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Unit 1

Have got – verbul “a avea”

Verbul a avea are doua forme – have si have got.
Nu exista o diferenta de sens intre cele doua forme, dar in engleza britanica se utilizeaza, in
general, forma have got cand discutam despre trasaturile fizice ale unei persoane sau cand
vorbim despre dureri, simptome, traume si afectiuni.

Have got - Forma afirmativa

I (eu) have got

You (tu/ voi)
We (noi)
They (ei/ ele)
He / She/ It has got
(el/ ea)

I haven’t (have not) got

He / hasn’t (has not) got
She/ It

Have I got?
Has he / she / it got?

Short answers:
Have you got …?Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.
Has he (she) got …? Yes, he (she) has / No, he (she) hasn’t.

Have got se prescurteaza ‘ve got. E.g.: I’ve got = I have got (eu am)
Has got se prescurteaza ‘s got. E.g: He’s got = He has got (el are)

Have got for physical appearance. Examples:

I have got (I’ve got) blue eyes and short brown hair. (Eu am ochi albastri si parul scurt, saten)
He has got (He’s got) green eyes and long dark hair.
I haven’t got curly red hair
She hasn’t got black eyes
Observati ca adjectivele stau inaintea substantivelor si ca, atunci cand avem mai multe adjective,
intai exprimam marimea, apoi culoarea. De ex: short brown hair. (Nu punem virgula intre
adjectivele care exprima marimea si cele care exprima culoarea).

Hair: - long, short, medium;
- curly, straight, wavy
- dark, fair (blond, deschis la culoare), blonde, brown, red
Eyes: green, blue, brown, black

Exercise 1 – physical appearance

Translate into English:
a) El are ochii negri si parul scurt, blond
He has got black eyes and short blond hair.
b) Eu am ochii verzi si parul lung, saten
I have got green eyes and long brown hair.
c) Ea nu are ochii albastri si parul de marime medie (medium), roscat
She hasn’t got blue eyes and medium red hair.
d) Tu nu ai ochii caprui (brown) si parul carliontat, negru (dark)
You haven’t got brown eyes and curly dark hair.
e) Ei au ochii negri si parul scurt, saten
They have got black eyes and short brown hair.

Have got for aches and pains

In limba englea folosim doua substantive pentru a exprima durerea: ache si pain. Nu avem o
diferenta de sens intre ele, ci de locatie.
Il folosim pe ache pentru durerile de cap, stomac, spate, ureche si dinti, iar pe pain pentru toate
celelalte. Substantivul back (spate), accepta si ache, si pain.

1. Ache: - a headache (durere de cap): I’ve got a headache;

- a stomachache (durere de stomach): He’s got a stomachache;
- toothache (durere de dinti): She’s got toothache
- backache (durere de spate): You’ve got backache. (=You’ve got a back pain)
- earache (durere de urechi): I haven’t got earache.

Observati ca substantivele compuse toothache, backache si earache nu primesc articolul “a”,

iar earache si toothache folosesc partea corpului la singular (tooth, ear).

2. Pain: I’ve got a pain in my leg

You’ve got a pain in your chest
He’s got a pain in his arm
She’s got a pain in her knee
I haven’t got a pain in my chest
He hasn’t got a pain in his leg

Observati ca folosim adjectivul posesiv (in my leg; in your chest) cand mentionam locatia

Symptoms for a cold / flu/ hay fever

-flu = gripa

-a cold = raceala
-hay fever = rinita alergica
a runny nose (nas care curge)
a stuffy nose (nas nfundat)
a headache (durere de cap)
a sore throat (durere in gat / gat inflamat)
high temperature (temperature ridicata)
a cough (tuse)
aching muscles / muscle pains (dureri musculare)
red / sore eyes (ochi inrositi / inflamati)
sneezing (+ vb. to be) - stranut

E.g. I’ve got a runny nose

You’ve got a sore throat
He’s got high temperature
I’m / You’re/ He’s sneezing

Physical trauma (Trauma fizica)

