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Agile Transformational

I'm the CEO. From

We need everyone´s Chief Enabling managing 1
No more brains to solve Officer performance, 2
this problem. to enabling
decisions Agile for Managers performance

Leadership in a Nutshell
Team up as leaders instead of working in silos Visualize current state & strategy
Also managers create more value faster when working in pairs The Agile leadership team works transparently,
and teams. Create cross-functional leadership teams and and visualizes the state of the organization as
always work in pairs to support your employees. well as the strategic level of work to enable performance.

Version 2.1
Rapid Change & Complexity
Agility in WoW
The Leadership Shift What to Ex p ect Try this to Shift
Cynefin Optimize for flow instead of
& structures is Y-view Engaged employees
needed here Grow Dare to think in new ways
People Transformational keeping everyone busy
Want to develop themselves & take
Complex Complicated High Leadership more responsibility This may seem counterintuitive but it
Probe Sense Inspiring & Motivating Feel trust and confidence
leads to a higher pace in the organiza-
Sense Analyze tion with quicker deliveries and a more
Compassion & Caring Psychological safety
sustainable pace for employees.
Respond Respond Role model Positive respect & ethical reflection
Emergent Good Practises Paradigm Shift This is Agile Leadership Leader is a positive model to emulate
Grow networks to grow people
DISORDER Feel safe with the agreement
Conventional Leadership Networks of people can be used as a
Perform as expected but not more
support system within the organization
Chaos Obvious Strive for agreement Stick to status quo to grow competencies, make people
Act Sense Interventions if needed Avoid taking risks safe, efficiently make decisions &
May hide mistakes
Sense Categorise Carrot and stick
spread learnings.
Feel insecurity and even aggression
Respond Respond Over- control Try to get revenge
Novel Best Practises Low Grow Enable performance instead
X-view Business Restrained anger and low respect of managing performance
Leading with Purpose Destructive
Excessive demands
High Get afraid and loses confidence
Confusion and resignation Give the mandate to make
Heavily inspired by Full Range Leadership, Avolio och Bass (1991, 1998), Development
Agile Leadership Arrogant, Unfair decisions to those closest to the
We need to cross
leadership by Larsson, Lundin, Zander 2017. Fors Branded, Nilsson, Larsson 2019. Get frustrated, take over management vs
High Uncertain, Let go Leadership Shift Model by Dandy People and Björn Sandberg.
Negative impact on business situation, to enable quick and well
Build a bridge. the river. informed decisions. This increases
You can figure
Leadership and Management for Agility
out how. control and flow in the organization.
Being an Agile Leader & Managing in Uncertainty
Growing People & Complexity
Enable people to reach for the
Dynamics Do this in short iterations:
Relationships stars instead of being resources
1. Understand what to do

Process Let job descriptions be boxes to stand on,

& why?
Vision Leadership Management 2. How can it be solved? not living in. Enable people to use their full
Hope someone is Expectations competence and grow as humans. Stop Please
Inspiring & Motivating Situational awareness 3. Choose solution idea stand
working on the Challenges using the word "resources" about people. on me
river problem... Compassion & Caring Forethrought & Initiative 4. Act
Role model Autonomy & Flexibility 5. Follow up. Result as
Conflict handling Responsibility & Trust expected? Define your complex challenges
6. Respond
6. Repeat above until you
and conduct experiments
Values & principles
are satisfied Invite experts with practical experience of the
Support & help
Agile principles and design experiments based
Low Autonomy High on hypothesis. Use what works, not best practice.
Theory X and Y The Stress Cone
Learning When can I´ve got
Max Enable pull systems
I go home? some ideas!
for strategic Organizations Maximum Collaboration,
instead of push
HIGH avaliability Focus on finishing quicker and let people
direction Constructive dialogue, Positive attitude,
who do the work decide when to start.

Creativity, Patience, Agility.

(Emergent vs access
Stereotype Find minimal viable bureaucracy
Strategy) Traditional Learning
Purpose Shut down Bure
Ask your employees what hurts most and cy
Hierarchy Organizations
remove it. By removing bureaucracy &
If we have an X view on people we If we have an Y view on people we
Top Black out process waste continuously you give
Respons- believe they are lazy and don't believe that under the right condi- Survival
Managers people mandate and make them feel trusted.
ibility for want to do a good job. They need tions people like to work and that
(Directive work flow, to be managed and controlled to they are creative. People are Fight or
Strategy) Traditional Horizontal decisions Panic Infographic Poster by:
do their work and have very little motivated when they take ownership flight
Hierarchy “flat” Organizations and
creativity. This is reflecting how and set their own goals. This is a
NO actions
Top Managers Employee traditional management processes modern management view for the
are set up. knowledge era of today. Min
(Central Control) (Empowerment)

Cynefin by Dave Snowden Alignment/Autonomy Leadership inspired by Henrik Kniberg Free download:

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