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1939 September 4​ (Ayanna)

The United Party caucus refused to accept Hertzog's stance of neutrality in World War II and
deposed him in favour of Jan Smuts.

1939 September 6​ (ayanna)

Becoming Prime Minister, Jan Smuts declared South Africa officially at war with Germany and
the Axis.

1940 June 10th - 1943 May 13th​(Tei)

North African Campaign

-battle for North Africa was a struggle for control of the Suez Canal and access to oil from the
Middle East and raw materials from Asia
-oil in particular had become a critical strategic commodity due to the increased mechanization
of modern armies
-Many Africans enlisted or were conscripted by their colonial ruler, Britain, to fight the Axis
countries in World War II

1940 June 10th ​(Isabella)

Italy declares war on France and England.

1940 June 11th-12th ​(Tei)

South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand declare war on Italy
First air raids on Italy. East Africa campaign begins.

1940 June 16th ​(Tei)

First tank battle of the North African Campaign takes place, the “Engagement at Nezuet Ghirba”

1940 June- 1941 June ​(Robert)

Italy takes over Egypt and Cyrenaica. The Italians force into North and East Africa taking over
the land from the British forces.

1940 Sept 16th ​(Tei)

British offense opens in Italian East Africa; Egypt cleared of Italian forces

1941 Feb 6th ​(Tei)

Lieutenant-General Erwin Rommel is appointed commander of Afrika Korps.
1941 Feb 6th - May 25 ​(Isabella)
Operation Sonnenblume. Sonnenblume was the dispatch of German Troops to North Africa,
after the Italian army was struggling to hold their African territory.

1942 Jan 21 ​(Isabella)

Rommel begins North African counter offensive surprise attack.

1942 July 1 ​(Charley)

First Battle of El Alamein. Fought in Egypt ​between Axis forces of the Panzer Army Africa.

1942 July 6​ (Robert)

Allies have an air raid on the axis plane base at Martuba, near Derna, in Libya

1942 Nov 27th (​ Tei)

Australian troops approach a German-held strong point under the protection of a heavy smoke
screen somewhere in the Western Desert, in Northern Africa

1943 May 12 ​(Charley)

The surrender of 250,000 Axis troops and 12 generals signalled the end of the North African

1943 May 13th ​(Tei)

Axis powers surrender in Tunisia

1943 September ​(Zoe)

Small groups of the italian forces fought a guerrilla war in Ethiopia against the British until the
Armistice of Cassibile, which ended the war between Italy and the Allies. 
Europe Timeline
Asia Timeline 
Africa Timeline  

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