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Assignment Multimedia


TAO1221 Computer Architecture and Organization

8085 Assembly Programming Group Assignment (15%)

DUE DATE: WEEK 11 (27 – 31 JAN 2020)

1. Write a program that finds the factorial of a number stored in memory address
1000H and stores the result in memory location 1001H.

1000H = 04H

1001H = 18H

2. Find the number of negative elements (most significant bit 1) in a block of data.
The length of the block is in memory location 1001H and the block itself begins in
memory location 1002H. Store the number of negative elements in memory
location 1000H

1001H = 03H
1002H = 13H
1003H = 9AH
1004H = C4H

1000H = 02H

3. Write an assembly language program to separate even numbers from the given
list of 50 numbers and store them in another list starting from 2300H. Assume
starting address of 50 number list is 2200H.

4. Write a program to multiply two numbers stored in memory locations 1000H and
1001H, and store the result in memory location 1002H. the multiplication should
be performed using multiple addition, e.g. 7*3 = 7+7+7, 6*5 = 6+6+6+6+6.

1000H = 07H
1001H = 03H

1002H = 15H

TAO1221 Computer Architecture and

5. Write a program to find the largest number in a block of memory and store it in
memory location 1000H. The size of the block is stored in memory location 1001H
and the block starts at memory address 1002H.

1001H = 05H
1002H = 16H
1003H = 3AH
1004H = A5H
1005H = FAH
1006H = 99H

1000H = FAH

 You have to work in group of 3 students in same tutorial class and you have
to check that your program works correctly by using the simulator software.
 Submit a report to your tutor that contains:
o Work distribution
o Flowcharts and assembly program for each question.
 You will finally demonstrate it in the Lab class.

Marking Scheme (for each question):

 Flowchart (1 marks)
o 1 – Completely show the solution;
o 0.5 – Partly show the solution;
o 0 – No flowchart shown
 Assembly program (2 marks)
o 2 – Correctly run the program;
o 1 – Partly able to run the program;
o 0 – The program cannot be run

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