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Exhibit 4: Companies that achieve execution excellence do so through simplicity, speed and discipline

Execution Excellence
• Low operating costs • High success rates
• High capital turns • High client satisfaction
• Fast to market • High flexibility

Simplicity Speed Discipline

• Eliminate duplication • Reduce cycle times • Manage for results

and rework • Reduce waiting time • Build an execution Supporting Methods:
• Eliminate low • Harmonize processes culture
• Process Harmonization
value activities

• Share information • Measure, report • Lean Six Sigma

• Clarify decision collaboratively and improve • Complexity Management
making authority • Set incentives • Kaizen
• Standardize and • Etc.

harmonize processes

3. • Simplification: the elimination of and customer value. The drivers also

duplication and low-value activities can help leadership teams focus on
What capabilities do and a clearly defined decision-making the right methods for addressing market
we need to out-execute authority discontinuities (see sidebar on page 13)

the competition? • Speed: a reduction in cycle times, A leading South American chemicals
waiting time, and errors; elimination company, for example, was faced
Execution excellence is a hot-button
of waste; standardizing and with organizational and supply chain
issue among senior executives: Polled
harmonizing processes; and the complexities created by a past merger.
recently by The Conference Board,
collaborative sharing of information The company launched a program to
CEOs rated “excellence of execution”
harmonize its cost-to-serve, demand
as their top challenge for the second • Discipline: managing for results,
planning and inventory management
year in a row. Nearly half of the survey fact-based work, performance
processes and policies. The benefits
participants—up from roughly a quarter measurement and the proper
were numerous: reduced inventory,
just six months earlier— were also incentives
increased availability of plant capacity,
concerned about their organizations’
These drivers emphasize how the right greater visibility of inventory levels, a
speed, flexibility and adaptability
day-to-day work processes can help better balance between production and
to change.
an organization achieve significant sales, and optimized shipping (fewer lost
Excellence in execution centers on measurable performance improvements orders). The program is expected to drive
three drivers and is equally important to in cash flow and cost efficiencies savings of $35 million annually.
manufacturing and business processes by improving flexibility and speed
(Exhibit 4): to market, quality and reliability,

6 Areas for Improving Executional Excellence
Chemical companies seeking excellence in execution may take which is heating up amidst a shrinking workforce and the
one of several paths to address the market discontinuities and expected decline of well educated engineers pursuing careers
other challenges we described earlier. These paths include: in the chemicals sector.
Asset Utilization/Optimization: CAPEX demand, the market Merger Integration/Process Harmonization: Leadership
impact of new capacities, and time-to-build issues can limit teams considering mergers or acquisitions must carefully select
the economic options of a chemical company looking to targets and perform the due diligence necessary to ensure that
grow by investing in new assets. Optimizing asset utilization, the target company fits the buyer’s strategy and competitive
therefore, is often a better option for increasing output (or essence. Operationally, merger execution must be as efficient
reducing waste) to help generate additional revenues. Key as possible – across all areas such as culture, infrastructure
drivers of asset optimization are maintenance excellence, (physical and IT), and back-office systems – in order to capture
integrated planning, TCO models and a heavy emphasis on maximum value. Dow, for example, has a track record of
quality. achieving 14-18% cost synergies with its major acquisitions.
It continued that trend when it purchased Rohm & Haas in
Demand/Supply Balancing and S&OP: In the complex market
2009. Dow combined Rohm & Haas with its specialty materials
environment of the chemicals industry, companies must excel
businesses under the Advanced Materials portfolio, creating
at forecasting product demand and adjusting supplies up
synergies of $1.3 billion, including over $400 million in
or down quickly in response to changing market conditions.
purchasing synergies.
Improved demand and supply balancing typically increases
service levels and reduces inventories. Sophisticated planning Customer Interactions: High levels of customer service often
capabilities also enable companies to adjust costs and service require significant investments, while low service might result
levels according to their competitive essence (e.g., a low-cost in lost customer sales. It is critical, therefore, that a company
provider plans with less inventory, trading off against the risk offers service levels that align with its competitive essence.
of stock outages). Doing so requires a clear view of current service levels and
clearly defined objectives for customer service.
Lean Manufacturing and Operations: Increasing cost
pressures have forced many chemical companies to produce Compliance and Risk Management: For obvious reasons,
their products at the lowest possible costs. This pressure has compliance in the chemical industry is a critical factor in
led many organizations to implement lean manufacturing business performance. Companies must be able to adapt
programs, utilizing techniques such as Six Sigma to optimize quickly to new regulatory environments – those that stay
the production process and reduce errors. Lean manufacturing nimble in the ever-changing regulatory environment can
will also help chemical companies address the war for talent, gain competitive advantage.

Paints and
Segment relevance Petrochemicals Polymers Inorganics Coatings Agrochemicals

Asset Utilization/

Demand and Supply


Lean Manufacturing
and Operations
M&A Integration/
Process Harmonization

Customer Interaction

Compliance and
Risk Management

Source: Accenture research


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