (Hong, Oswald, Tremblay, and Jones (2000) found a
Milgram, & Rowell, 2004) to increasing stu- significant deterioration in reading comprehen-
dents’ motivation (Irwin, 2003) or their capacity sion when distracters such as music or speech
for self-regulation (Raffaelli, Crockett, & Shen, were present, whereas Hallam, Price, and Kat-
2005), to using music to promote adolescent sarou (2002) reported a beneficial effect. Boyle
identity development (Boehnke, Münch, & and Coltheart (1996) and Pool, Koolstra, and
Hoffmann, 2002). Van Der Voort (2003) claimed no clear effect of
music or verbal noise on performance. The
present study addressed these issues by testing
three hypotheses: (a) a difference exists be-
Stacey A. Anderson and Gerald B. Fuller, College of tween reading comprehension scores completed
Social and Behavioral Sciences, School of Psychology, in the environment without music and scores
Walden University, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Correspondence concerning this article should be ad-
obtained with lyrical music playing in the back-
dressed to Stacey A. Anderson, 11311 Stephanie Drive, ground; (b) a gender difference exists regarding
Yuma, AZ 85367. E-mail: the reading comprehension scores completed in

the environment without music and scores ob- found to be equally disruptive, suggesting that
tained with background music; and (c) a rela- distraction by speech may have complex ele-
tionship exists between degree of preference for ments, leading to a significant difference be-
studying with music and scores obtained on a tween distraction resulting from listening and
reading comprehension test completed in either that resulting from merely hearing. In terms of
the environment without music or with music adolescents studying with background music,
playing in the background. the findings by Oswald et al. suggest students
may attend to lyrics discriminately, varying
Background their attention when listening to familiar versus
unfamiliar lyrics, or to preferred musical artists
Researchers who have investigated the ef- versus those in which they have less interest.
fects of sound on comprehension have ap- Many of the relevant studies provide only
proached the problem from a variety of perspec- weak support for the idea that music can be
tives (Weinstein & Weinstein, 1979). A review distracting to students. For example, Boyle and
of relevant literature reveals two opposing the- Coltheart (1996) investigated the degree to
oretical perspectives with respect to the ques- which irrelevant sounds disrupted reading com-
tion of whether background music necessarily prehension and short-term memory tasks, and
distracts from cognitive tasks. Although many found lyrical as well as instrumental music af-
empirical studies appear to support the position fected performance of both types of tasks neg-
that distraction is likely, at least to some extent, atively, but not significantly. Paulhus, Aks, and
the opposite perspective thus far has not been Coren (1990) found a clear correlation between
conclusively discounted. visual and auditory distractibility, but no rela-
According to neuropsychological research, tionship between either type of distractibility
when an individual listens to music, the brain and performance. These researchers suggested
processes the lyrics and melodies independently adolescents’ responses to music may reflect the
(Besson, Faı̈ta, Peretz, Bonnel, & Requin, emotions invoked by music, rather than serve as
1998). This lends support to the notion that not proof music is a direct distraction.
only are these two types of listening competitive Pool et al. (2003) did not find support for the
functions, but they are likely to compete with hypothesis that music interferes with learning
additional demands on the brain, such as those when they looked at soap operas as the disrup-
posed by studying. Similarly, the limited capac- tive variable in a study of 8th-grade reading
ity model (Broadbent, 1958) has been cited as a comprehension. They reported that when stu-
framework to explain the negative effects of dents only heard the audio of an episode, they
competitive tasks on concentration. Proponents were not distracted, suggesting sound poses less
of the limited capacity model argue that at- competition than does visual imagery during
tempting to carry out two tasks that draw on comprehension tasks. This raises the question of
inherently limited cognitive resources will work whether the type of music selected influences
to the detriment of one or both (Pool et al., the extent to which the music itself arouses
2003). Pool et al. argued that attempting to attention. Furnham and colleagues also failed to
accomplish two tasks simultaneously exceeds a support this hypothesis through studies that pro-
person’s capacity for attention, while others duced conflicting results. In an early study, TV
contended that the decisive factor is not whether was found to significantly distract from perfor-
the cognitive capacity is exceeded, but rather mance (Furnham, Gunter, & Peterson, 1994),
that performance declines when both tasks in- whereas studying with music as the distracting
volve processing the same types of information element produced no positive or negative ef-
(Bourke, Duncan, & Nimmo-Smith, 1996). fects on performance when compared with per-
Various studies of reading comprehension in formance in quiet conditions, even when the
the presence of distractions have focused on music varied in complexity (Furnham & Allass,
understanding the cognitive and/or emotional 1999). Participants were college students, who
processes that occur while listening to music. might be expected to be less easily distracted
Oswald et al. (2000) studied the disruptive ef- than adolescents. However, in subsequent re-
fects of meaningful and meaningless speech on search, also with college students, Furnham and
comprehension. Both types of speech were Strbac (2002) compared the difference in dis-

