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The parasitic protozoa in the koi fish (Cyprinus carpio) in Sukabumi

*Amalia Putri Firdausi1, Rahman2, and Adna Sumadikarta2

Aquaculture Vocational Program of IPB Vocational Schools, IPB University
Aquaculture Department of Fisheries and Marine Science Faculty, IPB University
Corresponding author: amaliafirdausi


The aim of this study is to inventory various types of ectoparasites found in koi fish that are reared in
the nursery phase at the Sukabumi Freshwater Aquaculture Center (BPAT Sukabumi). Briefly, a total
of 30 koi fish were taken randomly, then the scales, fins, and gills were examined and stained either
with procedures of AgNO3. The type of parasite was identified and analyzed based on the rate of
prevalence, also the intensity and dominance. The infesting parasite found were Trichodina sp,
Oodinium sp, and Ichthyophthirius multifiliis. Overall, Trichodina sp is the most dominating parasite
with a dominance level, prevalence, and intensity of 57,028%, 80%, and 10,833 respectively.

Keywords: koi fish, ectoparasite, prevalence, intensity., Sukabumi,

1. Introduction

Ornamental fish is a potential commodity that can be developed. According to the Ministry of
Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (2019), the wealth of Indonesian fish resources from 4,720 species of
freshwater and marine fish, 650 of which are known as ornamental fish. One of the ornamental fish
developed is koi fish. Koi ornamental fish have become a mainstay commodity in several regions such
as Sukabumi, Cianjur, and Blitar because they have succeeded in raising the economy of the
community through employment and increasing the value of exports (Kusrini 2015). The magnitude of
the transaction value makes KKP try to develop an intensive koi fish cultivation technology.
Parasitic attack can cause the quality decline of traded fish. In addition, a high-intensity
parasitic attacks would reduce the productivity of fish that lead the farmers to suffer economic losses.
Parasites infestation in fish body also triggers the secondary infection which has the potential to cause
mass death. The previous works on several cultivated freshwater fish prove that the attack of various
types of ectoparasites, such as Trichodina sp. Gyrodactylus sp, and Ichthyoptirius multifiliis often
followed by a havoc bacterial infections such as vibriosis, and motile aeromonad septicemia (MAS)
(Nofal dan Abdel-Latif 2017).
There are two types of parasites known to infest aquaculture commodities. Parasites that
attack the outside of a fish's body are called ectoparasites. Meanwhile, parasites that attack the
organs in the fish's body such as the liver, digestive tract, kidneys, lymph, brain, blood circulation, and
other organs are called endoparasites. The direct impacts caused by ectoparasites can be seen
physically and often showing a specific symptom when unpredictable changes in the quality of water
Parasite inventory is one of the data collection of parasite outbreak events that occur at the
location of cultivation and conducted regularly. The data outcome is useful to predict and determine
the appropriate measures of future parasite control. This research was conducted to inventory various
types of ectoparasites found in koi fish that were reared in the nursery phase.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Koi fish collection

A total of 30 Koi fish Cyprinus carpio with average bodywight g were obtained from the
Freshwater Aquaculture Center, Sukabumi in October 2019. The fish kept in an oxygenated
water filled-plastic bag then carefully transported to the Aquaculture Laboratory of IPB Vocational
School facility, Sukabumi. Prior to examination, the fish kept in a aquarium which equipped with
adequate aeration.

2.2. Sample examination

All fish samples were measured by weight and length, then slaughtered by cutting the medulla
oblongata. Examination on the sample includes the external parts, such as scales, fins, and gills. A
gross examination was performed on all body surfaces. The scales were examined by scrapping the
mucous using a scalpel and thinly spread onto a glass slide under a compound microscope
observation. All fish fins were cut, placed in a glass-slide, dripped with water and observed using a
compound microscope. The operculum was cut so that the gill sheets ware visible. The gill sheets then
separately observed under a microscope.

2.3. Parasite isolation and staining

The observed of parasitic-protozoa were marked with a liquidproof pen, then air dried and
dripped with 2% silver nitrate (AgNO3) solution for 5-10 minutes. The preparations are rinsed with
distilled water and air dried again. Then incubated under the sun with an interval of 15-20 minutes
then, the preparations are observed using a microscope. Identification of parasite was refer to Kabata

2.4. Parameter and data analysis

The observed parasites were recorded by the type, number, and the infected organ. The
prevalence, intensity, and dominance were calculated using the formula:

Prevalence :

The number of fish affected by the parasite

x 100%
The number of fish examined
The number of parasites that attack
The number of fish attacked by parasites
Dominance :

The number of one type of parasite that infects

The number of all type para
Data obtained from this study are presented in tables and graphs. All data obtained are
discussed descriptively.

