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a roleplaying gam e and t oolk it

?you got judges living

next t o gam bler s next t o
r abbis living next t o
dent ist s and 1 6 year-old
k ids t hink ing and ac t ing
lik e t hey' re Flavor Flav .?
write what you know.
i became aware of Cee-L o in an XXL magazine article back in the
day (it was a thursday). i knew i wanted to make a game using
Cee-L o as the core dice mechanic.
this is not so much a game as it is a tool kit.
i knew i wanted to do something, but i did not want to get into the
business of appropriation.
i am going to give you the tools, a core setting, and a whole bunch of
other settings, and you can do with them what you want.
t his is St rong Island!
by: Barak Blackburn
addit ional w r it ing by: Ellie H illis
design c onsult at ion: Generic M ike
Copyright 2017 by Density Media. All Rights Reserved. This material (art, logos, illustrations, character
concepts, text and game mechanics) is protected by the copyright laws of the United States of
America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is
prohibited without the express written consent of Density Media , except for the purposes of reviews
and for the blank sheets, which may be reproduced for personal use only. The reference to any
companies, products, characters, television shows, motion pictures or other properties in this book is
not meant to challenge the trademarks or copyrights concerned.
CEE-LO: t he dic e gam e
we are going to give you the basics of
Cee-L o, and we will be f ocusing on PvP 4 - 5- 6
play. f or this primer, grab 3 d6 .
two or more players are betting against one
another. they are looking to get the highest 5- 5- 5
dice rolls are read by reading all the 4- 4- 4
numbers individually.
3- 3- 3
- the highest roll is 4-5-6, called
Cee-Lo! 2- 2- 2
- next highest is three of a kind,
Tr ips , highest to lowest. unless you P oint 6
get 1-1-1, this is Ac es Out , you
L ose. P oint 5
- next up is Point , when you have a
pair, you count the non-pairing die, P oint 4
highest to lowest. so, 2-2-5 is
Point 5. P oint 3
- and then there is 1-2-3, this is a
straight up mark in the L column, P oint 2
you L ose. Ass Out .
- any other result you keep rolling P oint 1
until you either get a Sc ore or a
Loss .
1- 1- 1
1- 2- 3
t here is anot her r ule, and this one will
likely be ignored, but this game is setting out
to give you some lif e skills as well.
you get stuck behind the Shadeland I nn at
GenCon throwing dice, you don?t want to
embarrass yourself .
- if your dice roll out of the playing
area, you L ose. it might be a table, it
might be a pizza box, whatever it is,
your dice get sloppy, you L ose.

N ow, make M att Forbeck proud, snatch the

money f rom that M onopoly game gathering
dust (throw the rest of the game away), grab a
f riend and 3d6, and start throwing dice. each
player puts money in, highest roll wins. and if
there is a tie, reset
the point! you m ight w ant t o use pok er
c hips, bec ause you have som e
f rom ot her RPGs.
understand this, and
you're ready f or don' t .
t r y playing w it h m oney, t he
St rong Island. t ac t ile f eel of t he m oney,
t hrow ing it dow n t o m ak e a
Challenge bet , t hat is all par t of
t he aest het ic .

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C.R.E.A.M .
you know how to throw the dice, you know
how to score the dice, now you're gonna f ind
out what it is like to throwdown and f uck
shit up on the streets of Strong I sland.
it is all about the Benjamins.
M oney is L if e.
your bank roll is f or rpg intents and purposes
your hit point s .

