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Root/SEDU 203/11-14-19)
Teach telling time to the nearest five minutes.
Standard CC.2.4.2.A.2: Tell and write time to the nearest five minutes using both analog
and digital clocks.
General Lesson Objectives:
Following teacher instruction and practice, TSWBAT tell time to the nearest five minutes
to 85% accuracy on the “Roll and Read the Time” worksheet.
1. Anticipatory Set –
a. Start lesson by having student use the clock to represent different times,
gauging how much they know about analog clocks. (9:00, 7:30, 11:00)
2. Development 1 –
a. Teach student that each little circle on the analog clock represents 1 minute.
Therefore, each number on the clock represents 5 minutes. So in order to
represent 12:05, the minute hand must be on the 1. Write times on the dry erase
board if necessary so student can visualize times.
3. Guided Practice 1 -
a. Continue to provide examples and have student move the minute hand to
represent different times said by the teacher. Provide help as student requires.
4. Independent Practice 1 –
a. Distribute “Roll and Read the Time” worksheet. Have student play game,
watching to see if their answers are correct. Mark any incorrect answers on a
separate sheet of paper.
8. Closure –
a. Go over worksheet with student and correct any misconceptions. Give student
three “bonus” times and have them represent them on the manipulative clock.
 Clock manipulative
 Dry erase board and marker
 Pencil and paper
 “Roll and Read the Time” sheet
 Dice
V. ADAPTATIONS: Review certain concepts as needed depending on student understanding
and any misconceptions.
1) Formative – Students will answer questions verbally and with the clock manipulative as
the teacher asks them.
2) Summative – “Roll and Read the Time” game
1) Write an assessment of the students’ performance and mastery in terms of each stated
objective. List each objective’s evaluation separately.
Following teacher instruction and practice, TSWBAT tell time to the nearest five minutes
to 85% accuracy on the “Roll and Read the Time” worksheet.
Both students were able to tell time to the nearest five minutes at 85% correctness or
2) Write a general self-evaluation including explanation for success or lack of it. Discuss
what changes might have produced better results and could be used in subsequent

This lesson went rather smoothly and successfully. The Anticipatory Set was a good way
to gauge what the students already knew in regard to telling time, which helped to guide
the rest of the lesson. The students were able to catch on very quickly to the idea of each
number on the clock representing 5 minutes and could count by fives easily. They both
participated in the games and achieved mastery of the objective. To improve the lesson, I
would try including a written portion. One of the students I was working with has a
violent aversion to any form of written work, so I would have to find a way to make the
written form fun and not feel like schoolwork. I received positive feedback from the
observing teacher and she had no suggestions for me. She is excited for me to teach my
next lesson! Overall, the lesson went well and I enjoyed the experience.

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