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6. Superhero.


Superhero.js features collected articles that concentrate on what makes JavaScript work and what
doesn't. It's an effective resource regardless of whether you're just getting started with the
language or trying to further your understanding of issues like frontend security and upcoming
ECMAScript standards.

Visit website

7. Tutorialzine#

Tutorialzine, as its name suggests, focuses on tutorials, but it also features spotlights on handy
libraries and templates. Sort by popular general subjects, such as HTML5, CSS, jQuery,
JavaScript or PHP, to jump to an area of interest. Or, search for specific topics such as using
JavaScript's native device battery API or mastering SQL queries.

Visit website

8. WDRL#

WDRL is another great web development reading list that you can either sign up to and receive
newsletters or read the archived posts. Topics include web design, security, web-based tools and
workflows and more.

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