traction between music and noise in the back- These researchers assessed student perceptions
ground while participants attempted a reading of the effects of TV, radio, or stereo on the
comprehension task and found both music and degree of distraction from reading, writing, and
noise were equally distracting. math tasks, and found nearly all participants
While most research has focused on deter- reported that no matter what the task, they usu-
mining the disruptive effect of music and other ally had the TV, radio, or stereo playing while
sounds while studying, some educators have they did homework. The students preferred a
explored the potential of music to enhance cog- quiet room for a reading assignment, but not
nitive performance. Savage (2001) found evi- necessarily for a math assignment or assignment
dence that listening comprehension and reading involving both reading and writing. Patton et al.
comprehension involve similar cognitive pro- found a clear difference between student per-
cesses, and posited this similarity implies the ceptions of the effects of distractions and the
tasks are not necessarily competitive, thus sup- decision to do homework with or without such
porting the notion that music could be educa- distractions. Students acknowledged that a quiet
tionally enhancing. The typical approach of room probably would be a better environment,
such research has been to introduce different but still preferred doing homework where a TV,
types of music as stimuli under experimental radio, or stereo was on, or where others were
conditions. For example, Hallam et al. (2002) present. Stålhammar (2003), who studied the
studied students’ perceptions of the characteris- spatial distinctions adolescents make during
tics of background classical instrumental music— music listening experiences, found students pre-
pleasant or unpleasant—while they performed ferred to listen in an individual space (i.e., alone
reading and computation tasks in a classroom or with headphones, rather than with peers)
environment and concluded that music influ- when they were feeling strongly about some-
enced performance through arousal and mood, thing, or when they wanted to relax or think,
rather than as a result of distraction. Although lending support to the idea that these student
the study was conducted in a classroom, the view music as enhancing their study habits.
authors acknowledged that the use of music in Little research is available that clarifies pos-
the home may be even more important to stu- sible gender differences in the context of the
dents’ learning, and suggested parents take an effects of music on academic performance, al-
active role in monitoring music when their chil- though a great deal has been written about the
dren are engaged in learning activities at home. influence of music on adolescent identity devel-
Carlson, Hoffman, Gray, and Thompson (2004) opment and the role of popular culture in that
took this premise a step further by using relax- development (Lowe, 2003), as well as the in-
ation exercises accompanied by music to deter- fluence of friends’ tastes and other social factors
mine whether reading performance could be on music preferences (Hurtes, 2002). One area
improved in a 3rd-grade classroom. The study, of research in particular, that focused on self-
which used a vibroacoustic chair that allowed regulation, holds relevance for the present
the student to feel the vibrations of the music, study. Raffaelli et al. (2005) found that girls had
did indeed demonstrate that relaxation with mu- better self-regulatory ability than boys, and that
sic can improve reading performance. this ability persisted from age 4 to 13. Self-
A body of research on homework sheds light regulation in the form of voluntary reading hab-
on the students’ perspective. Hong et al. (2004) its has been linked to female socialization prac-
offered a conceptual model of homework orga- tices that support reading and sharing books
nized along dimensions of motivation and pref- with others, and to male socialization practices
erences, including those related to surroundings, that link mothers, rather than fathers, with read-
including auditory, visual, tactile, kinesthetic, ing considered to be a girl’s thing, not a boy’s
and mobility qualities, and reported that moti- thing (Irwin, 2003). Thus, presumably, girls
vated and persistent students expressed a pref- would have a stronger ability than do boys to
erence for background sound while doing regulate their study habits and to determine
homework. Students with weaker motivation what could distract them and to avoid such
and a tendency to delay doing homework pre- distractions. Adolescents of both genders re-
ferred a quiet, dimly lit environment. Patton et portedly are more likely to listen to music than
al. (1983) reported somewhat different findings. to read, although both activities have been

