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The Prognostic Effect of Cigarette Smoking on Stroke Severity,

Disability, Length of Stay in Hospital, and Mortality in a Cohort

with Cerebrovascular Disease

Rojiemiahd K. Edjoc, PhD,* Robert D. Reid, PhD, MBA,† Mukul Sharma, MD, FRCPC,‡
and Jiming Fang, PhD,x on behalf of the Registry of the Canadian Stroke Network

Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the prognostic influence of ciga-
rette smoking on stroke severity, disability, length of stay (LOS) in hospital, and mor-
tality in different stroke types. Methods: A cohort separated by smoking status from
the Registry of the Canadian Stroke Network was analyzed using logistic regression
while controlling for key outcomes and clinical and demographic characteristics.
Results: There were 20,523 patients that were included for this study from July
2003 to March 2008. Multivariable analyses revealed that, in general, long-time
smoking had a negative effect on functional outcome at discharge, mortality at
1 year, and LOS in hospital. In general, former smoking had a positive impact in re-
ducing the risk of severe stroke, mortality risk at 30 days, and the LOS in hospital.
Significant differences in clinical and demographics were found between smokers,
nonsmokers, and former smokers with cerebrovascular disease. On average,
smokers had an earlier initial stroke presentation of cerebrovascular disease.
Conclusions: Our results provide empirical evidence regarding the prognostic
influence of cigarette smoking on stroke severity, disability, and LOS in
hospital and mortality, but the magnitude of the effect varied by stroke
type. Key Words: Smoking—epidemiology—stroke severity—disability—length
of stay in hospital—mortality—prevention.
Crown Copyright Ó 2013 Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of National Stroke
Association. All rights reserved.

From the *Clinical Epidemiology Program, Ottawa Hospital Re-
search Institute, Ottawa, Ontario; †Division of Prevention and Reha- Cigarette smoking is a well-established risk factor
bilitation, University of Ottawa Heart Institute, Ottawa, Ontario; for initial and recurrent stroke.1-4 Multiple mechanisms
‡Population Health Research Institute, McMaster University, including hypercoagulability and progression of
Hamilton, Ontario; and xInstitute of Clinical Evaluative Sciences, Tor-
atherosclerosis are felt to be responsible.5-10
onto, Ontario, Canada.
Received January 3, 2013; revision received April 24, 2013; accepted Several studies have suggested clinical and demographic
May 1, 2013. characteristics may differ between nonsmoking and
Grant support: The Registry of the Canadian Stroke Network/On- smoking patients with a recent cerebrovascular event.11,12
tario Stroke Registry is funded by the Canadian Stroke Network and Furthermore, the prognostic influence of cigarette smoking
the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. The Institute for
on important cerebrovascular outcomes is still unclear.
Clinical Evaluative Sciences is supported by an operating grant from
the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. Outcomes such as stroke severity, disability, length of
Address correspondence to Rojiemiahd K. Edjoc, PhD, Centre for stay (LOS) in hospital, and mortality have been separately
Practice-Changing Research, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, 501 examined in past studies yielding variable results.13-16 In
Smyth Road, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. E-mail: general, these studies have demonstrated that cigarette
1052-3057/$ - see front matter
smoking negatively affects each of these outcomes.13-16
Crown Copyright Ó 2013 Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of
National Stroke Association. All rights reserved. However, these studies have only examined stroke severity, disability, LOS in hospital, and mortality

e446 Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, Vol. 22, No. 8 (November), 2013: pp e446-e454

