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Problems and Advice

481. A New Bag

Lucy: Is that a new bag?

Carol: Yes. I got it yesterday.
Lucy: It's beautiful. Do you like it?
Carol: It's pretty, but it hurts my shoulder.
Lucy: That's not good. What are you going to do?
Carol: I think I'm going to return it.

482. A Great Deal

Claire: Do you like my new bag?

Katie: It's nice. When did you get it?
Claire: Today. I got it on sale.
Katie: That's a designer bag.
Claire: I know. It's a one-day sale. You should check it out.
Katie: I think I will. I need a new bag.
Claire: Can I join you?
Katie: Sure. But you already bought a new bag.
Claire: I think I'll get one for my mom too.
Katie: Let's hurry before everything is sold out.

483. Getting a Pet

Doug: I'm thinking about getting a pet.

Lou: What kind of pet?
Doug: Maybe a dog or a cat.
Lou: That's a lot of responsibility.
Doug: I know. But I'm lonely.
Lou: They are great companions.

484. Pet Supplies

Kevin: Where are you going?

Patrick: I'm going to the pet store.
Kevin: Are you going to get a pet?
Patrick: I got a dog this morning. I need to buy some pet supplies.
Kevin: What kind of dog did you get?
Patrick: A Labrador Retriever puppy.
Kevin: Wow! Puppies are a lot of work.
Patrick: I know. We used to have many dogs when I was a child.
Kevin: What kind of supplies do you need?
Patrick: I need a leash, two dog bowls, and some treats.

485. Getting a Gift

Ann: I don't know what to get Mike for our anniversary.

Sheila: What did you get him last year?
Ann: A new bike.
Sheila: What does he want this year?
Ann: A new car.
Sheila: Wow! He has expensive taste.

486. Hard to Shop For

Mike: I don't know what to get Ann for our anniversary.

James: What about jewelry?
Mike: She doesn't like my taste in jewelry.
James: How about clothes?
Mike: She doesn't like my taste in clothes.
James: Have you asked her what she wants?
Mike: No. I want it to be a surprise.
James: How can you surprise her if she doesn't like your taste in anything?
Mike: That's why I need your help.
James: I can't help you. Sheila doesn't like my taste either.

487. Eating Less

Tiffany: Is that all you are eating?

Joann: Yeah. I'm trying to lose weight.
Tiffany: You need to exercise too.
Joann: I know. I've been running two miles every day.
Tiffany: That's great.
Joann: Thanks. Losing weight is hard.

488. Losing Weight

Helen: Hi, Martha. You look great!

Martha: Thanks. I lost 30 pounds.
Helen: Wow! How did you lose weight?
Martha: I don't eat any junk food and I work out every day.
Helen: I need to lose some weight too.
Martha: Do you want to go to the gym with me?
Helen: When are you going?
Martha: I go every morning at 5 AM.
Helen: That's too early for me.
Martha: Once you get started, you'll really enjoy it.

489. Get a Job!

Jeff: Can I borrow some money, Steven?

Steven: Again? You already borrowed money from me last week.
Jeff: I'm sorry. I just need to pay some bills.
Steven: That's what you said last time.
Jeff: I promise to pay you back soon.
Steven: Ok. You need to find a job.

490. Money Problems

Josh: I need a new job.

Cory: Why?
Josh: This job doesn't pay enough.
Cory: Are you having money problems?
Josh: Yeah. I don't have enough money for bills and rent.
Cory: But you drive a nice car and wear expensive things.
Josh: I need those things.
Cory: I don't think you need expensive things. You just want them.
Josh: What do you mean?
Cory: I think you're spoiled. You need to set some priorities.

491. Birthday Present for Mom

Rachael: Today is my mom's birthday

Monica: What are you going to get her?
Rachael: Flowers and a card.
Monica: What about that new handbag she wants?
Rachael: It's too expensive.
Monica: I can loan you some money.

492. Last Minute Present

Nicky: I forgot to buy my mom a birthday gift.

Rhonda: When is her birthday?
Nicky: Her birthday is today. My family and I are going to take her out to dinner.
Rhonda: What time is dinner?
Nicky: 6 PM.
Rhonda: You only have two hours to find her a birthday present.
Nicky: I don't get off work until 5:30.
Rhonda: There's a gift shop in our lobby.
Nicky: That's a great idea! I'll go there on my break.
Rhonda: Remember the gift shop closes at 5 PM.

493. Trip to the Countryside

Olivia: We're looking for a place to visit in the country.

Madison: What do you want to do there?
Olivia: I want to smell the flowers and read books under a tree.
Madison: That sounds boring.
Olivia: It's very relaxing.
Madison: I like being in the city.

494. Getting Away

Gina: I need a place to stay in the country.

Patricia: What kind of place?
Gina: I would like to stay in a small cottage.
Patricia: What do you want to do there?
Gina: I want to take pictures of the flowers, trees, and meadows.
Patricia: What are meadows?
Gina: A meadow is an open area of grass.
Patricia: Why do you want to take pictures?
Gina: I got a new camera for my birthday.
Patricia: Happy Birthday, Gina.

495. Health Problems

Ron: I just got back from the doctor's office.

Carl: What did the doctor say?
Ron: I have high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
Carl: That's not good. Did he put you on medication?
Ron: Yeah. I have to go back in six months.
Carl: We need to stay healthy at this age.

496. Changing Eating Habits

Tim: I am so hungry.
Dave: Didn't you eat lunch?
Tim: Carol has put me on a strict diet.
Dave: Why? Are trying to lose weight?
Tim: No. She says we need to live healthy at our age.
Dave: She is right.
Tim: I know, but I miss my meat and potatoes.
Dave: What did you have for lunch?
Tim: A salad.
Dave: What else did you have for lunch?
Tim: That's it! I had a small salad. I'm starving.

497. Smartwatch

Jonathan: I'm thinking about getting a smartwatch.

Sam: Do you know how to use one?
Jonathan: No, but I can learn.
Sam: You don't even know how to use your smartphone.
Jonathan: My son has a smartwatch. It looks cool.
Sam: Maybe you should learn how to use your phone first.

498. New Gadget

Ethan: Have you seen the latest smartwatch?

Dan: Yes. It's really cool.
Ethan: Do you have one?
Dan: No. I'm thinking about getting one soon.
Ethan: How much are they?
Dan: They are pretty expensive.
Ethan: I wish I could get one.
Dan: Why? You never answer your calls or texts.
Ethan: If it's on my wrist, then maybe I will use it.
Dan: You're just going to waste your money.

499. Vacation Spot

Stacy: Where is your favorite vacation spot?

Andrea: I like going to my parents' lake house.
Stacy: Is it far from here?
Andrea: You have to drive a couple of hours from here.
Stacy: That's a great distance. It's not too far or too near.
Andrea: Yes, I agree. It's very relaxing there.

500. A Beautiful Getaway

Linda: Where is your favorite vacation spot?

Monica: Joe and I love to go to Hawaii every summer.
Linda: Ted and I have never been there.
Monica: It's a beautiful and relaxing place.
Linda: Ted doesn't like beaches. He likes to sightsee.
Monica: There are many places to sightsee.
Linda: I may have to talk him into it.
Monica: We have a lovely condo you could stay in.
Linda: How much do you charge?
Monica: We won't charge you. You're my best friend.

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