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A. Backround of Research

English as international language used to communicate

around people in the world in indonesia, english as a second

language that not used for daily activity but use in limited interaction

and english as a subject in school.

Teaching English in Indonesia is difficult , because English

is not as a mother language but as a foreign language or second

language and dominantly English as a third language in Indonesia.

Indonesian students have many difficulties to learn about English

because of they do not know before. Although the students have

studied from elementary school until senior high school,they are still

getting some difficulties in learning English.

The difficulties in learning Enlish make students dicourage

when they study English as the subject at in school. When the

students learning Englis in the class they just silent and follow what

teacher said ,some of them play in the class and they do not really

understand about that. Therefore, the teacher must have some

strategy for make learning English become fun and make the

students feel happy to learn English in theclass.


In terms of speaking ,teacher should also be connected about

micro skills. One of the micro skills is pronunciation, Pronunciation

is the way in which we pronounce a word or a language is spoken.

This may refer to generally agreed-upon squences of sound used in

speaking a given word or language in a spesific dialect ( correct

pronunciation) or simply the way a particular individual speaks a

word or language. The aspect of pronunciation that can be consist

not only the sgmental features like how pronounce vowels and

consonant but also the supragramental features such as rhythm and

intonation. The teacher need to relize how important pronunciation

is. Student who cannot pronounce well cannot express what they

intend and may lose their confidence too. Realizing the importance

of pronunciation, teachers should be able to convinc student so that

thy have willingness to improve their English pronunciation. The

pronunciaton teaching is not excepted to get students to have native-

like pronunciation but students can achieve at least at minimum

requirement of good pronunciation.

It’s important to enchance students pronunciation. The

teacher can improve learner’s pronunciation with compensation

stragies. Compensation strategies allow students to use new

language (English Language) for either understanding or production

despite having limitation in knowledge. The ten compensation


stragies are grouped into two sets are Guessing Stragies and

Overcoming Strategies1.

Therefore, this research is intrested in anlyzing types of

compensation strategies are used by the teacher in English teaching

and learning process at second grade of MA.Al-Intishor, Bendega.

The result of previous observastion in English teaching is difficult in

teaching pronounciation because of the way that teacher teach is not

to intrested for student. Student’s intrest in learning is become the

most important thing that teacher must have in class. If they are

intrested in the lesson ,students will pay attention and learning

process will be running well.

B. The Statement Of The Problem

Based on the problems that have been elaborated,the statement of

the problems in this research are:

1. What are the reason of students’ interest in learning


2. What are the most commonly sets of compensation strategies

used by teacher to teaching pronunciation?

C. Objective and Significance of the research

1. Based on the statement of the problems , the objective of this

study are:

Ruang putih sukabumi,strategi kompensasi,12,31,2013.

a. To analyzing the reason why students not intrest to

learning pronunciation.

b. To describe the most commonly types of compensation

strategies used by teacher to teaching pronunciation.

3. Significant of the research

There are some benefit of this research for the academic and

practice field ,such as the researcher,teacher,student,school, and

futher researcher as follows:

a. For reasercher

The finding of this reaserch can be sharing a knowledge

about the some strategies to teaching pronunciation and to

improve the student’s pronunciation.

b. For English teachers

The benefits of this research for the teacher are can

giving new strategy for teaching and can be used in teaching

process especially in teaching pronunciation.

c. For students

By this research studend can be produce new

knowledge about how to improve their pronunciation in

English by using compensation strategies.

d. For school

To contribute to the MA.Al-Intishor Bendega with a

new innovation of the compensation strategies.

e. Futher reasercher

The result of this reaserch can be used as one of the

refrencesin contributing a research on English language

teaching , especially in student’s pronunciation.

D. Scope and Setting Research.

1. Scope of Research.

Based on the objective of this research above, this

research focuses on the keys of compensation strategies and

most commonly keys of compensation strategies applied by

the teacher to teaching pronunciation at second grade of

M.A Al-Intishor .

2. Setting of Research.

The study will be conducted in the English Teacher

At seconf grade of M.A Al-Intishor Bendega. M.A Al-

Intishor is one of the islamic boarding school that is located

at Bendega,hddhfg, Mataram.