separately in relation to cigarette smoking and only in into severe/moderate versus mild stroke (CNS: #7 ver-
specific stroke types. Therefore, the impact of cigarette sus .7). The mRS was dichotomized into poor functional
smoking on these outcomes and in different stroke outcome versus nonpoor functional outcome (mRS score:
types is still poorly understood.13-16 $3 versus 0-2) at discharge.
The aim of this study was to determine the prognostic
influence of cigarette smoking on stroke severity, disabil- Statistical Analysis
ity, LOS in hospital, and mortality in different stroke types.
Characteristics of long-time smoker, former smoker,
and nonsmoking patients were compared using indepen-
Methods dent one-way analysis of variance for continuous vari-
ables and chi-square tests for categorical variables.
The Registry of the Canadian Stroke Network (RCSN)
Univariate and multivariable logistic regression was
contains data for over 50,000 strokes in Canada.17 Partici-
used to examine the association between smoking status
pating sites include all Ontario acute care institutions, ex-
(long-time smoker versus nonsmoker [reference category]
cluding children’s and mental health care hospitals and
and former smoker versus nonsmoker [reference cate-
those with fewer than 10 stroke or transient ischemic at-
gory]) and CNS (severe/moderate versus mild stroke),
tack (TIA) separations per year. The inclusion factors in-
mRS (poor functional outcome at discharge versus non-
clude: all patients seen in emergency departments or
poor functional outcome at discharge), and mortality
admitted to hospital with a most responsible diagnosis
(dead versus alive at 30 days, 90 days, and 1 year) in 3
of stroke or TIA.17 Diagnoses are identified from the Dis-
stroke types (ischemic, TIA, ICH). Long-term smoking
charge Abstract Database and the National Ambulatory
was defined as those patients who have been smoking
Care Reporting System databases that are maintained
within the last 5 years or longer. They are also those
by the Canadian Institute for Health Information. The col-
who have been smoking 6 months before their cerebro-
lected data focus on intervals between stroke onset and
vascular event. Former smoking was defined as those pa-
the delivery of care including thrombolysis and include
tients who have quit smoking in the past. They are also
information on patient demographics, stroke type, stroke
those who have not been a smoker within the last
risk factors, premorbid conditions, brain imaging, treat-
6 months before their cerebrovascular event. Univariate
ments (including medications), and the utilization of
and multivariable Poisson linear regression analyses
stroke protocols/units.17
were used to determine the association between smoking
We analyzed a distinct cohort of patients from the
status (long-time smoker versus nonsmoker [reference
RCSN grouped by their smoking status (long-time
category] and former smoker versus nonsmoker [refer-
smoker, former smoker, and nonsmoker). Covariates of
ence category]) and LOS in hospital. Independent vari-
interest included: age (12-39, 40-59, 60-79, 801), sex
ables included all significant covariates from the
(male or female), type of stroke (ischemic stroke, TIA,
univariate analyses (P , .05).
and or intracerebral hemorrhage [ICH]), ethnicity, living
All the analyses were conducted with the use of SAS
arrangements (live with someone or alone), admission
software (version 9.2; SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC). All
type (Emergency Medical Service [EMS] versus not),
reported P values are 2 sided.
and medical history (depression, diabetes, dyslipidemia,
hypertension, atrial fibrillation, family history of stroke,
dementia, alcohol consumption). Outcomes of interest
included: mortality (30 days, 90 days, and at 1 year), A cohort of 20,523 patients was selected for this study
LOS in hospital, modified Rankin Scale (mRS) score that from the RCSN. Patients were included if they: (1) had
measured disability at discharge, and the Canadian a confirmed diagnosis for stroke/TIA/ICH, (2) had a con-
Neurological Scale (CNS) that measured stroke severity. firmed stroke severity (CNS) and disability (mRS) score,
From July 2003 to March 2008, a total of 33,119 and (3) had an LOS and mortality report. Characteristics
patients were identified. Those with an in-hospital stroke of this cohort can be found in Table 1. Of this sample,
(n 5 849); having other diagnoses other than ischemic, 17.7% were reported long-time smokers and had a re-
TIA, or ICH (n 5 8523); patients missing a CNS score ported mean age of initial stroke at 61.8 (613.17), which
(n 5 463), mRS score (n 5 195), or LOS (n 5 5); not having was significantly younger than nonsmokers (73.2 6
a valid patient identifier (n 5 764); not being their first 14.03). Smokers were largely men (64.4%) and had pre-
event (n 5 1791); and those who were less than 12 years dominantly ischemic strokes (66.2%) compared with
(n 5 7) were excluded from this analysis yielding a total TIA (23.2%) and ICH (10.6%). Comorbidities such as de-
sample size of 20,523. There were 15.7% missing smoking pression (7.2% versus 4.9%) and alcohol consumption
data from the study cohort. (.2 drinks/d: 16.1% versus 2.4%) were more common
For the purposes of calibrating the CNS scale, we in smokers compared with nonsmokers. Diabetes
based our categorization of this outcome on a study by (22.9% and 25.8%), hypertension (65.8% and 70.9%),
O’Donnell et al.18 They dichotomized stroke severity atrial fibrillation (16.9% and 15.3%), family history of
e448 R.K. EDJOC ET AL.