whenever your character wants to accomplish

something, and the result is in doubt, you'll be
spending cash money.
and, if you're lucky, winning cash money,
building up your bankroll.
you're out of cash?
- you're out of luck
- you're out of time
- make a new character
it's that simple.
every die roll matters.
starting characters begin with $ 5 0 0 .
my posse got veloc it y
gang. crew. tribe. boys. girls. f amily.
you decide what to call it.
the core premise of this game is that all the
players are aligned with one another.
this is important, because when you run out
of money, all you have lef t is your posse.
and your posse has resources.
these resources take the f orm of money.
money you can use.
hopef ully.
you're out of cash, and if there is money in
the cof f ers, you get one shot. how ever much
money you need f or your current bet you can
try and get that. you get one roll of the dice,
if you score, you get the money. if you don't
score... well, you had a good run.
and if the cof f er doesn't have enough to cover
your bet, the cof f er is drained, and you L ose.
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t w o penc e in t he c off er
you and your girls always have each others'
that loyalty is rewarded.
at the start of a campaign, your cof f ers
contain $500, same as starting characters.
any time a character wants, they can deposit
money into the cof f ers.
the GM will keep track of the amount of
money in the cof f er.
at the beginning of each session, the GM will
Bet som e or all of t he c off er . this is a simple
roll. one roll- Score, and the amount bet
doubles and is returned to the cof f er.
the GM should not reveal how much they
bet or if they won or lost.
how much should a GM bet?
are the characters redlining, going f or broke,
if so, the gang should as well. but, if they are
playing it conservative, there is no reason not
to be careless with their money. are they
depositing, or taking sisterhood f or granted?
you got my bac k r ight ?
if a player doesn' t have enough $ f or a Bet , and
if nar r at ively appropr iat e, a f ellow player-slash
-member of their group can f ade some of the
money (make up the dif f erence).
they are there or can
nar r at ively appropr iat e:
justif y their participation.

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st at s
it's not how you play the game, it's how you
win it.
you understand the basics, how to win money,
but if you're clever at math, you might be
asking yourself , how is this much of a game?
every setting will assign stats to the
characters. considering we are using d6s, we
will try and use 6 stats f or each setting.
stats should cover anyt hing c har ac t er s w ill do .

players will have 12 points to spend on their

stats, with no stat higher than 4. (if you use
more or less stats, the f ormula is simple: 2
points/ stat, stat max of 4).
each point in a stat reduces the buy-in f or
any bet by $10.
a stat of 1 in R unning means that a character
trying to outrun J ohnny L aw, a R unning
Bet of $50, would only need to spend $40.
Bet s w ill alw ays be at least $ 5 0 .
st rong island- w here i got em w hylin'
f or the def ault setting, we will use the
f ollowing stats:
- Fighting
- R unning
- Charm
- H ustle
- Smarts
- O bservation
any ac t ion or reac t ion by a c har ac t er
w ill use one of t hese st at s.
- boosting an A lpine stereo: Hust le
- talking your way into the hottest club
in town: Char m
- breaking somebody's jaw: Fight ing
- noticing that you're being tailed:
Obser vat ion
- remembering some shit f rom I ntro L aw
class: Sm ar t s
but this is your game, and your settings, come
up with whatever stats work f or you and
your group. make them f lavorf ul, or make
them generic.

page 9
bet t ing on your dow nf all
the f irst type of Bet is an O bstacle.
an O bstacle is something a character must
overcome. the GM sets the dif f iculty f or the
O bstacle: $ 5 0 is easy, $ 1 0 0 is hard, $ 3 0 0 is
c r azy dangerous . think about the size of the
character's bankrolls, and adjust accordingly.
an O bstacle is relatively static. a character is
just trying to succeed: running f rom the cops,
jumping f rom one roof top to another, hacking
a computer system.
when conf ronted with an O bstacle, a player
has to match the bet, and they make one roll.
if they Score, they succeed.
if they do not Score with their initial roll,
they might be able to try again. a character
can continue trying until the amount of
money they have bet equals or exceeds the
amount of the bet.
- exam ple 1 : an O bstacle is $50, a character's
stat is 2, so they only need to spend $30. they
roll, do not Score, and can try one more time,
as the total spent is $30+$30= $60.
exam ple 2 : O bstacle is a Bet of $50, character's stat
is 3, so they spend $20, do not Score, try again by
spending another $20, f ate is f ickle, they f ail again, and
spend the last $20: $20+$20+$20=$60>$50.
exam ple 3 : O bstacle is $100, stat is 4, cost is $60, if
they did not Score with their f irst roll, they could try a
second time:
$60+$60=$120>$100. 00
to keep everyone ac
honest, a player's Bets Ob s t f ir st bet $ 6 0
should be placed in
the open, opposed by
the O bstacle Bet. the
total amount a player
Bets can be easily se
added up. co
with an Obst ac le, a t$
player does not gain
anyt hing f or Sc or ing
other than success.
you don't get more
bad-ass by overcoming
O bstacles, they are
the annoyances of every day lif e.
because a character only stands to lose money
with O bstacles, there has to be a way a earn
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slic ed-up c ar rot s
you lik e a c hallenge
Challenges are when shit gets real, you
establish your brand, and do some marketing.
PvP shit. and the second P probably is the
GM running the N PCs. but if you can get
two tables of rival gangs... f ucking awesome.
when the journey of your hero brings you
into inevitable direct conf lict with another
character, this is a Challenge.

