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INTEGRANTES: Yudi Marcela Gil Pinzon.

Cod: 1070332501
Angye Lucero Paez Briceño Cod: 1076651318
Angie Paola Chiquillo Estupiñan Cod: 1013663268
Fernanda Ávila García Cod: 1030643365
Read this information:
Write a brief analysis about the public transportation in Bogotá. Express your
opinion according to your experience. Write your ideas and support them with
your points of view:
Example: The public transportation in Bogota is useful because people from
many places can travel long distances.
Include positive and negative aspects of it. You can give specific examples. You
can use vocabulary from the article in the link above.

 The integrated transmilenio system in Bogotá has easy access since it
has new buses, some old but in good condition.
 They sell tickets with card and without card and this is a benefit for
people who cannot buy the card.
 Its facilities are adequate to have a good trip.
 The system is suitable for transporting from north to south and from west
to east.
 On weekends it does not have good routes, since as they are free days
there is no access to all the routes within the week.
 The roads are not in good condition to transit, for this reason the users
make complaints to pay for their transportation, they take care of their
belongings since the buses are very full, they take care of thieves.

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