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An initiative to boost employee morale, mental

health, and productivity
Prepared by: Sophie Snow, Digital Marketing and Public Relations Intern

The problem 2
project description 3
what makes movement sticky 4
people, planet, profit 5
cost analysis 6
assessment strategy 7
conclusion 8
appendix 9
works cited 10
Tommy Bahama employees spend their days running from meeting to meeting across multiple

department divisions, hold product showings to sell products to large retailers like Nordstrom

and Dillards, and expand their restaurant and lifestyle brands beyond the East Coast. These

employees face incredible amounts of stress and lack a strong work, life balance. Tommy

Bahama represents large scale retailers in many markets and is a role model in the fashion

industry, therefore they must care for their employees to maintain retention and boost loyalty.

Without an appropriate work, life balance, employees lack the ability to care for themselves

mentally and physically. Harvard Business Review, in addition to multiple studies, indicates

the importance of daily exercise and the connection increased exercise has to productivity and

improved corporate morale. Movement is an initiative I believe will prevent turnover, increase

in-house productivity, and improve the mental and physical health of Tommy Bahama


More than ever, corporate offices and large office campuses, such as Google or Facebook,

have built gym facilities for their employees. The addition of a workout studio or fitness center

gives employees the opportunity to get in a great workout during the workday, save money on

an outside gym membership, and get a physical and mental break in during the day. Movement

during the day increases productivity by 10% and will foster a more collaborative and

inclusive corporate work culture. Professional studio classes will be offered daily in addition

to free studio time for individual workout sessions. All classes will be free and employees

should be given a workout break during the day to complete a class and freshen up using new,

sustainable locker rooms.

Movement will produce immediate results and benefit corporate culture at Tommy Bahama.

The increase in endorphins amongst employees will foster a more collaborative and supportive

work environment and will lead to higher productivity, increased output, and reduce employee

turnover. With the specified increase in productivity, an equivalent increase in sales will occur.

Additionally, the company will save money on the health care costs of their employees due to

increased physical activity and better care for the body. The benefits will boost profitability

and prosperity for the company.

Only 1 in 4 US adults meet the recommended physical activity

guidelines. Out of these adults, 31 million above the 50 are

inactive beyond the basic tasks of daily life. The CDC identified

the effects of this intense lack of movement to primarily be

obesity, cancer, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. People need

movement. There is a national crisis calling for individuals to

move their bodies beyond the daily rituals of walking to the

kitchen, heading from meeting to meeting, and standing chatting

in a conversation in passing. The short term effects are not

detrimental, but the long term effects could negatively change

an individual's life and their capabilities in the workplace for the

rest of their career.

In the corporate world, the lack of movement is astounding due to a lack of work, life balance.

These professionals, especially those at Tommy Bahama, are bouncing in and out of several

daily meetings in addition to their own work. After a long day at work, there is not a big push

to go to the gym, but rather an attempt to catch any amount of sleep possible. But that sleep is

not stable or fulfilling due to the body’s lack of movement. Nights are challenging, but

mornings are equally as difficult to pack a nutritious lunch and rush out the door to bear traffic.

An in-house corporate workout studio focused on company wellness and dedicated to physical

and mental health would increase the quality of life for these working professionals.

Employees would be able to take longer breaks during their work days to attend free fitness

classes taught by professionals in their building. There is no hassle or cost of attending a gym,

and employees could create bonds with each other from varying departments. Exercise boosts

productivity and generates endorphins; therefore giving employees that motivation and energy

boost to tackle deadlines and create high quality products. The essentials for fitness are

directly accessible to each employee and would be encouraged with a new, refined daily

company schedule to accommodate this new, healthy lifestyle. Tommy Bahama struggles with

internal retention, but this new wellness program would create loyal, long term bonds between

the brand and its employees.

Movement has a primary focus of implementing an in-

house corporate workout studio fit with high quality

equipment, professional trainers, and a range of class types

and times to accommodate every employee. In addition to

the new workout facility, Tommy Bahama will enforce a

structured wellness plan dedicated to improving work-life

balance and maintaining a productive, yet replenishing

workplace environment.

corporate workout studio
The studio will be built on the second floor of Tommy Bahama’s corporate headquarters building

in South Lake Union, Seattle, WA. Bamboo flooring and eco-friendly materials will be used to

promote a sustainable mission to reflect Tommy Bahama's dedication to the environment as a

LEED Certified building. All workout equipment pieces will be made from eco-friendly bamboo

to cut costs and reduce waste rather than use engineered hardwood.

A study in Harvard Business Review analyzed the effects on over 200 employees who utilized

access to an in-house company gym facility. The results indicated those who scheduled a

workout during their typical office day showed a 10% increase in personal time management,

task efficiency, and they had calmer interactions with fellow employees. Not only was there

satisfaction when the workers went home for the evening after completing a workout earlier in

the day, but an overall boost in brain function and emotional balance. The addition of this

company workout studio will improve the mental and physical health of all Tommy Bahama

employees, but also increase office productivity and enhance the workplace environment to

achieve more financial and socially responsible success.

wellness program
The Wellness Program will alter the traditional 9-5 workday, enforce a new prioritization of

work life balance, and provide opportunities for employees to advance their personal health to

simultaneously increase professional performance. Time management, efficient calendar

planning, and structured team meetings will be prioritized to increase productivity and make

time for company workouts. Finally, there will be a bi-weekly newsletter indicating new ways

to advance personal development. 3


Daily exercise is proven to boost mood and brain function in addition to lowering stress. All

vital attributes of a successful personal work environment. This simple, yet effective business

initiative will prove the link between prioritized health and professional output and be easy for

employees to adopt into their daily office practices.

