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Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions


In the previous two chapters, we looked at linear relationships and developed

strategies for solving linear equations. Linear functions are important in
mathematics and are usually studied first because linear equations are the
easiest to solve. In this chapter, we'll expand our exploration of functions and
relationships to include non-linear functions: quadratic functions.

This Chapter begins with an investigation of quadratic functions with constant

second differences. The characteristics of the graph of a quadratic function of the
form f(x) = a(x - h)2 + k are discussed as transformations of f(x) = x2. Students are
introduced to authentic relations and functions. They discuss the differences
between linear and non-linear relationships, characteristics of a parabola,
methods for solving quadratic equations including the quadratic formula, and the
purpose of the discriminant. Students were taught to identify zeroes from a graph
and solve the corresponding equation.

Throughout the Chapter, students work with graphs of quadratic functions, and
analyze the solutions in terms of the given situation. Connections are made
between real world situations.

At the end of the Chapter, students use quadratic functions to describe the
relationship of the height of an object thrown upward to its distance from the goal
line, and other real world applications.

Focus Questions

 What is the connection between quadratic functions and falling

 How are quadratic formulas used to solve real world problems?
 What information can be deduced determined by examining the
graph of a quadratic function?
 How are graphing skills used to assist in solving quadratic function
 What careers require a thorough understanding of quadratic

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions



At the end of Chapter 3, the learners should be able to demonstrate knowledge

and skills related to quadratic functions and apply it to business and industry.

Specifically they should be able to:

1. identify quadratic function f(x) = ax2 + b x + c;

2. rewrite a quadratic function ax 2 + bx + c in the form f(x) = a(x-h)2 + k and

vice versa;

3. determine the highest or lowest point (vertex), axis of symmetry and

direction of opening of the graph given a quadratic function;
4. draw the graph of a quadratic function using the:
 vertex
 axis of symmetry
 direction of opening of the graph
 given points

5. analyze the effects on the graph of changes in a, h and k in f(x) in

(f(x) = a(x-h)2+k;

6. determine the zeroes of a quadratic equation” by relating this to “ roots of

a quadratic equation”;

7. find the roots of a quadratic equation by factoring, quadratic formula and

completing the square;

8. derive a quadratic function given zeroes of the function, table of values

and graph;

9. solve problems involving quadratic functions and equations.

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

Concept Map

F(x) Qu Qua

F(x) deri

repres is F(x) =

Fac u ab=0 if
Squ x2 = a is

can Co Factoring
and square
SOLU whi

Qu Discrimina

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

Lesson 1

1 session




At the end of this session, the students should be able to:

 differentiate quadratic functions from other types of functions;
 define a quadratic function f (x)= ax²+ bx+c;
 identify a quadratic function.


Students are expected to know how to graph linear functions. They are
also expected to be familiar with other types of functions.


 cut-out graphs from the newspaper. If not available draw

graphs on cartolina
 overhead projector
 transparencies; if not available use plastic cut into 8”x11”
 graphing paper, pencil and ruler


Opening Activity

A. Ask the students to draw a Cartesian plane on a 2cm by 2cm

square grid. Mark points along the x-axis with values from –4 to +4.
Mark points along the y-axis with values from –5 to +5. Using

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

buttons or any marker (pebbles, shells, etc.) to mark points, let the
students plot the points following the instructions below:
1. Place a button on each integer along the x-axis.
2. Look at the number where the button is, multiply that number by
itself, then take away 4.
3. Move the button either up or down according to your answer.
4. Do this step to every number on the x-axis.
5. Observe the graph formed by the buttons. What kind of graph is
6. Record your results in the table below:
x -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4

7. What relationship exists between y and x in the table?

8. Using the buttons, challenge the students to try other functions

then give the corresponding equation.

a. y = x2 + 2
b. y = -x2 – 3

B. Tell students to analyze the different curves below to provide a

concrete basis for the idea of quadratic functions. Show the
following graphs drawn on overhead transparencies or, if not
available, on cartolina.

Figure A
Figure B
Figure C

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions


Figure E. x 1 2 0 -1 -2
y 5 6 7 8 9

1 2 0 -1 -2
1 1 0 1 4

D. Ask students to give some observations and generalizations

regarding Figures A to F.

 Which of the following figures are alike and which are not?

E. Lead the students to clarify the concept of quadratic function and let
them differentiate it from a linear function.

 The term quadratic comes from the word quadrate meaning

square. In the algebraic sense, the definition of something
quadratic involves the square and no higher power of an
unknown quantity.

 A linear function is a polynomial function of degree one, and its

standard form is ax + by + c= 0, where a0.

 A quadratic function is a polynomial function of degree two. Its

standard form is y = ax2 + bx + c, where a0.

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

So, for our purposes, we will be working with quadratic

equations, which means that the highest degree we'll be
encountering is a square.


There are two student activities presented in this lesson. See the
attached Student Activity Sheets.

Student Activity 1.a) For Average Learners

1. Divide the class into four groups

2. Assign each member of the group a role such as:
leader, recorder, presenter etc.

3. Tell them to follow the given instructions:

a. Make a table of values for the given equation.
b. Find the corresponding y-values and solve for the
differences in y-values.
c. Graph the equation by plotting the points.

Student Activity 1.b) for Advanced Learners

a. Divide the class into three groups.

b. Assign each member of the group a role such as:
leader, recorder, presenter, etc.
c. Tell the groups to solve the real-world problems assigned to
their group.

Key Learning Points

There are two ways to determine whether a function is linear or not:

 by constructing a table of values and studying the differences in
the variables
 by studying the form of the equation that describes the function.

In a linear function, equal differences in x produce equal differences

in y.

From the table of values, the equation of a quadratic function can

also be derived by the difference method. To use this method, you first

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

need to make sure that the x-values are evenly spaced, that is, the x
values have a common difference.

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

1) If the first differences of the y-values are equal, then the function is
linear. Otherwise, the function is non-linear; and we move to step
2) Take the second differences of the y-values. If the second
differences are all equal, then the function is quadratic. Otherwise,
it is not quadratic.
See the illustrative example in the Teacher Notes.

Extension Ideas

The family of quadratic functions occurs regularly in the real world and
a good understanding of them will enhance our understanding of
functions. These functions occur in calculus where they are examined
in great detail.


Which table do you think represents a quadratic function? Justify your

x 0 2 4 6 8 10
y 2 6 18 38 66 102
2 3 4 5 6
4 6 8 10 12
x 0 4 8 12 16
y 1 10 17 22 25


Here are sets of dots arranged in triangular patterns. Study the

arrangement of the triangles and then copy and complete the following

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

Number of dots on the side 1 2 3 4 5 6

of the triangle (x)
Number of dots in the 1 3 6 10 15 21
triangle (y)

Guide Questions

 What relationship exists between x and y?

 Is this function linear or quadratic? Why?


De Leon, Cecile M. et al. Geometry. 245–246.

Function for the School, Teacher’s Guide. 1979.

Teaching Mathematics III. Volume I. Philippine-Australian Science and

Mathematics Education Project. 382–384.

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

Student Activity 1.a

(For Average Learners)



In this activity, your group will:

 define quadratic functions.
 derive the equation of a quadratic function.
 identify the graph of a quadratic function.


 marker pen


Each group is assigned to work on the given equations as follows:

y = 1 – x2 y = x2 + 5x – 6 y = x2 – 9 y = x2 – 2x + 1

For each group, do the following:

1. Prepare a table of values for the equation given to your group. Use
x values that are evenly spaced; that is, they should have a
common difference— preferably 1. Choose x-values from –4 to 4.
2. After finding the corresponding y values, solve for the differences in
y values. Are they equal? Based on your answer, is the function
3. Find the second differences in y values. To do this, get the
difference of the first differences. Are the second differences equal?
What does this tell you about the given function?
4. Graph the equation by plotting the points contained in the table.

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

Student Activity 1.b

(For Advanced Learners)



In this activity, your group will:

 define quadratic functions.
 derive the equation of a quadratic function
 identify the graph of quadratic functions.


 marker pen
 Manila paper


Group I. Use squares to build a staircase pattern. Make another

similar drawing with one step added.

1. Copy and complete the table.

Number of steps 1 2 3 4 5 6
Number of squares 1 3 6

2. Use three ordered pairs in the table to obtain the value of a, b, c for
the equation of the quadratic function. Find a, b and c by solving a
system of equations of three unknowns.

3. What is the resulting equation of the function?

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

Group II
A cable system that supports a bridge forms a parabola. The ends A and
B of the main cable are anchored 10 m above the bridge on two pillars,
which are 24 m apart. Point C of the cable in the figure is 6 m from the
pillar to which A is attached, and 6 m below the line AB.



1. Give the coordinates of points A, B, C.

2. Find the vertex of the parabola.
3. What are the coordinates of the lowest point of the cable?

Group III
In a certain building, a decorative arch 3 m high and 5 m wide is
constructed. See the figure below.


1. What are the coordinates of points A, B, and C?

2. Find the center of the parabolic arch.

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

3. If a door 2½ m wide is to be centrally placed under the arch,

how high can it be?

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

Teacher Notes

Illustrative Example
Find the first differences in x and the first and second differences in the values of
y from the table as shown below:

x1 1 13 2
First 3 4 5
y 5-3 2 0 5 12 21
7 29 s (d1)
2 nces

Guide Questions

1. What are the differences in x?

2. What are the first differences in y?
3. What are the second differences in y?
4. What kind of function does the table of values represent?

Reminder! Be consistent with the direction you use in obtaining the

differences between the x entries and the y entries; that is, if
subtraction of the x values is from right to left, then subtraction of the y
values should also be from right left.

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

Evaluate: y = ax2 + bx + c, a  0
Table 2 shows the values of y when x is replaced by 1, 2, and 3:

If: x 1 2 3
y a+b+c 4a + 2b + c 9a + 3b + c

Firs 3 5
tSec a 2 a
ond a
Diff + +
ces1) b b

Note! Look at the

To solve for a: equate d2 in both tables and simplify:

To solve for b: equate d1 in both tables, replace a, then simplify:


To solve for c: equate the values of y in both tables. Simplify:


Substituting in the quadratic function,


This is now the equation of the quadratic function.

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

Key Learning Points

 In taking the first and second differences of y, there should be

consistency in the direction followed in taking them.

 Equate the first difference in Table 1 and the first difference in

Table 2, then the second difference in Table 1 with the second
difference in Table 2. Make sure that you are equating d 1, d2, and y
with the same value of x in both tables.

 Solve for the variables a, b and c, then substitute in the quadratic


y = ax2 + bx + c where a  0.

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

Lesson 2

1 session




At the end of this session, the students should be able to:

 construct parabolas and give their distinguishing characteristics
 analyze the properties of a parabola based on its equation


Classroom and outdoors


Students should have prior knowledge on:

 definition and notations of a function
 properties of a quadratic equation
 graph of linear functions


 cut-out graphs from the newspaper

 overhead projector
 transparencies; if not available, plastic cut into 8” x 11”
 graphing paper, pencil and ruler
 pre-prepared large graphs of parabolas on whole sheets
of manila paper (4 pieces).

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

 the graphs should have labels beforehand.

Group 1) y = x2
Group 2) y = 4x2
Group 3) y = (½)x2
Group 4) y = (¼)x2
 straws for lining the “grid” for the Main Activity (to be
done outdoors)


Opening Activity

1. Ask students to bring out different kinds of cut out graphs

assigned to them. Pose these questions:
 Which of the graphs you are holding represent parabolas?
Which do not?
 What makes a linear graph different from the graph of a
 What real-life situations do you think can be represented
by a linear graph and by a quadratic function?

Main Activity: PARABOLA MOVE

This activity may be done outdoors so the students have more room
for movement.

 Divide the class into 4 groups. Give each group one of

the pre-drawn graphs of parabolas. Group members will face each
other so that they can all hold the four sides of the Manila paper.

 Each of the four groups stands outside the prepared

grid. The teacher will say a quadratic equation. The group holding
the graph of that equation will have to go to the grid and position
their parabola correctly. They should do this without tearing the
Manila paper. The group with the most correct answers wins.

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

The teacher gives the equation y = x 2 + 1. Group 1 will have to go to
the grid—because they hold the parabola y = x 2 and position the
Manila paper so that the vertex is located at (0, 1)... and so on.

Key Learning Points

The graph of a quadratic function: f(x) = ax2 + bx + c, where a  0,

is the set of points (x, y) that satisfy the equation y = ax2 + bx + c.
For graphing, the leading coefficient “a” indicates the direction in which
the parabola opens.
a. If the value of a is greater than 0, the parabola
opens upward.
b. If the value of a is less than 0, the parabola opens downward.

In the equation 3x² – 2x + 1 =0;

3 represents a
–2 represents b
1 represents c

 c represents the y-coordinate of the point where

the parabola intersects the y-axis (this is called the y-intercept)
 b and a are used to find the coordinates of the
highest / lowest point of the parabola and this point is called the
vertex of the parabola.
The concepts of vertex, intercepts and axis of symmetry must be clear
from the activity.

m of
m th
et e

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

The graph of a quadratic function is a parabola, a curve that can be seen,

for example, in the cables of a suspension bridge and the path of a thrown
Extension Ideas

 To design a supersonic aircraft, an engineer must select

a design method that completes the job quickly and efficiently.
Quadratic equations can be solved using several methods. The
idea is to master these methods and learn to select the one that
most efficiently solves the problem at hand.
 Also, the parabola, the graph of a quadratic function, has
numerous applications in modern technology. Supersonic planes
are parabolic in shape to reduce air resistance.
 Flashlights and satellite dish antennas have reflectors
shaped like parabolas.
 The graph showing how a golf ball rises until it reaches
its maximum height, then falls back to earth is a parabola.

Closing Activity

Ask students to describe a parabola. Drawn below is a simple way to

remember the difference between the right side-up parabola and the
upside down parabola.

a. On one set of coordinate axes, graph y = x 2+1. Then, graph y =x2 +
2x +1, followed by y =x2 +3x +1. Observe the graphs. Do you see
any pattern?

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

b. Rate the performance of each group in the main activity using this rubric.
Criteria Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
(50-69%) (70-79%) (80-89%) (90-99%)
Inquiry: Performs an investigates investigates investigates investigates
investigation with limited with moderate effectively efficiently and
effectiveness effectiveness effectively
Application: Uses uses graphing uses graphing uses uses
graphing technology technology technology graphing graphing
effectively, (e.g., sets with limited with some technology technology
display window, zoom, effectiveness effectiveness with with a high
trace, etc.) considerable degree of
effectiveness effectiveness
Communication: Clearly explains with explains with explains with explains with
explains answers to limited clarity some clarity considerable a high degree
questions (oral and clarity of clarity
written) related to the


1. Equation A= x (18-x) describes the function that relates the area (A)
and one side (x) of the rectangular garden. Draw the graph of the
function. Let x take values from 0-9.
a. From the graph, give the coordinates of the vertex.
b. Describe the axis of symmetry.
2. Without drawing the curve, tell which of the following functions have
graphs that open upward and which have graphs that open
a. y = -5x
b. y = 3x² + 1
c. y = ¼ x²-10
d. y + 8x² = 0
e. y- 4x² = 0

Function for High School. Teacher’s Edition. 1979.


Lesson 3
Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions



1 session




At the end of this session, the students should be able to:

 graph the quadratic function of the form y = ax 2, a  0
 compare graphs where a > 0 and a < 0.


Students should have prior knowledge on:

 how the form y = ax2 + bx + c is transformed into the form
y = a(x – h)2 + k, and vice versa;
 graphing the simplest quadratic function;
 how to find the vertex and the axis of symmetry of a quadratic
 how to graph a quadratic function.


 
 

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions


Opening Activity

1. After checking the students’ assignments, conduct a

brief review on equations of quadratic functions. Afterwards,
present the graphs of two quadratic functions, f(x) = x 2 and g(x) = –
x2, for them to discover the properties of the graphs.

2. To develop the students’ understanding on how to

graph the quadratic function of the form y = ax 2, a  0, allow them to
do the following tasks:

a. Place a pail or can on top of a table in one corner of the room,

then ask 2 or 3 students to toss a ball into the pail or can one at
a time. The rest of the class is directed to observe the path of
the moving ball. Let them sketch the movement of the ball from
the time it was thrown to the time it reached the pail or can.
b. Explain that a parabola is formed along the path of
a thrown ball or a hit by a batter. Ask for another volunteer and
say. “I’ll throw the ball to a volunteer student in the path that a
parabola takes. First starting up, hitting a peak, or maximum,
and finally descending until it reaches the person.”
c. After throwing the ball, maybe twice for a good look,
ask for 3 volunteers. Have the students each go to the board
and draw the shape of the path of the ball. Discuss the shapes
that each person got and what would happen if it hit the floor,
was thrown lower, etc.
d. Have one member from each group come up and
plot the points they found on the paper graph in front of the
class. Have one student connect the “dots.” Then discuss how
they found the answer to the problem.

3. Explain the following concepts:

The graphs of the simplest quadratic functions of the form f(x) = ax 2

will demonstrate the following properties:
a. The graph of the quadratic function is a U-shaped curve called a
parabola. Sometimes a quadratic function is also called a
parabolic function.

