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Monarch Senior Portfolio

One-Year SMART Goals

Work through the worksheet below, including as much detail as possible under each heading in the columns.
Clarify your goals to yourself as much as is possible. You must create goals in at least two of the sections below.

When you are done with the table you will be able to write SMART goals based on this.

Intention Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Time-Based

What is it that you Who? What? Why? How much? How Is it possible to achieve Is it important to your By when will you
want to achieve? Where? often? How many? your goal? ultimate goals? achieve your goal?

Personal Good health, Before I It is possible, the And this is very I hope I can
Well-being good physical. graduate. 5 only thing I need important for achieve all this,
months it's time.. me, because I before I
want a soccer graduate.

Academic I want my grades 5 months. It is possible, I This is very I want to finish

to be good, I only have to stop important for with this before
don't want to being lazy all the me, because I june 12
miss work. time, and have want to show
energy, to be that we
positive. Mexicans are
and that no
matter where
you come from,
you just have to
work hard and
give everything
to make your
goals possible.

Professional I want a career I'm not sure, Yes it is possible, This is my goal 2020
of soccer, because I don't but it is hard. since i was 5
because that has have the physical years old, and i
always been my that I need. really want to do
dream Probelay around this, i want to
7monts . So I make a change.
want to go to the
academy of
soccer and
wherever the
team. Probably

Financial Work more at I want to do it It is possible, i I want to have 2023

the zoo, and save before the 2020 only have to money because, i
money to buy a year ends. work more days need to buy stuff
car. and learn how to that i really
save my money need, like a car,
food and maybe
a house

Phrasing your SMART goals

Goal #1
Learn english- My first goal for my first year of college is to continue studying, keep my job at the san diego zoo.
And learning English 100% to be able to enter new places is difficult for me. For example concerts, because the
music could be good but if you understand it very well it would be better.

Goal #2
Professional soccer- While in college I would like to be able to play soccer and represent my school. I hope I can be
chosen to play soccer professionally. Because since childhood I have dreamed of playing soccer, making my life a
sport. And give legions to many people.

Goal #3
Graduate from college- In college I want to learn everything about gastronomy in my country, I want to know new
cultures. That they are different from what I know. I hope to have good grades and I want to have business classes
because I want to open my own restaurants.

Goal #4
Job(cooking, help of chef).I want to have my own chain of restaurants in Mexico and the USA, and it tries to reach
everyone. But for this I have to gain experience in different places in the kitchen to know how everything works.
Because it is not the same to be the cook and the preparer.

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