E. Review of Related Literature

1. Review of previous research

In this graduating paper , the researcher took

previous research from collaborate research paper.first, it was

from Ruang Putih Sabumi entittled “Compensation

Strategies” this study has explained direct strtegies,which

involve the use of new language and has described groups of

direct such as memory,cognitive and compensation. From

this research also given the definition of spesific strategies in


each group and strategy are will be applied to four group


Second is from Douglas Paul Margolis entittled

“Compensation Strategies by Korean Students” in this

journal aims to provide an empirical foundation of student

strategies to compensate for missing knowledge or

deficiencies in speaking and listening ability while

undertaking an oral exam interview. . Observable

compensation strategies that were employed and not

employed by students are reported. In addition, strategies are

ranked in order of most utilized to least utilized by study

participants. Further, correlation results of strategies to test

scores and strategies to gender and age variables were

examined. Relationships were observed between guessing

strategies and female students, as well as guessing strategies

and older students. Also, students who engaged in reduction

strategies—such as giving-up and tuning out—were most

likely to have lower test scores, suggesting the importance of

teaching them alternatives to these strategies .

Margolis & Kim (in press) reported that Korean

students have fossilized study habits and learning

expectations that may be obstacles to language learning.

They concluded that language instructors must concentrate

their attention to the eradication of such habits and the

Ruang putih sukabumi, strategi kompensasi,

development of learning strategies conducive to second

language acquisition. Brown (1994) considers


own personal commitment of time, effort, and attention—

critical for the success of language learning and urges

teachers to seize every opportunity to help learners develop

and use strategies that will transform them into independent

learners, capable of taking responsibility for their own

learning. This journal was inspired by a student from a

Tourism English conversation course, who, during a

discussion of learning strategies, asked this author which

compensation strategies he should use. Oxford (1990)

defines compensation strategies as those that: enable learners

to use the new language for either comprehension or

production despite limitations in knowledge. Compensation

strategies are intended to make up for an inadequate

repertoire of grammar and especially, of vocabulary Oxford

offers 10 compensation strategies: guessing by linguistic

clues,guessing by other clues, switching to the mother

tongue, getting help, using mime or gesture, avoiding

communication partially or totally, selecting the topic,

adjusting or approximatingthe message, coining words, and

using circumlocution or synonym .


Third is from Anna Ljungberg entittled

“Compensation Strategies in English as a Foreign Language”

This journal maps compensation strategies in English as a

foreign language used in immediate receptive situations by

students of English and other modern languages. By mapping

these strategies, language learners’ thinking processes are

made visible, which in turn may assist teachers in modifying

teaching methods. The study is comparative and highlights

the difference in the use of strategies between learners who

exclusively study English and learners who study at least one

other modern language apart from English. The focus is on

two major components of second language acquisition, viz.

grammaticality and unknown words in context. Two major

strategies have been used: (1) a quantitative analysis, and (2)

a qualitative analysis, of sentences and words in context.

Data have been collected from two surveys and two sets of

recorded introspection with ten informants. This study

proposes a classification of receptive compensation strategies

including a division of achievement and avoidance strategies.

The findings from the comparative study point out the major

differences between learners of English only and learners of

other modern languages. Finally, a discussion about what

these results may imply for teaching is given3.

F. Theoritical bases
Anna leajunberd

1. Pronunciation

a. Definition of pronunciation

There are many definition of what pronunciation in

language teaching is. Godwin as cited in Celce-Murcia

(2016:117) state that pronunciation is the language feature

that most readly identifies speakkers as non-native.since it

can identify us as non-native speakers,we do not need to

pronounce like the way native speakers do. However, we

need to be minimally inteligible while speaking4. She addded

that when we find students that find difficulty in

speeaking ,we as teachers need to assist them throught

improving their pronunciation. Seidlhofer (1995) as cited in

Celce-Murcia (2006:117) says “Pronunciation is never an

end in itself but a means of negotiating meaning in discourse,

embedded in specific sociocultural and interpersonal

contexts.” Producing sentences can have different meaning

related to the way people pronounce sentences. Indeed,

pronunciation needs to be taught to students5.