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

b. The curve can open upward or downward. In f(x) = ax 2, if a > 0,

the curve opens upward and if a<0, the curve opens

c. The curve is symmetric with respect to a certain vertical line

called the axis of symmetry.


d. The graph has a lowest point (if it opens upward) or a highest

point if it opens downward. This point is called the vertex of the

Main Activity

a. Students will first answer the activity sheet individually. Afterwards,

they will informally discuss their answers in groups in order to
discover the pattern.
b. Present an illustrative example written on a whole cartolina.
1 2
Graph y = x with the help of a table of values.
x 2 1 0 -1 -2
y 2 ½ 0 ½ 2

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

Make a table of values wherein x is between –4 and 4 and solve for y

in each of the following functions. Graph carefully the following
functions using the same axes.
1. y = x2
2. y = 2x2
1 2
3. y = x
4. y = –x2
5. y = –2x2
1 2
6. y = – x

Guide Questions

1. Which graphs open upward? Downward?

2. Which graphs are wide? Which graphs are narrow?
3. What is the lowest/highest point of the graph?
4. What characteristics are common to the graphs? Summarize your
findings about graphs of the form y = ax2.

Key Learning Points

Identify the important features of the Quadratic Functions and their

application in the world of business and in daily life. Then, discuss the
following key points:
 A quadratic function is a function that can be described by an
equation of the form y = ax2 + bx + c, where a, b and c are real
numbers and a  0.
 All graphs of quadratic functions have the general shape of a
 The axis of symmetry is a line that divides a parabola into two
congruent parts, which are mirror images of each other. If you fold
the graphs of f(x) = ax2 and g(x) = –ax2 along the y-axis, the part of
the graph on the right side will coincide with the left side.
 The equation of the axis of symmetry for the graph of the
quadratic function y = ax2 + bx + c, where a  0 is x =

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

 The turning point of the parabola where the parabola changes

direction is called the vertex.
 When the turning point is the lowest point of the parabola, the
function has a least value called a minimum.
 When the vertex is the highest point on its graph, then it has a
largest value called a maximum.
 The abscissa of the vertex gives the line of symmetry, while
the ordinate is the maximum or minimum value.

Extension ideas

Discussion of gas prices and how they change can be done to show an
application of the quadratic function. Ask the students:
 How much do you think gas cost over 40 years ago? About how
much does it cost right now?
 What affects gas prices and why is the general public interested in
keeping the price low? Given a chance, why would you keep the
prices low?

Note: Support this discussion with actual figures such as a table of

national average gas prices from selected weeks between
January 1 to July 1, 2006, for example.

Students will analyze the data and the relationship between the chosen
weeks and the prices on those weeks. They should describe the
relationship as decreasing and then increasing, quadratic, symmetrical,
etc. Answers may vary depending on their previous knowledge.

Closing Activity

Ask the students to draw a sample graph of a quadratic function and

let them explain the salient characteristics of a quadratic function. They
may use the following conclusions to describe the graph:

The graph of a quadratic function of the form f(x) = ax 2,

where a  0 is a parabola with its vertex at the origin.

If a > 0, the parabola opens upward. If a < 0, the parabola opens


Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

The coefficient of the x-squared term determines how narrow or

how wide the graph is. This is called shrink and stretch.

 The parabola becomes wider as a decreases. 0 < a < 1

 The parabola becomes narrower as a increases. 1 < a.


State whether the parabola opens upward or downward.

1. y = –4x2
2. y = 3x2
3. y = 5x2
1 2
4. y =  x
2 2
5. y =  x


Graph each of the following functions accurately.

1. y = 4x2
2. y = –5x2
2 2
3. y= x
4. y = –3x2
5. y = 3x2


Brunners, Dalton, Travers. Using Algebra. Third edition.

Dalton, Layton, Travers. Glencoe Algebra 2 with Trigonometry.

Jose-Dilao, Soledad. Advanced Algebra with Trigonometry and

Statistics. Textbook. Fourth Year.

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

Lesson 4
QUADRATICS OF THE FORM y = ax2 + c, a  0


1 session


The activity could be done either inside the classroom or outdoors.


At the end of this lesson, the students should be able to:

 compare the graphs of the equation y = ax2 and y = ax2 + c
 draw graphs of the equation y = ax2 + c


Students should have knowledge of the following concepts:

 graph of the simplest quadratic function
 properties of the vertex and the axis of symmetry of a
quadratic function
 how to graph functions of the form y = ax2, where a  0.


 activity sheets
 graphing board
 colored paper clips
 graphing
 paper/pens

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions


Opening Activity

 Briefly review yesterday’s lesson, then connect it to quadratic

equations, particularly the graphing of equations of the form y = ax 2
+ c.
 Present to the students ready-made graphs of f(x) = x 2 and g(x) =
x2 + 1 and ask them to analyze and compare the two graphs. Do
the graphs have the same shape? What are their similarities? How
are the two graphs different?


1. Present to the students another set of graphs and equations drawn

on a graphing board.
2. Match the graphs with their corresponding equations.
3. One graph is already identified for the students, the graph of y = x 2.
a. y = 2x2
b. y = ½ x2
c. y = 3x2

4. To develop a clear concept of the quadratic equation of the form y =

ax2 + c, allow the students to do the activity, “Moving Quadratics”
following the teacher’s instruction. Let them answer the guide

5. Present another illustrative example, and let the students compare

the graphs of y = x2 + 2 and y = x2 – 2.

6. Explain that the graph of y = x 2 + 2 is a parabola symmetric about

the y-axis with vertex (0, 2). It should be pointed out that the graph
of this equation has the same shape as the graph of y = x 2, except
that the graph of y = x2 + 2 is moved 2 units upward.

The graph of y = x2 – 2 is also a parabola symmetric about the y-

axis. It has the same shape as the graph of y = x 2 but is located 2
units downward. Its vertex is (0, –2).

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

Key Learning Points

The graph of a quadratic function of the form y= ax 2 + k can be

obtained by shifting the graph of y = ax 2 vertically k units up when k>0,
or k units down when k < 0.

Demonstrate how to sketch the curve of quadratic functions of the

form: f(x) = ax2 + c. Then, explain the following concepts:

The constant a, determines the shape of the parabola in terms of

whether it opens upward or downward. It also determines how wide or
narrow the parabola is.

You can determine whether a graph is a quadratic function through its

vertex, the opening of the parabola and its shape.

Extension Ideas

1. Tell students to observe a rainbow. What do you see? What is its


2. Students will explore and make lists of all possible parabolic

models they find in the real world. They will discuss valid examples
of a parabola. (i.e., a circular object versus an arch ).

Students can make a list of the best examples and the worst
examples. They will also write a summary of their reasons for the
choices made. 

3. Students could be asked to generate their own graphs, depicting

real-world situations. Also have the other students analyze these to
determine the important aspects of the function.

Some examples might be, a 'fly ball' in baseball, other trajectories,

satellite dishes, reflectors for headlights, a ski jump, and others.

Closing Activity

Sum up the key points of the lesson. Draw out ideas from the students
by asking:

How would you compare the graph of y = ax 2 + c and that of y = ax 2

when the vertex is above the origin? The vertex is below the origin?

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

The graph of the function of the form {(x, y)  y = ax2 + k}, where k is
a positive real number, is the same as the graph of {(x, y)  y = ax2}
except that its vertex is k units above the origin.

The graph of the function of the form {(x, y)  y = ax2 – k}, where k is
a positive real number, is the same as the graph of {(x, y)  y = ax2}
except that its vertex is k units below the origin.

Given the graph, determine the equation of the parabola.

[Ans: y = -x2 + 3]

Without graphing, give the vertex of these functions.

y = x2 + 4
y = x2 – 1
y = x2 – 5
y = x2 + ½


1. Prepare a table of values for x equals –3 to 3 for each of the

following graphs. Use the same set of axes for all three graphs.
 y = x2
 y = x2 + 2
 y = x2 - 2

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

2. In what ways are the graphs different? Similar? Give the vertex of
each parabola.


Soledad Jose-Dilao, Ed. D. Advanced Algebra with Trigonometry and

Statistics. Textbook for Fourth Year.

Teaching Mathematics III. Vol.1. Philippines-Australia Science and

Mathematics Education Project. 396.

Travers, Dalton and Brunner. Using Algebra. Third Edition.

Travers, Dalton and Layton. Glencoe Algebra 2 with Trigonometry.

Internet Activities. Quadratic Equations

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

Student Activity 4.a

Option 1

In this activity, you will identify, graph, and determine the properties of
quadratic functions of the forms: f ( x ) = ax2 and f ( x ) = ax2 + c

1. Students could be arranged in small groups, with each group given
a set of expressions.

2. Plot the following quadratic functions and determine the effect of

the coefficient “a”.

3. Analyze your graphs, summarize the results and the properties of

each type of function.

4. Report your group’s findings to the whole class.

Groups 1 and 2

Groups 3 and 4

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

Student Activity 4.b

Option 2


In this activity, the students will act out the movement of the parabola
of the form y = ax2 + c along the y- axis.


 Straightedge for making a Cartesian plane on the floor.


Step 1) All students are asked to stand and represent the parabola in
the form y = ax2 by using their hands.

Note: Hands should be placed forward.

It is assumed that the opening of the hands differs as the

value of a changes. That is, if a>0 or a < 1 or a >1.
But if a<0, the student will make an about face going to the
direction of the negative integers of the Cartesian plane.

Step 2) Ask one volunteer to stand at the origin of the Cartesian plane
drawn. Then give the following instructions:

“Represent the equation y = ax2, then move 2 paces forward.”

As the volunteer follows the instruction, the teacher will ask

the group the following questions:

a. What was the equation of the function before student A

 At what point did he start?
 What is the y-coordinate?
 What is the equation of the function?

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

b. After student A moved 2 paces forward, at what point was

 What is the equation of the parabola?

Note: The command changes as the process progresses.

At every command the student starts at (0,0).

c. Ask all students to perform the following commands and to

answer the questions in 2a and 2b. After each command,
direct the students to return to (0,0).

1. Walk 3 paces backward.

Ask the following questions:
 What was the equation of the function
before you moved?
 At what point did you start?
 At what point are you now?
 What is the y coordinate now?
 What is the equation of the function

2. Walk 5 paces forward.

Ask the same questions as above.

3. Walk 1 pace forward.

Ask the same questions as above.


a) y = ax2
 (0,0)
 0
 y = x2 + 0

b) (0,2)

 y = x2 + 2

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

Lesson 5
QUADRATICS OF THE FORM f(x) = a (x – h)2 + k

1 session




At the end of this session, students shouldould be able to:

 analyze how changes in a, h, and k affect the graph of
f(x) = a(x – h)2 + k
 graph f(x) = a (x – h)2 + k quickly and accurately.


Students are expected to know the following se concepts before the

lesson starts:
 definition of a parabola
 graph of the quadratic function in various forms:
 f(x) = ax2, f(x) = ax2 + k and f(x) = a(x − h)2
 how to graph a quadratic function using a table of values
 how to identify the parts of a parabola (vertex, axis of symmetry,
intercepts, etc)


 graphing board
 flexible wires, (preferably colored
 )graphing paper
 pencil

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions


Opening Activity

The following activity is actually a review of past lessons, as well as a

motivation for the current lesson. Students will demonstrate how
changes in a, h and k affect the graph of f(x) = a(x – h)2 + k.

1. Divide the class into groups composed of 4 members each.

2. Ask the first member of each group to illustrate the graph of y = 2x 2.
They will make use of using the graphing board and the flexible
Note! The wires may be bent into parabolic shapes then placed
on the appropriate portion of the graphing board.

3. Using the same wire and graphing board, ask the second member
of each group to illustrate the graphs of y = 3x 2 and y = −3x-2. Let
the studentsm write/describe what changes they will have to make
in the opening and/ placement of the wire in order to illustrate the
new equations.
4. Let the third member of each group illustrate the graph of
y = 3(x-1)2. Ask them to describe the changes they made in the

5. Finally, ask the fourth member of each group to illustrate the graph
of y = 3(x-1)2 + 4. Allow them to describe the changes they made in
the wire.
6. Using their answers to the activity, discuss with the class how to
graph the equation f(x) = a(x-h)2 + k.

Key Learning Points

Given the parabola with equation f(x) = a(x – h)2 + k.

 The vertex is located at (h, k).

 The axis of symmetry has equation x = h.

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

 If a > 0, the parabola opens up. If a < 0, it opens down.

 As a decreases in value, the parabola opens wider.
 The parabola intersects the y-axis at the point (0, k).
 The graph of f(x) = a(x – h)2 + k is the same as the graph of y = ax2,
shifted h units along the x-axis and k units along the y-axis.

If h < 0, the graph moves to the left; if h > 0, it moves to the right.
If k < 0, the graph moves down;, and if k > 0, the graph moves up.

 To find the x-intercept/s (if there are any):

1. Rewrite the equation as y = a(x – h)2 + k
2. Expand the right side of the equation: y = a(x 2 +2hx + h2) + k
3. Perform all operations on the right side of the equation to
come up with an equation in the general form:
y = Ax2 + Bx + C; y = ax2 + 2ahx + ah2 + k
4. Use factoring or the quadratic formula to find the roots, and
thus, the x-intercepts.


1. Present an illustrative example of a problem on quadratic function

of the form f(x) = a(x – h)2 + k.

2. Group the students into 10 teams with five members each. Activity
Sheets will be given to each group. Instruct them to assign a
leader, secretary and reporter per group.

Extension Ideas

Quadratic functions and applications are a large part of the

mathematics of the world around us. Any general problem involving
areas is a quadratic problem. The force of gravity, which basically
holds the universe as we know it together, can be modeled with a
quadratic function and so with business problems.

Closing Activity

Summarize the concepts learned in this lesson.

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

Graphing quadratic functions of the form y = a(x - h) 2 + k is the

same as translating the graph y = ax 2,, h units horizontally and k
units vertically.

If you can get the equation of your parabola into this form, the
vertex is easier to find. The parabola has its vertex at (h,k) and line
of symmetry where x = h. Hence, the vertex of the parabola:

 y = 2(x-3)2 + 7 is (3, 7).

 y = -4(x+9)2 + 2 is (-9, 2).

Here are some rules to help you with parabolas!

If a quadratic function is given in the form y = a(x-h) 2 + k, the
following method can be used to determine what the graph looks
1. Graph y = ax2
2. Move (translate) the graph |h| units to the right (h > 0) or to the
left (h < 0).
3. Move (translate) the graph |k| units up (k > 0) or down (k < 0).

The maximum or minimum value of a quadratic function is the y-

coordinate of the vertex.


A. Describe the following functions completely, then graph.

1. f(x) = 2(x + 3)2 – 5

2. f(x) = (x – 1)2 + 2
3. f(x) = −2(x – 2)2 – 2

B. Solve the problem accurately:

The Blessed Commuter Airline transports about 800 passengers a

week between Manila and Davao. A round-trip ticket costsis P
7,000. The company executives estimate that for each P 250-
increase in the ticket price, 25 passengers would be lost to the
competition. What ticket price would maximize income for the

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions


Solve the following problems:

1. Mr. Caldozo owned a bicycle rental agency with 40 bicycles to rent

out in Baguio City. He has 40 bicycles to operate. He
determinedfound out The owner found that each of are the these
bicycles could be rented at a rate of P 96.00 a day. With .(or did he
rent out at this rate? What was the base rate for the increase
otherwise?) For eachan increase of P6.00-a-day in the rental, he
observed increase, he found out (? Estimated?) that one bicycle car
wasis not rented. What should he be charged to maximizeHow
much is the the income per day of the agency?

2. A tourist bus ferries carries 300 tourists through the historic place of
La Union, serving 300 customers a per day for a fee of . The
charge is P P400 per persons. The company owner estimates that
the company would lose 20 passengers a day for each P 50-
increase in the fare. What chargeHow much fare increase would
be most profitable for the tour bus company?


Soledad Jose-Dilao, Ed. D. Advanced Algebra with Trigonometry and

Statistics. Textbook for Fourth Year

Travers, Dalton and Layton. Glencoe Algebra 2 with Trigonometry.

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

Student Activity 5
In this activity, your group will:
 analyze the graphs of quadratic functions of the form
f(x) = a (x – h)2 + k.
 solve real-world problems on quadratic function of the
f(x) = a(x – h)2 + k.
 graphing paper
 pencil and marker pen

Each group is assigned to work on the given problems and discuss the
solutions after the activity.
A. Describe completely the graphs of the following functions:
a. f(x) = -2(x – 5)2 + 3 c. f(x) = (x + 2)2 + 7
b. f(x) = 2(x – 5)2 + 3 d. f(x) = (x – 1)2 + 3
B. Solve the following problems on quadratic functions of the form
f(x) = a(x – h)2 + k.

Problem 1
A ferry transports tourists to the Boracay Beach during the summer
months. The one-way fare is P 300 aper person. Two hundred and
200 people ride the ferry each day. The owner estimates that for every
P 25 increaseraise in the fare, he they will lose 10 customers. What
should the fare be for the ferry owner to realize the biggest revenue

Problem 2
In the finals of the softball tournament, Dom hit a homerun to win the
game. The ball he hit traveled in a path described by the function
f(x) = -0.004x2 + x + 4, where x represents the number distance ofin
feet the ball has traveled from the plate. Meanwhile, and ff(x)
represents the height of the ball in feet. Name the vertex, the axis of

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

symmetry, and the direction of the opening of for the graph. of this
function. tThen graph the function.

Lesson 6


1 session




At the end of this session, the students should should be able to:
 determine the zeroes of a quadratic function given its graph
 relate the zeroes to the roots of a quadratic function


Prior to the lesson, the Sstudents are expected to know the

followingprior to lesson:
 definition of the roots or zeroes of a function
 graphing oin athe coordinate plane
 multiplying basic linear expressions
 basic factoring techniques


 overhead projector
 graphing paper
 computer
 pencil

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions


Opening Activity

Start the discussion by introducing the quadratic form of a function.