*character's Stats still af f ect the actual amount bet, so a character

with a Stat of 4 betting $50 would only need to of f er up $10.
some Challenges are all or nothin', and some
are the battle of a thousand cuts.
t he Bet . when there is conf lict, and two
individuals cannot resolve their dif f erences
through mediation or whatnot, they are gonna
throwdown, proverbially or literally.
one challenges another with a Bet*, it could be
a tiny Bet (always at least $50, remember), or
a large Bet. obviously, the two sides need to
agree on the amount, and this in-and-of itself
is a f ine chance to talks some trash and get in
once the amount is agreed upon, they put
Image By user gigaboss [CC BY 2.0 (], via flickr
their money out in the open, and each player
rolls, looking f or a Score. highest Score wins,
taking the pot.
if t here is a t ie, t he
you want to keep going? per son w ho set t he Sc ore
re-rolls t o set a new
Sc ore (and yes, t hey c an
the loser just lost, that lose w it h a 1 -1 -1 or
means something, but 1 -2 -3 ). t he Bet s st ay.
sometimes people do stupid
stuf f . if the loser wants to continue, the
winner decides if they will.
if the winner does not want to continue, the
loser can dem and one m ore Challenge , with
a Bet equal to the last Bet, they get a chance
to win that money back. if the loser loses
again, it is over. i f t he w inner does w ant t o
c ont inue, t hey set t he Bet am ount . the loser
can plead f or a dif f erent wager, but it is up
to the winner.
again, trash talk and roleplay are encouraged.
onc e it is done, the conf lict is resolved f or
the time being. if another character wants to
Challenge the winner, they can, but the
winner is under no obligation.
a character with no m oney , they are done.
stay true to the setting: death or "retirement."
Image By user larvalava CC BY 2.0 (], via flickr

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boss f ight
sometimes, f olks like to gang up. this is still a
many vs. one: you and your group want to
take down a Big Bad, or your f riend needs
some help, the Big Bad places the Bet, and
everyone can pitch in, up to the total amount
bet. example: a Big Bad bets $600, each
player bets $200, or some combination that
adds up to $600. this called f ading the Bet.
k now ledge is pow er.
once the Bet is matched, the Big Bad rolls,
and each player must beat the roll of the Big
Bad. L ose, and the Big Bad gets the money.
note: the Big Bad might only beat some of
the players.
many vs many: in a real street brawl, things
get ugly, but the same principles apply, people
are placing Bets, and attempting to beat the
Score of the person(s) they Bet against.
characters might get all w hir lw ind at t ac k
and Bet against multiple opponents.
t ear s and blood invest ed
in some settings, characters will invest their
money. not just in the gang, but in something
tangible: in a setting about racing f or pink
slips, a character's car is their I nvestment.
within the specif ic settings, I nvestments will
be detailed. I nvestments have one or more
stats all their own, as well as their own
and when characters f ace-of f , pitting their
I nvestments, one against the other, it is the
I nvestment bankroll that is used and lost.
of ten, the entire bankroll will be bet, and this
is the only money that can be used.
money won with the I nvestment can go to the
gang, or back into the I nvestment.
whoever loses, the winner gets the loser's
I nvestment, bankroll and stats. you might
want to write it down on an index card
narrating the f iction: the character lost the
race and their car.