shown to be associated with self-esteem and at large. All students in the study were regular/
social identity. Particularly for boys, peer iden- general education students and were proficient
tification is a critical factor often signaled by in speaking, reading, and writing English
music preference (Tarrant, 2002). (according to IDEA Proficiency Test and Ari-
In sum, while empirical studies of the effects zona English Language Learner Assessment
of music as a distracter on reading comprehen- scores) to rule out limitations of English lan-
sion performance are limited, a small body of guage learners. Students with hearing deficits
researchers has begun to establish some param- (as indicated in annual school health examina-
eters for the study of this relationship. Most tions) were not included in the study.
research in this area has proceeded from the
assumption that some deterioration in reading Instrumentation and Materials
performance will occur when distracters are
present; however, researchers are beginning to The students were assessed with the reading
realize that young people may not be distracted comprehension subtest of the Gates-MacGinitie
to the same degree or in the same way as older Reading Tests, fourth edition (GMRT-4;
adolescents and adults. To clarify this issue, the MacGinitie et al., 2000). Reading comprehen-
present study focused on junior high school sion test scores were chosen as the dependent
students. Existing experiential studies have in- variable to most closely represent the outcome
cluded a variety of variables (i.e., music as well of interest (i.e., students’ ability to acquire and
as different types of noise), and performance process new information). The reading compre-
tasks of varying degrees of difficulty (e.g., hension subtest is available in alternate but
homework, preparing for exams, writing, math, equivalent forms (i.e., S and T). Each form
visual search, short-term memory, and recall). contains 48 questions pertaining to 11 prose
When music is examined, it is typically in- texts that vary in length and span a wide range
strumental rather than lyrical, and thus not the of content chosen from a variety of published
music popular with today’s youth. The sources deemed appropriate for, yet not familiar
present study attempted to use the music most to students at the grade levels for which the test
likely sought out and listened to by adoles- was developed. Students were asked to read a
cents today and assessed their preferences for short narrative or expository text and answer a
the specific music selections. Moreover, mea- few multiple-choice questions (with 5 choices
surements used in most of the research re- per item). The test was administered by the
viewed tended to be subjective in nature (i.e., researcher under standard conditions, including
interviews, diaries, and self-reports). The a 35-min time limit.
present study administered a standard test of Estimates of the GMRT-4 alternate form’s
reading comprehension to determine effects reliability using the Kuder–Richardson For-
of lyrical music on learning. mula 20 (K-R 20) are high for total test scores
and range from 0.74 to 0.87 for the reading
Methods comprehension subtest. The GMRT-4 has
strong internal consistency levels for both the
Participants total test and reading comprehension subtest,
with coefficient values of 0.90 or higher (John-
Data for this study were obtained from 334 son, 2005). Content validity was established
7th- and 8th-grade students. Gender was fairly through careful item development, including
equivalent in representation, and included 172 statistical analyses with the Mantel-Haenszel
boys (51.5%) and 162 girls (48.5%), of which Measure of Differential Item Functioning, and
198 (59.3%) were in the 7th grade and 136 consultation with an expert panel to eliminate
(40.7%) were 8th graders. Students were se- gender and ethnic bias (Flippo & Caverly,
lected from five public junior high schools in 2008). Additional technical information can be
southwestern Arizona. Of the participating stu- obtained from the publisher (MacGinitie,
dents, 64.6% were Hispanic, 30.5% were MacGinitie, Maria, & Dreyer, 2008).
White, 2.8% were Black, 1.0% were American A brief survey of student study habits and
Indian, and 1.0% were Asian; this ethnic distri- music preferences, developed by the researcher,
bution reflected the district’s student population was administered following the session in