A fracture (subst.) = fractura (a finger fracture)
Fractured (adj)= fracturat (a fractured finger)
A broken leg / arm = picior / brat rupt
A bruise (on my arm) = vanataie
Bruised (adj.) = invinetit (a bruised leg)
A cut (in my finger) = taietura
A burn = arsura
A black eye = ochi invinetit
A head injury = traumatism cranian
A sprain = entorsa
Sprained (adj) = sucit, luxat (a sprained ankle)
Twisted = sprained
A dislocated shoulder = umar dislocat

I’ve got a broken leg

She hasn’t got a dislocated shoulder

Exercise 2 – aches, pains, common symptoms

a) I’ve got a terrible stomachache
Am o durere teribila de stomac.
b) He’s got a bad headache
El are o durere de cap puternica.
c) She hasn’t got a pain in her knee
Ea nu are nicio durere la genunchi.
d) They’ve got high temperature
Ei au temperatura ridicata.

e) You haven’t got a sore throat
Tu nu ai gatul inflamat.

f) El nu are o durere de dinti

He hasn’t got toothache.
g) Tu ai o durere la picior
You haven’t got a pain in your leg.
h) Eu nu am o durere in piept
I haven’t got a pain in my chest.
i) Noi avem o tuse rea / groaznica
We have a bad cough.
j) Ea stranuta
She sneezing.

Exercise 3 – physical trauma

a) She’s got a broken arm
Ea are un brat rupt.
b) You haven’t got a sprained wrist
Tu nu ai incheietura luxata.
c) He hasn’t got a bruise on his leg
El nu are o vanataie pe picior.
d) I’ve got a rib fracture
Eu am o coasta fracturata.
e) You’ve got a black eye
Tu ai un ochi invinetit.

Unit 2

Can for expressing abilities

Can / can’t este un verb modal care exprima abilitatea de a face un lucru sau o activitate.
Este urmat de infinitivul scurt (fara “to”)
Are aceeasi forma la toate persoanele.

Ex: I can swim = Eu pot (stiu) sa inot

He can swim = el poate sa inoate
Can’t (cannot) este forma negativa

Forma afirmativa
You can
He / she / it dance

Forma negativa

You can’t
He / she / it dance

Forma interogativa
Can she cook?

What can you do?
he / she / it

Short answers: Can you…? Yes, I can. No, I can’t.

Can he (she)…? Yes, he (she) can. No, he (she) can’t.

Exercise 1

What can you do? (leisure time activities)

Complete the questions and answer with Yes, I can / No, I can’t. Use the following
words: use, speak, drive, play, cook, ride.

E.g: Can you play the piano?

No, I can’t

1. Can you speak any other languages?

Yes, I can.
2. Can you play the guitar?
No, I can’t.

3. Can you ride a motorbike?

No, I can’t.

4. Can you use a computer?

Yes, I can.

5. Can you cook Italian food?
Yes, I can.

6. Can you drive a car?

Yes, I can.

Can + medical procedures

What medical procedures can you do?

We may use “can” to express what medical procedures we know how to do.

Vocabulary lists:

1. NURSES can:
- Observe patients (a consulta pacientii)
- Weigh and measure patients (a masura greutatea si inaltimea pacientilor)
- Counsel patients and their relatives (a consola pacientii si rudele acestora)
- Administer injections/ medication/ drips/ blood transfusions (a administra
injectii/medicamente/picaturi/transfuzii de sange)
- Take temperature/ blood pressure/ pulse/ blood samples (a masura temperature/ presiunea
sangelui/pulsul/ a lua analize de sange)
- Clean and dress wounds (a curata si dezinfecta ranile)
- Bandage (a bandaja)
- Splint (a pune atele)
- Prepare instruments (pregati instrumentele/ustensilele)
- Operate equipment (a lucra cu echipament medical)
- Write in the chart (a scrie in table/foaie de lucru/foaie de observatie)
- Take the patient to a ward / department (radiology) (a transporta pacientul la o sectie)