Recall the concept pertaining to of the roots of an equation such as
how to solve for roots and, their geometric interpretation, among
others. You may also recall the difference between quadratic functions
and with linear functions,— – as well as , the concept of parabolas,

Main Activity

After a quick checking of the student’s’ assignment, develop the lesson

by doing the following tasks:

 On an improvised graphing board, Ppresent the graph of a

the quadratic function y = x2 – 2x – 3 to the students, drawn in an
improvised graphing board, where in the illustrative example, hose
zeroes are integers. (The graph of y = x2 – 2x – 3)

 Ask the students to give the zeroes of the function. They

should be able to identify that –1 and 3 are the zeroes of the
quadratic function written above.

 Recall the following concepts:

 The zero of a function is the value of x for which f(x) = 0. The

zero(es) of a function may be determined by factoring.

 The zero of a function corresponds to the x-intercept of its


 A quadratic function has at most two zeroes. (It can have

one, two, or no zeroes).

 Relate the zero of a quadratic function to the roots of a

quadratic equation. Emphasize to the students that the zeroes of
the function f(x) = ax2 + bx + c are really the roots of the quadratic
ax2 + bx + c = 0.

 Show some illustrative examples to the students for mastery.

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions


Figur Figur
e1 e2
In y = In y =
x2 – 1 (x +
the 2)2
zeroe the
s are zero
–1 is –2
and 1


Key Learning Points

 A quadratic function may have one, two, or no zeroes depending on

which portion of the coordinate plane it is located.

 The roots of a quadratic function may be obtained by factoring the

quadratic equation (either by inspection, using the quadratic
formula, or other techniques).

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

Closing Activity

If the graph of a quadratic equation intersects the x- – axis, it has real

roots. If the graph of the equation does not intersect the x-axis, then
the roots of the equation are called imaginary.

Note: The number i is an imaginary number, where i = 1

To find the zeroes of a function f(x)=ax 2 + bx +c, one must simply set
f(x) = 0 and solve the resulting quadratic equation. Thus, fFinding the
zeroes of any quadratic function f(x) = ax 2 + bx + c is thus the same as
finding the solutions of the quadratic equation ax 2 + bx + c = 0 using
algebraic procedures.


Identify the zeroes of the given quadratic functions, and tables.

1. y = x2 – x – 6
2. x2 – 3x – 10 = y
3. x2 – 3x – 4 = y
4. x2 – 6x + 5 = y
5. y = x2 – x – 2
6. x -3 -2 -1 0 1 2
y 4 0 -2 -2 0 4

7. x -2

b b 2  4ac
The Quadratic Formula: xgives
 the roots of the quadratic equation y =
ax + bx + c (where a  0):

gives the roots of the quadratic equation y = ax 2 + bx + c (where a  0)

The expression b 2  4a , which is called the discriminant, . It
determines the number of real roots of the quadratic equation as
 if b2 – 4ac < 0 then the equation has NO real roots

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

 if b2 – 4ac = 0 then the equation has ONE real root

 if b2 – 4ac > 0 then the equation has TWO distinct real


Using the quadratic formula and the discriminant, identify the zeroes of
the given quadratic functions:
1. x2 – 36 = y 4. y = 16x2 – 2x – 3
2. y = 2x – 4x2 5. –3x2 + 18x – 15 = y
3. y = 2x2 – 7x + 3


Brunners, Dalton, Travers. Using Algebra. Third edition. Dilao,

Soledad, Jose- Ed. D. Advanced Algebra with Trigonometry and
Statistics, Textbook. Fourth Year

Dalton, Layton, Travers. Glencoe Algebra 2 with Trigonometry

Dilao, Soledad, Jose-Ed. D. Advanced Algebra with Trigonometry and

Statistics, Textbook. Fourth Year.Brunners, Dalton, Travers. Using
Algebra. Third Edition

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

Lesson 7


1 session




At the end of this session, the students should should be able to:
 find the roots of quadratic equations and classify the roots as
real, imaginary, rational, irrational, equal or distinct; and
 solve quadratic equations by factoring.


Students are expected to be familiar with know the following concepts

before the discussion:
 quadratic functions and the various forms of its equation;
 identifying the zeroes of quadratic functions given their graph,
equation, or a table; with ________
 approximating roots of quadratic functions; and
 basic factoring techniques.

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions


 drill cards
 ruler
 Manila paper
 masking tape
 colored pencil/marker pen


Opening Activity

1. After checking the students’ assignments, conduct a quick review of

the past lessons.
2. Ask the students to find the square roots of the following:
1. 9 4. –4x
2. x 5. 50
3. 64x 6. 24x4


1. Explain that the qQuadratic equations are of the form ax 2 + bx + c =

Ask: Can a be 0? Why or why not? What happens if b = 0?

2. Provide some examples such as:

1. 2x2 = 0 6. 4x2 = 25
2. x2 – 36 = 0 7. 2x2 + 11x = 21

3. 5x2 – 12 = 0 8. x2 – 12x + 36 = 0
4. x2 + 81 = 0 9. 3x2 + 4x = 15
5. (2x – 3)2 = 25 10. 9x2 + 16 = –24x

3. Note that the equations above are quadratic although there is no

value for b or c for numbers 1-6. Some books called these
equations as incomplete quadratic, sometimes as special
quadratic equations.

4. Ask the students to work on the previous examples by extracting

the roots and by the using the factoring method.

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

on5. Group the students into five. Instruct them to solve the word
problem below by factoring accurately. Let them They will write
their answer (not the(together with the solution) solution?) oin
Manila paper and let them report the results. after the allotted time
given to them toin solveing the problem is up.

A square parcel of land has twice the area of a rectangular parcel

whose length is 9 feet less and whose width is 40 feet less than
athe sizde of the square lot. What are the dimensions of the
square parcel of land?

Let x = the side of the square parcel of land. Then x – 9 is the
length of the rectangular parcel of land, and x – 40 is the width of
the rectangular parcel. Since the area of the square parcel is:
l x w= (x – 9) (x – 40), the equation relating the two areas is then:

From the
Xx2 = 2(x – 9) (x – 40) From the statement of
the problem,
of the
xX2 = 2x2 – 98x + 720 problem, xx = 8 must be rejected as
the side of
measure of a side of
or x2 – 98x + 720 = 0 the square parcel,
because the dimen-

In factored form, we have sions of the rectangular parcel

are 9
(x – 90) (x – 8) = 0 feet and 40 feet less than a the
side of
so that x = 90 and x = 8

the square parcel. That is, if x = 8

6. After the given time, ask the groups to will post their work on the
board for discussion.
Note! Give another set of examples on problem solving for mastery
of the lessons.

Key Learning Points

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

The following properties are helpful in solving special quadratic


a. The Zero Product Property

Let p and q be real numbers.
If pq = 0, then either p = 0, q = 0, or both.
b. The Square Root Property
Let n be any real number.
If x2 = n2, then either x = n or x = –n, or both.
It can be proven that every quadratic equation in one variable
has two roots if the replacement set is the set of complex
numbers. (However, such it is not within the scope of this
lesson, though.).

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

Closing Activity

Emphasize the following main points of the lesson:

One kind of quadratic equation whose solution can be obtained by

extracting square roots is the incomplete (or special) quadratic
equation. An incomplete quadratic equation does not have a first
degree term in the variable. It is of the form ax 2 + c = 0. (b = 0)

The left side of the quadratic equation ax 2 + bx + c = 0 may sometimes

be a special product that can be factored.

To solve equations having one side equal to zero and whose the other
side is expressed as a product of factors with terms of degree 1, use
the zero-product property of real numbers—, that is, the product of two
real numbers is zero if at least one of the factors is zero.

: cConversely, if the product of two real numbers is zero, then either

factor is zero or both factors are each equal to zero.

Example: Find the roots of the following quadratic functions:

1. Solution
x2 = -9
x =   9  no real roots(because you
cannot get the square root of
a negative number)
2. Solution
x2 = 16
x =  16 =  4  there are two real


A. Find the real solutions of the following equations. If there are no

real solutions, explain why. Classify the solutions into rational or
irrational and into equal or distinct.
1. 6x2 = 8 4. 15x2 –22x + 8 = 0
2. 5(x – 2)2 = 20 5. 8x2 –2x – 45 = 0
2. 2x2 – 5 = 4 6. (x + 2)2 – 9 = 0

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

B. Solve the problem accurately.

1. Find the dimensions of a rectangular piece of metal whose area

is 35 square inches and whose perimeter is 24 inches.
2. A The rectangular strip of pavement is 7 feet longer than it is
widthe. Its area is 450 square feet. What are its length and


A. Solve each equation

1. 4x2 – 17x + 4 = 0
2. x2 + 3x = 40
3. 12x2 + 25x + 12 = 0
4. 18x2 – 3x = 15
5. x2 + 4x + 4 = 0

B. Solve

The base of a the given triangle is 2 centimeters longer than and

three times itsthe height. , and iIts area is 28 square centimeters.
Find the height of the triangle.

Formula: A = ½ bh


Dalton, Layton, Travers. Glencoe Algebra 2 with Trigonometry

Jose-Dilao, Soledad. Advanced Algebra with Trigonometry and

Statistics,. Textbook. Fourth Year.

Dalton, Layton, Travers. Glencoe Algebra 2 with Trigonometry

Dr. Fogiel, M. The Algebra and Trigonometry Problem Solver

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

Lesson 8


1 session




ABy Att the end of the session, the students should should be able to:
 solve quadratic equations by completing the square;
 find Solve the roots of quadratic equations by completing
the square.


The students are expected to know know the ff.the following

concepts: conceptsand to have the skills indicated:

 how to identify the zeros of quadratic functions through

graphs and tables;
 how to determine the approximate roots of quadratic
 basic properties of equations; (such as APE, MPE, etc)
 the form of a perfect square trinomial. (a2x2 + 2acx + c2)


 flash cCards
 activity Ssheets
 pencil


Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

Opening Activity

1. Do a the routine check- up of student assignments followed by a

review of the past lessons.

2. Introduce the new lesson, by presenting to the students one

illustrative example onf how to find the roots of a quadratic equation
by completing the square. and lLet them analyze the steps applied
in the algebraic method to in finding the roots.
1) x2 – 6x + 7 = 2
x2 – 6x = 2 - 7 = -5 Write all constants on the right side of the
x2 – 6x + 9 = -5 +9 Determine what constant to add to both sides
of the equation. Note that in this case, to make
the left side a perfect square trinomial (PST),
we should add 9.
x2 – 6x + 9 = 4 Perform the necessary operationsequations.
(x-3)2 = 4 Express Write the PST as a binomial the
Put the previous line Get the square root of both sides of the
under a radical sign then equation.
write the following on the
second line:
x -3 = 2, x - 3 =– 2
xX = 5, x - 3 = 1 Solve for x.

2) 2x2 – 16x + 30 = 16
2x2 – 16x = 16 -30 Write all constants on the right side of
2(x2 – 8x) = -14 the equation.
2(x2 – 8x + 16 ) = -14 + 2(16) Add 2 (16) to the right side because 2 is
to be multiplied to every term on the left.
distributed to terms in the left
2(x2 – 8x + 16 ) = -14 + 32 = 18
2(x - 4)2 = 18 WriteExpress the PST as the square of a
(x - 4)2 = 9 Divide both sides of the equation by 2.
Factor out the coefficient of x2
x -4 = 3 , x - 4 = - 3 Get the square root of both sides.

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

x=7, x=1 Solve for x.

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

Note! If the coefficient of x2 in the given equation is not equal to one, factor
out the coefficient of x2, then proceed as before. See example above.
Before completing the square divide each term by the numerical
coefficient of x2, then follow the steps above.

Main Activity

Ask the students to work on the alternative activity involving on

completing the squares.

Solve z2 + 4z = 96 by completing the square.

Students must find the term that completes the square on the left
side. Remember that whatever they add to one side of an equation,
must also be added to the other side.

Solve 3x2 – 11x – 4 = 0 by completing the square.

When the coefficient of the second degree term is not 1, the

student should first divide the equation by the coefficient of the first
term before completing the square.

Key Learning Points

1. If factoring cannot solve a Qquadratic equation, we can use the

process of completing the square. in the same way as long as one
side of the equation contains a perfect square. When the equation
does not contain a perfect square, use a process called completing
the square to create a perfect square.
2. If a quadratic polynomial has one as the coefficient of the squared
of the variable of a quadratic equation is one and zero as the
constant term is zero, then it is always possible to add a constant
term to make the resulting quadratic polynomial a perfect square.
3. Not all solutions of quadratic equations are rational numbers.
When a solution is irrational, there are two ways to express the
value. The solution written with the radical sign is the exact
answer, if not, the solution is approximate.

Extension Ideas: Application in Physics

Jethro Michael drives a red sports car on a race track at an initial

velocity of 24 ft/s and begins to accelerate at a constant rate of 8 ft/s 2.
a. How long will it take him to travel a distance of 100 ft?

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

b. How long will it take him to travel a distance of 200 ft?

c. How long will it take him to travel a distance of 300 ft?

d. Study your answers in part a – c. When the distance doubles, does
the amount of time double? Explain your answer.

Closing Activity

Provide a brief summary of the lesson but also ask ideas from the
students to by filling- in the blanks.

In this lesson, Twe learned how to solve used to solve the quadratic
equations by completing the square. Below are the key points in
completing the square:

1. The quadratic equation must be in ______(Ans: standard form).

2. The coefficient of the x2 term must be ___(Ans:1) before
completing the square.
If not, make the coefficient of x2 equal to 1 by _____________
(Ans: factoring out) the previous coefficient or by __________
(Ans: dividinge) both sides of the equation by the numerical
coefficient of x2.

3. Move all _______(Ans: constant terms) to the right of the


4. Take ½ of the coefficient of the x term and ______(Ans: square

it). Add this number to both sides of the equation.

5. Factor the_____(Ans: left) side of the equation. It should be a

perfect square trinomial.

6. Get the______ (Ans: square root) of both sides. Make sure to

take both + and – values.

7. Then finally, solve for_____ (Ans: x).



The distance (s) an object travels can be computed when the initial
speed (v1), the time elapsed (t), and the rate of constant acceleration
(a) isare known. The formula that relates these factors is:

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

 1
s = v1t +   at2. . If a car has an initial speed 20 m/s and a constant
acceleration of 2m/s2, determine the amount of time it takes to travel
145 m.

 1
S = v1t +   at2.
 1
145 = (20)t +   at2 Substitute the known value

145 = 20t + t2 Complete the square by adding

 1
  (2b)]2 or 100
145 + 100 = t2 + 20t + 100
245 = (t + 10)2 Factor.
 245 = t + 10 Take the square root of each side.
 245 – 10 = t

The solutions are 245  10 , or about 5.65 seconds and

- 245  10 or about -25.65 seconds.

Since negative time represents time before the car started, the
second solution can be disregarded for this problem. The car will
take 145 m in about 5.65 seconds to travel 145 m.

Solve each equation by completing the square:
1. x2 + 8x – 84 = 0 3. 3x2 + 4x – 15 = 0
2. x2 - 7x + 5 = 0 4. 6x2 + 2x + 3 = 0

Foster, Gordon, Gell, Winters and Rath. Algebra 2 With Trigonometry,

Applications and Connections
Mathematics III, SEDP Series

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

Lesson 9


1 session



At the end of the lesson, the students should should be able to solve
quadratic equations by applying the quadratic formula.

Students should have knowledge of these concepts and indicated
 definition of the roots of a quadratic equation;
 the general form of a quadratic equation: ax2 + bx + c
 basic algebraic operations
 finding the roots of equations by completing the square.

 Advanced Math Textbook and tTeacher’s mManual

 pencil
 worksheet


Opening Activity

 Discuss the assignment given the previous day. Then, review the
general form of quadratic equations and identify a, b, and c in some
of the given quadratic equations.

 Students have learned several ways to solve quadratic equations.

Each method has its limitations. You Teacher might ask, ““Isn’t
there some a formula that will work for any quadratic equation?”

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

The answer is “yes” and that formula is called the quadratic

formula. This can be used to find the roots of any quadratic

 Show the derivation of the quadratic formula as follows:

ax2 + bx + c = 0 Start with the general form of a
quadratic equation
x2 + (b/a)x + (c/a) = 0 Divide by a so that the
coefficient of x2 is 1.
x2 + (b/a)x = (-c/a) Subtract c/a from both sides.
Complete the square by adding
b  b  c  b 2 b/a  2  b  2
x2 + x +  2
=- +    or   to each side
a  2a  a  2a   2   2a 

b c b2 Factor the left side.

(x +   a)2 = - +
2 a 4a 2
b (b 2  4ac) Add the fractions on the right
(x +   a)2 = side of the equation.
2 4a 2
b b 2  4ac Take the square root of each
(x +   a) = side
2 4a 2
b b 2  4ac Simplify.
x +  a = 
2 4a 2
 b  b 2  4ac b
x= Subtract from each side.
2a 2a


1. Ask the students to find the solutions of the following quadratic

equations using the quadratic formula. Let them work individually
first, then in pairs, so that they can check each other’s answer.

1. 4x2 – 2x = 7
2. 16 – 9X2 = 0
3. 9x2 + 5 =13x
4. 6 + 5x = 6x2
5. 2x2 = x + 10

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

Guide Questions
a. What is the first step in finding the roots of a quadratic
equation using the quadratic formula?
b. After identifying the values of a, b, and c, what follows?
c. Once the substitution has been done, what do you do
with the equation?
d. What is the final step?
e. How do you check your answer?

2. Give real-world problems for students to solve:

A photo editor of at a magazine publishing companyer has a 12.5
cm by 8.4 cm photo of a rabbit sitting atin the center of a large field
of grass. She wishes to get a print that has half the area of the
original photo and one that focuses on the rabbit. The layout artist
needs to be told how much of the grass section to crop, or cut off.
If the same amount is cropped from all edges of the photo, what are
the dimensions of the print?

