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NIM : AAA 117 001


Outline of Classroom Action Research Proposal

1.1 Background of the study

Paragraph 1 :
 Topic Sentence :
English is one of the subjects that is included in the curriculum by the Indonesian Education
Department which the goal is for communication and in order to gain the goal, 4 language skills are
needed to be mastered.
 Supporting sentences :
1) Productive skills
a. Speaking skill
b. Writing skill
2) Receptive skills
a. Listening skill
b. Reading skill

Paragraph 2:
 Topic Sentence :
One of the skills that is considered to be the most important for communication is writing.
 Supporting sentences :
1) The definitions of writing by some experts.
2) The importance of writing for general according to some experts.
3) Statement from (Kemendikbud, 2012: 26-30) which states that one of the skills that must be
mastered is writing.

Paragraph 3:
 Topic Sentence :
In regard to language acquisition in junior high school, writing skill is also considered to be
prominentin students’ teaching and learning process.
 Supporting sentences :
1) Studying writing is used to achieve functional skill.
2) Writing skill is used to determine students achievement as stated by government in the
statements of passing competence standard (SKL).

Paragraph 4:
 Topic Sentence :
Nevertheless, a writing process is a complicated one which is done through two stages.
 Supporting sentences :
1. First stage of writing is exploring ideas.
2. Second stage is processing writing into readable texts by using correct grammar, punctuation,
and spelling.

Paragraph 5:
 Topic Sentence :
Consequently, most Indonesian students encounter some struggles in writing, and eventually fail to
achieve proficiency in writing aspect as consequences.
 Supporting sentences :
1. They believe that writing is hard to learn.
2. They battle with the structural components of English.
3. They fail to communicate their ideas into a text.
4. Moreover, they lack of confidence to write.

Paragraph 6:
 Topic Sentence :
Ninth grade students at SMPN 1 Palangka Raya deal similarly with some obstacles in writing,
especially in writing procedure text.
 Supporting sentences :
1. They have trouble to organize the idea into a unity and coherence procedure text.
2. They have trouble to apply the generic structure, and language features of the procedure
3. They have difficulty to be motivated during the procedure text learning process.

Paragraph 7:
 Topic Sentence :
Regarding the problems that faced by the ninth grade students at SMPN 1 PalangkaRaya above, it can
be analyzed that they are happened due to some factors.
 Supporting sentences :
1. The method conducted is not suitable with the characteristics of the students.
2. The uncomprehensible explanation which made students trouble to understand.
3. The delivering process of material does not catch students’ attention.
4. The use of time-wasting learning media.

Paragraph 8:
 Topic Sentence :
Thus, in order to solve the problem above, the role of demonstration method takes into consideration
for improving the ninth grade students’ writing skill of procedure text at SMPN 1 Palangka Raya.
 Supporting sentences :
1. An interesting method that motivates students to learn.
2. Providing clear and comprehensible explanation for students.
3. Making learning more memorable.
4. Efficient in terms of time.

Paragraph 9:
Refering to the previous paragraph, the researcher is interested in carrying out a study entitled

1.2 Problem of the Study

Concerning the background of study stated above, the problem of the study that the researcher
suggests is as follows:
“How can the implementation of demonstration method improve the ninth grade students’ writing skill
of procedure text at SMPN 1 Palangka Raya?”

1.3 Objective of the Study

In line with the problem of the study, the objective of this study is to explore the effect of the
demonstration method on the ninth grade students’ writing skill of procedure text at SMPN 1 Palangka

1.3 Significance of the Study

This study will offer several benefits as follows:

1. The benefits for students:

 Students being more motivated because the learning method make all of
students interested to learn.
 Students that have the difficulties in writing are being helped because they get
the intelligible information through the use of demonstration method.
2. The benefit for teacher:

 Teacher can use demonstration method as a reference when they want to improve their
ability in teaching writing.
3. The benefits for school:
 The school’s appraisement will be higher than before because the students’
score increase.
 More parents will believe to send their children to the school because the
school and the ability of the teacher are competent.