Image By user chrisyarzab [CC BY 2.0 (], via flickr

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advanc ed st at s
games are about X P. Strong I sland is about
building up your bank. and your gang.
but what about improvement?
you can improve your stat, up to a max of 4.
the cost f or improvement is (new Stat
score)x$100. you have to pay f or each point
of improvement, and can only improve one
point in each stat at a time. improving f rom 3
to 4 would cost 4x$100= $400.
now, if you lik e t o get f reak y, and want
to get super-advanced, a GM can allow f or a
dif f erent type of improvement, this stat
improvement is inspired by magick, as it
allows characters to bring a little something
extra to their rolls. this is J uic ed Dic e. no
matter what, characters will always keep 3
dice, however, imagine your three dice as R ed,
W hite, and Blue. normally you would roll
1R 1B1W (1 R ed, 1 Blue, and 1 W hite).
J uiced D ice f ix the odds more in your f avor,
but don't assume that N PCs can't J uice. they
in this 2d example, the numerical 2
and the 3 must be kept and the player
can choose the pip 4 or 2 to keep (if
they only needed a Point, keep the
juic ed dic e pip giving a a Point 3, but if the 4 was
kept, they could reroll in a Challenge).

2D costs $2000, and allows

players to roll two dice of one
color, and might be notated as
H ustle 4 (2D ).
with 2D when rolling, players
need to use same and dif f erent colored dice. the
1B1W are kept no matter what, but the player
can choose which of the 2R to keep.
3D costs $3000 and allows
players to roll three dice instead
of two f or two of the colors:
3R B1W , the player would roll
three dice of one color, keeping player would not want
whichever 2 they wanted, and one die to keep the 2 and 3,
but must keep the 1.
f or the other. reroll!

4D allows a player to roll 4 dice and keeping

the best 3. 4D costs $4000.
in a Challenge, players can reroll if their
J uiced D ice do not tally a Score, but if they
cannot situate their dice to not
have a Score*, they L ose, or if
the dice they keep is a losing
roll (A ces or A ss O ut).
* if their Score is not as high as it needs to be, they
cannot re-roll.
page 1 7 no way around Trip 2s
set t ings
the def ault setting is Strong I sland. on the
next page, you will see how a sample setting
is written up, and includes:
- setting name
- setting premise
- stat suggestions
- notes: are there I nvestments? specif ics
about the setting.
- soundtrack: some music to get you
started. Strong I sland games can be
raucous, due to the way Challenges
work, no reason to not have some
background music.
- inspiration: media that might get you in
the mood f or the specif ic setting.
GM s are of course encouraged to make each
setting their own, as well as make their own
st rong island
suburban kids decide they want something
better out of lif e, and the quickest way to get
it is through criminal means, dealing dope,
pulling heists, etc.
not es: st at s:
the def ault era is late - Fighting
80s, early 90s, but - R unning
there is nothing - Charm
stopping a GM f rom - H ustle
setting their Strong - Smarts
I sland in the 70s, or - O bservation
are the characters more
than just posturing,
what happens when/ if
they run into real
organized crime? who
will be the weak link?
soundt r ac k : cypress hill, led zeppelin, R H CP

inspir at ion: amongst f riends (f ilm), spring

breakers (f ilm), bottle rocket (f ilm), lock, stock, and
two smoking barrels (f ilm), true romance (f ilm), 21
(f ilm)
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american muscle cars, finely-tuned imports,
car gangs race and compete for supremacy
of streets and hi-ways
Notes: Character Stats:
every character will have at - Body
least one car as an - Mind
Investment. characters will - Spirit
start with a $500 Investment,
and cars will be Investments
of $500, $1000, $2000, etc.
Car Stats:
races are against similarly - Handling
priced cars. if, in a race, an - Power
Investment is not lost, it is
battered, and the coffers can in a race, the first Bet is
be used to repair, if there is always Power, and the
enough money. Juiced Dice winner determines the stat
will be in play for the to use for additional Bets.
Investments as well. if an narratively it is speed or
Investment with Juiced Dice maneuvering.
is Lost, the winner gets the
bankroll of the investment as characters start with 10
well as any upgrades (Juiced points for stats initially,
Dice). purchasing a new car and $500 for their
costs 2xvalue: $1000 car character and $500 for
costs $2000. new cars have their car.
4 stat points.
soundtrack: amber foxx, wednesday campanella, foxy
brown, rob zombie, jerry lee lewis, beach boys, stray cats
inspiration: fast and furious (film franchise), gone in 60
seconds (film), cannonball run (film), initial d (manga, film),
american graffiti (film), king of the mountain (film)
br eak city
hip-hop, breakdancing, djing. rivals battle across
the city, in the hopes of being the freshest crew.
notes: stats:
many of the settings imply - MC
a criminal element, Break - DJ
City does not necessarily - Breakin'
have to include that at all. - Tagging
Break City can be - The Streets
absolutely positive and - Swagger
uplifting, with rivalries and Streets is knowing your
respect. way around, who to talk to;
it might even be a Swagger is charm +
post-apoc setting. confidence.