The Photo


The area of the original photo is (12.5)(8.4) or 105 cm 2. The

problem states that the print has half the area of the original, which
oris ½ (105) cm2. The print has a length of 12.5 – 2x cm and a
width of 8.4 – 2x cm.
A = LW

½ (105) = (12.5 – 2x)(8.4 – 2x) Substitute the known values.

52.5 = 105 – 41.8x + 4x2 Multiply.
0 = 4x – 41.8x + 52.5 Subtract 52.5 from each side.

3. Discuss the solution with the class:

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

In the last step, the equation is written in the general form of the
quadratic equation. From this form, the values for a, b, and c can
be defined for use in the quadratic formula, wherein:

a = 4,
b = -41.8 and
c = 52.5.

The two solutions are approximately 8.99 cm and 1.46 cm. In this
problem, 8.99 cm is not a reasonable solution. The new length of
the print would be 12.5 – 2(1.46), or 9.58 cm. The new width would
be 8.4 – 2(1.46), or 5.48 cm.
Check: 9.58(5.48) = ½ (105)
52.4984 is quite similar to 52.5

4. Give another practice exercise on problem solving:

Mr. Manuel wants to build a swimming pool surrounded by a

sidewalk of uniform width. He wants the dimensions of the pool and
sidewalk to be 16 meters by 20 meters. The pool has an area of
192 square meters. How wide the should sidewalk be?

Key Learning Points

A. A formula for solving quadratic equations known as the

quadratic formula can be derived from the general quadratic
ax2 + bx + c = 0.
B. For any quadratic equation in the standard form ax 2 + bx +
 b  b 2  4ac
c = 0, where a  0, the roots are x =
C. The roots of the quadratic equation are expressed by a
single equation using positive (+) and negative (-) signs.
D. The quadratic formula can be used to solve any quadratic
equation., uUnless otherwise specified, the replacement set is the
set of complex numbers.

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions


A. Solve the following quadratic equations by using the Quadratic

1. 3x2 + 2x – 5 = 0
2. 2x2 = 2x + 5
3. 9x2 + 4x = 12

B. Solve the problem accurately.

The Delcanos’ Garden Club wants to double the area of its
rectangular rose bed. Strips of the same width will be added to one
end and one side to form a rectangle. If the length and the width of
the bed are now 17.5 m and 12.2 m (which parts of the bed? The
length and the width, respectively?),respectively, what are the
dimensions of the new bed?.

Closing Activity

1. Reiterate the concept of solving quadratic equations using the by

quadratic formula by showing visual aids or metacards with the
following statements:

 b  b 2  4ac
 The quadratic formula x =

 gives the roots of any quadratic equation.

 The expression b2 – 4ac is called the discriminant because it

lets us know how many real roots a quadratic the equation has.
 The square root of a negative number is an imaginary number.
 Imaginary numbers can be represented by using the number i,
which is called the imaginary unit.
 The imaginary unit is defined by i2 = -1.
Example: The imaginary numbers  11 and  36 can be
represented as i 11 and 6i, respectively.
 Numbers such as 3 + 2i and 4 - i 3 are complex numbers.

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

 A complex number is any real number that can be written in the

form of a + bi, where: a and b are real numbers and i is the
imaginary unit.

 A complex number is real when b=0 and imaginary when b  0.

 The roots of the equation in the given example are complex
numbers, 3+2i and 3-2i.
 Complex numbers of the form a+bi and a-bi are called
conjugates of each other.

2. Sum up the session by soliciting ideas from the students:

a. What happens if: b2 – 4ac < 0?
b2 – 4ac = 0?
b2 – 4ac > 0?
b. Give an example of a quadratic equation with NO real roots.
How What do you think does the graph of this function looks

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions


A. Solve each equation by using the quadratic formula.

1. 2x2 + 4x – 36 = 0
2. 3. 4x2 + 8x – 16 = 0
3. 5x2 - 10x + 45 = 0
4. 4x2 + 12x + 48 = 0

B. Solve each equation by completing the square.the problem below:

C. Craig Hoffheimer wants to build a swimming pool surrounded by a
sidewalk of uniform width. He wants the dimensions of the pool
and sidewalk to be 16 meters by 20 meters. The pool has an area
of 192 square meters. How wide should the sidewalk be?
1. y2 – 3y – 88 = 0
2. x2 + 2x – 48 = 0
3. r2 + 5r + 8 = 0
4. 5x2 - 10x + 45 = 0
5. z2 – 2z = 24


Foster, Gordon, Gell, Winters and Rath. Algebra 2 With Trigonometry,

Applications and Connections.

Mathematics III. SEDP Sseries.

Lesson 10
f(x) = ax2 + bx + c

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions


1 session



At the end of thise lessons, the students should should be able to:
 determine the nature of the zeros of a given quadratic
function of the form f(x) = ax2 + bx + c.
 solve real-world problems on quadratic functions: f(x) =
ax + bx + c


Students should have basic knowledge and skills on:

 graphing a quadratic function
 the quadratic formula and its uses
 obasic algebraic operations

 graphing paper
 pencil


Opening Activity

1) Begin the lesson by presenting a quadratic function and asking the

students to find its zeroes by graphing. Choose a quadratic
function which has real numbers as and zeroes, e.g., f(x) = x2 – 5x

thThe issaid equation can be written as: f(x) = (x – 3)(x – 2))

Present another quadratic function, this time, one with one zeroes,
e.g., g(x) =x2 – 8x + 16

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

which can be written as g(x) = (x-4)2.

Ask the students to m to determine the zeroes of the equation too.

2) The third example that should be given to them must be a quadratic
function with NO real zeroes. e.g. h(x) = -1 – x2
4) For each of these examples, ask the students to solve for the
zeroes using the quadratic formula. Guide them into making
observations relating the discriminant to and the number of real
zeroes of a quadratic equation.
5) Ask the students to work on some exercises where they will be
required to determine the nature of the zeroes of the quadratic
function based on the discriminant.
6) Summarize the relationship between of the discriminant and the
roots of a quadratic equation.

Main Activity

Group the students byin pairs and ask them to write their make
observations on for the quadratic functions written below. Ask Aa
member ofE each group is responsible is pair responsible for reporting
its findings. Glass discussion follows.
1. f(x) = x2 – 3x – 28
2. g(x) = x2 – 8x + 16
3. h(x) = -x2 + 6x + 7
Guide Questions
a. What happens when the discriminant is positive? How many
real roots will there be?
b. Why are there no real roots when the discriminant is
c. What should the value of the discriminant be so that only
one root is obtained?
Key Learning Points
1. If b2 – 4ac > 0, the two zeroes are real:
 If b2 – 4ac is a perfect square, the zeroes are rational.

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

 If b2 – 4ac is not a perfect square, the zeroes are


2. If b2 – 4ac = 0, the two zeros are equal… or we can say that

there is only one real root.

3. If b2 – 4ac < 0, there are no real zeroes.

Closing Activity

1. Validate from Ask the students whether they have learned to:
 appreciatesee the importance and significance of
identifying the discriminant in solving for the roots of a
quadratic equation.
 apply the past lessons in graphing in determining the
nature of the zeroees of the quadratic function based on the
 find the zeroees of a quadratic equation by using a
calculator. (without graphing)

2. Ask them to think about what made the topic area challenging and


Instruct the students to choose two quadratic functions below and to

sketch the graphs corresponding to the following situations:

a. There are NO real roots and the graph of the quadratic function
opens downward.

b. The zeroes are identical and the graph of the following function
opens upward.
1. f(x) = x2 + 12x + 32
2. f(x) = x2 – 4x + 1
3. f(x) = x2 – 10x + 25
4. f(x) = 3x2 + 11x + 4
5. f(x) = 2x2 – 13x – 7
6. f(x) = x2 – 16x + 4

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions


State the values of a, b, and c for each of the quadratic functions.

Then find the value of the discriminant. Sketch the graph of the
quadratic functions.

1. f(x) = x2 – =(+ or –+) 6x + 9

2. f(x) = 5x2 + 16x + 3
3. f(x) = -3x2 + x – 2
4. f(x) = x2 – 16
5. f(x) = 6x2 + 2x + 1
6. f(x) = 3x2 – x + 3


Soledad, Jose-Dilao, Ed. D. Advanced Algebra with Trigonometry.

Travers, Dalton and Layton. Glencoe Algebra 2 with Trigonometry.

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

Lesson 11


1 session




At the end of this lesson, the students should should be able to:
 identify define the discriminant;
 use the discriminant to determine the nature of the roots of a
quadratic equation.


The students should be familiar already know with the following

 identifying the zeroes of quadratic functions by using tables and
 solving quadratic equations by the by square root method,
factoring, completing the square and by using the quadratic

 Manila paper
 colored pencil/marker pen
 thumb tacks
 masking tape
 activity sheet

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions


Opening Activity

1) Using the table below, revisit the past lesson by saying:

In the quadratic formula, the expression b 2–4ac is called the

discriminant. By examining the value of the discriminant, you can
determine certain things about the roots of any quadratic equation.

If the Value of
the Greater than 0 Equal to 0 Less than 0
Then… the 2 roots are Thethe two there are no
real numbers roots are root real number
and they are are real and roots.
not equal. equal.
numbers and
they are equal.

2. Present some illustrative examples. These should be written earlier

on ma anila Ppaper in order to save time.

Find the value of the discriminant of each equation then describe

the roots.

a) x2 + 3x – 1 = 0 Solution a)
a = 1, b = 3, c = -1 The value of the discriminant is
b2 – 4ac greater than 0, therefore the
= 32–4(1)(-1) = 13 roots are real numbers and they
are not equal.

b) x2 + 4x + 4 = 0 Solution b)
a = 1, b= 4, c = 4 The value of the discriminant is
b2 – 4ac 0. The roots are real numbers
42 – 4(1)(4)= 0 and they are equal.

Solution c) c) 2x2 + x + 1 = 0
The value of thea2discriminant
= 2, b = 1, cis= 1
b -are
less than 0. There 4acno real-
number roots.

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

12 - 4(2)(1) = -7

Main Activity

1) Using drill Cacards, ask the students to describe the roots of the

2) Group the students into five. Give the proper instructions for the
activity. Ask Eeach group to will write their answers on the manila
paper. Give them The group will be given 15 minutes to work on
their activity sheet. Upon completion of their task, ask them to they
will post their work on the board and report their findings in class.
Instruct Tthe students to will preparemake a table for their

3) Student Activity

Find the value of the discriminant of each equation and then

describe the roots.
1. p2 + 4p + 2 = 0 6. q2 = 3q + 1 = 0
2. x2 + 2 = 0 7. y2 + 3 = 0
3. 4x2 + 9 = 12x 8. 4x2 + 25 = 20x
4. 3m2 + 6m + 4 = 0 9. 2n2 + 5n + 4 = 0
5. 4 = 3x2 + 11x 10. 2 = 5x2 + 9x

Guide Questions

1. How can you determine the nature of the roots without

solving the quadratic equation?
2. How can you Give a generalization on generalize the role
of the discriminant in identifying the nature of the roots of a
quadratic equation.?

Key Learning Points

The discriminant b2 – 4ac was introduced to determined the nature of

the roots of a quadratic equation, that is:

 If b2 – 4ac > 0, then the equation it has two real


Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

 If b2 – 4ac = 0, then it has two one equal and real

roots, and

 If b2 – 4ac < 0, then it has no real root.

Closing Activity

1. Validate from the students whether they have learned to:

 see the importance and significance of identifying the
discriminant in solving for the roots of a quadratic equation.
 apply the past lessons in graphing to determine the
nature of the zeroes of the quadratic function based on the
 find the zeroes of a quadratic equation by using a
calculator (without graphing)

2. Ask each group to think write in their Journal an informative essay

in their journal to discussing how they each resolve one specific
problem area.

a) cClearly identify why this area was a problem for your
b) sSpecify how your group solved these problems.
c) jJustify your degree of agreement and disagreement with
your group’s’ solution.


a. Find the value of the discriminant of each equation and then

describe the roots.

1. x2 + 8x + 8 = 0 4. x2 + 2x = 1

2. 3x2 – 8x + 5 = 0 5. 5x2 = 7x

3. 2x2 + 11x + 12 = 0 6. x2 + 9x + 6 = 0

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions


Complete the table below by finding the value of the discriminant:

Equation Value of b2 – 4ac Nature of Roots

1. x – x – 2 = 0
2. 4x2 + 4x + 1 = 0
3. x2 – x + 1 = 0
4. x2 – 4x + 1 = 0
5. x2 – 6x + 9 = 0
6. 2x2 + x + 1 = 0
7. x2 – 3x – 10 = 0
8. 2x2 – 8x + 1 = 0
9. 2x2 + 3x – 5 = 0
10. 3x2 – 6x + 12 = 0


Fogiel, M. The Algebra and Trigonometry Problem Solver

Jose-Dilao, Soledad, Ed. D. Advanced Algebra with Trigonometry and

Statistics., Textbook for Fourth Year.

Travers, Dalton and Layton. Glencoe Algebra 2 with Trigonometry

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

Lesson 12


1 session




At the end of the lesson, the students should should be able to:
 Determine determine the quadratic function given itsthe zeroes; of
 Determine determine the quadratic function given the vertex and
another point on the parabola.


Students should know the following concepts beforehand:

 Definition of zeroes of a quadratic function

 Algebraic methods for of finding the roots of a quadratic equation

(A Recall:)
 Extracting square roots
 Factoring
 Completing the Ssquare
 Using the Qquadratic Fformula

 Importance and use of the discriminant

 Basic algebraic operations and properties, in particular the

Distributive Property of Multiplication overand Addition (DPMA).

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions


 overhead projector
 graphing paper
 computer
 colored pens/pencil


Opening Activity

 Check the students’ assignment, then, conduct a review of the past

 Introduce the new lesson by saying:
If the roots or zeroes of a quadratic function are designatedtaken
as S1 and S2, respectively, then the quadratic equation can be
expressed as:
(x – S1)(x – S2) = 0.
Multiplying the two binomials results in:
X2 – S1x – S2x + S1S2 = 0
X2 – x(S1 + S2) + S1S2 = 0

Relate the above equation to the general equation ax 2 + bx + c = 0.

If divided by a, the equation is transformed into:

b c
X2 +   x +   = 0. Therefore, by comparison
a a
b c
(S1 + S2) =   and S1S2 =  
a a

These equationsis illustrates the relationships between the roots

and the coefficients of a quadratic equation. Therefore:

x2 – (r1 + r2)x + r1r2 = 0

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

Main Activity

1) Present a simple question to the students for analysis:

For In a quadratic function whose solutions are 5 and 6, ask the
students to find the quadratic function.
Based on the previous lesson, the students should can easily be
able to come up with find the solution as follows:
f(x) = (x – 5)(x – 6)
f(x) = x2 – 11x + 30

It may be helpful at this point to mention that this question may also
be posed in the following manner:
If 5 and 6 are the x-intercepts of the graph of a quadratic
function, find the quadratic function.

2) Present another situation to the students:

The vertex of a parabola is (-3, 5). The point (-1, 13) is also found
on the parabola. What is the equation of the quadratic function?

Let the quadratic function be f(x) = a(x – h)2 + k (recall the
standard form of a quadratic function)

Since the vertex is (-3, 5) then we have f(x) = a(x + 3) + 5.

Find the value of a by substituting:

x = -1 and y = 13 s since the point (-1, 13) lies on the graph of
the function.
f(x) = a(x + 3)2 + 5
13 = a(-1 + 3)2 + 5
13 = 4a + 5
8 = 4a

Therefore, the quadratic function is f(x) = 2(x + 3) 2 + 5

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

3) Present other illustrative examples to be solved by the students:

a. Find a quadratic function with 3/2 and 1 as its zeros.

b. Find a quadratic function whose solution set consists of 2 + 3
and 2 - 3 . (Recall operations with radicals)
c. Find a quadratic function whose solution set consists of (3 + 4i)
and (3 – 4i). (Recall on operations with imaginary numbers.)

Note! On cartolina, Wwrite the solutions on the cartolina to be

presented to the class after the studentsy have analyzed
the problems.

Discussion Ideas

Give a lecturette to highlight the following key learning points:

 The x -– intercepts are also called the zeroes of a function.
 The zeroes of a function are very important in graphing. These
are the x -– coordinates of a point where the parabola intersects
the x- – axis. The parabola may intersect the x- – axis twice,
once or not alt all.
 The zeroes of a quadratic function may be determined by
setting y equal to 0 and then solving the resulting equation.

a. Find a quadratic equation whose solutions have
the given sum and product.

1. S1 + S2 = 0 3. S1 + S2 = -3
S1S2 = 6 S2S2 = 6
2. S1 + S2 = -2 4. S1 + S2 = -4
S1S2 = -2 S 1S2 = 0

b. Find the equation of the parabola whose vertex is at (-1, 2) and

which contains the point (2, -3).

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

Closing Activity

End the session with a recapitulation of the key concepts using a graph
of the quadratic equation as visual aid:
The zeroes of
a function f(x)
= ax2 + bx + c
correspond to


A. Find the equation of the quadratic function with integral coefficients

and the following solutions.
1. { -6, 0}
2. {-2, 7/2}
3. {3/2, -1/2}
4. {3 + i, – i}
5. {2 + 2, 2 - 2}
6. {5 + 3i, 5 – 3i}


Dilao, Soledad, Jose- Ed. D. Advanced Algebra with Trigonometry and Statistics,
Textbook. Fourth Year

Dalton, Layton, Travers. Glencoe Algebra 2 with Trigonometry.