This chapter presents literature review, which covers the general concept of classroom action
research, concept of conducted classroom action research, and previous research.

2.1 Concept of Classroom Action Research

Paragraph 1
 Topic sentence:
In accordance with the objective of the study, this study is conducted with classroom action research
that is a kind of reflective research conducted collaboratively in the classroom by teachers,
practitioners, experts, and others.
 Supporting sentences:
1. Definition of CAR according to Arikunto (2006: 92)
2. Definition of CAR according to Stephen Kemmis taken by D Hopkins(1993: 44) in his book “A
teacher’s Guide to Classroom Research” s
3. Definition of CAR according to Kemis and Mc. Taggart in Nunan (1993: 45),
4. The writer's conclusion about the definitions of CAR from some experts above.

Paragraph 2
 Topic sentence:
Classroom action research as a type of research has its own several essential characteristics.
 Supporting sentences:
1. The problem in CAR is specific.
2. The problem is conducted collaboratively.
3. The problem in CAR is the result of teachers' reflection.
4. Car is done in the classroom.
5. CAR is done in cycle consist of 4 steps namely planning, acting, observing, and reflecting.

Paragraph 3
 Topic sentence:
There are some distinctive factors of Classroom Action Research which are able to distinguish it with
other educational research.
 Supporting sentences:
1. Car is done by teachers.
2. Car is done in the classroom.
3. The problem in CAR is based on teachers' reflection.
4. Car is done in cycle consist of 4 steps.
5. The result of car can be immediately visible and can directly be implemented by other researchers.
6. The goal of CAR is to improve the teaching and learning process in the classroom.
7. Theory in CAR is used as a base for choosing and determining the solution of an action.

Paragraph 4
 Topic sentence:
In the implementation of Classroom action research, the researchers need to do 4 steps of this study
collaboratively from the beginning to end.
 Supporting sentences:
1. The first step in conducting classroom action research is planning.
2. Acting is the second step of Classroom action research.
3. After acting steps had already done, Observing is the next step to do.
4. The last step that should be done in order to undertake classroom action research is reflecting.

2.2 Concept of Conducted Classroom Action Research

2.2.1 Writing
1. Concept of Writing
Paragraph 1
 Topic Sentence:
Writing has been a major topic in linguistics for many years and continued to exist as a field of
educational research until the present time.
 Supporting sentences:
1. Definition of writing according to Rivers (1981: 294)
2. Definition of writing according to Ghaith in Nur Rahma (2008: 12)
3. Definition of writing according to Urquhart and Mclver (2005: 5-6)
4. The researchers' conclusion of writing based on some experts above.

Paragraph 2
 Topic sentence:
As one of the skills in English, writing has the objectives for expressing the ideas and for conveying
the message to the readers; thus, the ideas in writing can unarguably be concluded as the most
prominent feature.
 Supporting sentences:
1. The main purpose of writing in pursuant of Leki in Fauziati (2010: 46)
2. Meanwhile, Mc. Mahon et al (1996: 8) states some aims of writing which distinct from Leki's view.
a) To express the writers' feeling.
b) To entertain the readers.
c) To inform the readers.
d) To persuade the readers.

Paragraph 3
 Topic sentence:
For producing a good quality of final piece of writing, Caroline (2006:102) suggests some procedures
that must be applied to make a good writing.
 Supporting sentences:
1. Prewriting
2. Writing
3. Revising
4. Editing
5. Publishing

Paragraph 4
 Topic sentence:
Furthermore, writing has undeniable given an important contribution to human work.
 Supporting sentences:
1. The importance of writing can be seen in people daily activities and business activities.
2. In addition, writing is very notable to facilitate students in learning English.
3. According to Ann Raimes, writing has many benefits for students.

2. Teaching Writing in Junior High School

Paragraph 1
 Topic sentence:
Teaching English in Junior High School encompasses the four language skills that are reading,
writing, listening, and speaking.
 Supporting sentences:
1. The four skills are taught in explicit manner.
2. The skills cannot be separated from one another because they are related to each other.