which music was played. Participants were Dees Weekly Top 40, and American Top 40
asked to rate the degree to which they appreci- with Ryan Seacrest. The 9 songs chosen for the
ated hearing each of the nine songs played, study (Table 3) were actually from the top 20 on
using a Likert-type scale ranging from 5 ⫽ the designated charts. Songs chosen were
strongly liked to 1 ⫽ strongly disliked, as well screened for appropriateness and did not contain
as to indicate a general preference for studying fowl language or explicit lyrics.
with (or without) music. A pilot survey was
administered to 52 7th- and 8th-grade students Data Collection Procedures
prior to the experiment. The students were ran-
domly chosen from two homeroom classes in Raw scores from the standardized reading
two different junior high schools and were comprehension subtest were obtained during
asked to read and respond to the 11 items on the study hall periods, under two different environ-
survey; they did not hear the music selections. mental conditions: (a) a typical (nonmusic)
Results of the pilot indicated that of the 52 study hall classroom, and (b) the same room,
students, 41 (79%) reported they liked to listen but with lyrical music playing in the back-
to music while studying. When asked about ground at a preset volume. Given that the in-
preferences for specific music listed in the sur- strumentation included two parallel forms of the
vey, a majority (37, or 71%) indicated they did reading comprehension subtest and two envi-
enjoy listening to those music selections (i.e., ronmental conditions, the participants were ran-
they chose 5 ⫽ strongly agree or 4 ⫽ agree). domly assigned to one of four groups. Each
These findings are consistent with research find- group participated in the study over 2 days, with
ing that most adolescents study with music a mean time of 1 day between study sessions, as
playing in the background (Patton et al., 1983). a counterbalancing technique. The rationale for
The fact that most of the students in the pilot conducting the two sessions a day apart was to
reported liking the musical selections listed in reduce any effects caused by differences in stu-
the survey supported the supposition that this dents’ mood, anxiety level, or response to other
type of music is typically listened to by these factors in the environment. Table 1 presents the
students. schedule for all four groups, showing which
The music that was played in the background environment they experienced and which form
during the study sessions consisted of top hit of the reading comprehension subtest they took
songs listed in Billboard Magazine for the week on each day.
the study was conducted. The top hit 100 sin- During the study session in which music was
gles reflect sales and the number of times songs played in the background, nine songs were
are played on national radio stations. The deci- played over the duration (35 min). The music,
sion to use top hit music, rather than a specific previously recorded on a single disk by a pro-
genre of music, was based on the assumption fessional disk jockey, was played via a Bose
that participants most likely would be aware of Wave Radio/CD unit over the school’s public
and familiar with the selections, whether or not address system at a preset volume of approxi-
they reflected top hits played by local radio mately 75 decibels. This volume was selected
stations or the participants’ personal tastes for after careful consideration of prior research,
such music. The top songs chosen from the which intimated that more intense noise was
Billboard charts were very similar to those associated with greater difficulty in the comple-
listed in other top charts, such as MTV, Rick tion of a task. The purpose of the study was not

Table 1
Schedule of Experimental Sessions
Day Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4
1 Form S Form S Form T Form T
No music With music No music With music
2 Form T Form T Form S Form S
With music No music With music No music

to test the loudness effect, but to examine the significant, F(1, 332) ⫽ 193.60, p ⫽ .001 (Ta-
content effect of lyrical music; hence, the selec- ble 3). Overall, nearly three-quarters of the stu-
tion of the moderate playback level of 75 deci- dents (74.5%) did less well on the reading com-
bels. The volume was monitored with a sound prehension test while listening to lyrical music
level meter. in the background (M ⫽ ⫺4.07, SD ⫽ 5.35),
The instrument was administered by a certi- compared with students in the quiet environ-
fied school psychologist with 20 years of expe- ment. Therefore, the hypothesis that a differ-
rience as a teacher and school psychologist, ence exists between reading comprehension
working on a doctoral degree. The evaluator scores in the environments with and without
obtained training with the GMRT-4 via a work- music was accepted.
shop, and was familiar with the GMRT since its Girls had a greater decline in scores under
second edition. Informed consent was obtained the music environment compared with the
from all participants’ parents. The consent in- nonmusic environment (M ⫽ ⫺5.01) than did
troduced the study and examiner, provided boys (M ⫽ ⫺3.20; Table 2), and this differ-
background information and procedures, ex- ence was significant, F(1, 332) ⫽ 9.72, p ⫽
plained that the study was voluntary, listed any .002 (Table 4). Therefore, the hypothesis that
potential risks or benefits, stated that no com- a gender difference exists regarding reading
pensation would be given, clarified confidenti- comprehension scores in the environments with
ality, gave contact information for questions, and without music was accepted.
and was signed by each student and his or her The students’ total music preference score
parent(s) prior to the study. The teachers and was negatively related to reading comprehen-
evaluator also provided students with informa- sion in the nonmusic environment, r(332) ⫽
tion prior to testing, and explained the outcomes ⫺.12, p ⫽ .03 (Table 5). However, the total
of the study afterward. music preference score was not correlated with
the reading comprehension difference score
Results (music vs. no music), r(332) ⫽ .05, p ⫽ .34, or
with the reading comprehension score in the
A within-subjects analysis of variance music environment, r(332) ⫽ ⫺.09, p ⫽ .10.
(ANOVA) was used to compare how students Therefore, the hypothesis that a relationship ex-
performed in the two environmental conditions. A ists between degree of preference for studying
one-way ANOVA was used to compare differ- with music and reading comprehension scores
ence in reading comprehension scores between in environments with and without music was
males and females under both study conditions. partially accepted. Females had a greater pref-
Finally, a series of point biserial correlations was erence for listening to music when studying
performed to address the relationship between than did males (rpb ⫽ .28, p ⫽ .001). Females
students’ preferences and reading comprehen- also had significantly higher ratings for 7 of
sion performance. the 10 individual music preference items, com-
Across all four experimental groups, the mu- pared with the ratings by males. In addition,
sic environment score was lower than the non- students who were in more agreement with a
music environment score (M ⫽ 26.49 vs. statement asking if they liked to listen to music
M ⫽ 30.56; Table 2), and this difference was while studying had lower reading comprehen-