2. DOCTORS can:
- Diagnose disease (a pune diagnostice)
- Prescribe medication (a prescrie medicamente/reteta)
- Listen to the chest (a asculta pieptul/plamanii)
- Do physical examinations (a face consultatii / examenul fizic)
- Check eyes or ears (a verifica/consulta ochii si urechile)
- Advise patients (a sfatui/indruma pacientii
- Refer patients to hospital specialists (a trimite pacientii la doctori specialisti)
- Operate patients (a opera pacientii)
- Check / look at an MRI (an x-ray, a CT scan) (a interpreta un RM, raze-x sau Computer

Exercise 2

Translate the procedures from the lists above.

Put the procedures (from the nurses’ list) into the columns: “I can” and “I can’t”. Then make
true sentences. For instance: I can take temperature. I can’t administer drips

I can observe patients
I can’t administer
I can weigh and
measure patients
I can counsel patients
and their relatives
I can administer
medication/ drips/
blood transfusions
I can take temperature/
blood pressure/ pulse/
blood samples
I can clean and dress
I can bandage

I can splint

I can prepare
I can operate
I can write in the chart

I can take the patient

to a ward / department

Exercise 3

Answer the following questions. Give true answers:

E.g. Can you prepare instruments?

a) “Yes, I can but I can’t …(take blood pressure).

b) “No, I can’t but I can… (administer an injection).

Can you administer injections?

No, I can’t administer injections , but I can administer medication.

Can you take blood pressure?

Yes, I can take blood pressure, but I can’t diagnose disease.
Can you administer drips?
Yes, I can administer drips, but I can’t listen to the chest.

Can you clean and dress wounds?

Yes, I can clean and dress wounds, but I can’t operate patients.

Can you take blood samples?

No, I can’t take blood samples, but I can prepare instruments.

Unit 3
Present Simple

Prezentul Simplu exprima obiceiuri, actiuni repetate in present (activitati de rutina), un fapt /
o situatie care este mereu adevarat (-a) sau este valabil (-a) o perioada lunga de timp
Ex: He has coffee for breakfast (repeated action, daily routine)
She works in a bank. (for a longer period of time in the present)

La forma afirmativa (pozitiva), la persoana a III-a sg (he, she, it), majoritatea verbelor primesc
terminatia –s
I sg III sg
I wear – He wears
I speak – She speaks
I live – John lives (subst “John” poate fi inlocuit cu pron pers de pers a III-a sg – he)
Ex: I live – he lives
Obs. “have” este neregulat. La pers a III-a sg avem forma “has”, nu haves

Ex: She has a dog sau Liz has a dog

Forma negativa: Subiect + do / does (pers.III sg) + not + verb

Ex: I do not go
He does not go
Do not se prescurteaza don’t : I don’t go
Does not se prescurteaza doesn’t : He doesn’t go

Forma interogativa: Do / Does (pers.III sg) + subiect + verb ?

Do you go to school?
Does he live in Australia?
Does she work in a hospital?
Short answers
Do you…? - Yes, I do
Does he…? - Yes, he does
Does she…? - Yes, she does
Do they…? - Yes, they do

Reguli de constructie a prezentului simplu la pers a III-a sg

(Sunt similare regulilor de formare a pluralului substantivelor)
a. Majoritatea verbelor primesc terminatia –s la pers a III-a sg
Ex: I look – he looks
b. Dar verbele terminate in o, x, ss, sh, ch, tch primesc terminatia –es
Ex: I go – She goes
I watch –She watches
Obs. “ have” este neregulat: I have – He / She / It has

Conjugarea verbului la prezentul simplu

Forma afirmativa
You start
They at 6.30
She starts

Forma negativa
You don’t
They start at 6.30
She doesn’t


Forma interogativa

he have a camera?
Does she

do You
When We start?
Does She

Short answers
Do you have a camera?
Yes, I do / No, I don’t

Do they have a camera?