Another explanation is from ( Fraser 2001) says

pronunviation is the act or result producing the sounds of

speech , including articulation ,stress , and intonation,often

with refrence to some standart of correctnessor acceptabillity.

Pronunciationrefers to the production of sounds that we use


to make meaning. It includes attention to the particular of

language (segment), aspect of speech beyond the level of the

individual suond,such as intonation, phrasing, stress, timing,

ryhthm,( supragamental aspect), how the voice is projected

( voice quality) and in its broadest definition , attention to

gestures and expression that are closely related to the way we

speak a language6.

b. The Elements of Pronunciation

Definition of pronunciation involved both supragemental

features and segmental features. Even thought these different

aspects of pronunciation are treated isolation here , its

important to remember that they all work in combination

when we speak,and are therefore usually best learned as an

integral part of spoken langugage. The theory outlined

below is essential for teachers so that they understand how

these different aspects work, but learners do not neccessarily

need to cover the theory in depth.

2. Supragamental aspects of pronunciation

a. Stress

Stress refers to the prominence given to certain syllables

within words , and to certai syllables or words eithin

utterance. It is signaled by volume , force, pitch change and

syllables lenght , and is often the place where we notice hand

movements and other gestures when we watching someone


talking. Stress is important at three different levels they are

word level ( multysillabic word have on or more syllables

that are strassed ) , sentence level ( the most important words

tend to be stressed ), contrasive stress ( the most important

word carry greater stress). 7

b. Intonation

Intonation, or change of pitch ,is crucial in signaling

speaker meaning , particulary interpersonal attitude. As we

saw in the previous section , pitch change are crucally linked

with stress. Since intonation patterns are language-spesisific,

learners will need to acquire new ones for english in order to

avoid inappropriate transfer from their first language, and

thus perhaps inadverently causing offence. 8

c. Segmental aspect of Pronunciation

The sound system of English is made up phonemes,

or individual sounds which carry the potential to make

meaning , and these may be vowels, dipthongs

( combination of two vowels sounds) , triphthongs

( combination of three vowels sounds ) or consonants. These

sounds are made using our tongue in different part of the


d. Gestures


There has been quite a lot of of interest in how the

movements that our body as we are speaking may be closely

related to how are speak, and somee approaches to the

teaching pronunciation heavely emphasis training in gestures

associated with speaking habits in we speak , we

synchronize many our movements with the ryhthm of what

we aying , so that focusing on the movements may help

learners develop an awareness of stress and rhythm.10

e. The problems of pronunciation

The are several factors influencing the pronunciation.

Those are, the first language interference by interference of

mother language, learners’s age, learner’s attitude and

pshylogical, prior pronunciation instruction , and insufficient

language knowledge of English phonology and phonetics.

Most researchers agree that the learners’s first language

influences the pronunciation of the target language and is a

significant factor accounting for foreign accents. So called

interference or interference from the first language is likely

to cause errors in aspiration, stress, and intonation in the

target language.

Some chiness students tend to have difficulty with

English sounds because they are deeply influenced by imilar

chiness sounds. However, they are very differet from each

other. A particular sound which does not exist in the native


anguage can therefore pose a difficulty for the second

language learners to produce or some times to try to

substitute those sounds with similar ones in their mother

tongue. These sounds include both vowels and consonant11.

f. Compensation Strategies

1. Definition of compensation strategies

Compensation strategies are communication

strategies usded by learners to composate for limitation in

their language. Different kind oflearners have prefence

for different kinds of learning strategies. Compensation

strategies allow learners to use new language for either

understanding or production despite having limitation in

knowledge. This strategies are intended to make up for

the repertoire the language treasury ( dialect / variety of

languages) that a person or community has which is

edequete in grammar, especially in vocabulary.

The ten compensation strategies are groped into two

sets are Guessing Strategies and Overcoming Strategies.

Both of sets can be remembered throught the

abbreviation GO ( Guessing and Overcoming), so

language learners can be apply GO even further through

compensation strategies.