Jose-Dilao, Soledad. Advanced Algebra with Trigonometry and

Statistics. Textbook. Fourth Year.
Dr. M. Fogiel. The Algebra and Trigonometry Problem Solver

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

Lesson  13


1 session




At the end of the lesson, the students should should be able to:
 determine the quadratic function given the vertex and another point
on the parabola. (review)
 determine the quadratic functions given a set of points on its graph.


Students should be familiar with the following concepts:

 definition of the zeroes of a quadratic function;
 algebraic methods of finding the roots of a quadratic
equation such as:
 (A Recall)extracting square roots
 factoring
 completing the Ssquare
 using the qQuadratic Fformula
 importance and use of the discriminant;
 solving a system of linear equations in 3 variables.

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

 Manila paper  m
 marker pen
 graphing paper


Opening Activity

1) Do a the routine check- up of the students’ assignments followed by

a review of how to derive a quadratic function given the zeroes of
the function.

2) Introduce the new lesson by saying:

A The quadratic function can also be derived from a given set of
points oin its the graph of a given function. If two ordered pairs
are needed to graph a linear function, there should be it takesat
least three ordered pairs to determine the graph of a quadratic

3) Illustrate this fact by choosing 3 distinct points and plotting them.

Ask the students to graph/sketch the quadratic function containing
all 3 points.




Present three given points [(-2, 11), (-1, 4) and (1, 2)] all lying on the
graph of a quadratic function. The class will solve for the equation of
the quadratic function containing these points.


If a quadratic function is f(x) = ax 2 + bx + c then, the equations will be

as follows:
4a – 2b + c = 11 since (-2, 11) lies on the graph
a–b+c=4 since (-1, 4) lies on the graph
a+b+c=2 since (1, 2) lies on the graph

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

This is actually a system of 3 equations in 3 variables and can be

solved using the methods previously learned. The values for a, b,
and c are 2, -1, and 1 respectively and the quadratic function is:
f(x) = 2x2 – x + 1.

Step 2) Present the table of values to the students.

X -2 -1 0 1 2
Y 25 16 9 4 1

State that these ordered pairs define a quadratic function. Then

and ask the students to determine the quadratic function. They
should be able to get f(x) = x2 – 6x + 9 following the steps outlined
in Step (1). Ask the students how many ordered pairs they needed
to use from the table to obtain the function.

Step 3) Group the students into five and distribute the activity sheet.
The students will be given 15 minutes to work on the problem given
to them. Instruct them to post their work on the board for the class

 Find an equation of the quadratic function whose graph contains
the points (1, 2), (-2, 23) and (3, 8).
 What other points are on the graph of the equation?

Discussion Ideas

Facilitate the lecture-discussion by focusing on the following key

learning points

1. The zeroes of the parabola are very useful in

graphing. These are the x- – coordinates of the points where the
parabola intercepts the x- – axis (if it does).
2. An understanding of the quadratic function
adds meaning to quadratic equations and their solution. The x- –
intercepts (zeros of the function) are those points for which the y- –
coordinate is zero. For such points the equation defining the
parabola, y = ax2 + bx + c, becomes ax2 + bx + c = 0. This is the
general form of the quadratic equation.

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

3. The characteristics of the zeroes of athe

quadratic function are as follows:

a. If b2 – 4ac > 0, there are two real and unequal

solutions so the graph crosses the x-axis twice.

b. If b2 – 4ac = 0, there is one real solution so the

graph touches the x-axis at only one point. This point is the
lowest point if a > 0 and the highest point if a < 0.

c. If b2 – 4ac < 0, there is no real solution so the

graph does not touch the x – axis anywhere.

Closing Activity

Give a recapitulation of the key concepts. Ask the students to fill -up
the underlined missing words in the following statements:

1) The steps in solving a system of equations in three variables

can be used in solving for the (zeroes of a function).

2) The zeroes of a function f(x) = ax 2 + bx + c correspond to the

roots of an equation (ax2 + bx + c = 0).

3) The process used in factoring can be reversed to find the

quadratic function givenof two solutions.


Find the equation of the quadratic function containing the given

ordered pairs. Write the equation in the form y = ax2 + bx + c.

1. (-2, 21), (1, 6), (3, 26)

2. (10, 1), (20, 22), (30, 3)
3. (0, 5), (4, 1), (-3, -13)
4. vertex at (-4, 3), containing (-6, 11)
5. vertex at (2, -5), containing (3, 1)
6. vertex at (3, -1), containing (0, -6)

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions


Ask the students to work on the following exercises.

a. The graph of y = x2 – 9 is illustrated below

b. Using a different colored pen, translate the parabola one unit to the
right and answer the following questions:
i. What is the vertex of the new parabola?
ii. What is the y-intercept of the new parabola?
iii. What is the equation of the new quadratic function?


Dalton, Layton, Travers. Glencoe Algebra 2 with Trigonometry.

Jose-Dilao, Soledad. Advanced Algebra with Trigonometry and

Statistics, Textbook. Fourth Year.

Dalton, Layton, Travers. Glencoe Algebra 2 with Trigonometry

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

Lesson 14

1 session




At the end of this session, the students should should be able to find
the area and perimeter using quadratic functions.


Students are expected to know the following:

 forms of Qquadratic fFunctions;
 how to identify the zeros of quadratic functions through
graphs and tables; and
 deriving Qquadratic Ffunctions given their zeroes.


 problem cards (index cards or small sheetspieces of cartolina or

bond paper on which problems are written, one problem for every
 pencil/colored pens
 work sheets
 Manila paper
 scissors and paste

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions


Opening Activity

1. Have a brief discussion of the homework. Then, review the stages

and strategies of problem solving as follows:
a) Stages of PProblem Solving
1. Understand the problem
2. Devise a plan
3. Carry out the plan
4. Look back

b) Strategies in PProblem- SSolving

a. Recognizing patterns e. Organizinged a listing
b. Guessing and Cchecking f. Logical Rreasoning logically
c. Working backwards g. Solving more simple problems
d. Experimenting h. Setting up equations

Note: If time allows, you may gGive sample problems to illustrate

these strategies so that the students can be made aware of
them concretelyfollow the steps.

2. Connect the new lesson with problem -solving:

One of the main goals of teaching mathematics is to impart problem
solving skills to students. Problem solving is the activity that of
completesing the mathematical tasks. The ability to solve problems
can be developed through modeling, experimentating,on,
investigating, andon persistent practice and patience.
Quadratic functions can be used to solve problems in which the
greatest or the least, the largest or the smallest, or the maximum or
minimum values are to be found.

Main Activity

1. Start the new lesson through thea presentation of an

illustrative example. This should be written prepared earlier written
ion ma whole anila paper.

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

2. Ask the students to work on the problem individually.

Have them Ppresent their work, including solutions and their

Problem 1)
Carlos MiguelGreg wants to build a rectangular swimming pool
surrounded by a sidewalk of uniform width. He wants the dimensions
of the pool and the sidewalk to be 16 meters by 20 meters. The pool
has an area of 192 square meters. How wide should the sidewalk
beenclose a rectangular garden with 14 meters railroad trees, which he
cannot cut. What are the dimensions of the rectangle that will
maximize the enclosed area?

A drawing will help the students in solveing this problem. The
formula for the perimeter of a rectangle, is P = 2 (l + w).
Since P = 14 meters, the length plus the width is 7 meters.
Then let: x be the length of the rectangle.
7-x be the width of the rectangle.

Since: Area = l x w for a rectangle

Let: A = x (7– x)
= -x2 + 7x.
The maximum value of A occurs when:
x  3.5

The length should be 3.5 meters and the width is also 3.5 meters.
The rectangle that gives the maximum area is a square with an
area of 12.25 m2

Problem 2)
Carlos Miguel wants to build a rectangular swimming pool surrounded
by a sidewalk of uniform width. He wants the dimensions of the pool
and the sidewalk to be 16 meters by 20 meters. The pool has an area
of 192 square meters. How wide should the sidewalk be?

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

Note: A drawing will help the students solve this problem.

16m x meters

Let x meters be the width of the sidewalk.
The length of the pool is 20 – 2x meters.
The width of the pool is 16 – 2x meters.
The area of the pool can be expressed as the product of the
length and the width.
A = Length (l) x Width (w)
= (20 – 2x)(16 – 2x) Substitute for l and w
= 320 – 72x + 4x2 Use First Out, Inside Last
= 4x2 – 72x + 320 (FOIL) method
The Area (A) of the pool can be expressed as:
A = 4x2 – 72x + 320 square meters.
Since the area of the pool is 192 square meters, replacing A
with 192 results in the equation:
192 = 4x2 – 72x + 320.

One way to determine the roots of a quadratic equation is to

simply apply past techniques learned such as completing the
square, factoring, the quadratic formula, etc. First, the quadratic
equation must be written in the general form. The swimming
pool equation needs to be rewritten as:

192 = 4x2 –72x + 320

0 = 4x2 – 72x + 128 Subtract 192 from each side.
0 = x2 – 18x + 32 Divide each side by 4.
(x–2) (x–16) =0 Find the roots or zeroes.
x = 2, x = 16

We disregard the solution x = 16 because it will give a negative

pool length. Therefore, the width of the sidewalk is 2 meters.

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

Problem 3)

A rancher has 600 meters of fence to enclose a rectangular

corral with another fence dividing it in the middle as in the
diagram below.

As indicated in the diagram, the four horizontal sections of the
fence will each be x meters long and the three vertical sections
will each be y meters long. The rancher's goal is to use the
entire fence and enclose the largest possible area.

The two rectangles each have area xy, so we have

Total area: A = 2xy.
There is not much we can do with the quantity A while it is
expressed as a product of two variables. However, the fact that
we have only 1200 meters of fence available leads to an
equation that x and y must satisfy.
3y + 4x = 1200.
3y = 1200 - 4x.
y = 400 - 4x/3.
We now have y expressed as a function of x, and we can
substitute this expression for y in the formula for total area A.
A = 2xy = 2x (400 -4x/3).
We need to find the value of x that makes A as large as
possible. A is a quadratic function of x, and the graph opens
downward, so the highest point on the graph of A is the vertex.
Since A is factored, the easiest way to find the vertex is to find
the x-intercepts and average.

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

2x (400 -4x/3) = 0.
2x = 0 or 400 -4x/3 = 0.
x = 0 or 400 = 4x/3.
x = 0 or 1200 = 4x.
x = 0 or x = 300
Therefore, the line of symmetry of the graph of A is x = 150, the
average of 0 and 300.
Now that we know the value of x corresponding to the largest
area, we can find the value of y by going back to the equation,
relating x and y.
y = 400 - 4x/3
= 400 -4(150)/3
y = 200

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

16m x meters


Let x meters be the width of the sidewalk.

The length of the pool is 20 – 2x meters.
The width of the pool is 16 – 2x meters.

The area of the pool can be expressed as the product of the length
and the width.

A = Length (l) x Width (w)

= (20 – 2x)(16 – 2x) Substitute for l and w.
= 320 – 72x + 4x2 Use FOIL (spell out)
= 4x2 – 72x + 320

The area of the pool can be expressed as 4x 2 – 72x + 320 square

meters. Since the area of the pool is 192 square meters, replacing
A with 192 results in the equation 192 = 4x2 – 72x + 320.

One way to determine the roots of a quadratic equation is to simply

apply past techniques learned such as completing the square,
factoring, the quadratic formula, etc. First, the quadratic equation
must be written in the general form. The swimming pool equation
needs to be rewritten as:

192 = 4x2 –72x + 320

0 = 4x2 – 72x + 128 Subtract 192 from each side.
0 = x2 – 18x + 32 Divide each side by 4.

Roots or Zeroes:

(x-2) (x-16) =0
x = 2, x = 16

3. Group Activity: PROBLEM-CARDS

1. Group the students into a convenient size of 3 to 4 members

for every group.

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

2. Distribute the problem cards to the different groups. These

cards should contain simple problems on speed, number,
coins, mixture, age, etc. Be sure that no two adjacent
groups get the same problem. Do not allow the opening of

3. Instruct the groups to exhaustconsider all possible

strategies in solving solve the problems indicated on their
problem cards by exhausting all strategies. Allot 10 to– 15
minutes for them to work on their problems.

Discussion Ideas

1) Conduct a whole class discussion on the

students’ solutions toof the problems using the Guide Questions
below. The different problems on areas and perimeters should be
written on the board or prepared earlier on a manila paper.
for this purpose.
2) Present the solutions of the problems using quadratic equations.

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

Guide Questions

 Which groups worked on problem No. 1, 2, 3 and so on.?

 What answer did you get?
 What strategies did you use?
 Are there other ways you can suggest to solve this
problem? What are theyhow??

Note:! Similar questions may be asked for the two other problems.

2) Present the solutions of the problems using quadratic equations.

Key Learning Points

1. Solving a the problem requires some skills in carrying out the

plan, namely:.
a. computational skills
b. algebraic skills
c. geometric skills

2. The three major aspects of problem solving are:

 Learning for problem solving improves our logical
reasoning an and critical thinking skills
 In through problem solving various strategies such
as recognizing patterns, using organized listings, guessing
and checking, experimenting, logical reasoning, working
backwards, and solving more simple problems and setting
up equations should be used
 Learning about problem solving becomes possible
by through understanding the problem, devising a plan,
carrying out the plan and looking back. ( (checking
3. Emphasize the advantages of using skills in solving and analyzing

Closing Activity

 Ask the students to brainstorm on how they can solve


Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

 Tell them to write their Individual responses will be

written ion metacards measuring 8”x12”. Organize and summarize
their responses. Post their collective output on the board in the
following order:

1. Read the problem carefully to get a general understanding of it.

2. Read the problem as many more times as necessary to
determine all the given facts.
3. Represent any unknown quantities with variables.
4. Translate the word statement of the problem into an equation.
5. Solve the equation.
6. Check the solution against the conditions of the problem.
7. Answer the problem.


Ask the students to solve the following problems accurately.

1. A square parcel of land has twice the area of a rectangular parcel
whose length is 9 feet less and whose width is 40 feet less than a
side of the square. What are the dimensions of the square parcel
of land?
2. A rectangle is twice as long as it is wide. If it is bordered by a strip
3. 2 feet wide, its area increases by 160 square .ftfeet. What are its
4. A supermarket, rectangular in shape and measuring 200 feet by
300 feet, is to be built on a city block that contains 81,600 square
feet. There will be a uniform strip around the building for parking.
How wide is the strip?
5. A rectangle 4” in. by 8” in. is completely bordered by a strip x
inches. wide. If the perimeter of the larger rectangle is twice that of
the smaller rectangle, what is the value of x?
6. Find the dimensions of a rectangular piece of metal whose area is
35 square inches and whose perimeter is 24 inches.


Solve the following problems completely and accurately. Show all

solutions and include illustrations.

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

1. The APEX Athletic Association owns a large lot. On a portion of

the lot, a square athletic field has been maintained. Each side of
the field is 110 feet long. The association, however, would like to
equally expand two of the sides of the field for parking spaces so

that the entire region has an area of 14,000 ft 2. What is the width of
the parking strips being added?

2. The APEX Garden Club wants to double the area of its rectangular
“sampaguita” bed. Strips of the same width will be added to one
end and one side to form a rectangle. If the bed is now measures
17.5 m by 12.2 m, what are the dimensions of the new “sampaguita

3. The Home Economics teacher is making an open box by cutting a

2-inch square from each corner of a square piece of cardboard and
then folding up the remaining sides. What are the dimensions of
the box if itsthe volume is 392 in3?


Foster, Gordon, Gell, Winters and Rath. Algebra 2 With Trigonometry,

Applications and Connections.

Mathematics III. SEDP Series.

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

Lesson 15


1 session




At the end of the lesson, the students should should be able to solve
physics problems involving quadratic functions and equations.


Students should have the knowledge of the following concepts and

should have the following skills:
 forms of Qquadratic Ffunctions;
 identifying the zeros of quadratic functions through graphs and
 deriving the equations of a given quadratic function from its zeroes;.
 Bbasic physics formulas relating distance, velocity, and


 pencil/colored pens/marker pen

 colored Cchalk
 graphing Ppaper


Opening Activity

Do the checking of students’ assignments and recall the on steps in

problem solving. Say something like:

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

Applications of quadratic functions can be found in many everyday

situations and thingssuch as in:
 Curves in bridges and buildings
 Satellite dishes used in
 The path of a golf ball
 The path of a javelin

By solving problems, you (the students) could see the importance and
relevance of the functions and equations in real life.

Main Activity

Let the students work on the following problem after grouping .

Students will be grouped into them in 5 teams. Let Eeach team
will assign a representative who will be responsible forin reporting the
results or findings of their work.

Problem 1

As an object is propelled upwards, gravity pulls it back to Earth. The

height of the object can be expressed by the formula:

1 2
s = vit - gt , where: s - is the distance above the starting point,
vi - is the initial velocity,
t - is the time elapsed, and
g - is the acceleration of gravity.

Find out how long it will take a model rocket, propelled into the air at an
initial velocity of 80 ft/s, to return to ground level, if the acceleration of
gravity is 32 ft/s2.

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions


Substitute the values into the formula:

S = vit – ½ gt2 Because the rocket will return to ground

level, its distance from the ground should
be 0 (hence, s = 0)
0 = (80)t – ½ (32)t2
0 = 80t – 16t2 Solve for t by factoring,
0 = 16t(5 – t)
16t = 0 5–t=0
t=0 5=t

Note: Ask the students to explain their answers in their report.

