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Construct the nominal group by utilizing its maximum components giving in the below
E.g. Those two lovely tall sailing ships who are quite active in the middle of city

Pre- Determiners Central .

modifiers determinative Each, every, neither, some, any, either, etc.
s This, that, these, those, such, etc.
Pre A, an, the, few, many, all, no, most, more,
determinative too, much, none, too many, certain, etc.
Post- sixth, fifth, double, two, fifty five, second,
determinative triple, seven, eleven, seventy fifth,
s quadruple, fifteen, first, one third, five
seventh, twenty, third, ninth, several, first,
Epithet Descriptive Rapid, immediate, poor, , rapidly
developed, carpeted, nutritiously sensible,
well-balanced, , highly scholarly

evaluative princely, vile

affiliations Indian, French, a Buddhist, vegetarian,
political, Pakistani, etc.
quality: poisonous, non-alcoholic
Classifier norms: average, standard, top
process: rising, growing
society and metropolitan, club; social
technology: nuclear, electric, solar
Heads Age, tide, police, light, energy, power-station, football,
status, population, Snake, size, ten Art, drink, window,
Post- Prepositional groups of the data, , among the police, of invasion of Poland in
modifiers 1939, of the outbreak of the Second World War, for his
teacher’s annoyance, refusal of a deadline extension, in the
middle of city, for the fast traffic,
Relative clauses (finite who are quite active
To-infinitive clauses to excessive sugar intake
Past participle clauses required for successful life, consumed by the wrestles for
(non-finite) long-life
Present participle Having much information
clauses (non-finite)
D1 D2 N E1 E2 C H Post-modifier

Thos two elongated legless scaled Snake In the sand

Such a cheap accessible renewable energy From Tarbala
These three conventional efficient thermal Power- In the city
More two invalid expired cold drinks In the fridge
Such a polarized sharp blue light From the
window pane
Such a dexterous remarkable punjab police In the sub-
These two expensive reliable aluminum window In the house
human Population
2. Use the appropriate auxiliary verbs (lead to, result in, make, is/are/am/has/have, contain,
comprise, etc.) between the nominal groups and make a clause.
i. Globalization………leads to………. the increase and improvement of
international communication.
ii. The different of the culture sometimes……………… argue with us.
iii. It ………is…………. the unstablement of economic.
iv. The speed of development…………is becoming………… faster and faster.
v. Businessmen ……are investing……. their money in many different countries.
vi. The pollution ………causes………. some diseases, which are cruel to the local
vii. Economic development ………results in………… increased communication,
viii. The establishment of Confucius institutes around the world demonstrates
the flourishing promotion of Chinese traditional culture.
ix. To conclude, globalization ……is…. unquestionably a double-edged sword.
x. Their shredding of the documents ………………has caused………………. their
departure for the airport.

3. Mark the nominal group as much as you can, and then draw structure of each nominal group.

Earth is a biosphere, with complementary systems integrated to produce and sustain life. Plants
and animals are two primary systems in the biosphere's cycle of life, with plants "exhaling"
oxygen through photosynthesis and animals inhaling oxygen through the lungs and exhaling
carbon dioxide as a byproduct. Plants require carbon dioxide to live and flourish with their end-
product again becoming oxygen. This balancing process of complementary systems is known as
respiration and photosynthesis. Both plants and animals respire, as detailed on the University of
Hamburg's website, but only plants continue the process of photosynthesis, which is the
conversion of the sun's energy into usable energy for both plants and animals. Photosynthesis is
the conversion of sunlight into a molecule of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). This ATP is a
storage container of energy which can be accessed by life forms other than plants. According to
Estrella Mountain Community College, this is the process activated in plants when converting
energy from the sun into oxygen. Plants take in sunlight, water and carbon dioxide molecules
and release oxygen molecules.
D1 D2 N E1 E2 C H Post-modifier
a biosphere , with complementary
systems integrated to produce
and sustain life.
Plants and animals
the two primary system in the biosphere's cycle of
life, with plants "exhaling"
oxygen through
photosynthesis and animals
inhaling oxygen through the
lungs and exhaling carbon
dioxide as a byproduct.
carbon dioxide to live and flourish with their
end-product again becoming
This balancing process of complementary systems
as respiration and
Both plants and animals
as detailed on the University of
Hamburg's website
only plants
the process of photosynthesis
the conversion of the sun's energy into
usable energy for both plants
and animals
This ATP
a storage container of energy which can be
accessed by life forms other
than plants
the process in plants when converting
energy from the sun into
Plants sunlight
water molecules
oxygen molecules

4. Pick out the bold verbs, then convert them into nominal groups. By these nominal groups,
Write down one clause as shown in the example below:

i. We analysed the data from the experiment, and it revealed that children react when
they have too much sugar.

