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& Discrimination
OCN Level 2
Booklet 1

Name: Adam McIntyre

Group: Our City, Our Story
Date: 3/4/20

Assessment Criteria

AC 1.1 Describe what is meant by the term Prejudice

Prejudice is pre judging someone. It is mostly a negative opinion or attitude towards a certain
Individual or group of people.
Describe what is meant by the term Discrimination

Discrimination is acting on your prejudice. It is treating someone inferiorly to you based on your attitude
or perception of them.

AC 1.2 Explain THREE stereotypes linked to prejudice.

Prejudice stereotypes:
Example 1: All Asians are good at math.

The belief that all Asians are good at math is incredibly damaging as it makes Asian people who
Might struggle with mathematics feel inferior and belittled, and even as if they aren’t good enough.
Anybody can be good, or bad at maths, regardless of ethnicity.

Example 2: All women are bad drivers.

The belief that all women are bad drivers is incredibly damaging as it might influence men in power of
driving tests, whether written test, or on the road test, feel as though a woman doesn’t deserve to drive
as much as a man does. It also creates the thought that a woman can put others at risk on the road, more
than men, which is ridiculous.
Anybody can be good, or bad at driving, regardless of gender.

Example 3: All people of colour are violent.

The belief that all people of colour are violent is incredibly damaging as it might influence someone of
another race to act out violently against them / their community. It might also provide fuel for somebody
to be racist, or falsely accuse them of doing something they haven’t.
Anybody can be violent, regardless of anything.

Explain THREE stereotypes linked to discrimination.

Discrimination stereotypes:
Example 1: All overweight people are lazy.

The belief that all overweight are lazy is incredibly damaging as it might make people who are overweight
believe they are lazy, even if they life a healthy lifestyle. It might also influence people to treat them
as inferior, force them to eat ‘healthy’ food, and belittle them.
Anybody can be overweight, while it can be based on diet, a lot of the time it depends on health conditions.

Example 2: Americans are loud, stupid and arrogant.

The belief that all Americans are loud, stupid and arrogant is incredibly damaging as it groups an entire
country into one bracket, just because you have negative opinions on some of them you see in the media.
normally the media will show less than intelligent Americans to highlight the problems in the country
and when people run with that and say they are all the same, it leaves the smart Americans, not loud,
not arrogant Americans feeling neglected. It might make people treat them inferior, and dumb the
conversations down when talking to an American.
Anybody can be loud, ‘stupid’ or arrogant, it doesn’t happen to just an entire country.

Example 3: All women belong in the kitchen.

The belief that all women belong in the kitchen is so incredibly damaging as it forces a certain role and job onto
women, just because of a dated constricted way women were forced to live. This belief allows men to treat
women as property, and somebody who is supposed to serve them, not be their own person. It also makes
women feel bad when trying to succeed their own careers and interests when they have people believing they
belong in the kitchen making food, for their husband and children.
Anybody can go cook / bake food. It is not just a woman’s ‘job.’

Learner Signature: Date: 3/4/20

Assessor Signature: _____________________________ Date: ______________________

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