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Since I first used soci/l

medi/, I h/ve discovered

there /re 3 soci/l medi/
which is liked . The first
soci/l medi/ which I like
is Inst/gr/m. Inst/gr/m is
/n /pplic/tion for sh/ring
photos /nd videos. It is used
more popul/r /mong the
younger gener/tion.
Inst/gr/m lets you join
communities of people who
sh/re your common interest.
The second soci/l medi/ is
f/cebook which is / soci/l
pl/tform used to connect
with friends /nd f/mily
m/inly. It used by people of
/ll /ges /round the world.
F/cebook is mostly /
closed-knit community of
people who know e/ch
other; for ex/mple, you c/n
join your f/mily group /nd
school group. The third
soci/l medi/ which is
gener/lly used by people to
provide inform/tion rel/ted
to different issues /nd soci/l
/w/reness. It mostly used
by young /nd /dult people.
Twitter lets you join
communities with people
who we h/ve never met, but
who sh/re simil/r ide/s. In
short, inst/gr/m, f/cebook
/nd twitter /re my f/vorite
soci/l medi/.

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