The solution of 0 seconds is the time when the rocket is

launched. The solution of 5 seconds is the time elapsed when
the rocket returns to the ground. The graph verifies this. So, it
will take the rocket 5 seconds to return to the ground.

The graph for this problem is the graph of the function that
describes the height at any given time. The actual path of the
rocket is an entirely different parabola.

Problem 2

The distance s that a body falls in t seconds from a position of rest is

given by the equation: s = 16t2, where t is measured in feet.

A stone is dropped into a well and the sound of the splash is heard 3
seconds later. Taking the velocity of sound to be 1100 feet per
second, how deep is the well?


From the formula s = 16t2, the time t1 for the stone to reach the bottom
of the well is:
(t1)2 = s / 16, t1 = s / 4

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

As distance = rate x time, therefore, the time t2 for the sound of the
splash to reach the top of the well is

t2 = distance/rate = s/1100

Since the total time is 3 seconds, we have the equation

t1 + t2 = 3
s / 4 + s/1100 = 3

If we multiply each term of the equation by 1100, we obtain:

275 s + s = 3300, this equation which may be solved as

Let u = s .
Then u2 = s.
, s
Substituting these values in the equation, we get

u2 + 275u – 3300 = 0.

, bBy means of the quadratic formula

b  b 2  4ac
u= , we find u = 11.5
We reject the negative root because it has no physical meaning in the
problem. Since from the above equation, s = u2, s = (11.5)2 = 132.25 ft.
Therefore, the depth of the well is approximately 132.25 feet.

Ask Thstudents to will post their works on the board and to discuss to
the class their solutions with the class.

Discussion Ideas

Deepen the students’ understanding of the problem-solving process by

giving the following additional key pointers:

According to George Polya, the most crucial of the four steps into
successful problem-solving is planning how to solve the problem.
There are various ways of approaching a mathematical problem. One
of the most commonly used, among others, is setting up equations.

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

Allow the students to practice solving real-word problems by letting

them set up equations:

1. From a launcher, Aa tennis ball is shot vertically upward from a

launcher with at an initial velocity of 64 feet per second. When will
the ball return to the ground? How far from the ground will the ball
be after 1 second? After 3 seconds? What is the highest point
reached by the tennis ball?

2. If a car has an initial speed of 20m/s and a constant

acceleration of 2m/s2, determine the amount of time it takes to
travel 145 m.

3. Michael drives a red sports car on a race track at an initial

velocity of 24ft/s and begins to accelerate at a constant rate of 8

a. How long will it take him to travel a distance of 100 ft?

b. How long will it take him to travel a distance of 200 ft?
c. How long will it take him to travel a distance of 300 ft?
d. As the distance doubles, does the amount of time
double? Explain your answer.

Closing Activity

Remind the students to constantly practice solving problems. To

sharpen their problem solving skills, they may by setting- up equations
as the main strategy to sharpen their skills in solving for real- world
problems. Ask them to recite the step-by-step procedures which were
discussed in the previous lesson.


Solve the following problems accurately.

1. Honeylette is practicing her lobs for a tennis tournament. In

analyzing her style of play, she must use some physics formula
1 2
such as s = vit - gt and, g = 32 ft/sq2
Her coach videotapes her practice with a special camera that also
records the elapsed time (in seconds) of each frame of film. When

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

reviewing the film, he notes that the ball she lobs is approximately
the same distance above the ground after 0.5 second and after 1.5

Guide Questions
a. At what speed was she hitting the ball?
b. If Honeylette hits the ball when it is 7 feet in the air, how far
above the ground is it at 0.5 second? andAt 1.5 seconds?

2. From a building 200 ft high, a toy rocket is shot up at a speed of

160 ft/sec. tThe distance of the rocket from the ground is described
by the equation:
s = 200 + 600t – 16t2
where s - is expressed in feet whileand t - is expressed in

Guide Questions
a. When will the rocket be 584 ft high?
b. When will it hit the ground?
c. What is the maximum height attained by the rocket? and
wWhen does thisit occur?
Foster, Gordon, Gell, Winters and Rath. Algebra 2 With Trigonometry,
Applications and Connections.

Mathematics III,. SEDP Sseries.

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

Lesson 16


1 session




At the end of this session, the students should should be able to solve
problems involving maximum and minimum values using quadratic


Students should have the knowledge of the following concepts and

should have the following skills:
 forms of quadratic functions
 identifying the zeros of quadratic functions through graphs and
 deriving the equations of a quadratic function from its zeroes.
 Bbasic physics formulas relating distance, velocity, and
 formula for simpler and compound interest


 pencil/colored pens/marker pen

 Manila paper
 graphing paper

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions


Opening Activity

After a the routine check-up of the students’ assignments and a quick

review of the previous lesson, continue the problem-solving activity to
further hone their students’ ability to handle real-world problems . By
this time the students have had a lot of experiences oin problem

Main Activity

Start the lesson by presenting a problem. The problem should be an

application of the lesson on quadratic functions or one which involves
quadratic equations. Present a problem where with an application of
quadratic functions and quadratic equations are applied. This should
be written ion manila paper prepared earlier for analysis and

Problem 1


One thousand pesos is deposited intoto an account that earns with

interest compounded annually. Two years later the amount in the
account is P 1199.02. How much iWhat was the interest rate per


Given P 1000 is deposited into an account with annual, compounded

interest. After two years, the amount in the account is P

To fFind The annual interest rate

Use the formula A=P(1+r/100)t to for finding the amount of the

total investment when the interest is compounded annually,
which is A = P(1 + r/100)t, where:

A - is the amount in the account

P - is the principal amount invested

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

r - is the rate of interest (in %)

t - is the number of years the money is invested.

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

A = P(1 + r/100)t
1199.02 = 1000(1 + r/100)2
1.19902 = (1 + r/100)2
 1.095 = 1 + r/100
r/100 + 1 = 1.095 or r/100 + 1 = -1.095
r/100 = 0.095 ; r/100 = -2.095
r = 9.5 ; r = -209.5
Since r represents the interest rate, the replacement set is the set
of non-negative real numbers.
The interest rate is 9.5%.

Check A = P(1 + r/100)2

1199.02 = 1000(1 + 9.5/100)2
1199.02 = 1000(1.199025)
1199.02 = 1199.025

Problem 2

A charter bus company will charge a fare of P 300 per person if there
are up to 100 passengers. For each passenger in excess of 100, the
fare is decreased by P 2 per person for all passengers. What number
ofHow many passengers will produce the greatest revenue for the


Given The fare is P 300 per person for 100 passengers or less. The
fare is decreased by P 2 per person for each passenger in
excess of 100.
Find The number of passengers that will provide the maximum
Make a table of the amount of revenue given a particular
number of passengers. and wrWrite an equation for revenue.

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

Number of People Price per Person Revenue

100 300 100(300) = 30,000

100 + 1 = 101 300 – 2(1) = 298 101(298) = 30,098
100 + 2 = 102 300 – 2(2) = 296 102(296) = 30,192
100 + 3 = 103 300 – 2(3) = 294 103(294) = 30,282
100 + x = 10 + x 300 – 2(x) (100 + x)(300 – 2x)

Note: It would be better if the students are can be made more

involved in the will be the one to derivation of e the equation.

In the following equation, R represents the revenue while and x

represents the number of people in excess of 100:

R = (100 + x)(300 – 2x)

= -2x2 + 100x + 30,000
= -2(x2 – 50x + 252) + 30,000 – (-2)(252)
= -2(x – 25)2 + 31,250

Since the graph of the equation is a parabola that opens downward,

it has a maximum point. The maximum point, or vertex, is (25,

The maximum revenue occurs if 125 people go ojoin the trip.

If x = 25, R = (100 + 25){300 – 2(5)} = (125)(250) = 31,250
And the maximum revenue is P 31,250.]

Discussion Ideas

After the discussiong of the problems, illustrated to them, instruct the

students will be instructed to work on the next two problems
individually within . They will be given 15 minutes to solve the
problem. Then, have a volunteer student will give the report on his/her
solutions. about the result of his/her work.

a. JP deposited P 5000 into an account that earned with interest

compounded annually. In 2 years he had P 6272. What was the
annual interest rate?
b. A limousine service operating between an airport and the center
of a city charges a fare of P 500 per person. It and caferries 300
people a day. The owner estimates that business will decrease by
15 passengers per day for every ach P100- increase in fare. Find
the fare that will yield the most profit for the company.

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

Key Learning Points

 Quadratic equations and functions are applied in business and

other related fields.

 To solve problems involving quadratic equations and functions:

Learn to analyze problems and translate given data to obtain

equations. and interpret the answers obtained by After solving the
resulting quadratic equations, interpret the answers obtained.

Closing Activity

Check the steps in using equations to solve problems vis-a-vis the

observable/common error(s) committed by the students. Highlight the
steps that need further practice or improvement. by the students.

1. Read the problem carefully to get a general

understanding of it.
2. Read the problem as many more times as necessary
to determine all the given facts. Draw/ illustrate the given
situations when necessary.
3. Represent any unknown quantities with variables.
4. Translate the word statement of the problem into an
5. Solve the equation using techniques learned in past
lessons such as factoring, quadratic formula, etc.
6. Check the solution against the conditions of the
7. Answer the problem.


Ask the students to work on the following problems individually.


1. A car rental agency has 40 cars. The owner found that

all the cars could be rented at a rate of P 320 a day. For each P
22 a day rental increase, one car is not rented. What should be
charged to maximize the income of the agency?

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

2. A group of people planned to charter a bus for a ski trip.

All persons were to share the P 8100 cost equally. However, 3
people were unable to go, which increased each person’s share
by P 30. How many went on the trip?

3. P 3500 is deposited into an account with interest

compounded annually. Two years later the amount in the
account is P 3,979.12. Find the annual interest rate.

4. A car rental company has 40 cars. The owner found

that all the cars could be rented at a rate of P320 a day. For
each P22 a day rental increase, one car is not rented. What
should be charged to maximize the income of the agency?.


Solve the following problems accurately.

1. A charter company will charge a fare of P 975 per person if there

are up to 120 passengers. For each passenger in excess of 120,
the fare is decreased by P35 per person for all passengers. What
number of passengers will produce the greatest revenue for the
2. If P 15,000 is invested at 11% interest compounded annually, how
much will it amount to at the end of 18 years?


Algebra 2 W with Trigonometry

Foster, Gordon, Gell, Winters and Rath. Algebra 2 With Trigonometry,

Applications and Connections.

Mathematics III. SEDP Series.

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

Lesson 17

1 session




At the end of this session, the students shouldould be able to solve

problems involving quadratic functions and equations.

Students should have the knowledge of the following concepts and

 forms of quadratic functions;
 identifying the zeroes of quadratic functions through graphs and
 deriving the equations of a given quadratic function from its zeroes;
 Bbasic physics formulas relating distance, velocity, and


 pencil/colored pens/marker pen

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

 Manila paper
 graphing paper
 activity sheets
 problem cards

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions


Opening Activity

Check the previous assignment of the students before then proceed to

revisiting their experiences in problem -solving. Assess the common
areas of difficulty of students’ in setting-up equations as a tool for
problem solving. Then motivate them by saying:
 Constant practice is the key to perfection
 Learn from mistakes/past experiences to improve your one’s
competency in problem solving.

Main Activity

1. There are ten word problems written ion 10 cards.

2. Group students into 10 teams, each wherein a team is
composed of 5 members.
3. Tell Eeach team to will get one problem card from in the box
provided to them. Explain the Proper instructions will be carefully
explained to the teams before they start working.
4. Give them 1They will be given 15 minutes to analyze and solve
the problem.
5. Ask them to put their Ssolutions will be placed on a whole sheet
of Manila paper.
6. Let Oone representative of in each team will discuss the results
of their work.

Below are the problems to be solved by the students who should work
in pairs.

1. A pilot whose airspeed was 250 km per hour found that it took him
24 minutes longer to fly 495 km. against the wind than to fly the
same distance with the wind. Find the wind’s velocity.

2. A man traveling a distance of 40 km finds that by traveling one

more km per hour, he would decrease his travel by 2 hours. How
many km per hour did he actually travel?

3. If 65 “caimito” trees are planted in an orchard, the average yield per

tree will be 1500 caimitos fruits per year. For each additional tree
planted in the same orchard, the annual fruit yield per tree drops by

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

20 caimitos. How many trees should be planted in order to produce

the maximum number of “caimito” fruits per year?

4. Mona and Gary were driving across the country. Each car traveled
572 km. Gary averaged 8 kph more than Mona. If Mona drovehas
driven 2 hours longer than Gary, find the average rate of each.

5. Zarah increased the area of her garden by 108m 2. The rectangular

garden was originally 15m by 18m, but . Sshe increased the length
and the width by the same amount. Find the new dimensions of the

6. Keith Jess wants to enclose a rectangular area of his land for a

garden. He has 75m of fencing material, and wants to leave a 5m
opening on one side for a gate. What should the dimensions of the
garden be if she wants to obtain the maximum area?

7. When asked how old she is, Bolen said, “If you square my age and
add my age to the square, it the sum is 240.” How old is Bolen?

8. Angelou and Marie working together can complete a job in 7 ½

hours. Working alone, Angelou takes 8 hours longer than Marie to
do the job. How long would it take each to do the job alone?

9. If n stuffed toys cost n2 + 3n pesos, how many stuffed toys did a girl
buy if she gave the dealer Php 200 and she received Php 20 as
change? What iis the cost of each stuffed toy?

10. A swimming pool can be filled in 4 hours by one pipe and it can be
filled in 3 hours by a larger pipe. How long will it take to fill the pool
if both pipes are used?

Discussion Ideas

 Ask the students to identify the importance and relevance

of quadratic equations and functions in business and other related

 Remind them to always analyze problems and to

translate the given data to obtain the required equations. Likewise,
to practice them more on how to interpret the answers obtained
from by solving the resulting quadratic equations.

 Express that problem solving is very important in

technological research and in finding new applications ofor science.

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

Closing Activity

End the session with a brief reminder of the areas where students
need further practice or improvement, particularly those pertaining to
in solving problems using equations.


Joy is preparing invitations for her debut this coming month. She
invited 150 persons ton her birthday party. All invited persons guests
are expected to come to the party. If each person guest at the time of
the program shakes hands once with the other 149 people, how many
handshakes are there in all? If 600 persons are invited, olved, how
many handshakes will there be?


Ask the Sstudents are asked to solve the problems 16 to 20 on page

99 of from their textbook, page 99 numbers 16 to 20. Tell them to
present their Ssolutions will be placed in on a whole sheet of yellow
pad paper for submission to be submitted after the discussion.

Algebra 2 With Trigonometry

Foster, Gordon, Gell, Winters and Rath. Algebra 2 Trigonometry,

Applications and Connections

Mathematics III. SEDP Series.

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

Lesson 18


1 session




At the end of this lesson, the students should should be able to graph
quadratic inequalities.


The Sstudents are expected to know the following concepts and to

have the following skills:
 identifying the zeroes of quadratic functions
through graphs and tables;
 deriving a Qquadratic Ffunction from its zeroes;
 graphing quadratic equations;
 properties of inequalities.


 pencil/colored pens
 graphing paper
 Manila paper
 marker pen


Opening Activity

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

1. After the checking theof students’ assignments, ask

some of them students to recall what they learned from the
problem-solving activity in the previous day.

2. Before we get started, lets’ review. A quadratic equation is an

equation that can be written in the form ax2+bx+c, where a, b and c
are real numbers and a is not equal to zero. In this lesson, we are
going to discuss quadratic inequalities.

3. Introduce the next lesson by asking the students to compare and&

contrast the following quadratic functions:

y > ax2 + bx + c
y < ax2 + bx + c
y ≥ ax2 + bx + c
y ≤ ax2 + bx + c

The graph of any such inequality consists of all solutions (x, y) of

the inequality. The steps used to graph a quadratic inequality are
very much like those used to graph a linear inequality.

Main Activity

To graph one of the four types of quadratic inequalities shown above,

follow these steps:

1) Draw the parabola with equation y = ax 2 + bx + c. Make the

parabola dashed (- - -) for inequalities with < or > and solid for
inequalities with  or  .

2) Choose a point (x, y) inside the parabola and check whether the
point is a solution of the inequality.

3) If the point from step 2 is a solution, shade the region inside the
parabola. If it is not a solution, shade the region outside the

When solving inequalities we are trying to find all possible values of

the variable which will make the inequality true.

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

4. Present an example of graphing a quadratic inequality.

a) Graph y > x2 – 2x – y

3. Since the inequality

symbol is >, make the y> x2 + 2x - 3

(1,0) x

parabola dashed.


b) Test a point inside

the parabola, such as
> x2 – 2x – 3
> (1)2 – 2(1) – 3
So, (1,0) is a solution
of the inequality.

c) Shade the region inside the parabola.

The parabola represents the set of all points that satisfy the
function y > x2 + 2x – 3. The shaded region in the figure
represent the set of all points that satisfy the given inequality , y
> x2 + 2x – 3.
Ask the students to observe and note the difference between
the graphs of y > x2 + 2x – 3 and y < x2 + 2x – 3.

Consider the inequality, x2 – x – 6> 0. Ask students to
find all the values of x for which the quadratic is greater than zero or
We can find the values where the quadratic equals zero by solving
the equation, x2 – x – 6> 0
x - 3 =0 ; or x + 2 = 0
x = 3 or x = -2

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

y> x 2 -x - 6

The values we just found x

are the zeroes or

x-intercepts. The graph of
x2 – x – 6 > 0 is:

6. Ask students to solve x2 – 6x + 5 <0


The solution consists of

the x values for which the 1 3 5 x

graph of x2 – 6x + 5 lies y= x 2 -6x +5

below the x-axis.