Table 2
Difference in Comprehension Based on Presence of Music, Descriptive Statistics
Variable Gender n M SD
No Music Score Male 172 29.70 11.00
Female 162 31.47 9.24
Total 334 30.56 10.21
Music Score Male 172 26.50 11.14
Female 162 26.46 10.26
Total 334 26.49 10.70

Table 3
Difference in Reading Comprehension Scores, Based on Presence of Music,
Within-Subjects Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Test
Source SS df MS F p ␩2
Condition 2772.94 1 2772.94 193.60 .001 .61
Error 4769.56 332 14.32
Total 7542.50 333

sion scores in the nonmusic environment, deflecting from the test or of the impact the
r(332) ⫽ ⫺.19, p ⫽ .001, as well as in the music had on their mental activities. These stu-
music environment, r(332) ⫽ ⫺.13, p ⫽ .01, dents may be so accustomed to reading and
than did students who reported that they typi- studying with music that it does not occur to
cally preferred not to listen to music while them they might comprehend better without the
studying. background distraction.
Most students who reported a preference for
Discussion studying with music performed more poorly
with and without background music than did
Results of the present study support the as- those who preferred to study in quiet surround-
sumption that studying while listening to music ings. The presence of a small group of students
detracts from the reading performance of ado- who read at least as effectively while listening
lescents. As such, the findings contribute to the to music helps explain why research findings to
body of existing research, which has produced date have been inconsistent. It is possible these
inconclusive results about whether listening to students have developed cognitive strategies
music interferes with students’ study habits. that enable them to focus on study tasks despite
This study was notable because the focus was competing background stimuli. Most students,
on adolescents, who have been underrepre- however, require an intervention to achieve this
sented in related empirical studies. It also stands aim. For example, capitalizing on activities that
out in that gender differences were included, are popular with adolescents, such as journal
and the music was deliberately selected to re- keeping, can offer a channel for raising aware-
flect the musical genres popular with the target ness about study habits and monitoring change
age group and what they would most likely over time. The powerful influence of the peer
listen to independently or with friends. group can be harnessed in group interventions
The reading comprehension of three-quarters to enhance study skills and techniques.
of the students in this study declined signifi- These results support the idea that lyrical
cantly when listening to music, compared with music and written text are competing stimuli, as
their performance in a quiet setting. The detri- stated by Pool et al. (2003), as well as the theory
mental effect on comprehension of material was that people discriminately attend to sounds (Os-
more pronounced for students who had a stron- wald et al., 2000). In the current study, it is
ger preference for the music used in this study possible students discriminately attended to the
and for listening to music while studying. A lyrics, varying their attention depending on
striking implication is that these students were whether they were listening to songs and artists
unaware of the amount of attention they were they liked or did not like. Further study would

Table 4
Comparison of Music Difference Score, by Gender
Source SS df MS F p ␩2
Gender 271.10 1 271.10 9.72 .002 .17
Error 9264.87 332 27.91
Total 9535.98 333
Note. Difference ⫽ Music environment score versus no music environment score.