3. Results and Discussion

The parasites found included Trichodina sp., Ichthyophthirius multifiliis, and Oodininum sp. The
prevalence, intensity, and dominance of protozoa parasitic are presented in Table 1.

Intensity Dominance
Type of parasite Prevalence (%) (ind/ekor) Rank
Trichodina sp. 80 10,833 57,028 1
Oodinium sp. 63,33 10,368 39,558 2
Ichthyophthirius multifiliis 16,67 3,4 3,414 3
Table 1. The prevalence, intensity and dominance of protozoa parasite in koi fish

The parasite with highest prevalence is Trichodina sp. reaches 80%, with dominance 57,028% and
intensity is 10,833. Berdasarkan penelitian Azmi (2013), Trichodina ditemukan di ikan koi dengan
prevalsensi 55,5%. Trichodina parasites are found in koi scales, fins and gills. According to Kabata
(1985), Trichodina is a type of protozoa that is shaped like a plate and has cilia at the edges that are
used as a means of movement. Having a cell diameter of 45-122 µm, there are 16-31 denticles as
attachment devices. Based on Pujiastuti (2015), the population of Trichodina sp. in water increases
during the transition from summer to winter.
According to Hadiroseyani (2006) Infection of this organism can cause irritation caused by
adhesion cup attachment. If the surface of the fish's body is covered by a thick layer of this parasite, it
can cause serious damage to epidermal cells. In this condition, Trichodinid acts like a true
ectoparasite that eats damaged cells and can even penetrate into the gills and skin tissue. Very bad
environmental conditions (increase in organic matter, ammonia) are one of several causes of
increased growth of certain pathogens such as Trichodina sp (Hardi 2015). This is evident from the
results of measurements of high ammonia
that is 0,05 mg/l. Based on SNI 7734-2017 the ammonia value of koi fish maintenance is maximum
0,02 mg/l.

Figure 1. Trichodina sp.

Oodinium attacks scales most with a prevalence rate of 63.33. The dominance of 39,558% and
the intensity of 10,386. According to Kabata (1985), this parasite has a width of 15-70 µm and a length
of 150 µm. The trophont is bounded by a visible membrane and has a set of root-like cytoplasmic
structures. Some species have yellowish pigment and the nucleus is oval. Oodinium sp is the
causative agent of velvet disease that is infecting the skin and gills of fish. Based on the results of
Priawan (2017), the infected koi have some red areas as a sign that the fish is infected by parasites
and peeling scales. Oodinium infestation is relatively high, due to the weak immune system of fish will
be an opportunity for parasites to infect fish by increasing the population. In addition, the lack of
nutrients in the liquid will also affect the parasitic infestation. High infestation will cause injury damage
to the host organ.
Figure 2. Oodinium sp.

Ichthyophthirius sp. parasites were found on koi scales, fins and gills. This parasite mostly
attacks the mucus layer in the scales with a dominance of 3,414%, a prevalence of 16.67%, and an
intensity of 3.4. The parasite attacks on the gills will inhibit the process of gas transfer (oxygen, carbon
dioxide, and ammonia). According to Kabata (1985), the trophont stage of parasite has a diameter of
50-1000 μm and the body is surrounded by cilia. This parasite is a causative agent of white spot
disease in all freshwater and known as “ich”. Infected fish become lethargic, listless, gasp at the
surface, and produce copious amounts of mucus.This parasite causes losses in the ornamental fish
trade. Adult Ich cells are large (0.5 to 1.0 mm) and a “C”-shaped nucleus (Figure 3). The parasite will
find a location to obtain appropriate nutrients that can be absorbed and used for reproduction and in
this case signals from the host are needed for optimal parasitic physiological response (Buchmann &
Lindenstrøm 2002).

Figure 3. Ichthyophthirius sp.

4 Conclusion

Type of parasitic protozoa found in koi fish taken from the Sukabumi Freshwater Fisheries
Center Trichodina sp., Oodinium sp., Ichthyophthirius sp. All of three parasites have a preference for
infecting the fins. The highest prevalence, intensity and dominance among all parasites is Trichodina


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