Researchers have proven the benefits of workouts during the work day linked with increased

productivity and quality of outputs. With companies in the same industry as Tommy Bahama,

like GAP inc, creating workout studios or wellness programs provides insight into the

successful functionality but also the necessity of such a plan.

Most individuals have a goal to improve their fitness, but struggle to find time and then begin

a guilty cycle of harsh internal criticism or self-doubt. By eliminating the need for gym

memberships or extreme early morning and late night workouts, employees can feel

accomplished during the workday and proud of themselves for working on projects and

personal goals. Movement will change the idea of what a typical work day looks like; people

and their health are prioritized like never before.


The Tommy Bahama employees will see incredible benefits

not only in physical and mental health, but also interaction

with co-workers and productivity with 'Movement'. Unlike

other fashion corporations, Tommy Bahama will be one of

the first to create this opportunity to support employee

personal development.

The 'Movement' workout studio is built to redefine the

spaces we exercise in. With eco-friendly bamboo flooring,

environmentally friendly sourced materials, and fitness

equipment made from recycled materials are all benefits to

the planet and the corporation. We hope this dramatic shift

toward a more sustainable mindset for both professional and

personal reasons will lead to alignment with Tommy

Bahama's current sustainable initiatives as a LEED Certified


Movement increased productivity by 10%, leading to an

expected increase in sales by 10%. This can be seen as a

portion of saved salary compared to the increased employee

output. When the mind and body are active, nourished, and

each employee's health is valued equally to their corporate

contributions, Tommy Bahama will see health care costs

decrease, employee turnover decrease, and profits increase.

direct costs
Eco-Friendly Bamboo Flooring

Mirrored Walls

Equipment from Recycled Materials

Professional Trainer

indirect costs
The immediate indirect costs Tommy Bahama will face is the time spent with employees

taking either a 30 minute or a 60 minute workout class rather than working. But as research

shows, this exercise translate to increase productivity within new time boundaries.

ROI 10% increased productivity allows Tommy Bahama to save $180,000 in boosted

employee salaries. The first annual cost is $32,600. The estimated ROI is 452%.

Improved Personal Mental Stability and Physical Development
Employees will see the benefits of attending multiple workout classes per week

through a boost in their energy and mental stamina throughout the day. This will

increase task efficiency and improve the rate at which professional tasks are


Each Tommy Bahama employee will recognize a positive change in their body after

2 utilizing the workout studio due to consistency and accessibility to proper equipment

and training. 

The crucial work life balance will noticeably improve due to employees gaining cross

3 division connection with fellow employees, complete workouts and office work before

the work day ends, and morale will increase based on exercise’s proven effects to

reduce stress.

Professional Productivity and Improved Team Output

Employees will improve their task efficiency skills due to properly planning their

1 work days to include meetings, projects, and workouts. There will be more completed

goals and finished tasks by a 10% boost in productivity. 

Teams will improve collaboration through boosted mentality after workouts and be

2 able to enhance the workplace environment. Strong workplace connections assist in

teamwork and professional output. Frequent exercise boosts brain activity and

therefore the quality of work done in the office.


Movement is an initiative designed to prioritize and promote the physical and mental health of

Tommy Bahama employees through available daily workouts and improved work life balance.

Internal sources explain the complexity and stress-oriented work environment of the company,

and therefore urge the need for a change in dynamic and employee development. 

The new in-house eco corporate workout studio stocked with environmentally conscious, high

quality equipment with classes taught by professional trainers would change the personal and

office lifestyles of each employee. There will be newfound balance, team collaboration, and

personal development. All these attributes lead to higher quantities of professional output due

to increased brain function supporting task efficiency and team collaboration. A fresh, clean,

sustainably-oriented workout facility in the office will eliminate the need for external gym

membership costs and increase the likelihood individuals will adopt a healthier, workout-

centered lifestyle. 

The adoption of the Movement wellness program initiates new office behavior and a

developed focus on the health of Tommy Bahama employees. With allotted time for fitness

and increased awareness of physical and mental health in the office, Movement’s wellness

program will help employees reach their full potential inside and outside of the office. With

this initiative, we can expect to see a 10% increase in overall productivity and therefore a 10%

increase in projected sales.

TO: All Tommy Bahama Employees

FROM: Sophie Snow, Digital Marketing and Public Relations Intern

DATE: 05/14/2020

SUBJECT: Movement Initiative, The Implementation

Starting next week, we will be implementing the new Movement initiative striving to boost

physical and mental health amongst all in the Tommy Bahama family. We are thrilled to start

this next chapter in improving work life balance and prioritizing your health needs.

A workout studio built with sustainable materials will be taking over the empty space on the

second floor shared with our design team. You all have all-day access to this incredible studio

with six classes taught everyday by professional trainers and guest fitness gurus! Barre, HIIT,

yoga, boxing, and more classes will be offered and you are encouraged to take time out of

your work day to take a class to refresh the body and re-energize the mind. All classes are free

and your work schedules will be modified in order to allow you to have flexible personal

fitness time.

Secondly, Movement implements a wellness program to help everyone at Tommy Bahama

focus on personal health and development and include it in our daily routines. As you know,

finding a work life balance is hard, and self doubt or feelings of discouragement arise when

not everything can be accomplished in a single day. The CDC and researchers have linked

physical exercise and mental strengthening to increased brain function and task efficiency. Not

to mention, you will not have to worry about finding time to workout once you get home from

your long work day. Simple, yet effective changes will be made around the office to

encourage better team collaboration and an improved office environment. We hope you are all

enthused about the implementation of Movement. Work is important, but you are important.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me at or 2062453945.


Sophie Snow



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