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Republic of the Philippines

Sorsogon State College

Sorsogon City Campus
A.Y. 2019-2020

Topic: Teaching as a Vocation, Mission and Profession

Name: Edriana A. Ceriales


Teaching as a Vocation

"Only the brave should teach. Teaching is a vocation. It is sacred as priesthood as innate a
desire, as inescapable as the genius which compels for humanity, the love of living creature the
vision of the priest and the artist, he must not teach". From this quote by Pearl S. Buck, Teaching
is a call of duty to touch one's soul to learn essential lessons to face the demands of life. It molds
our mind in gaining knowledge through learning. Also, it is an act of promoting love for
humanity because teachers are responsible to open our minds to compassion and social

Etymology of Vocation

It comes from the Latin word "vocare" which means to call.

 Vocation is a strong feeling of suitability for a particular career or occupation

 When someone practices teaching as a vocation, they teach with dedication.

Usually, it is our talent or predisposition of our soul as a person. Our dedication in our work is
exceptional because we are not capable of all things for interests and utmost dedication separates
from our ordinary ability to do work. As a future educator, we must think to have our willingness
to serve people because our eagerness does not end with a mastery but our dedication in
preparing what kind of teacher we are in the future. From the moment we choose our chosen
field, we should be certain enough because at the end of the day, it's us who will hold the
children of tomorrow.
Elizabeth Miranda is a Filipina Teacher. While some
experience the luxury of heading to work with a decent mode of
transportation, Miranda had to travel at least two hours –
crossing rivers either by foot or a lifebuoy – just to reach her
classroom in a remote barangay in Occidental Mindoro. Her
every day travel did not dampen her spirits as she claims that
she is the only person available to educate her students.
According to Miranda, just seeing her class participating and
learning was fulfilling enough to be the reward of her
inconvenient commute.

Ma. Cristina Medina. This devoted

teacher was not blind until 2003 when she
suffered a generic eye condition called
Macular Dystrophy. The damage in her
retina cells caused her loss of vision.
Regardless of that step back, Medina
persevered through her profession and
handled Special Education (SpEd) and
regular classes. She identifies her students
through their voice, and makes use of a Braille seat plan. “I will serve and teach because it is my
calling. My impairment gave me an opportunity to become a better teacher. If anything, it has
made my vision clearer,” was Medina’s inspiring message.

For Teacher Elizabeth Miranda, and Teacher Ma. Cristina Medina, the Reconstructionism
Philosophy can be seen in their situations. When situations are not in our control, they serve to
be improvement in their respective actions. Teacher Elizabeth, showing her determination to her
priceless and difficult commute she respond to her availability just to reach her students to stand
with them for she believed about her responsibility.Teacher Ma. Cristina Medina despite of her
condition, she is an example that when everything fails, your goal to serve people must be
always maintain. Both of them can be classified to Reconstructionism because of their act to
continue what must be changed to improve human conditions and system in viewing education
as one of the brave professions.

The story of Teacher Elizabeth Miranda and Ma. Cristina Medina shows that teaching is more
than a noble profession and their dedicated heart to serve their students and the people of that
said communities is priceless for they are willing to embrance the struggles and weaknesses of
the situation just to respond the call of the chosen field. Their visions are best for they can
foresee and apply significant lessons for life.
Teaching as a Mission

"The mission of schools and teachers is to develop an understanding of all that is true, good and
beautiful". This quote from Pope Francis want us to realize that a teacher will educate students to
see things as a potential growth in self-progress of each and every individual. The relevance and
significant lessons in life introduced by institutions or schools with the help of teachers will
contribute a place of positivity and child-friendly environment.

Etymology of Mission

-It comes from the Latin word "misio" which is to send.

 Mission refers to any task that is assigned alloted or self-imposed

 Every teacher has its own purpose or objective,that they need to accomplish.

Teachers are expected to equip with knowledge, skills and attitude to become an influence to
children. They have positivity because they are able to plan, organize and objectives to
accomplish. Their ultimate goal is about to send concepts and ideals of teaching to beautify the
institutions in a professional manner.

At first, Randy Halasan intended to grab

any chance of reassignment he’ll see when he
was sent to teach in the mountainous part of
Davao del Sur. He thought he could not
survive in a place that was cut off from
civilization – no electricity nor signal. But
after seeing his students’ determination to
learn, arriving at school tired and hungry
from their morning travel, he stayed. Now,
Halasan is the head teacher. He was able to
improve what once was a two-room school
house became a full-fledged establishment
with nine rooms and eight teachers under his management. Aside from that, he also involved
himself with the community, teaching tribesmen the proper way of farming. He argued that only
doing his part within the four corners of the classroom would not spark a huge change since his
students would still live in hunger and fatigue. “No one got rich out of teaching; it’s your legacy
that matters,” Halasan shared.