2. Guessing Strategies


Guessing strategies are sometimes called “inference”

which involve mastery of linguistic and nonlinguistic

sciences by guessing meanings / meaning of a word. A

good language learner, when confronted with something

he does not know , will make guesses. On other hand,

laguage learners who are less proficient tend to panic

often, eliminate words that are not understood, or take a

crumpled dictionary and try to look for any difficult

words with irrelevanr responses and which hinder

progress toward. Refer to two kinds of clues: Linguistic

and Nonlinguistic , that contribute to intelligent


a. Using Linguistic directions / keys.

Look for and use intraction-based languages

to guess the meaning of what is heard or rea in the

language target, with no complete knowledge of

vocabulary , grammar, or other target elements of

language. Guidance-baased languages may come

from aspects of the langauge target that learners

already know, from the learner’s own language or

from other languages.

b. Using another directions / keys.

Look for and use non-languages based

intructions to guess the meaning of what is heard or

Ruang putih sukabumi

read in the langauge target, in the absence of

complete knowledge of vocabulary , grammar , or

other target elements of language. Nonlanguage

intractions can be come from a variety of source ,

such as: knowledge of context structures, situation

text, personal environment, topic , or general

knowledge of the world.

c. Overcoming limitation strategies

Eight strategies are used to overcome

limitation in speaking and writing. Some of them are

entirely dedicated to speaking , but some can be used

for writing too.13

1) Switch to Mother Tongue .

I think both (in Farsi) teacher and (in Farsi)

students are important(inFarsi).

In this example the learner did not know the words

both and and in English and she switched to her

mother tongue and told the words in Farsi.

Use mother tongue for expression without

translation , this strategy can also include adding

suffixes from new language to words from the

mother tongue.

2). Getting Help.


sk other for help by hesitating or

explicity asking people to give missing

expressions in language target.

3. Using Mime or Gestures

When I have questions in my mind (pointing to her

head), I can ask my questions from my teacher. In this

example, the learner did not know the word mind in

English, so she pointed to her head to convey her

meaning without speaking Farsi Using physical

movements , such as expressions or other gestures, in

place of an expressions to show meaning.

4. Avoid Communication Partially or Totally.

Avoid Communication in Part/ Full when difficulties

are anticipated. This strategy might involve someone to

avoid communication in general, certain topics,

expressions, or leave communication in the middle of


5. Selecting the Topic

Choosing the topic of conversation to direct

communication as one’s own interests an make sure the

topic is affordable for learners, means that learners have

sufficient vocabulary and sufficient grammar to


6. Adjusting or approximating the Massage


After detailing a number of items in a message , then

make a simple idea or sy something slightly different that

means almost the same.

7. Coining Words

I had a personal teacher and he helped me pass last


Like the last example, in this one the learner was trying

to refer to a tutor by providing easy defiition and making

a new equivalent for the word. Make a new words to

communicate the desired idea, such as a notebook or

handbook for notebooks. Get the opposite meaning by

explaining the concept or using a word that means the

same things.

8. Using Circumlocution or Synonym

Teachers come to your home and get more money are

better for students and they learn fast. In this example,

the learner was trying to refer to tutors by providing easy

defiition and circumlocution of the word. The use several

word to express the sense one or the use of a long form

of languge , in the expression of a simple or complex


G. Research Mehod.

1. Approach and Types of Research.

This study approxemately with the analysis of teacher’s

uttarances in english teaching and learning process and it utilizes

qualitative approach. Qualitative approach is study about things in

natural setting, trying to create sense of some phenomena in terms

of meaning in which the researcher is the main instrument 14. This

study uses descriptive qualitative, is one of methods in qualitative

which the focuses on describing some phenomenons of group. It

means this study focus on description. Schreiber states that

descriptive method interpretate some phenomenon is using

numbers to make a picture of a group or individual15.

In this study, describe how the phenomenon happen. Besides,

descriptive method may be as a problem solving procedure which

investigated by interpretating the study of the form of people,

institution, communities, and others current based on the fact.

2. The presence of researcher

The presence of researcher in this study, means the

researcher as key instrument in planning of the research, commence

with collecting the data, analyzing the data, and reporting the data.