Losing all your money does

not have to mean getting
put 6-feet under.
soundtr ack : Run-DMC, Newcleus, Sean Paul,
Justice, Sugarhill Gang, DJP, FEMM
inspir ation: beat street (film), breakin', breakin' 2:
electric boogaloo (film), step it up (film), tougher than
leather (film), krush groove (film), 8-Mile (film)
Image By user prefeituradeitapevi CC BY 2.0 (], via flickr

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you'veheardof gangbangers, thesearegangsl ingers.
spel lsl inging gangs battl eeach other for power andviefor
control of thecity, a city unawareof theexistenceof magik.
not es: st at s:
every gang has an arcanefocus: - corporis (body)
each gang wil l determine3schools - mens (mind)
they focus on, only thesethree - animus (spirit)
schools can haveJuicedDice.
additional ly, for each school , thesearethecharacter stats (6 points to
gangs wil l determinetheopposing spend),
schools. each opposing school wil l
beassigneda negativestat. when however characters wil l fal l back on their
facing off against an opposing arcanetraining.
school , theopposing stat is (12 points to spend)
loweredby theamount. opposing
schools wil l beassigned-1,-2, and - abjuration- protective, dismissal
-3: - conjuration- summoning,
a gang focusing on abjuration, - divination- secrets andthings
necromancy, andenchantment, is hidden, thefuture, thetruth
opposedby Conjuration -2, - enchantment- charms
divination -1, andSorcery -3. - necromancy- mastery of death/
opposer gangsl ingers using undeath
sorcery woul d-3to sorcery bets. - sorcery- real ity altering
Sorcery 2woul dbesorcery -1, for a Only favoredarcaneschools can get juiceddice.
$50 bet thepl ayer woul dneedto
spend$60. arcanebets can beopposedby non-arcanestats
also, as a necroticbl ast coul dberesolvedvs
soundt rack: enya, diesel boy, Depechemode, Deador Al ive, The
cure, king diamond, Gravediggaz, Beyour own Pet, Freezepop
inspirat ion: magicians (tv), harry potter (fil m,book), wyrd
is bond(rpg), underworl d(rpg), thecraft (fil m)
mat r ianar chy
t he ripples were finally felt when t hey went t hrough
hollywood: producers, act ors, comedians. persons in
posit ions of power: abusing, assault ing, and harassing.
even men in charge of t he free world. fuck t he pat riarchy.
fuck t he gaslight ing. fuck t he pussygrabbers.
not es: st at s:
t his is Us vs Them. we unit e
t o st rike back against t he
- Violence
abusers, against t he enablers, - Act ion
against t he vict im- shamers.
- Genius
at t he end of every session,
t he GMshould roll for t he
- I nt uit ion
coffers, allowing t he bet - Nast y
amount t o be det ermined by
t he risk t he players put
- Appeal
t hemselves in and t heir
dest ruct ion of t he syst em.
soundt r ack: peaches, hard kaur, queen lat ifah, heart , fka
t wigs, bet t y who, ke$ha, t ove lo, j anelle monáe, t he breeders,
zerospace, unt er null, court ney barnet t
inspir at ion: sweet / vicious(t v), beguiled(film), mad max: fury
road(film), t hriller- a cruel pict ure(film), swit chblade
sist ers(film), j awbreaker(film), t he female bunch(film), t he doll
squad(film), set it off(film), hard candy(film), bit ch planet
(comic), rock & riot (webcomic), paper girls(comic), curb st omp
page 2 3
her oes f or t he people, masked vigilant es,
cowled villains, sinist er plot s, ador ing f ans,
angr y newspaper edit or s.

