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Contoh dialog asking and giving service 1

You : Good morning, Ma'am.

Your teacher : Good morning.
You : Yesterday I heard about English story telling contest and I would like to join it. Where do I
get the form, Ma'am?
Your teacher : Oh I see. Let me help you.
You : Thank you, Ma'am.
Your teacher : Don;t forget to give your parent's sign on the form.
You : Yes, Ma'am.

Contoh dialog asking and giving service 2

You : Hi, can you help me?
Your friend : What can I do for you?
You : I lost my pen. May I lend your pencil?
your friend : Of course. Here it is
You : And... one more. Do you have an English dictionary? May I lend it too?
Your friend : I'm sorry. I use it now.
You: It's okay. Thank you.
Your friend : Your welcome.

Contoh dialog asking and giving service 3

DHEA: Have you heard that the due date for the final project is extended?
RIZA: No, is it true?
DHEA: Yes. It will be due next month.
RIZA: That’s wonderful! I haven’t even started yet.
DHEA: Would you need my help?
RIZA: No, thanks. I’ll do it as soon as possible. I know that you’re as busy as I am.
DHEA: Okay. Just let me know if you need my help.
Contoh dialog asking and giving service 4
HAMADA: My extended family is going to give a surprise birthday party for my grandmother next week.
DIANA: Wow! That sounds great. How old is she?
HAMADA: She’ll be 75 on August 13.
DIANA: Really? I didn’t know that she was that old. I thought that she was still around 60. She looks
much younger.
HAMADA: Thanks.
DIANA: What if I help you with the preparation?
HAMADA: Oh, it’s very nice of you. But I’m going to do it with my sister. Thanks for the offer.
DIANA: Okay, no problem.
Contoh dialog asking and giving service 5
Sinta : What are you doing?
Salma : I’m making report, but I can’t
Sinta : Can I help you?
Salma : Yes, sure. Thank you for your help. That is very kind of you.
Sinta: Yes, you are welcome.

Contoh dialog asking and giving service 6

Dina: What are you doing?
Rima: I’m repairing bicycle.
Dina: Why your bicycle can damaged?
Rima: I don’t know
Dina: What I can I do to help?
Rima: No, thank you
Dina: Oh….okay.

Contoh dialog asking and giving service 7

Shop assistant: What can I do for you, Sir?
Customer: I’m looking for a leather jacket.
Shop assistant: What color are you looking for?
Customer: Either black or brown. Can you show me the best one, please?
Shop assistant: Sure… here they are: the black one and the brown.

Contoh dialog asking and giving service 8

Aliando: Prilly, hey look. I have just bought a new bicycle for you.
Prilly: Wow, you surprise me. Thank you very much. You are a kind guy.
Aliando: You are welcome.
Prilly: But don’t you think it is a bit expensive?. You didn’t have to buy me a new bike.
Aliando: It is okay, I want to. Besides, your old bike is broken right?
Prilly: Yes it is.
Aliando: Where is it now?
Prilly: It is in the garage. Why are you asking.
Aliando: Let me repair the bicycle.
Prilly: Do you want to do it?
Aliando: Yes I am. I have a friend who can fix it.
Prilly: Thank you so much. You can have it if you want.
Aliando: It is not necessary for you to do that.
Prilly: But you have bought me the new one. So, I don’t need the old one.
Aliando: Okay thank you, I will upgrade it then.
Prilly: That would be great.
Contoh dialog asking and giving service 9
Richard: Do you have any plan this afternoon?
Ben: Not really. Why are you asking?.
Richard: I will go to your house then.
Ben: That would be a perfect idea. We can play video games or have another activity.
Richard: We have art class for tomorrow. How about making an origami?.
Ben: Good choice. We can practice doing the art project.
Richard: What will you make then?
Ben: First we can make the easy origami then difficult one.
Richard: I think the paper plane is easy to make. What do you say?
Ben: Sure. But I don’t have the origami paper.
Richard: Don’t worry let me buy it. What paper should I buy?
Ben: The regular origami paper should do it. What about the color?
Richard: I will buy the rainbow origami paper.
Ben: Okay, I will be waiting for you this afternoon.
Richard: Okey.