Table 1. Clinical and demographic characteristics of study cohort

Variables All Long-time smoker Former smoker Nonsmoker value

Sample size 20,523 3629 3918 12,976
Mean 6 SD (n) 71.15 6 14.11 61.84 6 13.17 72.84 6 11.49 73.24 6 14.03 ,.0001
(20,523) (3629) (3918) (12,976)
Age group
1: 12-39 (%) 2.6 4.9 1.0 2.5 ,.0001
2: 40-59 (%) 18 38 12.7 14.0
3: 60-79 (%) 47.3 48.5 55.1 44.6
4: 801 (%) 32.1 8.6 31.3 38.9
Female (%) 47.9 35.6 31.3 56.3 ,.0001
Male (%) 52.1 64.4 68.7 43.7
Aboriginal (%) .5 1.1 .4 .4 ,.0001
African (%) .4 .5 .0 .4
Asian (%) 2.8 1.8 1.9 3.4
Caribbean (%) .7 .7 .8 .6
Caucasian (%) 52.6 53.3 56.7 51.2
East Indian (%) 1.5 .7 .8 1.9
Hispanic (%) .5 .3 .4 .5
Other (%) .6 .5 .5 .7
Pacific Islander (%) .3 .2 .4 .3
Unable to determine (%) 40.1 40.9 38.0 40.6
Living arrangement
Living alone (%) 19.4 22.6 18.9 18.6
Admission type
EMS (%) 65.1 62.7 60.2 67.3
Stroke type
ICH (%) 12.7 10.6 8.8 14.4 ,.0001
Ischemic (%) 60.2 66.2 60.8 58.3
TIA (%) 27.2 23.2 30.4 27.3
CNS groupings
0-4 Severe (%) 14.2 10.6 9.0 16.8 ,.0001
5-7 Moderate (%) 14.8 14.2 13.3 15.4
$8 Mild (%) 71.0 75.2 77.7 67.8

Medications (%) 29.0 24.8 22.3 32.2

Antiplatelet (%) 39.8 33 48.3 39.1 ,.0001
Anticoagulation (%) 11.0 5.3 11.3 12.5
Antithrombotic (%) 48.2 37.1 56.8 48.7
Depression (%) 5.4 7.2 5.3 4.9 ,.0001
Diabetes (%) 23.1 20.8 25.8 22.9
Hyperlipidemia (%) 33.7 33.4 44.1 30.7
Hypertension (%) 65.4 57.9 70.9 65.8
Atrial fibrillation (%) 14.7 6.3 15.3 16.9
Stroke history (%) 19.0 15.3 21.7 19.3
Dementia (%) 8.0 3.1 6.9 9.3
Alcohol consumption 8.7 14.5 14.4 5.4 ,.0001
,2/d (%) 5.4 16.1 5.4 2.4
.2/d (%) 65.3 52.4 65.5 68.9
(Continued )

stroke (19.3% and 21.7%), and dementia (9.7% and 6.9%) Former smokers were 19.1% of this sample and had a re-
were more common in nonsmokers and former smokers ported mean age of initial stroke at 72.8 (611.49), which
(Table 1). was similar to the age of nonsmokers. This sample were

Table 1. (Continued )

Variables All Long-time smoker Former smoker Nonsmoker value
Rankin score (mRS)
0 (%) 25.1 24.0 28.1 24.6 ,.0001
1 (%) 16.2 17.1 17.6 15.5
2 (%) 12.5 16.7 13.7 11.0
3 (%) 15.2 16.8 16.2 14.5
4 (%) 15.8 15.4 14.6 16.2
5 (%) 4.6 2.9 3.2 5.5
6 (%) 10.5 7.0 6.6 12.6
Severe disability (mRS $ 3) (%)
Length of stay 46.1 42.1 40.6 48.9 ,.0001
Mean 6 SD (n) 9.76 6 18.37 9.68 6 18.62 9.25 6 16.44 9.94 6 18.84 .1130
(20,523) (3629) (3918) (12,976)
Mortality ,.0001
30 d (%) 12.4 8.0 7.7 15.1
90 d (%) 15.6 10.2 11.2 18.5
1 y (%) 21.1 15.2 16.8 24.1

Abbreviations: CNS, Canadian Neurological Scale; ICH, intracerebral hemorrhage; TIA, transient ischemic attack; mRS, modified Rankin
Scale score.

