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Artist Research:

Our World
David Attenborough

As with all Attenborough documentaries our world is no exception to

the rule that it is, filled with amazing videography and cinematic shots,
of earth and its nature. This is what people connect with int hem the
most, though Attenborough’s voice I smooth and calming, people love
to see the raw nature of earth and the beauty within it. This way of
using amazing visuals to draw in an audience is very clever, though a
hard skill to master when done properly, I think it could be useful in my
own production as, I will need to get shots of other people riding, the
people that aim interviewing for example. I will also need two have
good visual as they are a key part of a productions level quality.

The second major thing that keeps people interested in Attenborough’s

productions is his voice. He has the perfect voice to engage with
almost anyone (that speaks English). For me to relocate this in my own
production I will nee to have a well written script that works well with
has been said in any of my Interviews as this will help the audience to
think back and engage more with he interview, the production and what
is coming up.

On the other had an Attenborough style documentary is not really what

I was look to create as I think that it would be hard to keep the
audience engaged for a long-enough length of time for them to enjoy
the production. Therefore I doubt that I will be trying to replicate His
style of production much at all.

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