Paragraph 2
 Topic sentence:
Teaching writing as one of the skills taught at Junior High School is not as easy as teaching other
language skills.
 Supporting sentences:
1. Writing demands very much of learners.
a) Basic language proficiency to control their language performance
b) Their effort to have writing practice continually.
2. The time allocation to learn English at Junior High School is limited; therefore, the students might
not get much attention and guidance from their teacher.
3. While writing, students also need much time to think for the ideas that can be put on the text.

Paragraph 3
 Topic Sentence:
Moreover, teaching writing English for Junior High School is complicated considering the fact of the
range of students’ age in junior high school which varies between thirteen to fifteen years old.
 Supporting sentences:
1. Students in this transition period of age (13-15 years old) are change.
2. Most studies represent that students' cognitive skills may expand at a slower rate in this phase;
nevertheless, improvement activity of these skills can certainly be reinforced to solve the problem.
3. Mark Pennington (2010:17,) is also be in line with most studies which states students in this
transition period have less motivation, and they struggle with discipline problems.

Paragraph 4
 Topic sentence:
Thus, teachers have a number of prominent missions to undertake in order to assist students to become
better writers.
 Supporting sentences:
1. Teachers should do demonstration.
2. They also need to give motivation to the students.
3. Teachers need to be exceptionally supportive when students are writing in class.
4. They also have to offer suggestions for students' improvement.
5. Furthermore, teachers must evaluate students' writing to know how they write.

2.2.2 Procedure Text

Paragraph 1
 Topic Sentence:
A text is a passage that has composition on which a note is written, and it has structure and function.
 Supporting sentences:
1. The statement from Hornby (1998: 8 ) Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary and Longman
(1990:292) Dictionary of Applied Linguistics about what is actually a text.
2. Creating a text demands us to make choices about the words to use and how to put the words
3. The right choices of words actually depend on our purpose and our surroundings (context).

Paragraph 2
 Topic Sentence:
One type of texts in English is called Procedure text which aims to describe how to make something or
how something is done through a series of sequenced steps.
 Supporting sentences:
1. Definition of Procedure text according to Nystrand and Himley (1986: 81).
2. Definition of Procedure text according to Mark and Kathy Anderson through their book Text types
on English 3.

Paragraph 3
 Topic sentence:
In order to compose a good procedure text, the most important thing to take into consideration is that a
writer has to have the knowledge about generic structure and language features of procedure text.
 Supporting sentences:
1. Generally, a procedure text is arranged of three main parts.
a) An introductory statement giving the aim or goal.
b) List of materials needed for completing the procedure text.
c) A sequence steps in correct order.
2. Besides having generic structure, procedure text also has significant language features that support
the form of an appropriate procedure text.
a) Action verbs
b) Simple present tense
c) Adverbs
d) Temporal connectives
e) Imperative sentences

2.2.3 Demonstration Method

Paragraph 1
 Topic sentence:
Method, a set of procedures or collection of technique, is used in a systematic way to accomplish
something in learning process.
 Supporting sentences:
1. Method according to Anthony as quoted in Brown (2001: 14).
2. There are some commonly used teaching methods in English.
a) class participation,
b) demonstration,
c) recitation
d) memorization, or combinations of these

Paragraph 2
 Topic sentence:
This study however emphasizes on the use of demonstration method in learning English.
 Supporting sentences:
1. Demonstration as one of the type of method means an act of showing something by proof or
evidence so that the audience get the message clearly since they listen, know, and see directly the steps
of how something is done.
2. The concept of demonstration according to the Barton, et al. (1976: 157)

Paragraph 3
 Topic sentence:
When conducting demonstration method in classroom, there are several merits that can be experienced
in the learning process.
 Supporting sentences:
1. Students’ concentration will focus only on the demonstrations that are given by the teacher.
2. Demonstrations present subject matter in a way that can be understood easily.
3. Demonstrations permit the teaching of theory along with practice.
4. Students will be mentally alert.
5. It gives a practice experience to students that can create a good memorization and skill.
6. Demonstration method is also efficient in time.