Sir Randy Halasan on his part, showing Realism and Pragmatism as his Philosophical stand in
Education. Realism in a way that since his location is in the mountainous part of Davao Del Sur,
he introduced the proper farming as a social reform of the physical environment of the tribesmen
and of the place. Also, he is a Pragmatist, because he is truly an action and goal- oriented with
his unconditional response to improve human and environmental condition of the said place.

Halasan proved to us as future educators, that we should expand our minds and hands in assisting
our target and active students to accomplish our responsibilities when situations are not
manageable. We should possess flexibility to improve our education. There is always a way if
we push ourselves to a tangible and possible goals.

Teaching as a Profession

"Teaching is a beautiful job as it allows you to see the growth day by day of people entrusted to
your care. It is a little like being parents, at least spiritually. It is a great responsibility.

From the quoted lesson by Pope Francis, Teaching is a job in which educators guide students to
be with them in walking the path going to a successful goal. Truly, great power of teachers is one
of the most powerful lights that will lead to be the best in their own ways. As a future educator,
the character building and training them in academic excellence and skills will be major
contributions to transform students in the betterment.

Etymology of Profession

Professionem (nominative professio) "public declaration" which means "occupation one

professes to be skilled in".

 Profession is an occupation that claims exclusive technical competence, service, ideals

and ethics of professional conduct.
 A profession is the application of intellectual technique to the ordinary business of the
acquired, as the result of prolonged and specialized thing.
As a future educator, being a teacher requires a long term preparation to achieve a merit
of expertise and Excellency. We must strongly Shift the Culture of Ignorance to the
culture of Excellency.
This is the comparison of the EXCELLENCY versus the "PWEDE NA" MENTALITY
that will clearly prove to us that above all we should have passion to be a student in order
for us to be a successful educator. Teaching is a job with heart. You have family that you
are going to help and students to educate. Teaching is not easy for it requires us to be a
professional role model.

Adelfa Amancio English Filipino teacher. Amancio had a well-established language school in
Cebu that mostly caters to the Japanese community in the area. With the intention of widening
her horizons, she posted online advertisements of her school. One time, she sent 10 e-mails to
various language schools in Japan, hoping that it would further promote her school. Some
replied, expressing their gratitude towards her e-mail, while others did not even acknowledge her
message. But there was one response she did not expect to receive – inviting her to work in the
foreign country. Not thinking twice, she gladly accepted despite the knowledge of the
discrimination Filipinos usually experience in the land of the rising sun. Most of the Japanese
institutions only consider those from the western countries to be capable of teaching the English
language, but Amancio brushed them off and exhibited her prowess in the subject. Amancio
remained professional and strived for an outstanding result term after term, aiming to prove that
their view towards Filipinos is highly biased and wrong.

The story of Teacher Adelfa, made us realize that discrimination in few communities is still a
revealed issue. She can also an example of Conflict Theory because even though Japan is not
recognizing English as part of their education system, the negativity as their approach serve as
her fight to strive harder in teaching. The negative views against our race compared to the
Western Culture cannot stop to her professional belief. This conflict in language and race
inspired her to push herself to stand with Reconstructionism theory. From the culture of conflict
shift to reconstructing the system, to be social reform to solve human problems.

The story of Teacher Adelfa Amancio will make us realize our firm foundation as future
educators. We must accept that things always have their two different lenses; the positive and
negativities. This is where professionalism will deliver a lesson to us, that being professional will
test your stand about the things for you have the profession and you have the potential to
comtinue striving hard for excellency. Amancio is a strong figure that professional do not
surrender for we always sees negativities as opportunities for more room of improvement. She
proves that Filipinos are TAAS noo kahit kanino, for we are fighters as an educator and
professional even in cons.


As a future educator, we will be facing problems that will test our stand in solving these various
issues defined in our society. We, as future educators, will work with character and society
building to promote humanity and equality for all. The principles, ideas and approaches will
always be our foundation in contagious cycle of learning and teaching. The simplicity and the
complexities of things will mold us to be more responsive in the demands of Education to our
daily basis in life. Our teaching will be challenging but at the end of day, we must always
provide quality learning atmosphere to the future generations. We will always exert our full
efforts and dedication to technological, social and economic factors that the contemporary world
requires. Our soul in teaching will always seek the aspirations of the physical, mental and
spiritually human being in societal and global conditions relying the moral and ethical manner.

Lim.Lourdes et al. 2014. The Teaching Profession. Adriana Publishing Co.,Inc. Cubao,Quezon City,Manila,
Japita.J. 2015. Retrieved from
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