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Eukaryote innovations
• flexible cell surface  infolding of membrane
• membrane surrounds nucleus, other organelles
• ↑ surface area + organelles allowed cells to get larger

• well-developed cytoskeleton – internal

transport, change shape, cilia &
flagella for movement

• acquisition of mitochondria and

chloroplasts by endosymbiosis
Many of the primary (top), secondary (middle), and tertiary
and serial (bottom) endosymbiosis events in plastid-
containing eukaryotes are represented here. Secondary
endosymbiosis involving red algae created a large and
diverse group of eukaryotes including the major lineage
known as heterokonts (stramenopiles), which includes
diatoms and brown algae. But whether the red algae lineages
trace back to a single secondary endosymbiotic event or to
several remains controversial. (From P.J. Keeling, Am J Botany,
91:1481–93, 2004.)
Bozeman Science – 4 minutes – good overview protists = eukaryotes that are
protist diversity – 20 minutes – minor inaccuracies
(e.g. not all unicellular), but good video NOT plants, fungi or animals
Protists include… Excavata
• named for a groove on one side of the cell body (in some)
• many move using flagella; some have lost or modified
mitochondria (derived)

euglenoids, trypanosomes (parasites) and others

protists = eukaryotes that are
NOT plants, fungi or animals
Protists include… SAR (stramenopiles)
• 2 flagella, one with rows of hairs
• may be multicellular, many photosynthetic

diatoms, brown algae, oomycetes

Protists include… SAR (alveolates)
• alveoli (sacs) beneath cell membrane
• all unicellular, many photosynthetic

dinoflagellates, apicomplexans, ciliates

Protists include… SAR (rhizarians)
• long, thin pseudopodia
• aquatic, unicellular, many secrete a hard shell

foraminiferans, radiolarians
protists = eukaryotes that are
NOT plants, fungi or animals
Protists include… Amoebozoa
• lobe-shaped pseudopodia used for locomotion

amebas, slime molds

Today’s Learning Objectives:
• Describe the major evolutionary innovations of eukaryotic cells (flexible cell surface, nuclear envelope,
numerous membrane-bound organelles, cytoskeleton, cilia & flagella, mitochondria, chloroplasts).
• Describe endosymbiosis in general, and how this led to mitochondria (proteobacteria) and
chloroplasts (cyanobacteria).
• Distinguish between primary and secondary endosymbiosis.
• Generally describe protist diversity (excavates; SAR: stramenopiles, alveolates, rhizaria; amoebozoans)
• Describe forms of asexual reproduction (mitosis, multiple fission, budding, sporulation) used by
protists, and processes that result in genetic recombination (conjugation, meiosis). (we’ll finish this on
• Describe major ecological roles of protists (primary producer, phytoplankton, pathogen,
endosymbiosis, mutualism, fossil fuels, red tides, food web). (we’ll finish this on Wednesday)

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