Yes, they do / No, they don’t

Does he have a camera?

Yes, he does / No, he doesn’t

Adverbe de frecventa si expresii de timp

Verbele la prezentul simplu pot fi insotite in propozitie de un adverb care indica frecventa
usually = de obicei
sometimes = uneori
never = niciodata
always = intotdeauna
often = des

Ex: I always have breakfast at 8.00

She never eats meat

I usually go to bed at about 11.00
We sometimes play football on Saturdays.

Exemple de expresii de timp:

Every day/ week/ year
in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening; in winter; in July
at lunch, at the weekend
at 9 o’çlock, at 6 a.m./ p.m., at half past seven (7.30)
on Saturday, on Friday evening

Expresiile de timp pot sta la inceputul sau la finalul propozitiei:

In the morning I go to school. / I go to school in the morning
He goes skiing in winter. / In winter he goes skiing

Daily routine (Rutina zilnica)

Activitati de rutina. Expresii
- Have a shower / a bath
- Have breakfast / lunch / dinner
- Go to school / to work / to bed
- Go home
- Leave school / work / my flat
- Get up
- Watch tv
- Read a book
- Read the news online
- Get dressed
- Play football
- Go to the gym/ to the park/ to the cinema
- Go for a walk
- Go shopping
- Listen to music
- Visit my friends
- Cook my dinner / my lunch

E.g I have a shower in the morning

You play football on Fridays
He has breakfast at 7 a.m.
She goes shopping every day

Exercise 1
Conjugati verbul “read” la Present Simple, la cele 3 forme (afirmativa, negativa,

I read I do not read Do I read?
You read You don not read Do you read?
He/She/It is reading He/She/It does not read Does he/she/it read?
We are reading We do not read Do we read?
You are reading You do not read Do you read?
They are reading They do not read Do they read?

Exercise 2
Scrieti 8 propozitii cu activitati de rutina si cu expresii de timp. Folositi persoane diferite
E.g. She goes to work at half past eight
You watch TV in the evening

1. I watch my favourite cartoon everyday in the afternoon.

2. You follow Math classes every Tuesday at half past eleven.
3. Brian goes to football practice at half past nine.
4. Laura takes breakfast at eight AM every day.
5. The serial it starts every day at seven o’clock in the afternoon.
6. We go to school daily
7. You and the rest of the class should do the exercises better next course.
8. They visit their relatives every Sunday.

Unit 4

Radiology is a medical specialty that uses images to diagnose disease. In the hospital, the
radiology department is often one of the first places physicians turn to for diagnosis. Physicians
who specialize in radiology are called radiologists. Radiology is divided up into several fields:
1. Diagnostic radiology uses imaging to diagnose disease
2. Interventional radiology uses imaging to guide procedures
3. Radiation therapy uses radiation to treat diseases
The radiology department provides many services. Some of them include the following:
a) X-rays, which are used to evaluate bony structures and soft tissue
b) CT scans, which use x-rays and computers to make 3-D images of soft tissues
c) Ultrasounds, which use high-frequency waves to take pictures of the body. They are used
to see soft tissue structures in real time, without dangerous radiation

d) MRI scans, which use a magnetic field to take pictures of the body. They give the best
images of soft tissue structures but the patient must stay still for a long period of time
e) Angiograms, which are used to evaluate the blood vessels
f) Mammograms, which take pictures of the breast

Vocabulary: physician = medic specialist; radiologist = medic radiolog; bony structures =

structuri osoase; soft tissue = tesut moale; high-frequency waves = unde de inalta frecventa;
magnetic field = camp magnetic

