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Government of Punjab .

Survey on SED Response to COVID-19 School Strategy:

Keeping in mind the existing crisis of COVID-19, we would like to reach out to our
major stakeholders to find out your views on the following in terms of safe re-
opening of schools and strategies to follow. It is given that one size doesn’t fit all;
we cannot have one solution applicable for all schools. Hence to improvise, we
can pilot few strategies in certain schools while the others can run according to

Here’s what we have proposed & would like your suggestions on it:

The following thematic areas:

1. Safe reopening of schools:
i. With data analysis from National COVID-19 website, to open
schools in districts and tehsils where cases are lesser.
ii. In case of more cases, pilot with secondary & higher secondary
classes only.
iii. Collaboration & coordination with local health authorities.
iv. Prior & Post opening- thoroughly cleaned and disinfected
v. Prior opening- staff and teachers-trained on operating procedures
and orient parent committees.
vi. Use an SMS campaign weeks prior to schools opening
vii. PR campaign- School cleanliness & safety procedures.
viii. Teacher’s Unions & Stakeholders on board.
ix. Students trained on-social distancing, washing hands upon arrival to
school, during school, and upon departure.
x. Screening & management of sick students, teachers & other school
xi. Daily screening for body temperature, and history of fever or feeling
feverish in the previous 24 hours - all staff, students and visitors.
xii. If a child or school staff is sick, she/he should not come to school.
2. Academics:
a. Increase desk spacing
b. Stagger classes and recesses/breaks for High Schools.
I. Higher Secondary and Secondary (Grades 9-12) classes
scheduled thrice a week-Given Homework & Taleem

Government of Punjab .
II. Elementary Classes (Grades 6,7 and 8) twice a week- given
homework- Taleem Ghar/TeleSchool.
III. Primary- (Grades ECE, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) scheduled twice a
week or in the afternoon- Given Homework & Taleem
IV. PHASE 1: Only piloted in TEHSIL HEADQUARTERS- Single
Elementary & Primary Schools- Based on enrollment
staggered classes- Given Homework & Taleem
 PHASE 2: To be opened all over the Tehsil- Single
Elementary & Primary Schools- Based on enrollment
staggered classes- Given Homework & Taleem
V. Mobile Vans- Piloted in areas with no access to Television
for Primary students.
c. Expand high-school timetable, with some students and teachers
attending in the morning, others in the afternoon, others in the
d. Move classrooms outdoors under a kanat/tent and fans (for warmer
e. Ensure the admissions open for Grades 9th and 6th
3. Pre-Training for staff
i. Teachers’ training prior to opening- Health Department to facilitate.
ii. Pre-Trainings to be conducted through the AEOs (Primary &
Elementary), Vigilance Committee & cluster Heads for Secondary
Schools & DEAs.
iii. Support teachers to coordinate and track learning.
4. Learning from Home
a. Produce and distribute learning materials, including through radio
and television
b. Tele-Schooling (Taleem Ghar)- Distance learning. (e.g. blended
methods, radio or TV Broadcasts of lessons, buddy system for
homework with older siblings at home, or with friends by
c. Taleem Ghar channel & App will start more subjects & give

Government of Punjab .
1) Mobile Classroom vans to be piloted in remote rural areas for Primary
or Elementary School students.
2) Coordination done with DEAs, Assistant Commissioners and local
District Administration.
3) Teachers go to mohallas or Municipal Centres with safe distancing
seating plan.
4) Let the children come and watch a puppet show, drawing competition,
singing, debates or movie- time
5) Followed by a coordinated class of an hour, which includes the SLO
learning approach.
6) Distribute a list of creative and practical activities that can be done at
home, with a feedback form.
Purchase and provision of:
o Masks.
o Sanitizers
o Soaps
o School and washroom cleaning supplies
o Thermometers
o Physical distance marking tapes or chalk powder
o PPE for the sweepers and other related staff
Procurement of:
o Khakroobs/Sweepers
o Part-time Teachers
o Tents for schools with overcrowding issues enabling conduction
of classes outside.
o Pedestal fans

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