The analysis of the data revealed children's reaction to excessive sugar intake.

ii. We evaluated the results and this explains the loss in revenue.
iii. We define a business strategy as a long-term plan of action designed to achieve a
particular goal.
iv. We are arguing because we disagree on how to discipline the children.
v. The one primary issue to create value in a business is profits.
vi. He failed, which angered his parents.
vii. The police investigated but uncover no evidence.
viii. David loves junk food, which causes him to be obsese.
ix. The professor refused to extend the deadline, which made the students feel annoyed.
ix. Pakistan is making progress rapidly, so we have lot of opportunities of employments.

5. Underline the nominal group, and then convert the nominal groups into clauses.
i. Success in life is the result of socio-economic factors.

Factors can be social and economic. Their results affect the success in the life.

ii. Socio-economic factors components are essential in building up a strong society.

iii. People who take care of themselves will have the well being of both physical and
mental conditions of one’s body.
iv. Good health is a key factor to achieve their top performance and career success.
v. Families with low income may not enable to afford their children’s educations.
vi. Good health paves the way to learn and work effectively.
vii. High education with family financial support and good health lead to having a good position
and high income.
vii. Work dedication and higher performance can give them more chances for promotion
than those who have poor health.
viii. Illness and injuries can cause them a decline in world ranking and income.
Living in the big city for attending higher education could be unaffordable for
students from poor families.
x. Germany’s invasion of Poland in 1939 was the immediate cause of the outbreak of
the Second World War.

6. In this question, two short essays on the topic of smoking ban are given. So, you are
supposed to evaluate these two essays by keeping in mind the following instructions:
i. Underline and enumerate the nominal groups by making the tables.
ii. Categorize adjectives whether they are epithet or classifier as shown in the
question no.1.
iii. Categorize the types of post-modifiers, and then sort out whether they are
propositional group, finite relative clauses, non-finite relative clauses, adjective
groups, adverb groups, apposition nominal group and reflective pronoun) as
shown in the question no.1.
iv. In which essay, nominal groups with pre-modifiers are higher?
v. Which essay conveys maximum information on basis of nominal group, and
justify your answer with your nominal group analysis?
vi. Then, try your best to convert the essay which has minimum information on the
basis of nominal groups into the essay which has maximum information by
properly utilizing the nominal groups of pre- modifiers. (hint: Do not use

a) Yes, for the love of God, please ban smoking at Japanese restaurants. I have spent
too much time in a hospital watching otherwise beautiful and pleasant people
suffer from their decision to smoke cigarettes, and so I have been vehemently
opposed to all forms of tobacco usage since I began working in the hospital.
There is nothing more painful than watching someone go really slowly and
painfully, and this is what happens to almost all smokers who come into our
hospital. Not only does smoking have immediate impacts upon your short-term
health, it also really affects the last years of your life. What might have been
otherwise tolerable aches and pains from old age will instead become excruciating
injuries and exhausting diseases. I think that they should even go so far as to make
a rule that would make it illegal to smoke at any public place. I know that
smokers have rights and they are people just like everyone else, but they do not
have enough respect for human life to make decisions of this nature. I really hope
that the world as a whole will take a more serious stance against smoking, and I
hope that as part of this, the poor people of Japan who are subjected to cigarette
smoke will also find some solace.
b) Smoking is a bad habit. The smokers not only ruin their lives but also of those
around him. Smoking is injurious to health, we all hear that. But no one pay
attention. Although the trend is reduind but still is a serious problem. The
smokers, at restaurants smoke like the way they do usually. But they do not care
about those sitting around. The people who dislike smoking and consider its
hazards, when go to restaurant all their carefulness goes maven. They protect their
children from these hazards all their life. But at such public places like restaurants
they do not know what to do. The smokers just tags if with them. They, being shy,
can't request him to stop. The smoke spread by smoking contains a lot of harmful
chemicals like nicotine. When someone breathes in such environment these
chemicals are also in haled. Thus, who don't smoke but dislike it are also affected
by its hazards. More ever, it is an immoral art on the whole. One should behave
sensibly at public places. He has his domain to rule. But he can't be permitted to
play with the lives of others. Thus, smoking should be banned at public places
especially at restaurants.

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