largely men (68.7%) and had predominantly ischemic long-time smoking was associated with a reduced risk
strokes (60.8%) compared with TIA (30.4%) and ICH of a severe stroke (odds ratio [OR]: .69; 95% confidence in-
(8.8%) (Table 1). terval [CI]: .64-.75), disability (OR: .76; 95% CI: .71-.82),
Nonsmokers were 63.2% of the sample and had a re- mortality at 30 days (OR: .49; 95% CI: .43-.56), 90 days
ported mean age of initial stroke at 73.2 (614.03). This (OR: .50; 95% CI: .44-.56), and at 1 year (OR: .56; 95% CI:
sample was largely women (43.7%) and had predomi- .51-.62). Long-time smoking was associated with a re-
nantly ischemic strokes (58.3%) compared with TIA duced LOS in hospital for TIA (2.33 day; 95% CI: 2.45
(27.3%) and ICH (14.4%) (Table 1). to 2.21) but not so with ischemic stroke (.06 day; 95%
CI: 2.51 to 2.21) or ICH (.75 day; 95% CI: .30-1.20). For-
mer smoking was associated with a reduced risk of severe
Univariate Analyses
strokes (OR: .61; 95% CI: .56-.66), disability (OR: .71; 95%
Univariate logistic regression analyses can be found in CI: .66-.77), risk of death at 30 days (OR: .47; 95% CI:
Tables 2 and 3. The univariate analyses revealed that .42-.54), 90 days (OR: .55; 95% CI: .55-.62), and 1 year

Table 2. Univariate analysis by smoking status and outcomes of interests (stroke severity, disability, and mortality)

Outcomes of interest OR Lower 95% CI Upper 95% CI P value

Long-time smoker versus nonsmoker (reference category)

Stroke severity (severe/moderate versus mild severity) .69 .64 .75 ,.0001
Disability (poor function at discharge versus not) .76 .71 .82 ,.0001
Mortality (dead versus alive)
30 d .49 .43 .56 ,.0001
90 d .50 .44 .56 ,.0001
1y .56 .51 .62 ,.0001
Former smoking versus long-time smoker
Stroke severity (severe/moderate versus mild severity) .61 .56 .66 ,.0001
Disability (poor function at discharge versus not) .71 .66 .77 ,.0001
Mortality (dead versus alive)
30 d .47 .42 .54 ,.0001
90 d .55 .50 .62 ,.0001
1y .64 .58 .70 ,.0001

Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; OR, odds ratio.

e450 R.K. EDJOC ET AL.

Table 3. Univariate analysis by smoking status and outcome of interest (LOS)

Stroke type Smoking status Outcomes by interest Estimate SE Lower 95% CI Upper 95% CI P value

Ischemic Intercept 12.69 .04 12.61 12.77 ,.0001

Long-time smoker LOS 1.33 .088 21.49 21.18 .47
Former smoker LOS 2.98 .08 21.13 2.82 ,.0001
TIA Intercept 2.22 .03 2.17 2.27 ,.0001
Long-time smoker LOS .33 .06 .21 .45 ,.0001
Former smoker LOS .03 .05 2.07 .12 .67
ICH Intercept 13.42 .08 13.26 13.59 ,.0001
Long-time smoker LOS 1.41 .21 .99 1.83 ,.0001
Former smoker LOS 3.00 .23 2.50 3.42 ,.0001

Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; ICH, intracerebral hemorrhage; LOS, length of stay; TIA, transient ischemic attack.

