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Instazood handles multiple Instagram accounts:

Certainly, different accounts contain different content,

and they need their own arrangement. So using an

automation tool for managing them properly, would be

the best choice. By using Instazood automation tool, you

can manage several Instagram accounts, send an auto

direct message, manage comments, and schedule posts.

Also, if you are managing multiple Instagram accounts,

certainly you need an Instagram scheduler to accelerate

sharing post process.

Is it safe to do actions on Instagram manually while using

an Instagram bot?
Instazood post scheduler gives you the opportunity to

share the post at the moment, schedule the post for future

and draft your post to schedule for another time.

You should be careful not to like, comment, follow,

unfollow, view story, and start a new conversation while

the automation is active. Overall, it is better to not log in

to your Instagram account in app/web much, because you

are using an automation tool to make your job easy and

not to check your Instagram and let the bot do the

activities. The less you use Instagram, the more the

account will be safe.


Although everyone should follow Instagram rules, some

people don’t! And their account ends up in temporary

ban and decrease in engagement. Never underestimate

Instagram’s privacy policy; it can easily ban your

Instagram account temporarily or even permanently!

If you break Instagram’s rules, it will temporarily ban

your account which would take two weeks to restore your

account to normal mode. During the shadowban,

Instagram won’t let you to do any actions such as Like,

Comment, etc. That’s why you should be careful with

Instagram limits and choose the best Instagram bot.

Stay in with your limits, keep it natural, no more than

1000 likes a day, no more than 180 to 200 comments a

day, not just emoji, start targeting, the better you target,

the better the audience you build.

Instagram algorithmInstagram help

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