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Root/SEDU 307/10-10-19)
Teach story comprehension, connections to real-life, and making predictions while
reading texts.

Standard CC.1.2.3.B: Ask and answer questions about the text and make inferences from
text; refer to text to support responses.

Eligible Content: E03.C.1.2.2: Develop the topic with facts, definitions, and/or details.

After the students have listened and read along with the audio recording of the book,
“Skippyjon Jones in the Doghouse,” pausing to make predictions at times predetermined
by the teacher, the students will write one paragraph about their predictions and how the
story connects to their lives.
1. Anticipatory Set –
a. Ask students if they have ever gotten into trouble before and allow for student
response. Show students the book “Skippyjon Jones in the Doghouse” and ask them
to make a guess about what they think the story will be about, as well as what they
think it means to be “in the doghouse.”
2. Development 1 –
a. Tell students that looking at information or pictures and making informed guesses
is called making a “prediction.”
b. Have students write down their predictions about the story and what it means to
be in the doghouse on a sheet of paper.
c. Tell students that they are going to listen and read along with the first half of the
book and stop when they get to the pink sticky note that says “Stop!”
3. Guided Practice 1 -
a. When students arrive at pink sticky note, have students answer the question,
“How has this story connected to your life so far?” and write down their answer on
a sheet of paper. Then ask, “What is your prediction about what will happen next
in the story?” and have students write this down as well (with the help of the
4. Independent Practice 1 –
a. Once story is finished, have students write one paragraph individually,
including in their paragraph:
1. What story they read
2. Their prediction for what it means to be “in the doghouse”
3. A prediction they had about something that was going to happen
4. What actually happened
5. A real-life connection to the story
8. Closure –
a. Have students read their paragraphs out loud, checking to make sure that their
paragraphs “make sense,” have capital letters at the beginning of sentences,
correct punctuation, and answer all the questions.
✓ “Skippyjon Jones in the Doghouse” by Judy Schachner
✓ Audio CD
✓ CD Player
✓ Headphones
✓ Pencil
✓ Paper
The book will be read aloud to students through an audio CD while they follow along with the
physical book. Teacher will work one-on-one with small group of students to ensure
comprehension and understanding of making predictions and connections. Students will use
printing paper to assist with handwriting.
1) Formative – Teacher questioning, written predictions and connections
2) Summative – Written paragraph at end of lesson
1) Write an assessment of the students’ performance and mastery in terms of each stated
objective. List each objective’s evaluation separately.
2) Write a general self-evaluation including explanation for success or lack of it. Discuss
what changes might have produced better results and could be used in subsequent

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