(OR: .64; 95% CI: .58-.70). Former smoking was associated Disability/Poor Functional Outcome at Discharge
with a reduced LOS in hospital for TIA (2.31 day; 95% CI: Analyses
2.44 to 2.17) but not so with ischemic stroke (.36 day;
Multivariable logistic regression analyses for the associ-
95% CI: .16-.55) or ICH (3.15 day; 95% CI: 2.69-3.63).
ation between smoking and disability/poor functional
Multivariable Analyses outcome at discharge can be found in Table 4. After ad-
justing for sociodemographics, comorbidities stroke
Stroke Severity Analyses type, and stroke severity, long-time smoking was associ-
Multivariable logistic regression analyses for the associ- ated with poorer functional outcome at discharge in TIA
ation between smoking and stroke severity can be found (OR: 1.53; 95% CI: 1.04-2.33) but not so with ischemic
in Table 4. After adjusting for sociodemographics, comor- stroke (OR: 1.07; 95% CI: .95-1.21) or ICH (OR: .81; 95%
bidities, and stroke type, long-time smoking was associ- CI: .58-1.14) patients. Former smoking was not associated
ated with a reduced risk of severe stroke in ICH with a reduced risk in poor functional outcome at dis-
(OR: .68; 95% CI: .53-.88) but not with ischemic stroke charge in any stroke type.
(OR: .92; 95% CI: .82-1.04) or TIA (OR: .76; 95% CI:
Mortality Analyses
.43-1.35) patients. Former smoking was associated with
a reduced risk of severe stroke for ischemic (OR: .76; Results of the multivariable logistic regression analyses
95% CI: .68-.85) but not with TIA (OR: 1.03; 95% CI: for the association between smoking and mortality can
.68-1.57) or ICH (OR: .79; 95% CI: .79-1.03) patients. The found in Table 6. After adjustment of sociodemographics,
National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale equivalents of stroke severity, and comorbidities, long-time smoking
CNS scores and of this study’s CNS categorization can was associated with an increased risk of long-term mor-
be found in Table 5. tality at 1 year in ischemic (OR: 1.19; 95% CI: 1.02.-1.39)

Table 4. Multivariable analysis by smoking status and outcome of interest (stroke severity and poor functional
outcome at discharge)

Stroke type Smoking status Outcomes of interest OR Lower 95% CI Upper 95% CI P value

Ischemic Long-time smoker Stroke severity* .92 .82 1.04 .17

Former smoker .76 .68 .85 ,.0001
TIA Long-time smoker Stroke severity* .76 .43 1.35 .35
Former smoker 1.03 .68 1.57 .89
ICH Long-time smoker Stroke severity* .68 .53 .88 .0034
Former smoker .79 .61 1.03 .08
Ischemic Long-time smoker Poor functional outcome at dischargey 1.07 .95 1.21 .26
Former smoker .93 .83 1.05 .24
TIA Long-time smoker Poor functional outcome at dischargey 1.56 1.04 2.33 .03
Former smoker 1.24 .90 1.70 .18
ICH Long-time smoker Poor functional outcome at dischargey .81 .58 1.14 .22
Former smoker 1.08 .76 1.55 .66

Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; ICH, intracerebral hemorrhage; OR, odds ratio; TIA, transient ischemic attack.
*Controlled for sociodemographics and comorbidities.
yControlled for sociodemographics, comorbidities, and stroke severity.

Table 5. NIHSS equivalents of CNS scores and study CNS and ICH (.75 day; 95% CI: .30-1.20) patients but not so
categorization with ischemic stroke (.05 day; 95% CI: 2.10 to .21). Former
smoking was associated with a reduced LOS in hospital in
Score ischemic stroke (2.36 day; 95% CI: 2.51 to 2.21) but was
Stroke severity associated with an increased LOS in hospital in ICH
categorization Severe Moderate Mild
(3.16 day; 95% CI: 2.69-3.62).
CNS 0-4 5-7 $8
NIHSS 23-15 13-9 ,7 Discussion
Study CNS CNS NIHSS equivalent
categorization Our primary aim for this study was to determine the
Severe/moderate #7 versus .7 $9 versus ,9 association between cigarette smoking, stroke severity,
versus mild and disability, LOS in hospital, and mortality in various
stroke types. We found that long-time smoking was asso-
Abbreviations: CNS, Canadian Neurological Scale; NIHSS, ciated with an increased risk of poor functional outcome
National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale. at discharge in ischemic stroke patients. We also found
that long-time smoking was associated with an increase
and TIA (OR: 1.64; 95% CI: 1.16-2.33) but not in any other
of mortality risk at 1 year for TIA and ischemic stroke
stroke type in any other time points.
patients. Finally, long-time smoking was associated with
Former smoking was associated with a reduced risk of
an increased LOS in hospital in TIA and ICH patients. For-
mortality at 30 days in ischemic (OR: .74; 95% CI: .62-.80)
mer smoking was associated with a reduced risk of severe
and ICH (OR: .63; 95% CI: .46-.88) but not in TIA
stroke in ischemic patients. Former smoking was found to
(OR: 1.34; 95% CI: .71-2.52) patients. Former smoking
be associated with a reduced risk of mortality at 30 days in
was not associated with mortality in other time points
ischemic and ICH patients. Former smoking was associ-
for any stroke type.
ated with a reduced LOS in ischemic stroke but was asso-
ciated with an increased LOS in hospital for ICH patients.
LOS Analyses
We also found that significant differences in clinical and
Results of the multivariable Poisson linear regression demographics were found between smokers, nonsmokers,
analyses for the association between smoking and LOS and former smokers with cerebrovascular disease. We
in hospital can be found in Table 7. After adjusting for found that on average, smokers had an earlier initial stroke
sociodemographics, comorbidities, stroke severity, and presentation of cerebrovascular disease.
stroke type, long-time smoking was associated with an in- Univariate analyses revealed that smoking seems to
creased LOS in hospital in TIA (.45 day; 95% CI: .34-.56) offer a protective effect on stroke severity, disability,