6.1 Find the graph’s x-

intercepts by letting
y = 0 and using
factoring to solve for

0 = x2 – 6x + 5
0 = (x-1)(x-5)
x = 1 or x = 5

6.2 Sketch a parabola that opens up and has 1 and 5 as

x-intercepts. The graph lies below the x-axis between x = 1
and x = 5. The solution of the given inequality is 1< x< 5.

Extension Ideas

You are building a wooden bookcase. You want to choose a thickness

d (in inches) for the shelves so that each is strong enough to support
60 pounds of books without breaking. A shelf can safely support a
weight of W (in pounds) provided that: W  300d 2
 Graph the given inequality.

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

 If you make each shelf 0.75 inch thick, can

it support a weight of 60 pounds?


Solution y


Graph W  300d 2 for

weight 250
200 (0.5,240)
W> 300d2

nonnegative values of d.
50 (0.75,60)

Since the inequality symbol 1

2 d

is  , make the parabola

solid. Test a point inside the
parabola, such as (0.5, 240).
 300 d2
 300 (0.5)2
240  75

Since the chosen point is not a solution, shade the region outside
(below) the parabola.

The point (0.75, 60) lies in the shaded region of the graph from part
(a), so (0.75, 60) is a solution of the given inequality. Therefore, a shelf
that is 0.75 inch thick can support a weight of 60 pounds.

Closing Activity

Share with the students some important points oin graphing quadratic
1. For y > ax2 + bx + c and y < ax2 + bx + c broken lines are used to
represent the parabola. On the other hand the parabola is a solid
curve when y > ax2 + bx + c and y < ax2 + bx + c.

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

2. To determine the region that must be shaded, o shade it is

necessary to choose a point representing a region and to substitute
the coordinates of this point into the given inequality. If the point
satisfies a given inequality, the region where the point lies must be


Draw the graph of each inequality.

1. y < (x + 3)2
2. y  x2 + 8x + 16
3. y > x2 – 49
4. y > 4x2 – 8x + 3
5. y < -3x2 + 5x + 2


Draw the graph of each inequality.

1. y > x2 + 2x + 1
2. y > x2 –10x + 25
3. y < x2 –16
4. y > -x2 + 6X + 8


Foster, Gordon, Gell, Winters and Rath. Algebra 2 With Trigonometry,

Applications and Connections.

Mathematics III, SEDP Sseries.

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

Lesson 19

1 session




At the end of this session, the students should should be able to solve
quadratic inequalities in one variable.


Students are expected to know the following concepts and to have the
following skills before the lesson begins:
 identifying the zeroes of quadratic functions through
graphs and tables.
 deriving quadratic function from zeroes.
 graphing quadratic equations
 properties of inequalities


 overhead projector
 computer
 graphing paper
 pencil

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

Opening Activity

1) Monitor the student’s’ progress based on their assignments. During

the review of the past lesson on graphing quadratic equations,
observe areas where improvements are needed. During the review
of the past lesson on graphing quadratic equations.

2) Introduce the process of solving quadratic inequalities in one

variable using the illustrative example below:

Given: (x – 7) (x – 2) > 0

 Solve for value/s of x that will satisfy the inequality.

 Present the geometric interpretation of this inequality based
oin the pastequation lesson 26,:


 Note that the parabola cuts the x-axis into 3 regions

1 2 3
y>(x - 7) y<(x-7)(x-2)
(x - 2)

Guide Questions

 What happens when y = 0?

 Which region/s do we consider?

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

3) Show another way of solving quadratic inequalities by using three

test points.
Given: (x–7)(x+–+ 2) > 0
Solution: Consider first the equation
(x – 7)(x + 2) = 0
x – 7 = 0 or x + 2 = 0
x=7 x = –2
These x-values are called critical points.

The points 7 and –2 separate the x -– axis into three parts:

x < -2, -2 < x < 7, and x > 7

x < -2 -2 < x < 7 x>7

-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

x + -2 x=7
4) Choose a value from each of the regions and substitute it into the
expression (x – 7)(x + 2). The region/s that satisfies / satisfy the
inequality (x –7)(x+2) > 0 will constitute be the solution set.
5) Ask the students to make a table to organize the results.

Part of x-axis Point, x (x – 7)(x + 2) Is (x – 7)(x + 2) > 0

x < -2 -3 {(-3) – 7}{(-3) + 2} = 10 yes
-2 < x < 7 0 (0 – 7)(0 + 2) = -14 no
x>7 8 (8 – 7)(8 + 2) = 10 yes

The parts of the x – axis whose points are solutions to (x – 7)(x + 2) > 0
belong to the solution set. So, the solution set is are those where {x|/x <
-2 or x > 7}.
o o

-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Note! Compare this solution to the one obtained in the introduction.

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

6) Present another problem. Let the students solve the problem

A ball is thrown upward at with an initial velocity of 64 feet per
second. The formula h(t) = 64t – 16t2 gives the height of the ball
after t seconds. Within During what span of time span is the ball in

The ball is in flightacceleration as long as its height is greater than
0. We can find the times that the ball is in flightacceleration by
solving the inequality 0 < 64t – 16t2.
0 < 64t – 16t2
0 < -16t(t – 4)
The product of two numbers is positive if both of the numbers are
positive or both are negative.

Case 1 Case 2
Both factors are positive Both factors are negative
-16t > 0 and t – 4 > 0 -16t < 0 and t – 4 < 0
t < 0 and t > 0 t > 0 and t < 4
never true 0<t<4


Becau The
se t solution


 Divide the class into 8 groups with five members per in each group.
 Distribute the activity sheet.
 Instruct the classm to work cooperatively in as a teams.

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

Key Learning Points

 ax2 + bx + c< 0 is a quadratic inequality in one variable. Similar to

linear inequalities in one variable, note that the boundary points are
found when we replace the inequality symbol with an “=” sign and
solve the resulting equation.

 We can call the boundary points critical points because they are
where the value of the inequality changes from positive to negative
or negative to positive. Keep in mind the fact that , <0 implies that a
value is negative, while an >0 implies that a value is positive.

 When we graph a quadratic inequality, we need to begin by finding

the critical points. After we have marked the critical points on a
number line, we test a value in each of the resulting regions to tell
whether or not we should shade the points in that region. We do
this if a region is part of the solution set.

 In general, when solving quadratic inequalities:.

1. Find the zeros by solving the equation you get when you
replace the inequality symbol with an equal sign.
2. Find the intervals around the zeros using a number line and test
a value from each interval in the number line.
3. The solution consists of the interval or intervals, which make the
inequality true.
Closing Activity

1. Sum -up the lesson’s key concepts:

 In solving a quadratic inequality, consider the graph of
the corresponding quadratic function.
 When a > 0, the solutions of a quadratic inequality of the
ax2+ bx + c are either between or not between the roots of
ax2 + bx + c = 0.

2. Motivate the studentsm further by saying:

If you are careful about finding the zeroes of the quadratic equation,
and use your knowledge of the shape of quadratic graphs, you
shouldn’t have any trouble solving quadratic inequalities.

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions


Solve each inequality and graph the solution set:

1. (x – 9)(x + 1) < 0
2. (x + 11)(x– 1) > 0
3. (x – 8)(x – 2) < 0
4. (x + 2)(x + 9) > 0
5. (x – 10)(x – 3) < 0


1. An object is shot into the air from the ground at , with an initial
speed of 400 ft/sec. The distance s above its starting point at any
time t (in seconds) is given by:
s = -16t + 400t
2. How long will the object be at least 2400 ft above the ground?
3. When will the object hit the ground?
4. What is the maximum height attained by the object and when does
it occur?
5. In general, is there a “shortcut”’ for finding the solution set of:
a. ax2 +bx + c > 0?
b. How about ax2 + bx + c < 0? (assume that a is positive).
c. What happens if a < 0? Why?


Algebra 2 With Trigonometry. Mathematics III. SEDP Series

Foster, Gordon, Gell, Winters and Rath. Algebra2 With Trigonometry,

Applications and Connections.

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

Teacher Notes


Step 1:  Set the right-hand side of the inequality at zero.

Step 2:  From Step 1, take note whether the inequality is

Step 3:  Factor.
Step 4:  Determine the numbers that could result in division by zero and make a
note that this number can NOT be part of the solution set.    This step
only applies when the problem has an x in the denominator.
Step 5:  Find all the critical values. This is where either the numerator or
denominator equals zero. Set all factors equal to zero.
Step 6:  Set up the number line with the critical values in numeric order.
Step 7:  Check each quadrant between all critical values to determine whether
the inequality is positive or negative in that quadrant.
Step 8:  Look back at step 2.

 If in step 2 the inequality is or >  then

write the intervals that are positive.
 If in step 2 the inequality is or <  then
write the intervals that are negative.

Step 9: If you included any numbers from Step 4 that cannot be part of the
solution set, remove the equal sign. This will remove any numbers that
will create division by zero.

Step 10:Calculate the solution as follows:

 If the problem has a > symbol, the question is: For
what values of x is the graph above the x-axis?
This is why the positive intervals are written.
 If the problem has a < symbol, the question is: For
what values of x is the graph below the x -axis?
This is why the negative intervals are written.
 If the symbols,  and  are used (the equal sign is
included), the solution set also includes values of x that are on the x-

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

Algebra 2 With Trigonometry. Mathematics III. SEDP Series

Example 1) Inspect this graph of y = x²- 4x - 5

Solve this inequality: x² - 4x - 5 < 0


For which values of x will the quadratic x² - 4x - 5 < 0 be negative?

That is, where is the graph below the x-axis?
The graph is negative between the roots, which are -1 and 5.  The
solution to the inequality is  -1 < x < 5.

We can also observe that the quadratic x² - 4x - 5 < 0 will have

positive values  the graph will be above the x-axis  to the left
and right of the roots: x < -1  or  x > 5.

The quadratic x² - 4x - 5 < 0 will have the value 0 at the roots.

Example 2)

Inspect the graph of  y = x² + 2x - 3 to solve this inequality:

x² + 2x - 3 > 0

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

The quadratic x² - 4x - 5 < 0 will be positive  above the x-axis for

values of x to the left and right of the roots. The solution is x < - 3
or x > 1.

Student Activity 19



A. Find the values of x, along the x -axis where the statement is true.
Solve the inequality 5x2 + 10  27x by following these steps:

1.Solve the equation: 5x2 + 10 = 27x

2.Find the critical points or (value/s of x that make the equation true).
These points subdivide the x-axis into three regions.

3.Choose a representative x value from each of the three regions.

Substitute these values in the given inequality.

4.Finally, mark the points along the x-axis, where the inequality is true.

B. Solve the inequality 3x2 + 20x + 12  0.

1. Without graphing the corresponding equation, test values of x that

will make the inequality true. Make a guess guess as to what the
solution set will be.

2. Consider the equation associated with the given inequality. What

are the x-– and y-–intercepts?

3. What happens to 3x2 + 20x + 12 when you substitute values of x

that are:

(a) to the left of the smaller intercept?

(b) to the right of the larger intercept?
(c) between the two intercepts?

4. What is the solution set of the inequality?

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

Unit Integration Plan


By the end of the culminating activity, the students should be able to:
 demonstrate knowledge and skills related to linear functions and
apply the same to business research;
 demonstrate knowledge and skills related to quadratic functions
and apply the same to modelling real-world phenomena, i.e., the
motion of objects.


 information on population trends, business statistics, data in

newspapers, reports, journals, and others

 the Internet

Introduce the first culminating activity after the following topics
involving Linear and Quadratic Functions have been tackled with the

 Linear and quadratic functions and their graphs

 Uses of linear and quadratic functions in different careers

 The role of slopes in linear relationships

 Solving word problems involving linear equations/inequalities and

quadratic equations/inequalities

 The different graphs of linear and quadratic functions as applied in

real-life situations

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

By the end of Chapter 3, introduce the next culminating activity. Prior

to implementation, students should be familiar with the following key
terms: linear function, quadratic function, x-intercept, y-intercept,
domain, range, coefficient, factor, trinomial, binomial, parabola, vertex,
axis of symmetry, roots, zeroes, maximum, minimum, independent
variable, and dependent variable.

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions


The students will apply the concepts of linear functions as described in

tables, by ordered pairs and graphs in research projects and/or
business. They may be asked to research on an application in greater
detail than was required by their homework/assignment. They could
prepare some graphs in the computer, show how different parameters
play a role in the behaviour of graphs and connect "real-life"
parameters to their math counterparts. They may submit either of the

Option 1) Business Research Project

Project Assumption
This project works on the assumption that the Enterprise
Preparation course has been taken up by students from first year to
third year.
If the class has an existing business operating within the school,
through scientific research, they can use their own business data
and analyze the relationship between any of the following:
a. profit and loss
b. income and operating expenses
c. supply and demand
d. breakeven point

Option 2) Population Research Project

In this project, the students will explore some of the mathematics

involved in population growth. They will study different
mathematical models that describe the growth of the population in
their community, for example.


Students will wrap up the unit by putting together a PowerPoint

presentation on a mathematical concept or definition they have
learned. (See attached sample presentation.) The class will begin
in the computer lab where the students will sit with their assigned
group of 2 to 3 members. Each group will be given one of the
following topics:

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

 The Relationship between Linear and Nonlinear

 Exploring Parabolas
 Solving Linear and Quadratic Equations
 The Quadratic Formula
 The Discriminant
Note! If computers are not accessible to students, let them use any visual aids such as a flip
chart using newsprint or Manila paper, or meta cards made of cartolina or bond

Given a 50-minute period, the students will then be required to put

together a thorough presentation covering their assigned topic. This
will not only help the students become more familiar with PowerPoint
and other media but will also help them gain a clearer understanding of
the concept or definition which they will re-teach themselves. After
completing the assignment, the students will then be required to
present their findings to the class.

The requirements for the PowerPoint presentation are as follows:

 Title with project name, student name, date
 Project objectives
 Content/topics
 Consistent transitions from slide to slide
 Use at least one example of clip art
 Use at least one hyperlink to a content website
 Consistent “builds” or effects

Option 3: Filipino Fashion Trends through the Years

In this project, the students will investigate the fashion trends in the
Philippines during the past 10 years. Allow them to gather all kinds of
dresses/wardrobes through magazines, Internet sources and their own
family collections.

They will also predict the future trends of wardrobes 10 years from
now. Encourage them to practice recycling of reusable clothings and
use their creativity to design the future trends either for male or female
attires whether for formal use or informal purposes.

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

Then ask them to compare the various clothing designs 10 years

before and 10 years from now using quadratic functions and by
graphing the fashion trends vis-à-vis different periods/years. You may
also ask the students to discuss the future costs and demands for
clothes that they have designed.

Option 4: Quadratics in Physics (For More Advanced Learners)

Quadratic equations are used to describe many real-world patterns.

Using mathematical modelling and quadratic equations, students will
rewrite the rules for playing a sport on another planet. In this activity,
the students will learn several methods for solving quadratic equations,
including graphical representation and analysis.

1. Focus question: Basketball on the moon? Football on

Mars? How would the “rules of the game” change for different
sports on the moon or a planet other than Earth?

2) Introduce the “Modelling of a Bungee Jump” with a short

presentation showing different bungee jumping sites. Students
work in groups of three to conduct the bungee jumping
experiment using a stuffed toy as the object.


From basketballs to high jumpers to shot puts, nearly all objects travel
through the air along the same kind of path. The path is called a parabolic
curve or a parabola. Parabolas and quadratic equations, the equations
that describe their paths, occur in many different places.

The “Bouncing Ball” activity can be done in the classroom or in the

hallway. That is, you may have the students conduct the bungee jumping
data collection and culminating jump in the hallway. All other activities and
tasks can be accomplished in a regular classroom. Students may need to
conduct initial velocity experiments in the outdoors.

1) The “Bouncing Ball Activity”

Let the students work in small groups. Students should conduct

preliminary work on the project throughout the unit, outside of class.
They should choose a sport that involves the vertical motion of a ball,
such as: football, basketball, soccer, volleyball.

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

For the purpose of this project, they will only consider the effects of
gravitational force on the vertical component of the ball’s motion, not
on the horizontal component. Changes in the athlete's motion but not
in other characteristics (eyesight for example) should also be

The student's presentation should demonstrate mathematical evidence

supporting the rule changes. The only rule changes that should be
addressed should concern changes on the physical playing field and
the equipment used. Students can do Internet research to find initial
velocity values. The project will be presented to the class and to the
panelists made up of faculty members, administrators and/or parents.

The end-product of the project will be a PowerPoint presentation

suggesting rule changes for a sport on the moon or a planet other than
the Earth. (Jupiter should not be used because of its high gravitational
force.) The teacher will provide the students with Internet bookmarks
for information about the moon and planets, as well as “Earth Rules”
for the different athletic events. (Website for planet data:

2) Modelling a Bungee Jump

Introduce the bungee jumping activity with a short presentation

showing different bungee jumping sites. Let the students work in
groups of three.

Bungee jumping is a sport enjoyed by some daring individuals who

hurl themselves from bridges, the tops of cranes, etc. with only an
elastic cord (sometimes called a bungee cord or a shock cord) to
impede their otherwise inevitable impact on the ground. Bungee
jumpers believe that the elastic cord will absorb all of the potential
energy of their fall without breaking, and before they hit the ground.

The design of such a thrill involves calculating the point at which

the gravitational potential energy lost during the jumper's fall equals
the elastic potential energy (similar to a spring) gained by the
elastic cord (plus any energy lost due to air friction). To ensure
maximum thrill this point is designed to be as close to the ground
as is safely as possible.