Table 5
Point Biserial Correlations for Selected Variables
No music score Music score Gendera

Total music preference ⫺.12 ⫺.09 .28ⴱⴱⴱⴱ
Q1. When I study, I like to listen to music ⫺.19ⴱⴱⴱⴱ ⫺.13ⴱⴱ .16ⴱⴱⴱ
Q2. SOS (Rescue Me), by Rihanna ⫺.13ⴱ ⫺.13ⴱ .36ⴱⴱⴱⴱ
Q3. Bad Day, by Daniel Powter ⫺.03 .02 .20ⴱⴱⴱⴱ
Q4. Unwritten, by Natasha Bedingfield ⫺.03 ⫺.02 .36ⴱⴱⴱⴱ
Q5. What Hurts the Most, by Rascal Flatts ⫺.02 .02 .24ⴱⴱⴱⴱ
Q6. Walk Away, by Kelly Clarkson ⫺.09 ⫺.08 .39ⴱⴱⴱⴱ
Q7. Move Along, by The All-American Rejects .01 .05 .07
Q8. Grillz, by Nelly ⫺.30ⴱⴱⴱⴱ ⫺.28ⴱⴱⴱ .05
Q9. Savin Me, by Nickleback ⫺.06 ⫺.03 .05
Q10. Over My Head (Cable Car), by the Fray ⫺.03 ⫺.03 .11ⴱ
Gender: 1 ⫽ male, 2 ⫽ female.

p ⫽ .05. ⴱⴱ p ⫽ .01. ⴱⴱⴱ p ⫽ .005. ⴱⴱⴱⴱ
p ⫽ .001.

be needed to determine the differential effects same time, they can take advantage of adoles-
of various potential sources of distraction, such cent girls’ propensity for social interaction,
as whether students would have been less dis- which suggest that group sessions and peer
tracted by other genres of music (e.g., jazz, coaching may be among the techniques that
country, alternative, classical, rap) than by pop- could prove effective with this group.
ular lyrical music. Another possible explanation The results of this study raise practical issues
for the results of this study is that, rather than with respect to student’s awareness of their in-
the music distracting students from reading, dividual study habits. Educators and parents
they might rely on background music because may need to help a sizable group of students,
they are already disengaged from the material. specifically those who prefer to study while
In that case, further research could look at the listening to music and are unaware of the extent
correlations between students’ perception of the to which they are distracted, develop a reper-
relevance of educational content and their ten- toire of cognitive skills and strategies to reduce
dency to become distracted. distractibility and improve concentration and
Self-efficacy theory may explain the gender attention. To expect that adolescents will alter
difference, given that sources have suggested study habits without interventions that consider
girls have higher self-efficacy for reading than individual developmental level and social and
do boys (Horner & Shwery, 2002; Pajares, personal preferences is unrealistic. Thus, a first
2002). Because high self-efficacy sometimes re- remedial step would be for educators and par-
sults in an overestimation of one’s abilities, it is ents to assist students in becoming aware of
possible that girls overestimated their ability to their habits, and of the effect those habits have
read or study successfully while listening to on academic performance. School psychologists
music. Studies also have suggested that adoles- can be alert to students who may have issues in
cents typically prefer listening to music they this area, and can consult with teachers and
view as being socially accepted within a group parents to make sure students hone their study
of peers (Hurtes, 2002; Tarrant, 2002). This and homework habits.
trend appears to be gender related. Tarrant One limitation of the study is that the reading
found 81% of 14- and 15-year-old girls reported ability and possible attentional deficits of stu-
they listened to music as a leisure activity with dents, which could have influenced their com-
a peer group, compared with only 48% of boys prehension scores, were not assessed. In addi-
who did so. The detrimental effect of music on tion, various environmental factors (e.g., time
the girls’ reading performance in the current of day, volume of the music) and individual
study implies that educators need to be aware of factors (e.g., students’ moods) were assumed
adolescent girls’ potentially greater distractibil- not to have a significant influence on the results.
ity and plan interventions accordingly. At the Finally, this study used only one experimental

condition of music, and students in other set- European Journal of Personality, 13, 27–38. doi:
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