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Cannot get the air out; reduction in airflow Cannot get the air in; reduction in lung volume

FEV1/FVC: Decreased FEV1/FVC: Normal or Increased

Ex: Asthma, Chronic Bronchitis, Emphysema, Bronchiectasis, Bronchiolitis Ex: Sarcoidosis, Interstitial lung fibrosis, Asbestosis, Silicosis, Pneumoconiosis

Difficulty exhaling Difficulty inhaling

(Chronic Bronchitis) (Emphysema)
Why blue/pink? Because of the presence of cyanosis in the Because of their color and the way, they
skin and mucous membranes; breathe through pursed lips on expiration;
Hypoxemia occurs early in the disease Hypoxemia occurs late in the disease
The damage is in the bronchioles, therefore The damage is NOT in the bronchioles,
increased resistance (radius) and therefore therefore no increased resistance (radius) and
CO2 retention and therefore cyanosis -> blue. therefore NO CO2 retention and therefore NO
Since there is CO2 retention -> bloaters cyanosis -> pink
Dyspnea Occurs later in the disease course Occurs early during the course of the disease
Hypoxemia and Hypercapnia Hypoxemia and hypercapnia (respiratory Hypoxemia and hypercapnia (respiratory
acidosis) early in the disease acidosis) later during disease course
RV/TLC Slight increase in RV and TLC Huge increase in RV and TLC
FEV1/FVC Low Low
FEV1 Low Low
Cor Pulmonale More common Less common
PaCO2 (early) Increased (blue) Normal to decreased (pink)
pH (early) Low Normal to high
Cyanosis Yes No
Patient’s habitus Obese Thin

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