Contoh dialog asking and giving service 10

Mika: I am exhausted. What about you Jane?.
Jane: Me too. I am thirsty. The weather seems like scorching today.
Mika: We have been walking in this park for about two hours. Let’s get rest under that tree.
Jane: I could not even feel my legs because of walking. This tree is an excellent place to relax.
Mika: Hey Jane, look your skin is burning because of the sun. Did you use sunblock?.
Jane: Oh no, I forgot to use the sunscreen this morning. You are right; my shoulder turns red. What
should I do?.
Mika: Don’t worry, I bring the sunblock. I will apply it to your skin.
Jane: Thank you, Mika.

Contoh dialog asking and giving service 11

Joshua: Are you busy this evening?
Sarah: I am free because I have done all of my assignments.
Joshua: That is good. I will buy you a movie ticket. What do you say?.
Sarah: I would like to, but I must stay at home this evening.
Joshua: Oh I see.
Sarah: Don’t be sad. Why don’t you come to my home?
Joshua: Really? Okay, I am going this evening.
Sarah: What about this 8 P.M?
Joshua: Yes I will go to your house at that time. By the way, may I ask you something?
Sarah: Yes you can.
Joshua: Why can’t you leave your home this evening.
Sarah: Oh my sister is sick. I have to take care of her tonight since my parents are going to Granpa
Joshua: I am sorry to hear that.
Sarah: It is okay. Don’t forget to come to my home.
Joshua: I will not forget that. I will bring fresh fruits for your sister.
Sarah: My sister would love it.
Contoh dialog asking and giving service 12
Ronald: I have just bought Justin Bieber concert ticket.
Karen: Wow I am jealous of you. How did you get the concert ticket?. I saw it sold out.
Ronald: Yes most of all the tickets sold out in the first day. I am lucky because someone sold it to me.
Karen: How could it be?.
Ronald: He said that his sister did not want to go, so he sold the tickets.
Karen: I need to go Justin Bieber concert.
Ronald: Don’t worry, I have bought the two tickets. Do you want me to give it for you.
Karen: Thank you very much, Ron. How much do I need to pay the ticket.
Ronald: No I give it to you, so you don’t need to pay.
Karen: You are such a great friend.
Ronald: As long as you are happy. Here is the ticket.
Karen: A Justin Bieber ticket concert, what a joy.
Ronald: Do you want me to pick you up when the show begins?.
Karen: Yes, please. We can go together.
Ronald: Okay I will see you until the concert begins.
Karen: See you.

Contoh dialog asking and giving service 13

Dylan: Robert I made a new robot. Do you want me to show it to you?
Robert: Oh wow, you did it. Sure I want to see your new robot.
Dylan: Come to my house then.
Robert: Okay, let’s get going. (15 minutes later)
Dylan: Here is my new robot? What do you think?.
Robert: Unbelievable. Did you make it yourself?.
Dylan: Of course I did.
Robert: Wow you made a cool robot. How did you do that?.
Dylan: I made it from scraps.Because I didn’t have enough money to buy the components, I got it from
the professor.
Robert: You mean Professor Richard?
Dylan: Yes, he gave most of all the components. I was lucky.
Robert: Yes you are. Prof.Richard is very kind. I wish he gives the materials to me.
Dylan: Don’t worry, he said that I could ask him anytime if I need the components. Do you want to make
Robert: Of course I do.
Dylan: Do you want me to ask Prof Richard to give the materials?
Robert: Is it possible to do that?.
Dylan: Yes I will contact Prof Richard.
Robert: Thank you very much.
Dona: Aren’t you hungry?
Joshep: I am a little hungry. Why do you ask?
Dona: I saw that you have been working so hard. I can make you lunch if you want to.
Joshep: That is nice of you. Yes please.
Dona: What do you want for lunch.
Joshep: Can you make me MacnChese?.
Dona: Yes I can. MacnChese will be ready for 15 minutes.
Joshep: Thank you.
Dona: Don’t mention it. Just don’t overdo your work.
Joshep: Sure.

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