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What's the impact of COVID-19 on supermarkets supply chain/logistics/product flow on grocery

product categories such as Trade Up/Bulk items?

The spread of the Coronavirus has an enormous effect on the global economy. It has driven
various companies to close down or search for an new income source to support the
marketplace. However, the consequences of this virus epidemic are very rare when it comes to
grocery industry. Although Coronavirus generated a state of hysteria that made users purchase
more than needed products, it also made them concentrate only on vital goods. An effect of this
is that parts of the food and beverage retail market, online shopping, health and personal care,
and general merchandising, are seeing a substantial rise in their revenue. Whereas there are
crippling hits on the motor vehicle and car components and food services industry. The virus has
instilled terror in shoppers' minds, making them favor online supermarket shopping over physical
store visits. As a consequence, although brick-and - mortar stores and supermarkets have
reduced revenue by a substantial amount, e-grocery platforms have reported an average daily
consumer volume growth of 40,000 during this global pandemic time. Since supermarket
employees have to keep in contact with many individuals through their jobs, they are scared to
fall in contact with an infected person and risk their lives. On top of this, separate studies have
reported the number of retail and pharmacy employees who died as a consequence of the novel
pandemic coronavirus outbreak. These factors prevent them from going to work, which ultimately
makes people in the grocery business wonder how to manage their work with limited human
resources. Delivery associates in most grocery stores operate on a contingent basis. They don't
have the ability to operate during this crisis time because of the fear of being poisoned. This
again makes it difficult for grocery wholesalers to deliver all the food items in real-time at their
consumers' doorstep.

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