notes: st ats:
player s will be a loosely - Fight ing
or ganized super s t eam; ar e - Act ion
t hey making t he cit y saf e, - St r eet
or making it bend t o t heir - Reput at ion
whim? - I nt ellect
- Per cept ion

in addit ion, player s have $5,000 t o pur chase Power s. t hese Power s will be
eit her Juiced Dice, or incr ease st at s*. each Power also has a pool of $500.
when using a power t o complement a st at , player s may t ake $ f r om t his
Power pool. $ won, goes t o t he bankr oll. t he money f r om t he Power is not
r eplenished unt il t he next session. I ncr easing t he amount of money in each
Power cost s t he amount of t he Power cost : a 2D power wit h $500 could be
incr eased by spending $2000, incr easing t he t ot al Power $ t o $1000.
incr eased st at s cost $500 base +$100 per point , so st at boost Power of 4
cost s $500+$400= $900
example: a char act er has Flight 2D as a power . When in a br awl, and using
Fight ing 3, t hey can use t he Juiced 2D f r om Flight , if t hey pay t he bet wit h
t heir f light money f ir st . player s must use t he power $, but if , on t he Bet it
r uns out , t hey can also use t heir nor mal bankr oll. once a Power s pool of $ is
deplet ed, t hat power cannot be used any mor e t hat session.

soundtrack: wu- t ang clan, daf t punk, t he r olling

st ones, t he nat ional, j ohnny cash, r un t he j ewels
inspiration: her oes f or hir e (comicbook), j ust ice
league det r oit (comics), def ender s (t v), t he
specials (f ilm) *st at s can go higher t han 4 wit h Power s, however , t he minimum
Bet is always at least $10: a char act er wit h Super speed +5
using t heir Reput at ion st at of 3, would have an ef f ect ive scor e
of 8, but w/ a $50 Bet , t hey would st ill need t o pay $10, but
wit h a $100 Bet would only pay $20. st at bonuses can be
applied t o any st at if nar r at ively appr opr iat e.
t ur f war
defen der s an d dest r oy er s. fol k h er oes an d boogi e
m en . vi ol en t an d n u r t u r i n g. k n i fe f i gh t s an d
com m u n i t y cen t er s.

not es: st at s:
ever y gan g n eeds a - R u m bl e
t h em e. an d n am e. - L ead
- Sp eed
sh ou l d t h ey h ave - Sm ar t s
am azi n g m at ch i n g - I n t i m i dat e
cl ot h es? - L ow dow n
gan gs ar e absol u t el y
com p et i n g agai n st on e
an ot h er for con t r ol of
n ot j u st t h ei r t u r f , bu t
r en ow n i n t h e ci t y .
pl ay er s sh ou l d m ak e
t h r ee ch ar act er s each
t o f l esh ou t t h ei r gan g.

soundt r ack: R AT M , NWA , j oh n car p en t er , bobby

w om ack , w ar , bi k i n i k i l l , sl ei gh bel l s
inspir at ion: w ar r i or s (f i l m ), col or s (f i l m ), t h e
ou t si der s (book an d f i l m ), t h e w i r e (t v), gan gs of
n ew y or k (f i l m ), assau l t on p r eci n ct 13 (f i l m ),
acr oss 110 t h st r eet (f i l m ), w est si de st or y (f i l m an d
m u si cal ), sai n t s r ow (vi deo gam e)

page 2 5
sam ple c har ac t er s
Set t ing: Strong I sland Setting: blacktop battlefield
c har ac t er : L isa B. character: Black Betty

unlike the other sample characters, this is not a starting character.

