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Explain why forgiveness is so important

Forgiveness means to forget someone’s bad deed or mistake, and don’t punish him/her on that bad
deed. For example we fight or try to take revenge which means we do the same bad deed which the
other did. There will be no difference between that person and us if we forgive someone then we are at
higher place. There will be no damage to our self respect, instead we become more respectable.

History has been the witness to many such incidents where the act of forgiveness has worked wonders.

Called the father of nation. He was the one who taught us to fight back but through a path of peace but
not violence. He said when someone slaps you in one cheek give your second cheek to him. never to
reply violence with violence. Instead reply violence with love

Jesus Christ
The biggest instance of forgivers that we ever came across. He not only preached forgiveness but also
set an example for us to follow. When he was left to starve he raised his head to the sky and said “father
please forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing”. He forgave all of his wrong doers even
though they were responsible for his tragic death. His kindness and forgiveness lead the wrong doers to
rethink about their action and feel remorse

Adolf Hitler
The most hated person in history held responsible for the deaths of millions of innocent lives. He kept
on living Jews as much as he could. There was no end to his torture. He think of common people as weak
and kept on exercising his wrong deeds. The more lives he slaughtered the more daring and sinful he
Do Violent video games increases violence in real life State Your Position

Firstly, there is no solid evidence that violent video games lead to aggressive behavior. That does not
mean that every game is child. Many violent video games are scary and inappropriate for some kids.
Understanding each child’s need and creating a plan that set rules for media use and monitors kids’
activities on screens is a sensible way to approach video games and thus can save us from future

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