Task 1: Read and translate the article

Radiologia este o specialitate medicală care utilizează imagini pentru diagnosticarea

bolilor. În spital, departamentul de radiologie este adesea unul dintre primele locuri la care
medicii recurg pentru diagnostic. Medicii care se specializează în radiologie sunt numiți
radiologi. Radiologia este împărțită în mai multe domenii:
1. Radiologia de diagnostic foloseste imagistica pentru diagnosticarea bolii
2. Radiologia intervențională utilizează imagistica pentru a orienta procedurile
3. Terapia de radiatie foloseste radiatii pentru tratarea bolilor
Departamentul de radiologie oferă multe servicii. Unele dintre acestea includ următoarele:

A) Raze X, utilizate pentru evaluarea structurilor osoase și a țesutului moale

B) Scanări CT, care utilizează raze X și calculatoare pentru a realiza imagini de 3-D ale
țesuturilor moi
c) Ultrasunete, care utilizează unde de înaltă frecvență pentru a face fotografii ale corpului.
Acestea sunt utilizate pentru a vedea structurile de țesut moale în timp real, fără radiații
D) Scanări RMN, care utilizează un câmp magnetic pentru a realiza fotografii ale corpului.
Acestea oferă cele mai bune imagini ale structurilor de țesut moale, dar pacientul trebuie să
rămână nemișcat o perioadă lungă de timp
E) Angiograme, utilizate pentru evaluarea vaselor de sânge
F) Mamografie, care face fotografii ale sânului
Task 2: Answer the following questions:
a) What tests are performed in the radiology department?
Radiology is the medical discipline that uses medical imaging to diagnose and treat diseases
within the bodies of animals, including humans.

A variety of imaging techniques such as X-ray radiography, ultrasound, computed

tomography (CT), nuclear medicine including positron emission tomography (PET), and
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are used to diagnose or treat diseases. Interventional
radiology is the performance of usually minimally invasive medical procedures with the
guidance of imaging technologies such as those mentioned above.

b) What are the three radiology fields?

c) What are the differences between an MRI scan and a CT scan?
CT scan vs. MRI
CT scans are more widely used than MRIs and are typically less expensive.

MRIs, however, are thought to be superior in regards to the detail of the image. The most
notable difference is that CT scans use X-rays while MRIs do not.

Other differences between MRI and CT scans include their risks and benefits:

Both CT scans and MRIs pose some risks when used. The risks are based on the type of
imaging as well as how the imaging is performed.

CT scan risks include:

harm to unborn babies

a very small dose of radiation
a potential reaction to the use of dyes
MRI risks include:

possible reactions to metals due to magnets

loud noises from the machine causing hearing issues
increase in body temperature during long MRIs
You should consult a doctor prior to an MRI if you have implants including:

artificial joints
eye implants
an IUD
a pacemaker
Both MRIs and CT scans can view internal body structures. However, a CT scan is faster and
can provide pictures of tissues, organs, and skeletal structure.

An MRI is highly adept at capturing images that help doctors determine if there are abnormal
tissues within the body. MRIs are more detailed in their images.

d) What are the advantages of ultrasounds?

They're generally painless and don't require needles, shots or cuts.
You aren't exposed to ionizing radiation, so the procedure is safer than X-rays and CT scans.
In fact, there are no known harmful effects when it's used as directed.
Ultrasound captures images of soft tissues that don't show up well on X-rays.
Ultrasounds are widely accessible and less expensive than other methods.

e) Name an advantage and a disadvantage for MRI scans

Due to the nature of the magnetic probe used in MRI, this technique
possesses several fundamental advantages: tissue can be characterized in a
number of ways, any plane can be imaged, bone is invisible, so all
anatomic regions can be examined, no contrast medium is required, and
there is no ionizing radiation.
At the present time, there are also several disadvantages: the complexity
and high cost, the long scan time, the noise and isolation experienced
by patient during scan, and the exclusion of a substantial fraction of
patients due to pacemakers, metallic artifacts, and inability to cooperate. The
first three of these are under active development, and improvement can be
expected. However, gradient coil noise, pacemakers, and metallic artifacts
are more fundamental problems for which solutions are not yet apparent.


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