Table 6. Multivariate analysis by smoking status and outcome of interests (mortality at 30 days, 90 days, and 1 year)

Stroke type Smoking status Outcomes of interest OR Lower 95% CI Upper 95% CI P value

Ischemic Long-time smoker Mortality at 30 d* .96 .78 1.18 .70

Former smoker .74 .62 .8 .0010
TIA Long-time smoker Mortality at 30 d* 1.19 .52 2.72 .68
Former smoker 1.34 .71 2.52 .36
ICH Long-time smoker Mortality at 30 d* 1.05 .76 1.43 .78
Former smoker .63 .46 .88 .006
Ischemic Long-time smoker Mortality at 90 d* 1.07 .89 1.28 .50
Former smoker .90 .77 1.05 .18
TIA Long-time smoker Mortality at 90 d* 1.03 .59 1.79 .91
Former smoker .85 .55 1.32 .47
ICH Long-time smoker Mortality at 90 d* 1.17 .56 1.58 .32
Former smoker .75 .55 1.02 .06
Ischemic Long-time smoker Mortality at 1 y* 1.19 1.02 1.39 .02
Former smoker .95 .83 1.09 .48
TIA Long-time smoker Mortality at 1 y* 1.64 1.16 2.33 .005
Former smoker 1.07 .81 1.42 .62
ICH Long-time smoker Mortality at 1 y* 1.29 .96 1.72 .09
Former smokers .76 .57 1.02 .06

Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; ICH, intracerebral hemorrhage; OR, odds ratio; TIA, transient ischemic attack; LOS, length of stay.
*Controlled for sociodemographics, comorbidities, and stroke severity.
e452 R.K. EDJOC ET AL.

Table 7. Multivariable analysis by smoking status and outcome of interest LOS

Stroke type Smoking status Outcomes of interest Estimate SE Lower 95% CI Upper 95% CI P value

Intercept 10.20 .23 9.75 10.64 ,.0001

Ischemic Long-time smoker LOS* .05 .08 2.10 .21 .47
Former smokers LOS* 2.36 .08 2.51 2.20 ,.0001
Intercept 3.23 .46 2.32 4.14 ,.0001
TIA Long-time smoker LOS* .45 .06 .3424 .56 ,.0001
Former smokers LOS* .04 .05 2.05 .13 .39
Intercept 18.92 .57 17.81 20.03 ,.001
ICH Long-time smoker LOS* .75 .23 .30 1.20 .001
Former smokers LOS* 3.16 .24 2.69 3.62 ,.0001

Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; ICH, intracerebral hemorrhage; TIA, transient ischemic attack; LOS, length of stay.
*Controlled for sociodemographics, comorbidities, stroke severity.