AK A: L isa L isa, L B, L isie team: Redline Raiders

bac k st or y: L isa's mom is a stats: bankroll: $500

therapist, her dad is a podiatrist,
she is studying psych at BU , has a Body 1
card, loves edibles. Mind 3
st at s: bank roll: $500 Spirit 3

Fighting 1
R unning 2
STX ($500) GT ($2000)
Charm 2 Handling 3 (2D) 2
H ustle 1 Power 2 4 (3D)
Smarts 3
O bservation 3

Set t ing: gangsl ingers

Setting: Break City
charact er: abraxas
char acter : Fizzie Flash gang: six six fivers
favored schools: abj, nec, sorc
cr ew: Hardway 3
opposed schools: Conj -2, div -3, ench -1
stats: bank r ol l : $500
st at s: bankroll: $500

MC1 Corporis 3
DJ2 mens 1 abj 3
Breakin' 3 conj 1
Taggin' 2 Animus 2 div 2
The Streets 2 ench 0
Swagger 2 nec3
sam ple c har ac t er s
Set t ing: mat rianarchy Set t ing: SuperStreets
user name: cunt 242 char act er : 24 Kar at
aka: fury broad t eam: The Jewels
gir l gang: valkillryies
st at s: bankr oll: $500
#met oo: #rapedandabort ion Fight ing 2
st at s: bankr ol l : $500 Act ion 0
St r eet 2
Violence 3 Reput at ion 4
I nt ellect 2
Act ion 2 Per cept ion 2

Genius 0 Power s:

I nt uit ion 1 Flight 3D $500 (cost $3000)

Nast y 4 Super St r engt h +6 $500 ($1100)

Appeal 2 Hyper Senses +4 $500 ($900)

Set t ing: Tu r f War Bonus Set t ing: the empty throne

char act er : D Dah l y a char act er : Masayoshi

gang: D D ou bl e D Dest r oy er s clan: koi

st at s: bankr ol l : $50 0 st at s: bankr oll: $500

R u m bl e 4 Gi (Honest y and Just ice) 2

Rei (Polit e Cour t esy) 1
L ead 2 Yu (Cour age) 4
Sp eed 1 Meyo (Honor ) 1
Sm ar t s 3 Jin (Compassion) 4
I n t i m i dat e 1 Makat o (Complet e Sincer it y) 1
L ow dow n 1 Chugo (Dut y and Loyalt y) 1

page 2 7
m isc ellaneous shit baby, m eanin...
lar p? you want to larp. no rules change. throw
dice in the hotel lobby or wherever you're getting
your larp on.
ot her set t ing ideas: maf ia, biker gangs,
yakuza, wild west (where a posse is a posse).
st at s: use what works f or you, it might be Str,
I nt, W is... it might be Caref ul, Clever, Flashy...
2 points per stat f or chargen.
XP: players should spend their money on raising
stats and J uiced D ice when narratively
appropriate, usually this would mean between
sessions, but there might be an awesome training
NPCs: the GM should have N PCs statted up,
some will be made with X P and maybe even
J uiced D ice (if those are being used, or maybe
only f or N PCs). give the N PCs names, describe
them, create the rival gangs, the gang names,
Strong I sland is designed f or PCvN PC
interaction, af ter all this is how Bets are won and
bankrolls are increased, but hopef ully, the
character creation is simple enough, a GM can
whip shit up on the f ly.
yo, roll t he dic e ROLL
this is a game. 4 - 5- 6
you will need 4d6 of one color, and 2d6,
each a dif f erent color.
grab a bunch of play money (or real money), 5- 5- 5
$10s, $20s, $50s, $100s, $500s even!
4- 4- 4
the def ault setting is streetwise suburban
wannabe criminals and hustlers working 3 - 3- 3
together to get ahead in the world, but also
2- 2- 2
contained within are rules and microsettings:
P oint 6
- B r eak City- M C, D J , and D ance
battles with rival crews P oint 5
- SuperStreets- street-level supers
- gangslingers- arcane gangs battle f or P oint 4
P oint 3
- blacktopbattlefield- quarter mile or
across-country vehicular supremacy P oint 2
- t ur f war s- themed gangs wage war
across the city P oint 1
- mat r ianar chy- # metoo
1- 1- 1
1- 2- 3

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