Paragraph 4
 Topic sentence:
However, if the demonstration method is not conducted appropriately, the benefits that is expected to
be achieved is possible to be failed; hence, it is important to understand the procedure on how to
implement demonstration method in learning English.
 Supporting sentences:
1. Planning and preparation for the method.
2. Introducing of the lesson that going to be learned.
3. Performing the demonstration.
4. Conducting supervision after the demonstration.

2.3 Previous Research

Below are some previous research related to this study:
Paragraph 1:
 Topic Sentence:
Abdul Wahid Karim (2014) conducted a research entitled "Improving the Second Year Students'
Speaking Ability Through Demonstration Strategy At SMP Negeri 27 Bulukumba"
 Supporting sentences:
1. The result of this research showed that demonstration strategy was effective to improve the students'
speaking ability of SMP Negeri 27 Bulukumba.
2. This can be proven by the high means of test value compared to table value.
Paragraph 2
 Topic Sentence:
A thesis by Tri Yuliani, a student of Language and Art Faculty of State University of Semarang, 2007
conducted a study on the title “The Use of Picture as Media in Writing a Procedure Text in The Case
of Year VII Students of SMP N I Tarub, Tegal in The Academic Year of 2006/2007”.
 Supporting sentences:
1. The similarity between this study with Tri Yuliani's research is in its focus which is on the writing
3. The result of this research is the achievement of students taught with pictures for writing a
descriptive text is better than those taught with a conventional method.
4. It can be seen from T-test applied in both group shows that t value is higher than the critical value in
the ttable.
5. Thus, it can be summarized that the use of picture as a learning media contributes to improve their
skills in writing a procedure text.

Paragraph 3
 Topic sentence:
From the above studies, there are some similarities compared to this study; nonetheless, this study is
irrefutable dissimilar and has its own significance.
 Supporting sentences:
1. In this study, writer uses demonstration method to improve students' writing ability of procedure
2. The setting and the subjects of this research are also different from the two researches above.
3. This study is conducted at SMPN 1 Palangka Raya, and the subjects are the ninth grade students of
SMPN 1 Palangka Raya.

This chapter discusses the method of research. It describes place and time of the research,
method of the research, procedures of the method, source of data, and technique of data.

3.1 Place and Time

 Topic Sentence:
 Supporting sentences:
The researcher conducts a classroom action research for 1 week, started from 11 November – 17
November 2019.
 Topic Sentence:
 Supporting sentence:
The study will be conducted at 9th grade, SMPN 1 Palangka Raya which is purposively selected as the
research setting.

3.2 Research Method

Paragraph 1
 Topic Sentences:
The method of research used in this research is Classroom Action Research.
 Supporting Sentences:
1. The definition of CAR according to Sagor (2005).
2. The definition of CAR according to Hopkins.
3. From the two definitions above, Classroom action research is a research that is conducted in the
classroom by a teacher, and this research can propose some new ways to improve professionalism of
teachers in teaching and learning process, and to increase students' learning outcomes.

Paragraph 2
 Topic Sentence:
Classroom action research engages teachers in a cycle consist of four steps.
 Supporting Sentences:
1. The steps of classroom action research involved identifying a plan to solve the problem (planning),
collect data (acting), analyze and interpret data (observing), and develop an action plan (reflecting).
a) In Planning, the researcher develops a plan of critically informed action to improve the
problem that is happening.
b) In acting, researcher acts to perform the plan.
c) In observing, the researcher observes the effects of the critically informed action in the context
in which it occurs.
d) In reflecting, the researcher reflects on these effects as the basis for further planning,
subsequent critically informed action and so on, through a succession of stage.
2. This action research is aimed to improve the students' writing ability of procedure text at SMPN 1
Palangka Raya by using the spiral model of action research proposed by Kemmis and McTaggart.