LOS in hospital, and mortality (Tables 2 and 3). However, effect of former smoking on stroke severity in ischemic
we found that when we adjusted for age and other con- stroke.
founders (sex, stroke severity, and comorbidities), the Long-time smoking was associated with an increased
protective effect of smoking largely disappeared. We risk of moderate/severe disability in TIA patients
believe that univariate analyses significantly differed (Table 4). Compared with other studies, there have been
from multivariable analyses because of the effect of age. varied results when smoking status and disability were
There is evidence that the severity of disease is related examined. According to Strum et al22 determinants of dis-
to age. Asplund et al19 found that with increasing age, ability did not include current smoking and was nonsig-
the risk of stroke increases by 10% and 9% in men and nificant in multivariable analyses. Redfern et al23 found
women, respectively. This is supported by the difference that there were more moderately disabled smokers than
in mean ages of nonsmokers of 73.2 years (614.03) com- severely disabled smokers using the Barthel index to mea-
pared with smokers of 61.8 years (613.17). Nonsmokers sure disability.
had more severe strokes than smokers (32.2% versus In LOS analyses, we found that long-time smoking was
24.8%) (Table 1). associated with an increase in the LOS in hospital in ICH
Multivariable analyses revealed that long-time smok- and TIA patients (Table 7). Previous studies have identi-
ing was not associated with a reduced risk of severe/ fied that sociodemographics such as age and sex and
moderate stroke in any stroke type (Table 4). In fact, we comorbidities such as hypertension, claudication, diabe-
observed a protective effect of smoking in ICH patients. tes, ischemic heart disease or lifestyle behaviors such as
This is a surprising finding as smoking has been smoking, alcohol consumption, and stroke type had no
established as an independent risk factor for strokes. influence on LOS in hospital.24 However, Chang et al16
Weng et al14 found that smoking was associated with found that predictors of LOS in hospital included socio-
higher scores on the National Institutes of Health Stroke demographics as stated above, the Barthel index at
Scale for smoking patients with small-vessel occlusions admission, small-vessel occlusion stroke, and smoking.
than nonsmoking patients. Similarly, Anderson et al15 This previous study found that smoking reduced the
found that smoking was associated with more severe LOS in hospital by 1.2 days.16 Former smoking was asso-
hemorrhagic strokes. We offer this explanation for this ciated with a decreased LOS in hospital in ischemic
finding. We found that there was an imbalance of patients. To our knowledge, we are the first to document
comorbidities in particular the proportion of atrial fibril- a positive impact of former smoking in reducing LOS in
lation (a-fib) in long-time smokers. Long-time smokers hospital. It was unknown why such variations exist
had a significantly lower proportion of a-fib (6.3%) com- between these studies regarding the effect of smoking in
pared with former smokers (15.3%) and nonsmokers LOS in hospital. Perhaps the studied population, different
(16.9%) (Table 1). A-fib is considered a predictor of more stroke type mechanisms, and hospital management poli-
severe strokes.20 A higher proportion of a-fib in former cies regarding who are discharged may explain the varia-
and never smokers may have lead to the protective effect tions between our studies.
of smoking on stroke severity. These protective effects of Our results demonstrated that long-time smoking was
smoking in stroke (and cardiovascular disease) have associated with an increased risk of mortality at 1 year
been observed in other publications from the RCSN.21 in ischemic and TIA patients. This finding is in line
We found that former smoking was associated with a re- with previous investigation that demonstrated the effect
duced risk of moderate/severe stroke in ischemic patients of smoking on long-term mortality risk.25 We also found
(Table 4). To our knowledge, we are first to document the that former smoking reduced the mortality risk at

30 days in ischemic stroke and ICH patients. These results cedures. Therefore, whether these results are generaliz-
are in line with previous investigations regarding the able to other hospital settings with different operating
effects of former smoking and the reduction in mortality procedures, different time periods and other stroke types
risk.26 We believe that our finding that former smoking need to be considered. Furthermore, self-report was relied
has an effect on reducing mortality risk as early as on for patient’s smoking status and should be interpreted
30 days in ischemic and ICH patients a novel finding. with caution. While there are recognized biochemical val-
The mechanisms are unclear to how former smoking idation techniques, self-report for use in observational
affects each of these outcomes and would require further studies such as ours have been found to be valid.13
study. We speculate that, similar to other investigations,
former smoking reduces atherogenesis and hypercoagu-
bility5-10 and may be related to a reduction in the initial
stroke severity. Long-time smokers compared with Our study found that there was a significant prognostic
former smokers had more severe strokes (24.8% versus influence of cigarette smoking on stroke severity, disabil-
22.3%) (Table 1), and our multivariable analyses revealed ity, LOS in hospital, and mortality but the magnitude var-
that former smoking was associated with a reduced risk ied by stroke type. We also found that significant
stroke severity in ischemic stroke patients (Table 4). differences in clinical and demographics were found
Along this pathway, though the multivariable analyses between smokers, nonsmokers, and former smokers
for the association between former smoking and dis- with cerebrovascular disease. On average, smokers had
ability was not statistically significant (Table 4), there an earlier initial stroke presentation of cerebrovascular
was a trend for those who were former smokers to be disease. These results emphasize the need for intensive
less disabled than those who were long-time smokers public health and secondary prevention measures aimed
(40.6% versus 42.1%) (Table 1). Similarly, those who at preventing smoking initiation and support for smoking
were former smokers had a reduced LOS in hospital cessation.
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