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Yerevan state linguistic university after V.

Faculty of Russian and foreign languages
Linguistics English 3rd year 2nd semester
Correspondence department
Subject: Writing skills
Evaluation Essay
Liana Petrosyan


Erin Brockovich is an American biographical film directed by Steven Soderbergh. The movie is a
dramatization of the true story of Erin, portrayed by Julia Roberts, who fought against an energy corporation to help
sick people in the area. The movie wouldn't be complete and its message wouldn't be clear if it weren't for the plot,
the beautifully chosen cast and the hero herself Erin.

The director successfully managed to create a wonderful storyline. The movie starts by telling the backstory
of Erin which I think is of great importance as the viewer should know what took place previously in her life. Later
we see her fight for the sick people's rights against an energy company that secretly pollutes waters in the area.
Here, the movie shows a great example. This teaches us that anyone who cares about the society can become a hero
and fight for justice.

Any successful plot would stay on the papers if it wasn't for the actors turning it into reality. In my opinion,
directors have also hit a jackpot by choosing the perfect actress for the role of Erin. When watching the movie I was
completely captured by the way that Julia Roberts acted and brought the character to life. In her eyes, her manners,
expressions and just her whole body language the viewer can see a rainbow of emotions – love, hatred, anger, fear,
and annoyance, unconditional and selfless actions towards helping others.

The most important thing that makes the movie complete is, of course, Erin herself. Her commitment to the
locals and their safety inspired Steven to shoot a movie and Erin was a huge part of its making. Engaging her in the
shooting process has only made everything a thousand times better as the story was told from the words of someone
who has gone through all of that. After the release Erin admitted that there were still a couple of things that she
would change, but the movie was a 99% true story.

When asked if the movie has an educational character I would answer “definitely”. It shows that despite the
difficulties and problems one should fight back harder and at the end of the day the results will be astounding.

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