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

Management of the Activity

During group work, allow the students to rearrange their desks

according to their assigned groups so they can work more efficiently.
On the last day of this unit, let the students work on their PowerPoint
presentations in the computer lab (if available or accessible).
While they work in the lab, you should walk around and answer any
questions or problems they might have. If there are some students
who need extra time or help, hold extra sessions on Friday afternoon
or any appropriate time after school. During these sessions, allow the
students to either work on their PowerPoint presentation or receive
help in their homework.

Teacher’s Role

The teacher's roles will include providing book-marked sites for the
Internet investigations, explaining expectations for the unit, and
reviewing assessment guidelines. The teacher will be the facilitator of
class discussions guiding students to use correct mathematical
terminology. The teacher will also act as an aide to students as they
conduct their investigations and experiments. The teacher must
provide feedback to the students concerning their mathematical
abilities relating to the unit.

Students’ Role

Students will work in small groups and individually on daily

investigations, experiments and the culminating presentation. They will
work as a team teaching each other and assessing each other's

Teacher Notes

To complete this unit successfully, the school will need to have an

adequate computer lab, PowerPoint software and an Internet
connection. It may be necessary for the school to tap a special
education teacher to advise or assist in providing for the special needs
of the students. Lastly, if the class size is large, an assistant in the
computer lab when the students are working on their PowerPoint
presentations may be essential. Under such an arrangement, the
teacher and the assistant can both help answer questions and address
the problems the students may have. Otherwise, the teacher and the

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

students may resort to using whatever materials/visual aids are



After the activity, tie all the students’ learning experiences together with
a group discussion relating the unit activities to quadratic equations.
Review methods in solving quadratic equations and graphing quadratic

Give constructive feedback on individual and group performance.

Focus on the areas where the students can further improve, especially
in applying the mathematical concepts involving linear and quadratic
functions, and how these can be used in other real-life situations.


The main focus of the assessment rubric is the mathematics in the

presentation, but will include the assessment on the oral and the
PowerPoint presentations. Students will evaluate the group
presentations using Annex “A”.

The main goals of the homework assignments are to help the students
become familiar with the topic and practice solving problems.
Therefore, if the student attempts to answer all the problems he will
receive full credit. See ANNEX “B” for rubrics on assignments.

During the output presentation, the panelists made up of other faculty

members, administrators and/or parents will evaluate the group output
using Annex “C.

Student’s Learning Journal/Portfolio

Ask each group to prepare a portfolio of their work accomplishment.

This includes the photo (if available) and process documentation of
the activities they underwent to enable them to produce their

You may also ask the students to give their reaction after project
completion. You may ask something like:

 What did you like about today's class? What did you learn?

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

Instruct them to write a paragraph describing their experience in

modeling real-world situations, how to further improve their
mathematical and analytical skills involving linear and quadratic
functions, and how to apply it in solving word problems.

Completed Project
Ask the students to write a short article (maximum 150 words) on
the topic: “What makes a successful entrepreneur?

Rubrics on the Business Research Project

Points Verbal Interpretation Accomplishment of the Project

5 (O) Outstanding Income > Capital
4 (VS) Very Satisfactory Income = Capital
3 (S) Satisfactory Income < Capital
2 (U) Unsatisfactory Break-even (No profit and loss)
1 (NI) Needs Improvement Losses (No Income and less capital)

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

Student Activity

In this activity, students will demonstrate to the class that the proper
combination of physics, math, and engineering can successfully yield a
safe, yet exhilarating, experience. Specifically, your team is to combine
theory with experimental measurements to design, build, and test a
small-scale model of a bungee jump:


 computers with Internet access and PowerPoint software

 Physics teacher to assist in integrating physics concepts
 rubber bands
 meter sticks
 Spider-Man toy or any stuffed toy.
 Bungee jumping web sites:


Create an algebraic model that will allow you to predict the number of
rubber bands required for the stuffed toy (example: Spider-Man figure)
bungee jump to span a given distance. The final test of your algebraic
model will be a bungee jump with the objective of having the object
(Spider-Man) come as close to the ground as possible without actually
touching the ground.


1. Design a bungee demonstration to show the potential safety of this

activity. You should design the system assuming that the height of
the demonstration jump will be somewhere between 15 and 20 feet.

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

2. The goal is to demonstrate an exciting ride; therefore, during its

flight, the payload should fall quickly (a long free-fall) and come as
close to the ground as possible without, of course, hitting it. Your
design will include:

a. Specification of the bungee cord (rubber bands) itself

(diameter, length, and possibly number of elastic strands).
You will need to determine the characteristics of the cord
b. Prediction of the performance of the system (minimum
distance to the ground during the drop, maximum velocity
attained, and maximum deceleration experienced) for
comparison with the actual drop results.

3. Work in teams of three or four students. Using linked rubber bands

as the bungee cord, create test data that will allow you to create an
algebraic model. The independent variable will be the number of
rubber bands linked, while the dependent variable will be the
distance jumped/travelled.

4. Start by linking a couple of rubber bands together and measuring

the length of Spider-Man’s fall. Continue with different numbers of
rubber bands linked together. You should conduct at least ten test

5. Decide if your data fits a linear model or a quadratic model better.

Explain why your test data doesn't fit “perfectly.” One paper per
group should be submitted, explaining the experiment, the
algebraic model used (and why), and an accurate graph of the test
data with the algebraic model superimposed.

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

Connections 1

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

Connections 2

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

Teacher Notes


Bungee jumping involves primarily the conversion of potential energy at the top
of the jump into elastic energy stored in the stretched cord (remember that
energy is conserved). Let L correspond to the rest (unstretched) length of the

 Prior to the release the

jumper (with mass m) has only potential energy
E  mg h
assuming that h is the initial height and that g is the gravitational
constant for acceleration.

 During free-fall (i.e. having fallen

distance d, 0  d  L, the cord not yet stretching), the jumper
accelerates downward due to gravity and transforms some of
the original potential energy into kinetic energy (½mv2 where v
is velocity). The distribution of energy at height h – d is
E  m g  h  d   12 m v 2

Under the assumption of zero friction, the underlying energy, E,

has not changed, so we can solve for the velocity v as a
function of d
mgh  mg  h  d   1 2 mv 2  v ff  2 gd

in which v corresponds to downward velocity. Note that this velocity result is

correct only during free-fall (hence, the ff subscript).

 Once the distance dropped

reaches the length of the cord (the end of free-fall), the cord
starts stretching and applies an upward force that begins to
decelerate the jumper. Some of the energy of the jumper is
stored in the elastic cord (which we write as the integral of the
d L

E  m g  h  d   12 m v 2   f ( x)dx

force f applied by the cord), so for d > L

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

Knowing d and the force function f, we could solve for the

velocity. Models for the force function are discussed below.
In the meantime, let’s finish our analysis of the physics of
bungee jumping.

 At the bottom of the jump (drop

distance d0), hopefully above the ground, the kinetic energy
is zero (since the jumper’s velocity is zero) and the original
energy is split between the remaining potential energy, and
that stored in the cord.
d0 L

E  m g h  d0    f ( x)dx

Given the force function f, we can try to solve for d0 by

combining the very first equation with this last one

d0  L d0 L

mgh  m g  h  d 0    f ( x)dx or mgd 0   f ( x)dx

0 0

Again, the solution depends upon our model for f(x). Another physics
principle relevant to bungee jumping is Hooke’s Law, which states that
there is a linear relationship between the amount of stretch, x, and the
applied force of an ideal spring.
f ( x)  k x

The spring constant k (standard units of lb/in or N/m) can be measured by

hanging known weights from a cord (i.e. applying a gravitational force
F = mg) and measuring the amount of stretch. Unfortunately, real bungee
cords rarely follow Hooke’s Law, and the force versus stretch will be
generally non-linear. A better model of the actual behavior is a cubic

f ( x)  k1 x  k2 x2  k3 x3

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

Both are shown in the figure below (note that both models have f(0) = 0).

Since integrating polynomials is easy, either model for f(x) can be used to
solve for the drop distance d0:
 linear model:
d0 L

mgd 0   f ( x)dx  mgd 0  1 2 k  d 0  L 


 cubic model:

d0 L

mgd0   f ( x)dx  mgd0  1 2 k1  d 0  L   13 k2  d 0  L   1 4 k3  d 0  L 

2 3 4

To solve these relations, we note that the linear model yields a quadratic
equation in d0, and this is easily solved by the quadratic equation. The
second relation yields a quartic (4th order) polynomial in d0, and while we don’t
have a closed-form solution method, “solver” in Excel can be easily used to
find roots of this equation.

The final physics principle relevant to our problem relates to the

acceleration/deceleration of the jumper. Using the fact that F = ma, we know
that maximum acceleration occurs whenever maximum force is applied. For
the bungee jump, it is a relatively simple argument to show that the maximum
force occurs at the bottom of the jump.

f (d 0 )
Fmax  f (d 0 )  mg or amax  g

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

Annex “A”

Criteria Points
4 3 2 1
Fulfill Team Performs all duties Performs nearly all Performs very little Does not perform
Role’s of assigned team duties of duties assigned any duties of
Duties role. assigned team
Share Relays a great deal Relays some basic Relays very little Does not relay
Information of information – all information – most information – any information
relate to the topic. relate to the topic some relate to the to team-mates.
Test Data Test data is Test data is mostly Test data is not Test data is not
accurate and accurate and accurate and not accurate and not
carefully recorded. carefully recorded. carefully recorded, carefully
Experiment was Experiment was but is useable. recorded.
conducted with care mostly conducted Experiment was Experiment was
and accuracy. with care and conducted without conducted
accuracy. care and haphazardly.
accuracy. Data is not
useable for the
rest of the
Graph Graph of data is Graph of data is not Graph of data is No graph.
accurate and accurate and does not accurate and
represents the data represent the data does not represent
collected. Algebraic collected. OR the data collected.
model is correctly Algebraic model is Algebraic model is
graphed. not correctly not correctly
graphed. graphed.
Equation Equation is Equation is not Equation is not No equation
correct. Equation correct but correct and
type is correct equation type is equation type is
correct. not correct.
Written Complete and Complete and Incomplete or No written
explanation accurate accurate inaccurate explanation.
of explanation. explanation. explanation.
experiment Correct reasoning Incorrect Faulty reasoning
and model.
for the algebraic reasoning for the for the algebraic
model. algebraic model. model.
Final Less than 10 cm 10–30 cm above 30–100 cm Over 100 cm
Bungee above floor. Does the floor. Does above the floor. above the floor
Jump not hit the floor not hit the floor. Does not hit the or hits the floor.


Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

Annex “B”
Excellent Good Average Poor
Format Typed cover with Cover provided; Cover, neatly No cover; poorly
report protector; handwritten, handwritten;
All typed or neatly inconsistent
All typed, consistent handwritten; layout  No apparent
layout, added color layout.
  Lacks some layout

Score 15-14 13-12 11 10-0

Graph Clearly labeled plots, Good labeling of Confusion with Lacks labels;
title, and axis; plots, title, and axis; labeled plots,
title, and axis; Inaccurate plots;
Accurate plots; Accurate plots
Inaccurate plots; Very sloppy
Added color lacks appeal

Score 35-30 30-25 25-20 20-0

Questions All present; Missing one Missing more Missing

question; than one questions;
Correctly answered question;
  with one - two minor Correctly answered Incorrectly
errors; with three - four Correctly answered and
minor errors; answered with undeveloped
Answers are well- minor errors;
developed Answers are
inconsistently Answers are
developed inconsistently

Score 35-30 30-25 25-0 20-0

Mechanic At least one error in Two-three errors Three-five errors Major mechanical
s spelling, grammar, errors throughout
and/or syntax the project
15-14 13-12 11 10-0

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

Annex “C”

Criteria Points
4 3 2 1
Preparation Presentation Presentation was The student ran the The student did
was ready to go almost ready to presentation off not have the
when it was this go. Had to wait for her/his disk. presentation
student’s turn. this student to completely ready
copy the and was finalizing
presentation on to some things as
the desktop. class began.
Organization Information was Information was There did not There did not
presented in a somewhat difficult appear to be any appear to be any
logical, to follow because sequence nor order sequence nor
interesting student tended to to the information order to the
sequence that “jump around” presented. information
was easy to from topic to topic. presented.
follow. Presentation did
not address the
Technical Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation
Specifications included at least included 5-10 included 5-10 slides, included 5-10
10 slides, 2 slides, 2 graphs, 2 less than 4 slides, no graphs
graphs, 2 screen screen captures. graphs/screen or screen captures
captures. captures.
Presentation Parts of the Parts of the Slides were used at Slides were used
presentation did presentation did almost all times. The at all times. If the
not involve the not involve the slides did the slides were set on
use of the use of the slides. presentation, an automatic timer
slides. Slides When slides were student’s role was the student’s
used as a tool to used, they tended minor. presence would
enhance the top lead rather be unnecessary.
presentation. than be used as a
Mathematics Graphs were Graphs were not Graphs were not No graphs.
–Graphs x2 neat and neat but were neat or not accurate.
accurate. accurate. Possible Incorrect labeling of
Correct labeling incorrect labeling the axes. Graphs
of the axes. of the axes. reflected the data.
Graphs reflected Graphs reflected
the data. the data.
Mathematics Correct Correct equations Incorrect equations No equation or
-Equations x2 equations were were used but not were used but were explanation
used and explained. explained correctly.
Mathematics - Rule changes Rule changes Rule changes were No connection
Conclusions were completely were mostly mostly based on shown between
based on based on the based on the things other than the the rule changes
model x2 algebraic model. algebraic model. algebraic model. and the algebraic
Total 

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

Unit Test
Name_____________________ Date____________ Score______
Year and Section____________ Teacher______________________


Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write it on the space

____(1) The vertex of the function y = – 4 ( x – 5) 2 + 8 is:

a. (5, 8) b. ( -5, 8 )
c. (5, -8) d. ( -5,-8)

____(2) y= ax2 + bx + c is the equation described by:

a. linear function b. quadratic function
c. polynomial function d. absolute function

____(3) In the table of values on the x -2 -1 0 1 2

y 6 5 3 5 6
the vertex is:

a. (-2, 6) b. (-1, 5)
c. (0, 3) d. (1, 5)

____(4) In 2x2 + 7x – 15 = 0, the roots of the equation are:

a. 3/2 and -5 b. 2/3 and 5
c. -3/2 and 5 c. 2/3 and 5

____(5) The minimum or the maximum point of the graph of a quadratic

function is called:
a. symmetry b. vertex
c. distance d. axis of symmetry

____(6) When the graph of a quadratic function is a parabola that opens

upward, the graph is said to be:
a. decreasing b. constant

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions

c. increasing d. none of the above

____(7) If the parabola opens downward, the vertex is at its:

a. minimum point b. undefined
c. positive d. maximum point
____(8) If the lines are parallel, slopes (m) must be:
a. equal b. equal but the intercepts are not equal
c. not equal d. slopes and intercepts are equal
____(9) The value of k so that the line through A(K,3) and B(-1,4) is
perpendicular to the line through C(2/3,1) and D(0,-1).
a. 3 b. 2
c. -3 d.-2
____(10) The graph is decreasing if parabola:
a. opens upward b. opens downward
c. opens to the right d. opens to the left
____(11) The vertex of y = 3x2 + 2x – 8 is:
a. (3, 25) b. (-1/3 , 25)
c. (1/3,-25/3) d. (-1/3,-25/3)
____(12) The vertex in the form of the quadratic equation y = a (x – h) 2 + k
a. (h,k) b. (–h,k)
c. (h,-k) d. none of the above
____(13) The equation y= 2 (x – 1 )2 - 5 in standard form is:
a. 2x 2 - 2x - 5 b. 2x 2 - 4x - 4
c. 2x 2 - 2x - 4 d. 2x 2 – 4x - 5
____(14) In no.13 the vertex is:
a. (-1, -5) b. (1, -5)
c. (-1, 5) d. (1, 5)
____(15) If (m1)(m2) = -1 then the lines are said to be:
a. parallel b. perpendicular
c. intersecting d. all of the above

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions


Vertex Y = a ( x- h ) 2 + k Y = ax2 + bx + c
31 Y = (x – 4 ) 2 32
33 34 Y = x2 – 2
35 36 Y = 2x2 + 12x + 20
37 Y = -3 ( x + 1)2 – 9 38
39 Y = 6 ( x – 3 ) 2 -2 40
41 42 Y = 3x2 – 36x + 108
43 44 Y = 2x2 + 20x + 54
45 Y = 2 ( x – 9 ) 2 -2 46
47 48 Y = 5x2 – 100 + 500
49 Y = 10 ( x + 8 )2 -1 50



Complete the table of values. Give the axis of symmetry, vertex and the kind
of graph. (20 pts.)

(51-60) f(x) = x2 -6x + 5

X -2 -1 0 1 2

(62-70) f(x) = -4x2

X -2 -1 0 1 2

Chapter 3: Quadratic Functions


Direction Solve the following equations

(71-75) Using the substitution method, find the solution set of:
(1) x + 2y = 3
(2) 3x – 2y = 1

(76-80) Prove that the lines 4x+8y = 11 and 2x–y = 15 are perpendicular.

(81-85) Show that the table of values below is a quadratic function.

x -2 -1 0 1 2
y 1 -2 -3 -2 1

Solve the following by factoring

(86-90) 4x2 - 4x + 1 = 0

(91-95) 15x2-19x + 6 = 0

(96-100) 2-7x +12 = 0

Bonus Problem (10 points)

The vertex of a quadratic function is (-3, 5). The point (-1, 13) lies on the
graph of the function. Find the function.


Use the a(x- h)2 + k form of quadratic equation. Substitute (-1, 13) to the
resulting equation to find a.


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