The researcher as planning where the researcher makes the planning

about research. The researcher as collecting data is the researcher try

to collect the data during teacher do the english teaching and

James Schreiber and Kimberly Asner-Self, “Educational research”, (New York: John
Willey & sons, Inc, 2001), p. 10.
Ibid, p. 10.

learning process in the class. Afterwards, the researcher analysis the

data or teacher’s uttarance into some types of compensation

strategies . The last presence of researcher is reporting in which the

researcher reports the data that found during english teaching and

learning proces in the class.

3. Setting of Research

This study will be conducted at MA. Al-Intishor,Bendega,

Mataram. As same as the other school english teacher at this

school use curriculum 2013 in english teaching and learning

process. Therefore the teacher gives the students more exercise

and ask the students to practice about the topic in the textbook.

4. Source of Data

In qualitative research, there are two source of data that

used are primary data and secondary data and the researcher will

use both in this study. Sugiyono defined primary data as the data

which comes from the object and subject of research by using a

list of question and observation 16. The primary data of this

research is the teacher’s utterance in english teaching and

learning process at second grade of MA.Al-Intishor Bendega.

Otherwise, the secondary data source is the data that refer to the

materials of the research. The data of this study can come from

book, article and thesis and school.

5. Procedure of Data Collection

Sugiyono, “Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif dan R & D”, (Bandung : Alfabeta,
2017), p. 225.

Related to the research, this study use a number of

procedure in collecting the data namely listening, recording and

note taking. Listening is the process of the researcher getting the

data by listening the teacher’s utterance during the teaching and

learning process. Recording is the orther procedure in collecting

the data. In this step the researcher is getting the data using

record, in which the research record the teacher’s utterance

during english teaching and learning process. While, in note

taking, the researcher try to make notes according to teacher’s

utterance. All the procedure can be a prove of the researchers

about the teachers’s utterance during the english teaching and

learning process.

6. Technique of Data Analysis

The researcher analyzed the data to know the speech acts

expressed by the teachers in teaching and learning process.

Therefore in this study the researcher use a number of techniques

namely, Identifying classification and description. The researcher

identify the utterance of the teacher according to recording and

note taking. Otherwise classification is technique where the

researcher classify types of compensation strategies used by

english teacher according to recording and note taking. The

researcher describe the result after the data has been identified

and classified.

7. Truthworthness

In qualitative research, the researcher reveals the data as the

real life of the subject. This qualitative research uses some

methodologies. To keep the validity of the data order to have more

accurate conclusion. This study gain the trustworthness is using

triangulation technique. It purpose to increase the validity of the

data. According to Setiyadi, triangulation is the combination of two

methods or more in collecting the data about the attitude of the

subject of the research, because the attitude of human being is quite

complex the use of single method in collecting the qualitative data is

often consider not enough17. There are several kinds of

triangulation according to Setiyadi, as follows:

a. Triangulation of time

Time also often affects data credibility. Data collected by

interviewing techniques in the morning when the source is still

fresh, not many problems will provide more valid data so that it

is more credibility of the data can be done by checking with

interviews, observations, or other techniques in different times or


b. Triangulation of theory

In triangulation of theory, data collection is collected base on

different theory or by analyzing the same data with different

Ag Bambang Setiyadi, Metode Penelitian untuk Pengajaran Asing, (Yogyakarta : Graha
ilmu, 2006), hlm.246

theory or comparing the formulation of the information thesis

statement of relevant theoritical perspectives to avoid individual

bias of the researcher on the finding or conclutions generated. In

addition, theory triangulation can increase the deep.

c. Triangulation of method

In triangulation of method, the researcher uses different

method for collecting similar data. As is known in qualitative

research, the researcher obtains data from documents, interviews,

and observations to obtain valid data. In this research, the

researcher used data method triangulation in validity of the data

at the second grade of M.A Al-Intishor, Bendega ,Mataram.

H. Organization of The Discussion


1. Background of Research

2. Statement of Problem

3. Objective and Significant of Research

4. Scope and Setting of Research

5. Review of Previous Research

6. Theoretical Bases

7. Research Method

8. Organization of thesis

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