Paragraph 3
 Topic sentence:
The subject of this study.
 Supporting sentences:
1. The researcher chooses the students of ninth grade at SMPN 1 Palangka Raya where the total
number is 32 students as a subject of this study.
3.3 Procedures of Classroom Action Research
Paragraph 1
 Topic sentence:
Classroom Action research is a method happened in the four steps namely planning, acting, observing,
and reflecting.
 Supporting sentences:
The four steps will be described as follows, adapted from Kemmis and McTaggart in Burns' book
“Doing Action Research in English Language Teaching: A Guide for Practitioners.”

Paragraph 2
 Topic sentence:
1. Planning step
 Supporting sentences:
1. In this step, the researcher is prepared everything needed in teaching and learning process.
2. Concerning the analysis of the problem, the researcher will use demonstration method which
aims to improve ninth grade students' writing skill of procedure text at SMPN 1 Palangka
3. The activities that will be done in this step are as follows:
a. Making a lesson plan with SK and KD of writing procedure text.
b. Preparing the material for teaching writing.
c. Preparing the realia media that will be used in the demonstration method.
d. Preparing the test instrument and observation scheme.

 Topic sentence:
2. Acting step
 Supporting sentences:
1. In acting step, the researcher as a teacher will implement the activity in lesson plan which are:
a) Teacher greets the class
b) Teacher introduces writing and types of genre, generic structure and grammatical features
of procedure text.
c) Teacher forms the students so that they could best view the demonstration
d) Teacher demonstrates each step of making a thai tea slowly and carefully and added
demonstration with illustration and explanation.
e) Teacher familiarizes the students with the key words or verbs used in the steps of a
procedure to help them in writing.
f) Teacher asks one of the students to re-demonstrate each of the steps.
g) Teacher asks if the students have any difficulties.
h) Teacher asks the students to write what they had seen or listened in sequence.
i) Teachers asks some students randomly to presents their writing.
j) Teacher concludes the material that has been learned.
k) Teacher closes the class.
 Topic sentence:
3. Observing step
 Supporting sentence:
1. The researcher does the observation during the teaching and learning activities in classroom
which is stated in the lesson plan.

 Topic sentence:
4. Reflecting step
 Supporting sentences:
1. In this step, the researcher evaluates and discusses with collaborator the results of the
implementation and the students' achievement, then determine whether the action is successful
or not by appointing the criteria of success.
2. Additionally, at the end of this period of reflection, the researcher will decides whether further
cycle is necessary.

3.4 Sources of Data

 Topic sentence:
The source of data in this study is related to the subject of the research in order to obtain the
data needed for analyzing data.
 Supporting sentences:
1. In this study the source of the data are the informants and some documents.
2. Sources of data of this study are as follows:
a) The informant which are Mrs. Milawati S.Pd as the teacher of ninth grade students at
SMPN 1 Palangka Raya and the Ninth grade students at SMPN 1 Palangka Raya,
particularly IX-8 class.
b) The documents which are the list of IX-8 students at SMPN 1 Palangka Raya , the list of
teachers at SMPN 1 Palangka Raya, the syllabus and other data that support the
implementation of this research.

3.5 Technique of Data Collection

The writer will collect the data using 3 ways which are observation, test, and interview.
 Topic sentence:
 Supporting sentences:
1. The researcher as a teacher will do the observations during the learning process.
2. The observation will focus in the students' response to the learning, class situation, and
students' performance when the demonstration method is applied to teach procedure text.
3. Thus, in this step, the researcher will observe all the events in that class during the lesson.
 Topic sentence:
 Supporting sentences:
1. The researcher as a teacher will give two tests which are pre- test and post-test.
2. Pre-test will be given to measure students' skill before the writer gives the material.
3. While, post- test will be give to measure students' skull after the writer gives the material.

 Topic sentence:
 Supporting sentences:
1. The researcher as a teacher will ask the students some questions.
2. The questions will be given twice.
3. Before the researcher teaches the material, the writer asks "Have you ever written a procedure
text? What are the difficulties when you write a procedure text?
4. After the researcher teaches the material, the writer asks "How do you feel when learning with
demonstration method? Do you face any difficulty?"

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